EXPO 2020 DUBAI Government of Andorra & Freemindtronic

EXPO 2020 Dubai Andorra participant pavilion exhibition retail merchandise sustainability & Jacques Gascuel CEO Freemindtronic SL 2022
EXPO 2020 Dubai Andorra participant pavilion exhibition retail merchandise sustainability
EXPO 2020 Dubai Andorra participant pavilion exhibition retail merchandise sustainability & Jacques Gascuel CEO Freemindtronic SL 2022
EXPO 2020 Dubai Andorra participant pavilion exhibition retail merchandise sustainability Marc Pons Andorra Recerca Innovacio 2022
EXPO 2020 Dubai Andorra participant pavilion exhibition retail merchandise sustainability Hind Jamiloun Director Dalle Consulting sl 2022
EXPO 2020 Dubai Andorra participant pavilion exhibition retail merchandise sustainability confederacio empresarial andorrana CEA, Fernando Galindo, Gerard Cadena, 2022


Freemindtronic svg vertical logo communication kit

The Freemindtronic SL team thanks the Govern d’Andorra, Andorra Business, CEA Confederació Empresarial Andorrana, Cambra de Comerç, Indústria i Serveis d’Andorra and Empresa Familiar Andorrana for being selected to be part of the delegation of Andorran companies who will present their Made in Andorra know-how, products, services and technology in order to create business links in Dubai.

We are also very honored to attend with the other Andorran companies the celebration of the International Day of Andorra at Expo 2020 Dubai in the presence of Xavier Espot, the Head of Government accompanied by Maria Ubach Font, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jordi Torres Falco, Head of Tourism and Telecommunications, Cesar Marquina, Secretary of State for Digital Transformation and Strategic Projects.

We are an industrial player in the research and development of Greentech Safety and Cybersecurity solutions that respect the environment and the circular economy on the scale of a Country open to innovation.

Andorra Pavilion

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EXPO 2020 DUBAI Government of Andorra & Freemindtronic

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Official reception of Xavier Espot to the Andorran participants in the France pavilion at Expo 2020 Duba

Thomas Pesquet presents the France Pavilion for Expo 2020

France Expo 2020 Pavilion

The France Expo 2020 pavilion, designed as a sustainable pavilion with all the techniques to make it virtuous for the environment, has the theme “connecting minds building the future” and sub-themes “opportunity, sustainability and mobility”.

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3D France Pavilon EXPO 2020

View the French pavilion in 3D where the official reception of the Andorran participants took place

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Freemindtronic | Andorra Business | EXPO 2020 DUBAI
Download Pavilion the PDF Presention click here

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