Category Archives: News


EXPO 2020 DUBAI Government of Andorra & Freemindtronic

EXPO 2020 Dubai Andorra participant pavilion exhibition retail merchandise sustainability & Jacques Gascuel CEO Freemindtronic SL 2022
EXPO 2020 Dubai Andorra participant pavilion exhibition retail merchandise sustainability
EXPO 2020 Dubai Andorra participant pavilion exhibition retail merchandise sustainability & Jacques Gascuel CEO Freemindtronic SL 2022
EXPO 2020 Dubai Andorra participant pavilion exhibition retail merchandise sustainability Marc Pons Andorra Recerca Innovacio 2022
EXPO 2020 Dubai Andorra participant pavilion exhibition retail merchandise sustainability Hind Jamiloun Director Dalle Consulting sl 2022
EXPO 2020 Dubai Andorra participant pavilion exhibition retail merchandise sustainability confederacio empresarial andorrana CEA, Fernando Galindo, Gerard Cadena, 2022


Freemindtronic svg vertical logo communication kit

The Freemindtronic SL team thanks the Govern d’Andorra, Andorra Business, CEA Confederació Empresarial Andorrana, Cambra de Comerç, Indústria i Serveis d’Andorra and Empresa Familiar Andorrana for being selected to be part of the delegation of Andorran companies who will present their Made in Andorra know-how, products, services and technology in order to create business links in Dubai.

We are also very honored to attend with the other Andorran companies the celebration of the International Day of Andorra at Expo 2020 Dubai in the presence of Xavier Espot, the Head of Government accompanied by Maria Ubach Font, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jordi Torres Falco, Head of Tourism and Telecommunications, Cesar Marquina, Secretary of State for Digital Transformation and Strategic Projects.

We are an industrial player in the research and development of Greentech Safety and Cybersecurity solutions that respect the environment and the circular economy on the scale of a Country open to innovation.

Andorra Pavilion

Discover more about our small mountain country

2022 Events EviCypher NFC HSM Exhibitions Licences Freemindtronic NFC Contactless

Secure Card CES 2022

2021 Events Exhibitions

African Digital Week 2021

2022 Events Exhibitions

Freemindtronic at Toulouse Hacking Convention

  You can also contact Freemindtronic using the form below 👇.

Eurosatory Events Exhibitions

Exhibitors list Eurosatory 2022 and Freemindtronic Story

2022 Events Exhibitions

Freemindtronic at Eurosatory 2022

Where to find us at Eurosatory 2022

2024 Eurosatory Events Exhibitions Press release

Eurosatory 2024 Technology Clusters: Innovation 2024 DataShielder Defence

Expo 2020 Dubai Andorra Conference

National Day of Andorra Celebrations

Official reception of Xavier Espot to the Andorran participants in the France pavilion at Expo 2020 Duba

Thomas Pesquet presents the France Pavilion for Expo 2020

France Expo 2020 Pavilion

The France Expo 2020 pavilion, designed as a sustainable pavilion with all the techniques to make it virtuous for the environment, has the theme “connecting minds building the future” and sub-themes “opportunity, sustainability and mobility”.

Read more

3D France Pavilon EXPO 2020

View the French pavilion in 3D where the official reception of the Andorran participants took place

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Freemindtronic | Andorra Business | EXPO 2020 DUBAI
Download Pavilion the PDF Presention click here

Press & videos sources:


Secure Card CES 2022

Secure Card de Bleujour CES 2022 by Freemindtronic Andorra contactless data encryption from an NFC HSM security hardware module

Secure Card innovation 2022

Secure Card is a preview at CES Las Vegas 2022 of the new product developed by Freemindtronic for our partner Bleujour. for its new Kubb Secure product range.
The Secure Card is an NFC HSM secret manager such as encryption keys and hardware passwords, which has received 10 international awards since 2021 including the Geneva Gold Medal for Inventions in security, cyber security and cyber defence of computer and information systems. The Secure Card is equipped with EviCypher technology, which manages contactless secrets such as encryption keys, passwords and tokens.


Learn more about Kubb Secure products click here Learn more about our partner Bleujour click here


CES 2022 Booth: 18789 for CES booth plan click is here



CES 2022 Eureka Park booth: 61045 for CES booth plan click is here

The company BLEU JOUR is based on five founding pillars: Quality, Aesthetics, Innovation, Practicality and Exclusivity. In a constantly changing universe, BLEU JOUR offers creations where aesthetics is combined with innovative technological solutions. The company favors French design and manufacture.

Category: Home Office Hardware and Accessories

Country: France

Contact: Click here

Other project the Kubb Secure

Discover another project presented at CES 2022 Las Vegas the Kubb Secure.

This Kubb Secure works without an NFC phone as it includes an NFC reader. The first computer developed by Freemindtronic has been realized on a Kubb Secure from our partner Bleujour.

The Kubb Secure embeds the Cyber Computer technology which includes several Freemindtronic’s technologies forming a safety and cyber security eco system. Technologies that have received more than 10 international awards since 2021 in the fields of safety, security, cybersecurity and cyber defence of computer and information systems.

To find out more about the cyber computer click here

Kubb Secure embeds Cyber ​​Computer technology from Freemindtronic winner Gold Globee Awards 2022 Cyber ​​Security Global Excellence Awards hardware security category

Kubb Secure CES 2022

Kubb Secure embeds Cyber ​​Computer technology from Freemindtronic winner Gold Globee Awards 2022 Cyber ​​Security Global Excellence Awards hardware security category

Kubb Secure innovation 2022

Kubb Secure is to be discovered in preview at CES Las Vegas 2022 a new computer developed by Freemindtronic for our partner Bleujour for its new range of Kubb Secure products.

Kubb Secure embeds freemindtronic’s new technologies that have received 10 international awards in safety, cyber security and cyber defense of computer systems and information systems.

Learn more about Kubb Secure products click here Learn more about our partner Bleujour click here


CES 2022 Booth: 18789 for CES booth plan click is here



CES 2022 Eureka Park booth: 61045 for CES booth plan click is here

The company BLEU JOUR is based on five founding pillars: Quality, Aesthetics, Innovation, Practicality and Exclusivity. In a constantly changing universe, BLEU JOUR offers creations where aesthetics is combined with innovative technological solutions. The company favors French design and manufacture.

CATEGORY: Home Office Hardware and Accessories
CONTACT: Click here

Other project the Secure Card

At CES Las Vegas 2022, you will discover a new development from Freemindtronic, the Secure Card for our partner Bleujour, which works via an Android NFC phone but also on a Cyber Desktop without a phone.
The Secure Card benefits from Freemindtronic’s latest technology which has already received more than 10 international awards since 2021 in the field of security, cybersecurity and cyber defence of computer and information systems.
To learn more about the Secure Card, click here.
Secure Card de Bleujour CES 2022 by Freemindtronic Andorra contactless data encryption from an NFC HSM security hardware module

African Digital Week 2021

African Digital Week 2021 #adw21 Freemindtronic Andorra Speaker Jacques Gascuel Cybercrime Africa the new terrain Cybercriminalité l’Afrique le nouveau terrain

African Digital Week 2021 Freemindtronic is on line !

Jacques Gascuel CEO of Freemindtronic Andorra is one of the speakers at The African Digital Week 2021 #adw21 event.

It is an honour that the ADW scientific committee asked us to participate in the African Digital Week. We would like to thank Mr Mohamed TOURE and Mr Modeste LALIE as well as Mr Guy Arsène GOUNONGBE from CGECI, or their initiatives and their concern for us.

Jacques Gascuel will intervene by videoconference from Andorra along side Mr. Mamadou NAON, Mr. Hervé BAH, Mr. Guelpétchin Moussa OUATTARA, Mr. Eloge BEONAO and Mr. AMAN VLADIMIR.

Theme : Cybercrime Africa the new terrain


  • State of play and trends observed
  • Effects of cyber security on digital trust
  • What initiatives and organisations should be implemented by States (regulators) and companies to curb this scourge?

A time for sharing cyber information:

  • Sharing of methods and good practices for security in private and professional life
  • Identification of major cyber security actors in Africa
  • Sharing experiences and pooling initiatives to define an inclusive cybersecurity strategy in Africa

If you would like to register to attend African Digital Week, please click here.

Check out a video of the event venue the Boulay Beach Ressort (BBr) inugurated in 27 May 2021 👇.


2022 Cyber Computer Eurosatory Press release

Cyber Computer at Eurosatory 2022

2022 CyberStealth Eurosatory Press release

EviStealth Technology at Eurosatory 2022

2023 Events

THcon 2023: A Cybersecurity Conference and CTF in Toulouse

Why should you attend THcon 2024? THcon is a must-attend event in Occitania for learning, [...]

2024 Eurosatory Events Exhibitions Press release

Eurosatory 2024 Technology Clusters: Innovation 2024 DataShielder Defence

2017 ACTINN Events EviCard NFC HSM EviTag NFC HSM

INNTEC 2017: Contactless security innovations by Freemindtronic

2023 Events FIC 2023

Serverless Cryptography Solution – FIC 2023


2023 Awards Fortress Cyber Security Award

DataShielder HSM Fortress Award 2023: Andorran Data Encryption Solution

2022 Awards Cybersecurity EviCypher Technology

Gold Globee Winner 2022 Cyber Computer NFC

Awards CES Awards Keepser New

Keepser Group Award CES 2022

2022 Events EviCypher NFC HSM Exhibitions Licences Freemindtronic NFC Contactless

Secure Card CES 2022

2021 Cybersecurity Distinction Excellence EviCypher Technology finalists

E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity


You can also contact Freemindtronic using the form below 👇.

Le 16 septembre 2021 de 16h30 à 17:45 GMT Côte d’Ivoire
Panel 4
Related Links


    EviCypher license available

    EviCypher license available hardware wallet contactless encrytption ssecure contactless secret management by Freemindtronic Andorra

    EviCypher license available.
    EviCypher is a new technology developed by Freemindtronic, dedicated to the physical security of secrets, contactless. EviCypher won the 2021 Gold Medal for International Inventions from Geneva as well as 3 Cyber Defense Awards in May 2021.
    This technology, protected by 2 international patents, offers countless possibilities for technical implementation in all market segments. In particular, that of access control and the security of secrets including physical and digital protection with several trust criteria, for all types of encryption keys and their uses.
    Freemindtronic has created a site dedicated to EviCypher technology which brings together all the services created that are compatible with EviCypher. For example, you will learn about the encryption applications for Thunderbird and Gmail email client services. EviCYpher is the only end-to-end contactless encryption system from an NFC device with 12 configurable cumulative trust criteria. EviCypher is in fact the only solution in the world able to always keep emails and attachments encrypted, even in the event of corruption of local and/or online messaging services.
    EviCypher technology is available under license as a white label.
    EviCypher brand products are guaranteed for life by Freemindtronic SL Andorra.
    In the event of the transfer of an exclusive license for a product and service dedicated to messaging, for example, this product will no longer be available for sale. To acquire the product and related services, it will be mandatory to use the licensed branded services.
    Understanding that EviCypher technology offers countless possibilities for implementations, other products and services will be created and will be available for sale on the EviCypher store.
    In the event of a total exclusive license transfer of the EviCypher technology, the EviCypher site will be closed and redirected to the licensee’s branded services.

    Trophy Global Infosec Awards Winner Cyber Defense Magazine the Best Crypto Security and Most Innovative in Hardware Password Manager and best Secrets Management Freemindtronic Andorra

    Awards Global Infosec Awards News Press

    List of Winners Global Infosec Awards 2021


    Press release

    En  – 📥 ND
    Fr   – 📥 ND


    EviCypher license available

    Jun 25, 2021, 09:00 ET
    Web site EviCypher Technology


    Physical barrier to regaining control of the data

    Physical barrier to regaining control of the data Freemintronic Andorra Observatory of the Cybernetic World CEIS Avisa Partners EviCypher

    Physical barrier to regaining control of the data of the Observatoire du Monde Cybernétique CEIS DGRIS France – June 2nd 2021

    Freemindtronic: A physical barrier to allow users to regain control of their data

    logo freemindtronic only svg


    Interview with Jacques Gascuel (co-founder)


    Jacques Gascuel created the company Freemindtronic in 2010. Previously at the head of a computer company in rural areas, this graduate in electrical engineering and law, specialist in industrial maintenance, measured the impact of computer hacking following the compromise of the systems of one of his breeder customers, which greatly affected the production of the latter. Jacques Gascuel, after the resolution of this incident, turned to cyber safety and security by founding Freemindtronic (“the freedom to create in electronics”). The company, initially based in Comminges, established itself in Andorra from 2016.

    Freemindtronic ensures the complete control of its technological innovations – therefore from the design phase to the industrialization of solutions – and thus does not subcontract any stage of the development cycle. Considering the “all digital” as a threat, the company is guided in its activities by two objectives: to put the human at the heart of security and to preserve as much as possible the anonymity of users.


    All Freemindtronic solutions have as a common denominator a name starting with “Evi” (from the English word “evidence”) with among others EviKey, EviDisk, EviLock, EviToken and EviCard. Such a choice refers to the legal and material evidence produced by a tamper-proof black box, Jacques Gascuel’s patented invention on the safety of electrical appliances with traceability. The latest “EviCypher” solution, the result of four years of R&D, has been ready since March 2021 and aims to restore users control of their data in general, as well as to fight against cybercrime and corporate espionage in particular.

    EviCypher is a contactless end-to-end encryption solution from an NFC device [1]  (Near-field communication). It is based on an NFC application and physical device in the form of a card. The latter is capable of managing and storing “complicated” passwords, symmetric encryption algorithms (up to two hundred AES 256 keys) and asymmetric encryption (four RSA 2048 keys or two RSA 4096 keys). This “greentech” card has been designed from sustainable materials (fiberglass without halogen and emitting no toxic gases or hazardous residues), which ensure a service life of more than forty years and operation in extreme environments. Without a battery, it recovers energy via the NFC signal emitted by an NFC terminal (energy harvesting). This device, which is only activated on demand, is by default a passive product called “air gap”, which consists in physically isolating from any network the system to be secured.

    The application allows you to configure the encryption methods of the EviCypher card and to associate up to twelve “trust criteria” (including geolocation, password, fingerprint, EAN and QR codes…). The latter, which must be respected by any user wishing to decrypt the message, then make it possible to block any fraudulent access attempts in case of theft of the card among others.

    The encryption of a content is thus carried out by passing the EviCypher card at the NFC receiver of a terminal equipped with the application (computer, NFC Android smartphone, etc.). The recipient, upon receipt of the message, must repeat the gesture so that his card proceeds to the decryption. It must be physically located in the predefined geographical area (radius of choice from 1 to 2,500 km²) and validate the confidence criteria established by the issuer. In other words, this system, which is not connected to a server or a database, encrypts content even before it is broadcast online or stored on the servers of a mail. In the latter case, the AES256 and RSA 2048 or 4096 ciphers are robust enough against third-party decryption attempts.


    EviCypher wants to be an untraceable solution that preserves the anonymity of its users. Intended at the base for critical state services (government, armies, embassies, etc.) and sensitive companies, the solution was finally declined in a “general public” version, following the recent cyber attacks on hospitals at the beginning of the year. These various intrusions have indeed convinced Freemindtronic to take advantage of the release of its EviCypher tool to raise awareness about the crucial need to protect data.

    EviCypher reduces the surface area of exposure to attacks every place and applies to many situations:

    • The solution counters espionage and identity theft attempts based on ransomware or phishing attacks aimed at obtaining confidential data (president attack). This is made possible by the authentication system based on multiple trust criteria;
    • In the military field, EviCypher can establish, via its geolocation trust criterion, a secure communication between the command in France and the theatre of operations abroad;
    • This technology, embedding an intelligent automated fleet manager, is also a way for CISOs to manage both multi-station and NFC antenna terminals serving as an interface.

    To go further, Freemindtronic plans, in addition to creating an extension for applications in order to be more “volatile” vis-à-vis its ad hocapplication, to integrate the management of otherencryption systems. Among them, Open PGP, ECC keys, SSH and AWS. Users will also be able to select the type of encryption based on their usages. To date, the new extension for the Thunderbird solution has been developed to encrypt in AES256 mailboxes using the IMAP protocol.


    After recruiting an R&D director, Freemindtronic, which since its creation has relied on a staff of five technical profiles (cybersecurity engineers, electronics, artificial intelligence, embedded systems, forensic expert), is now starting a recruitment phase that confirms its rise in power.

    The company has also received several awards thanks to EviCypher. In March 2021, she won the gold medal in category C at the Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions more info click here. Freemindtronic more recently won three awards last May at the last edition of the Global InfoSec Awards, in the categories “cryptographic security”, “secret management” and “Hardware Password Manager”.


    [1] NFC technology is known to be used in contactless payments and transport cards.

    [2] Category grouping computer, software, electronics, electricity or communication methods innovations.


    • Learn more about the technology Physical barrier to regaining control of the data by EviCypher click here.

    Our articles

    Our articles of freemindtronic Andorra

    Welcome to the publication of our articles

    Our articles deal with the subject of data protection, access control, safety and security.
    We cover a wide range of related topics that can be technical, legal and scientific.
    It is also a way to give you advice on how to use the technologies we develop, but not only.
    We hope that this space will satisfy your curiosity.
    Subscribe to our new letter, to be always informed as soon as a new article is published.
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    Freemindtronic 4YFN 2021

    Freemindtronic 4YFN 2021 GSMA andorra business 2021 hall 2 stand 2F3.6

    Freemindtronic 4YFN 2021 – We will be present in Barcelona from June 28 to July 1st on Stand Andorra Business 2F3.6 in Hall 2.

    Come discover and try our new contactless technologies, including environmentally friendly hardware wallets that run for life, without battery.

    The technologies presented by the Freemindtronic Team won 4 prestigious international awards in 2021. The gold medal for the best invention 2021 in computer science, software, electronics, electricity and communication methods and 3 Global Infosec Awards, for the most innovative hardware password manager, the best secure cold wallet and the best secrets management.

    Come to our booth to preview EviCypher, a full encryption solution and EviKey USB Stick contactless unlocking that embed Freemindtronic’s patented NFC technologies.

    If you want to know more about the prizes won by Freemindtronic in 2021, click here.
    You would like to meet us in the space dedicated to 4YFN business meetings, click here.

    You can also contact us using the form below for Freemindtronic 4YFN 2021 👇.

    4 international awards 2021 freemindtronic for evicypher & evitoken Technology patented andorra

    2023 Events FIC 2023

    Serverless Cryptography Solution – FIC 2023

    2022 Events Exhibitions

    Freemindtronic at Toulouse Hacking Convention

      You can also contact Freemindtronic using the form below 👇.

    2017 ACTINN Events EviCard NFC HSM EviTag NFC HSM

    INNTEC 2017: Contactless security innovations by Freemindtronic

    2024 Eurosatory Events Exhibitions Press release

    Eurosatory 2024 Technology Clusters: Innovation 2024 DataShielder Defence

    2022 Confex Events

    CONFEX 4.0 Cybersecurity Transalley

    CONFERENCES | #1 CONFEX 4.0 : Cyber Security and IIoT First edition on Thursday, December [...]

    4YFN – 2021
    May 18, 2021 , 2020, 09:00 ET
    Related Links
    4YFN RDV Exhibitor


      Press releases and documents

      Eurosatory 2022 Freemindtronic Andorra presents the first time in its history its latest innovations in safety cyber security & anti-spying Soldier NFC phone

      Welcome to the Freemindtronic press releases and documents area

      Press releases and documents of Freemindtronic can be downloaded and viewed online of PDF format. We hope that this area will provide you with all the information you need for your publications.

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      The Freemindtronic press

      The Freemindtronic press

      2024 Eurosatory Events Exhibitions Press release

      Eurosatory 2024 Technology Clusters: Innovation 2024 DataShielder Defence

      Articles Electronics News Press release Technologies

      Freemindtronic’s Legacy: Rediscovering Excellence

      2022 CyberStealth Eurosatory Press release

      EviStealth Technology at Eurosatory 2022

      2022 Cyber Computer Eurosatory Press release

      Cyber Computer at Eurosatory 2022

      2022 Contactless Dual Strongbox Eurosatory Press release

      The Contactless Dual Strongbox for sensitive data at Eurosatory 2022

      Press release

      Press releases and documents


      The Freemindtronic press

      Cyber Defense Magazine TV News Press

      Interview of Christine Bernard by Gary Miliefsky of cyber defense magazine

      Awards Global Infosec Awards News Press

      List of Winners Global Infosec Awards 2021

      ACTINN Andorra Media coverage of Freemindtronic Press

      Freemindtronic Guanya La Medalla D’or

      Press release

      Best international invention 2021

      2018 EviCard NFC HSM EviPass NFC HSM technology EviTag NFC HSM News Press Technical News Technologies

      Advanced Credit Card Cybersecurity: A Service to End Bank Card Fraud Practices

      2014 Electronique Mag Press

      Enova Paris 2014 interview by Jacques Gascuel Electronique Mag

      Argos One Technology Press

      Freemindtronic startup of the month March 2013

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