Awards of Freemindtronic: a showcase of excellence and innovation in data security
Freemindtronic is a company that has been recognized worldwide for its outstanding achievements in developing and providing data security solutions. Since its creation in 2009, Freemindtronic has received numerous awards and distinctions from prestigious organizations and events that celebrate the best in technology and innovation. In this page, you will find a comprehensive list of all the awards and distinctions that Freemindtronic has won over the years, as well as the details of each recognition and the products or services that were honored.
Awards and distinctions from 2010 to 2014
Some of the most notable awards and distinctions that Freemindtronic received in this period are:
- The Silver Medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva in 2010. It was for FullProtect, a system that protects electronic devices from electromagnetic attacks.
- The Electron d’Or Award in 2013 for EviKey, the first NFC USB stick. It can be unlocked with a smartphone or a tablet.
- The European Mechatronics Award in 2013 for EviKey, which was praised for its innovative design and functionality.
- The RFID Award in 2014 for EviKey, which was presented by Jacques Gascuel. He is a renowned expert in RFID technology
- The Embedded Trophy in 2014 for EviKey, which was selected as the best embedded system of the year.
Awards and distinctions from 2015 to 2017
Some of the most notable awards and distinctions that Freemindtronic received in this period are:
- The Finalist Award at the International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC) in 2015 for EviKey. It was among the top 10 cybersecurity solutions of the year.
- The Finalist Award at the Contactless Services Challenge in 2015 for EviKey. It was among the best contactless solutions of the year.
- The Top 10 Cybersecurity Award at the FIC in 2017 for EviDisk, the first NFC hardened disk drive. It can be unlocked with a smartphone or a tablet.
- The RCO Award in 2017 for EviToken, a hardware wallet and password manager. It is secured by contactless technology.
- The MtoM & Embedded Systems Award in 2017 for EviDisk, which was chosen as the best IoT solution of the year.
Awards and distinctions from 2021 to present
Some of the most notable awards and distinctions that Freemindtronic received in this period are:
Some of the most notable awards and distinctions that Freemindtronic received in this period are:
- The Silver Medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva in 2010. It was for FullProtect, a system that protects electronic devices from electromagnetic attacks.
- The Electron d’Or Award in 2013 for EviKey, the first NFC USB stick. It can be unlocked with a smartphone or a tablet
- The European Mechatronics Award in 2013 for EviKey, which was praised for its innovative design and functionality
- The RFID Award in 2014 for EviKey, which was presented by Jacques Gascuel. He is a renowned expert in RFID technology
- The Embedded Trophy in 2014 for EviKey, which was selected as the best embedded system of the year
These awards and distinctions demonstrate the high quality and reliability of Freemindtronic products and services. They also show the creativity and innovation of Freemindtronic team. They reflect the vision and mission of Freemindtronic, which is to offer data security solutions that are easy to use, accessible to everyone and respectful of privacy. By visiting this page, you will learn more about Freemindtronic achievements and why Freemindtronic is a trusted leader in data protection.
Awards Fortress Cyber Security Award
DataShielder HSM, la solució andorrana de FullSecure amb tecnologies de Freemindtronic, guanya el Premi Fortress 2023
2023 Awards Fortress Cyber Security Award
DataShielder HSM Fortress Award 2023 from FullSecure: the Andorran serverless and databaseless encryption solution
2022 Awards Cybersecurity EviCypher Technology
Gold Globee Winner 2022 Cyber Computer NFC
Awards CES Awards Distinction Excellence
Keepser Group Award CES 2022
2022 Events EviCypher NFC HSM Exhibitions Licences Freemindtronic NFC Contactless
Secure Card CES 2022
2021 Cybersecurity Distinction Excellence EviCypher Technology finalists
E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity
2021 Awards Communications Distinction Excellence EviCypher Technology finalists IT
E&T Innovation Awards Communications & IT
2021 Awards Distinction Excellence finalists
Finalists The National Cyber Awards 2021
Awards Cyberculture EviCypher Technology International Inventions Geneva NFC HSM technology
Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions 2021
Awards Global Infosec Awards News Press
List of Winners Global Infosec Awards 2021
2021 Awards Distinction Excellence
Freemindtronic Named Winner of the Coveted Global InfoSec Awards during RSA Conference 2021
2021 Awards International Inventions Geneva
EviCypher Gold Medal 2021 of the Geneva International Inventions
2017 Awards Embedded System Awards IoT
Award 2017 MtoM & Embedded System & IoT
2017 Cybersecurity finalists
Award FIC 2017 10th Most innovative international startup
2015 finalists NFC Contactless
Finalist Contactless Services Challenge
2015 Awards Distinction Excellence EviKey & EviDisk
FIC 2015 Distinction Excellence 19th Most innovative international startup
2014 Awards Embedded System Awards EviKey & EviDisk News
The story of the first NFC hardened USB stick EviKey
2014 Awards Electronics Embedded System Awards EviKey & EviDisk
Embedded Trophy 2014 Freemindtronic
2014 Distinction Excellence EviKey & EviDisk NFC Contactless
RFID Award 2014 🎙️ Jacques gascuel presents NFC USB Stick EviKey
2013 Awards Distinction Excellence Electronics Embedded System Awards Mechatronics
European Mechatronics Award 2013 Freemindtronic
2013 Distinction Excellence Electronics Embedded System Awards finalists
Freemindtronic Electrons d’Or 2013
2010 Awards International Inventions Geneva
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