Tag Archives: NFC

Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année : Freemindtronic Finaliste aux National Cyber Awards 2024

Certificat de finaliste du DataShielder Auth NFC HSM pour le Produit de Cyberdéfense de l'Année 2024 aux National Cyber Awards

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE – DataShielder Auth NFC HSM conçu en Andorre par Freemindtronic Finaliste pour le Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024!

Les National Cyber Awards 2024 célèbrent l’excellence des produits de cyberdéfense de l’année avec BAE Systems comme sponsor principal

Escaldes-Engordany, Andorre, 5 août 2024 – Cyber Defence Product of the Year, Freemindtronic Andorra, finaliste, annonce avec fierté sa sélection pour ce prestigieux prix aux National Cyber Awards 2024. Ces prix, désormais dans leur sixième édition, honorent les contributions et les réalisations exceptionnelles dans le domaine de la cybersécurité.

Alors que les menaces numériques s’intensifient, la cybersécurité devient de plus en plus cruciale. Les cyberattaques, y compris le vol d’identité, les ordres de transfert falsifiés, le vol de données sensibles, l’espionnage industriel à distance et de proximité, ainsi que le vol d’informations sensibles sur les téléphones (comme les SMS, les mots de passe, les codes 2FA, les certificats et les clés secrètes), présentent des risques extrêmement préjudiciables pour les entreprises, les gouvernements et les individus à l’échelle mondiale. Les National Cyber Awards, reconnus comme un gage d’excellence, établissent des normes dans l’industrie. Ils sont conçus pour encourager l’innovation, la résilience et la dévotion à la protection du paysage numérique. Ils favorisent l’amélioration continue et l’adoption des meilleures pratiques à l’échelle mondiale.

Cette année, les National Cyber Awards 2024 visent à récompenser ceux qui s’engagent en faveur de l’innovation cybernétique, de la réduction de la cybercriminalité et de la protection des citoyens en ligne. Gordon Corera, le célèbre correspondant de sécurité de la BBC, apporte son immense expertise à cet événement. Il couvre des questions critiques comme le terrorisme, la cybersécurité, l’espionnage et diverses préoccupations de sécurité mondiale. Il note que l’événement de 2024 promet une célébration de l’excellence et de l’innovation au sein de l’industrie de la cybersécurité. Cela offre des perspectives uniques d’une des voix principales de la sécurité internationale.

National Cyber Awards maintient l’Intégrité et l’Équité pour tous ses trophées

Leur jury indépendant maintient l’intégrité du processus d’évaluation des National Cyber Awards en adhérant à un code de conduite strict. Cela garantit un processus d’évaluation juste, transparent et rigoureux. Ils s’engagent pour empêcher toute pratique de paiement pour concourir. Ceci est essentiel pour maintenir les normes les plus élevées d’impartialité dans leurs récompenses.

La cérémonie de remise des prix comprend des catégories telles que les Services de Police et d’Application de la Loi, le Service Public, l’Innovation et la Défense, la Cyber dans les Entreprises, l’Éducation et l’Apprentissage. Les nominés et les lauréats seront célébrés pour leur impact significatif sur la sécurisation du cyberespace contre les menaces en constante évolution.

Freemindtronic Andorre a été sélectionné par le jury comme finaliste pour le Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année avec notre produit, DataShielder Auth NFC HSM.

Les organisateurs de l’événement nous ont notifié:

“Nous sommes ravis de vous informer que vous avez été sélectionné par notre panel de juges comme finaliste pour le Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024! Il s’agit d’une réalisation exceptionnelle, compte tenu des centaines de candidatures que nous avons reçues cette année. Félicitations de la part de toute l’équipe des National Cyber Awards!”

Le dirigean de Freemindtronic déclare:

“Nous nous sentons honorés et reconnaissants d’être reconnus parmi les leaders de la cybersécurité. Être finaliste valide notre engagement envers l’innovation et la protection des données sensibles et des identités numériques contre les menaces en constante évolution, désormais assistées par l’intelligence artificielle. Nous sommes très honorés et fiers d’être nommés parmi les finalistes représentant le 10e plus petit pays du monde, Andorre, en tant qu’acteur industriel de la cyberdéfense. Au nom de l’équipe de Freemindtronic et de moi-même, nous félicitons tous les autres finalistes.”

Jacques Gascuel, PDG et Chef de la Recherche et du Développement, concepteur de solutions de contre-espionnage et détenteur de brevets au Royaume-Uni, sera présent à la cérémonie d’annonce des lauréats.

Cette deuxième nomination pour notre entreprise andorrane Freemindtronic par le jury des National Cyber Awards marque un autre jalon dans la conception et la fabrication de produits de contre-espionnage d’usage civil et militaire accessibles à tous. Nous avons été précédemment reconnus en 2021 comme “Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards” et finalistes pour deux années consécutives en 2021.

Message du Premier Ministre du Royaume-Uni pour les National Cyber Awards 2024

L’Honorable Keir Starmer, Premier Ministre du Royaume-Uni, commente les prix: “Les National Cyber Awards sont une merveilleuse façon de récompenser, de célébrer et de mettre en valeur le travail de ceux qui s’engagent à nous protéger. Veuillez transmettre mes plus chaleureuses félicitations aux lauréats qui sont une source d’inspiration pour tous ceux du secteur qui souhaitent protéger les autres.”

Les National Cyber Awards auront lieu à Londres le 23 septembre, la veille de l’Expo Cybernétique Internationale annuelle.

Les organisateurs félicitent tous les autres finalistes et attendent avec impatience de célébrer cet événement international avec nous le 23 septembre lors de la cérémonie de remise des prix! Si vous souhaitez vous joindre à nous pour une soirée de célébration et d’excitation, vous pouvez acheter des billets et des tables pour l’événement via le site web à l’adresse www.thenationalcyberawards.org.

Notes aux Rédacteurs

Qu’est-ce que les National Cyber Awards?

Les National Cyber Awards ont débuté en 2019 dans le but de célébrer l’excellence et l’innovation parmi ceux qui se consacrent à la cybersécurité. En effet, ces prix mettent en lumière les réalisations exceptionnelles de professionnels, d’entreprises et d’éducateurs des secteurs privé et public. D’ailleurs, des leaders de l’industrie, passionnés par l’élévation du domaine de la cybersécurité, ont conçu ces prix. Ainsi, ils reconnaissent et inspirent l’engagement à relever les défis en constante évolution de la cybersécurité.

En ce qui concerne leur mission, elle est d’identifier et de célébrer les contributions exceptionnelles dans le domaine. En outre, nous aspirons à fournir un critère d’excellence auquel tout le monde peut aspirer. De plus, nous envisageons un avenir où chaque innovation en cybersécurité internationale est reconnue et célébrée. Cette reconnaissance encourage l’amélioration continue et l’adoption des meilleures pratiques à l’échelle mondiale. Grâce au soutien de nos sponsors, la participation aux prix reste gratuite. En conséquence, chaque finaliste reçoit un billet gratuit pour la cérémonie, minimisant les barrières à l’entrée et rendant la participation accessible à tous.


Contact: Future Tech Events, Fergus Bruce, info@futuretechevents.com

Finalistes 2024 pour les National Cyber Awards dans la catégorie “Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024”

Résumé du Candidat

  • Produit: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM
  • Catégorie: Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024
  • Nom: Jacques Gascuel
  • Entreprise: Freemindtronic
  • Courriel: contact at freemindtronic.com
  • Biographie de l’Entreprise: Freemindtronic se distingue par sa spécialisation dans la conception, l’édition et la fabrication de solutions de contre-espionnage. En effet, notre dernière innovation, le DataShielder Auth NFC HSM, sert de solution de contre-espionnage à double usage pour les applications civiles et militaires. Notamment, nous avons présenté cette solution pour la première fois au public le 17 juin 2024 à Eurosatory 2024. Plus précisément, elle combat activement le vol d’identité, l’espionnage et l’accès aux données et messages sensibles et classifiés grâce au chiffrement post-quantum AES 256 CBC. De surcroît, elle fonctionne hors ligne, sans serveurs, sans bases de données, et sans nécessiter que les utilisateurs s’identifient ou changent leurs habitudes de stockage de données sensibles, de services de messagerie ou de protocoles de communication, tout en évitant les coûts d’infrastructure. C’est pourquoi nous avons spécialement conçu le DataShielder Auth NFC HSM pour combiner sécurité et discrétion. Concrètement, il se présente sous deux formes pratiques : une carte de la taille d’une carte de crédit et une étiquette NFC discrète. D’une part, la carte se glisse facilement dans un portefeuille, à côté de vos cartes bancaires NFC, et protège physiquement contre l’accès illicite. D’autre part, vous pouvez attacher l’étiquette NFC, similaire à un badge d’accès RFID, à un porte-clés ou la cacher dans un objet personnel. Ainsi, cette approche garantit que vous ayez toujours votre DataShielder Auth NFC HSM à portée de main, prêt à sécuriser vos communications, authentifier les collaborateurs et valider les donneurs d’ordres, le tout sans attirer l’attention.

Caractéristiques Additionnelles du Produit

  • Compatibilité avec Divers Systèmes de Communication: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM est compatible avec plusieurs systèmes de communication, y compris les e-mails, les chats, les webmails, les SMS, les MMS, les RCS et les services de messagerie instantanée publics et privés. Cette compatibilité universelle permet une intégration parfaite dans les environnements de communication existants. Cela assure une protection continue sans modifications significatives de l’infrastructure.
  • Protection Contre les Attaques Assistées par IA: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM fournit une protection avancée contre les attaques sophistiquées assistées par IA. Avec un chiffrement robuste et une authentification forte, le produit élimine les risques posés par les tentatives de vol d’identité utilisant des techniques avancées d’ingénierie sociale. Ainsi, il assure une sécurité améliorée pour les utilisateurs.
  • Méthodes de Gestion des Clés: Le produit utilise des modules de sécurité matériels dotés de la technologie NFC pour créer et gérer les clés de manière sécurisée. Les dispositifs DataShielder stockent de manière sécurisée les clés de chiffrement générées aléatoirement. Le système fonctionne sans serveurs ni bases de données. Cela offre un anonymat de bout en bout et réduit significativement les points potentiels de vulnérabilité.

Les produits DataShielder NFC HSM sont disponibles exclusivement en France à travers AMG Pro et internationalement à travers Fullsecure Andorra.

Nous remercions tous les membres du jury pour l’intérêt qu’ils ont montré envers notre dernier produit révolutionnaire, le DataShielder NFC HSM.

Jury des National Cyber Awards

  • Mary Haigh: CISO, BAE Systems
  • Rachael Muldoon: Avocate, Maitland Chambers
  • Shariff Gardner: Chef de la Défense, Militaire et Application de la Loi, Royaume-Uni, Irlande et Pays Nordiques, SANS Institute
  • Damon Hayes: Commandant Régional, National Crime Agency
  • Miriam Howe: Responsable de la Consultation Internationale, BAE Systems Digital Intelligence
  • Myles Stacey OBE: Conseiller Spécial du Premier Ministre, 10 Downing Street
  • Daniel Patefield: Chef de Programme, Cyber & National Security, techUK
  • Sir Dermot Turing: Administrateur, Bletchley Park Trust
  • Nicola Whiting MBE: Présidente du Jury
  • Oz Alashe MBE: PDG et Fondateur, CybSafe
  • Professeure Liz Bacon: Principale et Vice-Chancelière, Université d’Abertay
  • Richard Beck: Directeur de la Cybersécurité, QA
  • Martin Borret: Directeur Technique, IBM Security
  • Bronwyn Boyle: CISO, PPRO
  • Charlotte Clayson: Associée, Trowers & Hamlins LLP
  • Pete Cooper: Fondateur, Aerospace Village
  • Professeur Danny Dresner: Professeur de Cybersécurité, Université de Manchester
  • Ian Dyson QPM DL: Police de la Ville de Londres
  • Mike Fell OBE: Directeur de la Cybersécurité, NHS England
  • Tukeer Hussain: Responsable de la Stratégie, Département de la Culture, des Médias et des Sports
  • Dr Bob Nowill: Président, Cyber Security Challenge
  • Chris Parker MBE: Directeur, Gouvernement, Fortinet (Cybersécurité)
  • Dr Emma Philpott MBE: PDG, IASME Consortium Ltd
  • Peter Stuart Smith: Auteur
  • Rajinder Tumber MBE: Chef de l’Équipe de Consultance en Sécurité, Sky
  • Saba Ahmed: Directrice Générale, Accenture Security
  • Charles White: Directeur, The Cyber Scheme
  • Professeure Lisa Short: Areta Business Performance / XTCC
  • Emma Wright: Associée, Harbottle & Lewis LLP
  • Dr Budgie Dhanda MBE: Consultant en Gestion, PA Consulting
  • Jacqui Garrad: Directrice du Musée National de l’Informatique
  • Dr Vasileios Karagiannopoulos: Codirecteur du Centre de Cybercriminalité et Criminalité Économique, Université de Portsmouth
  • Debbie Tunstall: Directrice de Compte, Immersive Labs
  • Sarah Montague: HMRC

Découvrez nos autres distinctions, y compris notre reconnaissance en tant que finaliste en solution de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024, aux côtés de nos trophées et des médailles d’argent et d’or que nous avons remportées au cours de la dernière décennie. 🏆🌟👇

The National Cyber ​​Awards 2024
August 2024

Autres langues disponibles : catalan et anglais. [Cliquez ici pour le catalan] [Cliquez ici pour l’anglais]


Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any 2024 – Freemindtronic Finalista

DataShielder Auth NFC HSM by Freemindtronic – Finalist for Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2024

COMUNICAT DE PREMSA – DataShielder Auth NFC HSM Fet a Andorra per Freemindtronic Finalista per al Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any 2024!

Els National Cyber Awards 2024 Celebren l’Excel·lència dels Productes de Ciberdefensa de l’Any amb BAE Systems com a Patrocinador Principal

Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra, 5 d’agost de 2024 – Freemindtronic Andorra, finalista del Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any, anuncia amb orgull la seva selecció per a aquest prestigiós premi als National Cyber Awards 2024. Aquests premis, ara en la seva sisena edició, honoren les contribucions i els èxits destacats en el camp de la ciberseguretat.

A mesura que les amenaces digitals s’intensifiquen, la importància de la ciberseguretat no es pot subestimar. Els ciberatacs, incloent-hi el robatori d’identitat, les ordres de transferència falses, el robatori de dades sensibles, l’espionatge industrial remot i de proximitat, i el robatori d’informació sensible dels telèfons (com SMS, contrasenyes, codis 2FA, certificats i claus secretes), presenten riscos extremadament perjudicials per a empreses, governs i individus a nivell global. Els National Cyber Awards, reconeguts com un segell d’excel·lència, estableixen estàndards en la indústria. Estan dissenyats per fomentar la innovació, la resiliència i la dedicació a la protecció del paisatge digital, promovent la millora contínua i l’adopció de les millors pràctiques a nivell mundial.

Enguany, els National Cyber Awards 2024 tenen com a objectiu premiar aquells compromesos amb la innovació cibernètica, la reducció de la ciberdelinqüència i la protecció dels ciutadans en línia. Gordon Corera, l’estimat corresponsal de seguretat de la BBC, aporta la seva extensa experiència a aquest esdeveniment, cobrint qüestions crítiques com el terrorisme, la ciberseguretat, l’espionatge i diverses preocupacions de seguretat global. Destaca que l’esdeveniment de 2024 promet una celebració d’excel·lència i innovació dins de la indústria de la ciberseguretat, oferint perspectives úniques d’una de les veus principals en seguretat internacional.

Mantenir la Integritat i l’Equitat per al Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any

El nostre jurat independent manté la integritat del procés d’avaluació dels National Cyber Awards adherint-se a un codi de conducta estricte. Això garanteix un procés d’avaluació just, transparent i robust. Estem compromesos a evitar qualsevol pràctica de pagament per jugar per mantenir els estàndards més alts d’imparcialitat en els nostres premis.

La cerimònia de lliurament de premis inclou categories com Serveis de Policia i Aplicació de la Llei, Servei Públic, Innovació i Defensa, Ciber en els Negocis, Educació i Aprenentatge. Els nominats i els guanyadors seran celebrats pel seu impacte significatiu en la seguretat del ciberespai contra les amenaces en evolució constant.

Freemindtronic Andorra ha estat seleccionat pel jurat com a finalista per al Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any amb el nostre producte, DataShielder Auth NFC HSM.

Els organitzadors de l’esdeveniment ens van notificar

“Ens complau informar-vos que heu estat seleccionats pel nostre jurat com a finalistes per al Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any 2024! Es tracta d’un assoliment destacat, tenint en compte els centenars de nominacions que hem rebut aquest any. Felicitats de part de tot l’equip dels National Cyber Awards!”

El CEO de Freemindtronic declara

“Ens sentim honorats i agraïts de ser reconeguts entre els líders en ciberseguretat. Ser finalistes valida el nostre compromís amb la innovació i la protecció de les dades sensibles i les identitats digitals contra les amenaces en constant evolució, ara assistides per la intel·ligència artificial. Ens sentim molt honorats i orgullosos de ser nominats entre els finalistes representant el desè país més petit del món, Andorra, com a actor industrial en ciberdefensa. En nom de l’equip de Freemindtronic i de mi mateix, felicitem tots els altres finalistes.”

Jacques Gascuel, CEO i Cap de Recerca i Desenvolupament, dissenyador de solucions de contraespionatge i titular de patents al Regne Unit, estarà present a la cerimònia d’anunci dels guanyadors.

Aquesta és la segona nominació per a la nostra empresa andorrana Freemindtronic pel jurat dels National Cyber Awards. Anteriorment vam ser reconeguts el 2021 com a “Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards” i com a finalistes per dos anys consecutius el 2021. Aquesta nominació de 2024 per a aquest prestigiós premi marca un altre pas important en el disseny i fabricació de productes de contraespionatge d’ús dual civil i militar accessibles per a tothom.

Missatge del Primer Ministre del Regne Unit per als National Cyber Awards 2024

L’Honorable Keir Starmer, Primer Ministre del Regne Unit, comenta sobre els premis: “Els National Cyber Awards són una manera meravellosa de recompensar, celebrar i mostrar el treball d’aquells compromesos a mantenir-nos segurs. Si us plau, transmeteu les meves més càlides felicitacions als guanyadors que són una inspiració per a tots els del sector que desitgen protegir els altres.”

Els National Cyber Awards tindran lloc a Londres el 23 de setembre, la nit de dilluns que precedeix l’Expo Cibernètica Internacional anual.

Els organitzadors feliciten tots els altres finalistes i esperen celebrar aquest esdeveniment internacional amb nosaltres el 23 de setembre a la cerimònia de lliurament de premis! Si voleu unir-vos a nosaltres per una nit de celebració i emoció, podeu comprar entrades i taules per a l’esdeveniment a través del lloc web a www.thenationalcyberawards.org.

Notes per als Editors

Què són els National Cyber Awards?

Els National Cyber Awards van començar el 2019 per celebrar l’excel·lència i la innovació entre aquells dedicats a la ciberseguretat. Aquests premis destaquen els èxits excepcionals de professionals, empreses i educadors tant del sector privat com públic. Líders de la indústria, apassionats per elevar el camp de la ciberseguretat, van concebre aquests premis. Reconeixen i inspiren el compromís per afrontar els reptes en constant evolució de la ciberseguretat.

La nostra missió és identificar i celebrar contribucions excepcionals en el camp. Aspirem a proporcionar un punt de referència d’excel·lència per a tothom. Envisionem un futur on cada innovació en ciberseguretat internacional sigui reconeguda i celebrada. Aquest reconeixement fomenta la millora contínua i l’adopció de les millors pràctiques a nivell mundial. Amb el suport dels nostres patrocinadors, la participació en els premis continua sent gratuïta. Cada finalista rep una entrada gratuïta per a la cerimònia, minimitzant les barreres d’entrada i fent que la participació sigui accessible per a tothom.


Contacte: Future Tech Events, Fergus Bruce, info@futuretechevents.com

Finalistes del 2024 per als National Cyber Awards en la categoria “Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any 2024”

Resum del Candidat

  • Producte: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM
  • Categoria: Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any 2024
  • Nom: Jacques Gascuel
  • Empresa: Freemindtronic
  • Correu Electrònic: contact at freemindtronic.com
  • Biografia de l’Empresa: Freemindtronic es especialitza en dissenyar, publicar i fabricar solucions de contraespionatge. La nostra última innovació, el DataShielder Auth NFC HSM, serveix com una solució de contraespionatge d’ús dual per a aplicacions civils i militars. Vam presentar aquesta solució per primera vegada al públic el 17 de juny de 2024 a Eurosatory 2024. Combate activament el robatori d’identitat, l’espionatge i l’accés a dades i missatges sensibles i classificats mitjançant xifratge post-quantum AES 256 CBC. A més, funciona fora de línia, sense servidors, sense bases de dades, i sense necessitat que els usuaris s’identifiquin o canviïn els seus hàbits d’emmagatzematge de dades sensibles, serveis de missatgeria o protocols de comunicació, tot evitant els costos d’infraestructura. Hem dissenyat especialment el DataShielder Auth NFC HSM per combinar seguretat i discreció. Ve en dues formes pràctiques: una targeta de la mida d’una targeta de crèdit i una etiqueta NFC discreta. La targeta es llisca fàcilment en una cartera, al costat de les teves targetes bancàries NFC, i protegeix físicament contra l’accés il·lícit. Mentrestant, pots enganxar l’etiqueta NFC, similar a una insígnia d’accés RFID, a un clauer o amagar-la en un objecte personal. Aquest enfocament assegura que sempre tinguis el teu DataShielder Auth NFC HSM a mà, llest per assegurar les teves comunicacions, autenticar col·laboradors i validar donants d’ordres, tot sense cridar l’atenció.

Característiques Addicionals del Producte

  • Compatibilitat amb Diversos Sistemes de Comunicació: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM és compatible amb múltiples sistemes de comunicació, incloent correus electrònics, xats, webmails, SMS, MMS, RCS i serveis de missatgeria instantània públics i privats. Aquesta compatibilitat universal permet una integració perfecta en entorns de comunicació existents, assegurant una protecció contínua sense canvis significatius en la infraestructura.
  • Protecció Contra Atacs Assistits per IA: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM proporciona protecció avançada contra atacs sofisticats assistits per IA. Amb un xifratge robust i una autenticació forta, el producte elimina els riscos plantejats per intents de robatori d’identitat mitjançant tècniques avançades d’enginyeria social, assegurant així una seguretat millorada per als usuaris.
  • Mètodes de Gestió de Claus: El producte utilitza mòduls de seguretat de maquinari amb tecnologia NFC per crear i gestionar claus de manera segura. Els dispositius DataShielder emmagatzemen de manera segura les claus de xifratge generades aleatòriament. El sistema funciona sense servidors ni bases de dades, oferint anonimat de punta a punta i reduint significativament els punts potencials de vulnerabilitat.

Els productes DataShielder NFC HSM estan disponibles exclusivament a França a través d’AMG Pro i internacionalment a través de Fullsecure Andorra.

Agraïm a tots els membres del jurat l’interès mostrat en el nostre últim producte revolucionari, el DataShielder NFC HSM.

Jurat dels National Cyber Awards

  • Mary Haigh: CISO, BAE Systems
  • Rachael Muldoon: Advocada, Maitland Chambers
  • Shariff Gardner: Cap de Defensa, Militar i Aplicació de la Llei, Regne Unit, Irlanda i Països Nòrdics, SANS Institute
  • Damon Hayes: Comandant Regional, National Crime Agency
  • Miriam Howe: Cap de Consultoria Internacional, BAE Systems Digital Intelligence
  • Myles Stacey OBE: Assessor Especial del Primer Ministre, 10 Downing Street
  • Daniel Patefield: Cap de Programa, Cyber & National Security, techUK
  • Sir Dermot Turing: Administrador, Bletchley Park Trust
  • Nicola Whiting MBE: Presidenta del Jurat
  • Oz Alashe MBE: CEO i Fundador, CybSafe
  • Professora Liz Bacon: Principal i Vicecanceller, Universitat d’Abertay
  • Richard Beck: Director de Ciberseguretat, QA
  • Martin Borret: Director Tècnic, IBM Security
  • Bronwyn Boyle: CISO, PPRO
  • Charlotte Clayson: Soci, Trowers & Hamlins LLP
  • Pete Cooper: Fundador, Aerospace Village
  • Professor Danny Dresner: Professor de Ciberseguretat, Universitat de Manchester
  • Ian Dyson QPM DL: Policia de la Ciutat de Londres
  • Mike Fell OBE: Director de Ciberseguretat, NHS England
  • Tukeer Hussain: Responsable de l’Estratègia, Departament de Cultura, Mitjans de Comunicació i Esports
  • Dr Bob Nowill: President, Cyber Security Challenge
  • Chris Parker MBE: Director, Govern, Fortinet (Ciberseguretat)
  • Dr Emma Philpott MBE: CEO, IASME Consortium Ltd
  • Peter Stuart Smith: Autor
  • Rajinder Tumber MBE: Cap de l’Equip de Consultoria en Seguretat, Sky
  • Saba Ahmed: Directora General, Accenture Security
  • Charles White: Director, The Cyber Scheme
  • Professora Lisa Short: Areta Business Performance / XTCC
  • Emma Wright: Soci, Harbottle & Lewis LLP
  • Dr Budgie Dhanda MBE: Consultor en Gestió, PA Consulting
  • Jacqui Garrad: Directora del Museu Nacional de la Informàtica
  • Dr Vasileios Karagiannopoulos: Codirector del Centre per a la Cibercriminalitat i la Criminalitat Econòmica, Universitat de Portsmouth
  • Debbie Tunstall: Directora de Comptes, Immersive Labs
  • Sarah Montague: HMRC

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Cyber Resilience Act: a European regulation to strengthen the cybersecurity of digital products

European Commission logo symbolizing the Cyber Resilience Act and NFC HSM technology.

The CRA: Strengthening Cybersecurity Across the EU

Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) is a pivotal European regulation, enhancing cybersecurity standards for digital products. This legislation aims to safeguard users and businesses from cyber threats, ensure market competitiveness, and foster innovation in the cybersecurity field. In this article, we delve into the CRA’s essential features, its advantages and potential challenges, and the implications for manufacturers and distributors of digital products. Discover how the CRA aims to fortify digital security and resilience throughout the European Union.

Stay informed with our posts dedicated to Cyberculture to track its evolution through our regularly updated topics.

Explore our Cyberculture section for detailed information on the Cyber ​​Resilience Act CRA, authored by Jacques Gascuel, a pioneer in contactless, serverless, databaseless sensitive data security solutions. Stay up to date and secure with our frequent updates.

The Cyber Resilience Act: a European regulation to strengthen the cybersecurity of digital products

The Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) is a European regulation that imposes cybersecurity standards on digital products. It aims to protect users and businesses from cyber threats, harmonise the digital internal market and support innovation in cybersecurity. In this article, we’ll walk you through the key features of the CRA, its pros and cons, and its implications for manufacturers and distributors of digital products.

Introduction au Cyber Resilience Act (CRA)

The EU proposed the Cyber Resilience Act in 2022 to set uniform safety standards for products with digital components, such as internet-connected devices, software and online services. These products can be exposed to cyberattacks that affect their availability, integrity and confidentiality. The CRA aims to protect users and businesses from these risks, by requiring common rules for market entry and cybersecurity measures throughout the product lifecycle. It also establishes a CE marking system to indicate compliance with cybersecurity standards. Moreover, the CRA distinguishes critical products, which have higher obligations according to their level of criticality. The CRA is part of the 2020 EU Cybersecurity Strategy, which seeks to enhance the EU’s collective resilience against cyber threats and foster a secure and trustworthy digital environment for all.

The CRA was approved by the Council and the Parliament in november 2023, and will enter into force in 2024, 20 days after its publication in the Official Journal of the EU. However, it will not be applicable until 2027, to allow a transition period for existing products and software. Moreover, the CRA will be revised every five years, to adapt to technological developments and stakeholder needs.

In this subject, we will explain the main provisions of the CRA, its pros and cons, and its impact on the digital market and society. So,the CRA aims to increase the security and resilience of digital systems in the EU, by imposing strict and binding requirements for the design, development and maintenance of digital products. It also introduces a CE marking system for digital products, ensuring their compliance with established cybersecurity standards.

Strengthening the EU’s Cybersecurity Framework: The Provisional Agreement on the Cyber Resilience Act

A Milestone for a Secure Digital Single Market

The Council presidency and the European Parliament have struck a landmark agreement on the proposed Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), taking a major step forward in fortifying the European Union’s cybersecurity landscape. This critical legislation outlines EU-wide cybersecurity requirements for digital products, addressing the urgent need for a harmonized approach to securing connected devices before they reach consumers.

Hailed as a crucial step by Spanish Minister of Digital Transformation José Luis Escrivá, the agreement emphasizes the essential need for a basic cybersecurity level for all connected devices sold within the EU, ensuring robust protection for both businesses and consumers.

Key Features and Amendments of the Agreement

The provisional agreement preserves the core principles of the European Commission’s proposal, focusing on several key areas:

  • Rebalancing Compliance Responsibility: Manufacturers now take primary responsibility, handling tasks like risk assessments, conformity declarations, and cooperation with authorities.
  • Vulnerability Handling: The agreement mandates processes for manufacturers to ensure ongoing cybersecurity and outlines specific obligations for importers and distributors as well.
  • Transparency and Consumer Protection: Measures are introduced to enhance transparency regarding the security of both hardware and software for consumers and businesses, empowering informed decision-making.
  • Market Surveillance Framework: A robust framework will enforce the regulations, ensuring compliance and safeguarding the EU’s digital space.

Co-legislators have also proposed adjustments, including:

  • Simplified Product Classification: A streamlined approach for classifying regulated digital products, facilitating easier compliance and understanding.
  • Product Lifetime Determination: Manufacturers must specify the expected lifespan of digital products, with a minimum five-year support period, unless shorter use is anticipated.
  • Reporting Obligations: A focus on reporting actively exploited vulnerabilities and incidents, enhancing the role of national authorities and ENISA in managing cybersecurity threats.

Looking Forward: Implementation and Impact

With the provisional agreement in place, technical work continues to finalize the regulation’s details. The compromise text will be presented for endorsement by member states, marking a critical moment in the EU’s journey towards a cohesive and secure digital ecosystem.

The CRA is set to apply three years after enactment, providing manufacturers with ample time to adapt. Additionally, specific support measures for small and micro enterprises have been agreed upon, including awareness-raising, training, and assistance with testing and compliance procedures.

The Path to the Cyber Resilience Act

This provisional agreement marks the culmination of a journey that began with the Council’s 2020 conclusions on the cybersecurity of connected devices, emphasizing the need for comprehensive legislation. Reflecting the urgency expressed by Commission President von der Leyen in 2021 and subsequent Council conclusions, the CRA proposal submitted by the Commission in September 2022 aims to complement the existing EU cybersecurity framework, including the NIS Directive and the EU Cybersecurity Act.

This agreement represents a significant milestone in the EU’s commitment to enhancing cybersecurity resilience, marking a new era of digital product security and consumer protection across the Union.

Business Requirements and Responsibilities

Under the CRA, manufacturers and distributors of digital products are required to ensure the compliance of their offerings from the moment they are placed on the market and throughout their lifecycle. This involves actively monitoring for vulnerabilities and working closely with security researchers to identify and fix potential vulnerabilities within 90 days of discovery.

Cooperation and Sanctions

Another cornerstone of the CRA is the enhanced cooperation between EU Member States and the European Commission to monitor the application of the Regulation. In the event of non-compliance, companies risk severe penalties, up to 10% of their annual global turnover. This underlines the EU’s commitment to ensuring a high level of digital security.

Application and Exclusions of the CRA

The CRA applies to a wide range of digital products, with the notable exception of those already regulated by other EU legislation, such as medical devices or vehicles. Its aim is to close legislative gaps and strengthen coherence in the field of cybersecurity.

Conclusion and Outlook

Following its approval by the Council of the EU and the European Parliament, the CRA is scheduled to enter into force in early 2024. Manufacturers then have 36 months to comply with the new rules. This initiative marks an important step towards a more secure and resilient European Union in the face of digital threats.

Benefits of the Cyber Resilience Act for the Digital Ecosystem

The Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) is envisaged not only as a regulatory framework, but also as a lever for improving cybersecurity at the European Union level. It brings several significant benefits, both for users and for the digital economy as a whole.

Strengthening Consumer and Business Protection

One of the main strengths of the CRA is its ability to raise the level of security for consumers and businesses. By imposing high and constantly updated cybersecurity standards, the regulation ensures that digital products purchased or used offer optimal protection against cyber threats. This helps to create a safer digital environment for all.

Harmonization of the Digital Internal Market

The CRA plays a crucial role in harmonising cybersecurity rules across the EU. By eliminating the fragmentation and divergence of national laws, it facilitates the free movement of digital products within the Single Market. This is essential to support economic integration and boost intra-European trade in digital solutions.

Driving Innovation in Cybersecurity

Finally, the CRA is a driver of innovation in the cybersecurity sector. By increasing demand for secure digital products, it encourages investment in research and development. This dynamic creates valuable opportunities for European companies, allowing them to stand out as leaders in the field of cybersecurity on the global stage.

In sum, the benefits of the CRA are manifested in enhanced protection for users, regulatory harmonisation beneficial to the European single market, and increased support for innovation in the cybersecurity sector. Through these measures, the CRA aims to establish a solid foundation for a safe, competitive and innovative digital ecosystem in the European Union.

Analysis of the Challenges Posed by the Cyber Resilience Act

The Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), while aiming to strengthen digital security within the European Union, raises concerns about its potential impact on various aspects of the digital landscape. These drawbacks deserve special attention to understand the challenges associated with the implementation of this legislation.

Impact on Vulnerability Disclosure

A major criticism is the possible reluctance of security researchers to report discovered vulnerabilities. The fear of sanctions or legal action, due to failure to comply with deadlines or procedures dictated by the CRA, could deter these key players from sharing their findings, thus limiting collective efforts to strengthen cybersecurity.

Effects on Free and Open-Source Software

The CRA is also suspected of slowing down the development and adoption of free and open-source software. The latter, known for their security and transparency, could be subject to disproportionate and onerous compliance requirements. These risks hindering innovation and the use of these valuable resources in the digital ecosystem.

Standardization of Disclosure Models

Another sticking point is the potential reduction in the effectiveness and diversity of vulnerability disclosure models. The one-size-fits-all and rigid approach advocated by the CRA may not be appropriate for all situations, requiring flexibility to adapt to the specifics of each case.

Potentially disproportionate penalties

The penalties envisaged by the CRA for non-compliance are considered by some to be excessive. The prospect of severe financial penalties could jeopardize the economic viability of digital manufacturers and distributors, as well as their ability to innovate. This approach could, therefore, have negative repercussions for the entire digital sector.

In sum, although the CRA aims to establish a strengthened security framework for the European Digital Space, it is crucial to assess and address its possible negative impacts. Careful consideration of these issues will allow the regulation to be adjusted and refined so that it effectively supports cybersecurity without hindering innovation or collaboration in the digital domain.

Cyber Resilience Act Compliance Guide for the Digital Industry

The Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) is a major initiative by the European Union to increase cybersecurity across its Member States. Compliance with this regulation requires a series of targeted and structured actions, applicable to both manufacturers and distributors of digital products.

Actions Required for Digital Product Manufacturers

  • Conducting Cyber Risk Assessments: The first step involves analyzing and documenting the risks associated with the products. This includes identifying threats, vulnerabilities, impacts, and protective measures, with this information regularly updated.
  • Application of the CE Marking and Information to Users: Products must bear the CE marking, a symbol of their compliance with EU safety standards. It is essential to provide comprehensive information on the cybersecurity characteristics of products, including conditions of use and maintenance.
  • Security Updates: Manufacturers must establish and maintain procedures for updating the security of products, ensuring the ability of products to receive and install these updates. Proactive communication about the need for and availability of updates is crucial.
  • Vulnerability Reporting: Discovered or reported vulnerabilities must be reported within 90 days. It is important to communicate corrective actions to users using appropriate channels and adhering to the principles of responsible disclosure.
  • Cooperation with Cybersecurity Authorities: Collaboration with competent authorities, participation in audits and provision of the necessary documents for compliance verification are key elements.

Obligations of Digital Product Distributors

  • Product Conformity Verification: Distributors must ensure that the products marketed comply with the requirements of the CRA, including the CE marking. They must also provide adequate information about the cybersecurity of the products.
  • Security Update Information and Support: Distributors are responsible for notifying users of security updates and assisting them with their installation. Communication about vulnerabilities and remediation is also required.
  • Audit and Cooperation with Authorities: Submission to controls, cooperation with competent authorities and provision of the necessary information to demonstrate compliance are essential.

Importance of Compliance

Failure to comply with CRA guidelines can result in significant penalties, including fines of up to 10% of annual worldwide turnover. The adoption of internal compliance and governance mechanisms is therefore crucial to avoid such consequences.

CRA compliance is not only a legal imperative but also an opportunity to improve the security and resilience of the European digital ecosystem. With these measures, the digital industry makes a significant contribution to data protection and user trust in digital technologies.

Which products are covered by the Cyber Resilience Act?

General definition of the products concerned

The CRA applies to all products with digital elements that are directly or indirectly connected to another device or network, with the exception of those already covered by other EU rules, such as medical devices, aviation or cars. The CRA aims to fill gaps and ensure consistency in existing cybersecurity legislation.

Distinguishing between critical and non-critical products

The CRA applies to a wide range of products with digital components, such as internet-connected devices, software and online services. However, not all products are subject to the same level of scrutiny and obligations. The CRA distinguishes between critical and non-critical products, based on the level of risk they pose to users and society.

The scope of the CRA

The CRA covers all products that have a digital component and that are connected directly or indirectly to another device or network. This includes all connected hardware (computers, phones, household appliances, cars, toys, virtual assistive devices, etc.) as well as systems such as VPNs, antivirus, password managers, software essential to the management of cloud services, or the operating systems of the aforementioned hardware.

For the sake of clarity, the draft CRA provides a list of affected products and software. However, this list is not exhaustive and may be updated by the Commission to take into account technological developments.

The classification of critical products

As you will discover by reading further, this CRA regulation makes a distinction between a general category of products containing digital elements, and those considered “critical”. The latter category represents 10% of the objects covered by this regulation. While critical products are those which, if compromised, would have significant impacts on the security of property and people as well as society.

In summary, this regulation is subdivided into critical products and two other classes according to the level of criticality of the risks. Thus, depending on the class to which they belong, software or hardware will be subject to more or less strict supervision and obligations.

The obligations for different classes of products

To streamline the understanding of the impact of the Cyber ​​Resilience Act (CRA) on product classes, let’s take a look at this simplified guide. This is a table that succinctly classifies products according to their criticality under CRA regulations. As a result, this has the advantage of highlighting the specific obligations as well as their impacts on manufacturers and their potential effects on the market. Therefore, this has the effect of presenting this information in a clear and organized manner. We also aim to facilitate the smooth adaptation process for stakeholders to this Cyber ​​Resilience Act regulation. So prepare now to take this information into account to effectively improve and anticipate your strategies. Anticipate your compliance with its new and evolving European cybersecurity standards.

Table 2: CRA Obligations by Product Class
Product ClassObligationsImpact on ManufacturersMarket Effects
Most Critical
  • Certification by an independent body before market entry.
  • Incurs significant costs and delays.
  • May hinder innovation and competitiveness, especially in electronics and embedded systems.
  • Self-assessment and declaration of conformity by manufacturers.
  • Reduces administrative burden and time to market.
  • Demands high responsibility and transparency.
Less Critical
  • Compliance with essential requirements, no formal certification needed.
  • Ensures basic security levels without excessive costs.
  • Enhances trust in less critical digital products.

Key Insights:

  • First, the Cyber ​​Resilience Act classifies products based on their impact on cybersecurity and imposes specific compliance obligations on them.
  • This is why the most critical products are subject to strict certification processes.
  • In fact, this affects market dynamics. Whereas, intermediate and less critical classes follow simplified compliance pathways. This balances security needs and market viability.
  • Finally, this concise overview facilitates informed decision making and strategic planning for market positioning and observation.

Navigating the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA): A Quick Guide

We’ve compiled a simplified guide to help you quickly navigate the complexities of the Cyber ​​Resilience Act (CRA). Thus, this table details the objectives of this regulation on the products it covers and the essential requirements it imposes. Additionally, it also highlights the main benefits and potential obstacles of the law. Thus, this brief overview aims to inform you of the essential knowledge to understand and adapt to the implications of the ARC. By familiarizing yourself with these critical aspects now, you can advantageously stay one step ahead. This therefore guarantees you preparation for the expected developments over three years in the cybersecurity landscape within the EU by 2027.

Table 1: Overview of the CRA

Aim of the CRA
  • To strengthen the cybersecurity of products and software within the EU.
Covered Products and Software
  • Hardware: Smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, desktops, laptops, routers, smart home appliances, POS systems, medical devices, etc.
  • Software: Operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux), browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari), mobile apps, security software, cloud services, etc.
  • Data Storage/Processing: Hard drives, cloud storage, PCs, servers, software handling sensitive data.
Key Requirements
  • Conduct risk assessments
  • Implement security measures
  • Provide information to users
  • Report vulnerabilities
  • Cooperate with authorities
Main Benefits
  • Enhanced user security
  • Increased trust in the digital economy
  • Accelerated innovation in cybersecurity
Potential Challenges
  • Increased costs for compliance
  • Regulatory complexity
  • Risk of market fragmentation
Staying Informed
  • Regular updates and compliance checks are crucial for adherence to the CRA.

Key Takeaways

  • First, the CRA is an essential regulation having an impact on the European cybersecurity framework.
  • Then, this involves compliance with the requirements of the mandatory CRA for manufacturers, distributors and importers.
  • Finally, this has the effect of offering significant advantages but at the same time generates certain additional cost challenges.

In summary, this table format provides a concise and organized summary of the ARC. This makes it easier for you to understand its scope, requirements, benefits and challenges.

Hardware Security Module with the CRA

Under the Cyber ​​Resilience Act (CRA), Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) play a crucial role in securing Europe’s digital infrastructure. Indeed, they are the Guardians of the cryptographic keys. They are in fact the pillars of data security and digital transactions. Without question, HSMs are essential tools to meet the strict requirements of the CRA.

Definition of HSMs

Hardware and digital security modules (HSMs) play a crucial role in securing cryptographic processes. They generate, protect, and manage encryption, decryption, digital signature, and certification keys. Their importance for the protection of sensitive data and digital trust classifies them as critical products according to the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA).

Features of the HSM Hardware

Hardware HSM comes in the form of a physical device, ensuring high security against physical and logical attacks. It can be integrated into a computer system such as a PCI card or an external enclosure. These devices are evaluated and certified according to international safety standards, such as FIPS 140 and Common Criteria EAL4+, attesting to their reliability and robustness.

Benefits of Digital HSM

At the same time, digital HSM offers a software solution that provides security comparable to that of a hardware HSM. With virtualization and advanced encryption, it can be deployed on servers, cloud environments, or mobile devices. Certifications, such as FIPS 140-2 Level 1 or Common Criteria EAL2+, validate the compliance of these software solutions with rigorous security standards.

Cyber-resilience regulation certification process in force

In accordance with the requirements of the CRA, HSMs, whether physical or digital, must obtain certification from an independent body before they are placed on the market. This certification assures users that the devices meet high standards of security and protection of sensitive information.

Importance of HSMs in Cybersecurity

Hardware and digital HSMs are critical components of an organization’s security infrastructure. They secure the exchange of information by providing a reliable and certified method of protection for critical data. By facilitating secure management of cryptographic keys, HSMs build digital trust and support regulatory compliance.

In short, both hardware and digital HSMs are indispensable tools in the modern cybersecurity landscape. Their role in securing cryptographic keys and encryption processes is vital for data protection and trust in digital systems. The mandatory certification emphasizes their importance and ensures that they comply with the highest safety standards.

Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) Under the Cyber Resilience Act

Definition and Features of HSMs

HSMs are specialized devices designed for the secure management of cryptographic keys, crucial for data encryption and transaction security. These modules embody the core principles of the CRA, providing foundational security capabilities across critical and less critical sectors.

Fixed HSMs

Embedded within infrastructural setups, fixed HSMs offer enduring security solutions. These devices are pivotal in safeguarding essential services, from energy distribution to financial transactions, aligning with the CRA’s high-security benchmarks.

Removable HSMs

Offering versatility, removable HSMs, such as USB HSMs, enable secure key management across varied operational contexts. They facilitate a balance between security and mobility, catering to diverse needs within the CRA framework.


Merging NFC technology with HSM security, NFC HSMs introduce a new paradigm in contactless transaction security. Although categorized as non-critical, their adherence to CRA standards exemplifies the act’s comprehensive approach to cybersecurity, spanning from retail to access control applications.

NFC HSM and the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA): A Closer Look at Secure Technology

NFC HSM (Near Field Communication Hardware Security Module) represents a technological fusion. It integrates a hardware security module with Near Field Communication (NFC) technology like those manufactured by the Freemindtronic company in Andorra. They also have the particularities of being patented, of operating without a server, without a database and without the user needing to identify themselves or create an account to use them. They are not connected by default. This device provides secure, on-demand wireless interaction between devices over short distances, further protecting the data exchanges they encrypt.

They represent a significant advancement in secure short-range wireless communication by integrating near-field communication (NFC) with the robust security of hardware security modules (HSM). These devices provide enhanced protection of cryptographic keys and sensitive data, facilitating secure, contactless transactions and interactions with ease and flexibility.

Features and Advantages:
  • Enhanced Security: Embedded HSMs safeguard against external threats, ensuring the integrity of cryptographic keys and sensitive data.
  • Secure Authentication: NFC technology supports mutual authentication, minimizing fraud and counterfeiting risks.
  • Ease of Use: Simplified transactions through touch, eliminating manual data entry.
  • Versatility: Can be integrated into a wide array of devices and applications.
  • Contactless Payments: Devices equipped with NFC HSM technology facilitate fast and secure transactions, enhancing user convenience and safety.
  • Access Control: These systems manage entry to secure areas, safeguarding physical and digital assets by regulating access to buildings and sensitive data.
  • Tracking and Traceability: NFC HSMs play a crucial role in supply chain management, enabling the authentication and monitoring of goods, ensuring their integrity from origin to destination.
  • Electronic Tickets: Ideal for storing digital tickets for transportation, events, and other services, streamlining the user experience while ensuring security.
  • Contactless Hardware Secrets Manager: A novel application where NFC HSMs manage passwords, encryption keys, secret keys, PIN codes, and 2FA credentials, offering a secure and convenient solution for managing digital identities and access rights across various platforms.

These examples underscore the versatility and security enhancements provided by NFC HSM technology, aligning with the objectives of the Cyber Resilience Act to foster a secure and resilient digital environment across the EU.

Exemplifying CRA Compliance: Freemindtronic’s NFC HSM

Incorporating Freemindtronic’s NFC HSM as a case study offers an insightful lens through which to view the Cyber Resilience Act’s (CRA) implications for digital product security. Freemindtronic’s approach exemplifies adherence to the CRA through its innovative security measures and compliance practices.

Exemplifying CRA Compliance: Freemindtronic’s NFC HSM

As we delve into the CRA’s extensive requirements and scope, practical examples like Freemindtronic’s NFC Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) illuminate how digital products are aligning with heightened security standards.

Meeting CRA’s Fundamental Compliance Demands:

  • Risk Assessment: Freemindtronic has not just conducted a thorough risk evaluation but has also embedded stringent risk management practices from inception through to development, manufacturing, and usage of NFC HSMs. This includes countermeasures against both invasive and non-invasive threats, reflecting the CRA’s directive for integrated risk management.
  • Security Implementations: With patented multi-security functions such as segmented key authentication and customizable trust criteria, alongside post-quantum considered AES-256 encryption in NFC HSM memories, Freemindtronic exceeds the CRA’s requirements for advanced security measures.
  • Vulnerability Disclosure: Freemindtronic’s immediate vulnerability disclosure mechanism, especially through its website, aligns with the CRA’s demand for timely vulnerability reporting to authorities, despite over seven years without detected vulnerabilities in NFC HSM products.
  • Regulatory Cooperation: Freemindtronic’s proactive partnership with Andorran regulatory bodies, including the National Cybersecurity Agency of Andorra (ANC), signifies a commitment to enhancing security collaboratively, as encouraged by the CRA.

Freemindtronic’s NFC HSM Features Enhancing CRA Compliance:

  • Serverless and Database-Free Operation: This minimizes potential attack vectors, aligning with the CRA’s focus on cybersecurity risk reduction.
  • User Anonymity and No Account Creation: By operating anonymously without user identification or account creation, It embodies a contactless plug-and-play principle, making it physically impossible to identify the NFC HSM users. Freemindtronic supports the CRA’s emphasis on user privacy and data protection.
  • End-to-End Anonymization: Freemindtronic’s NFC HSMs are not active by default, given their battery-less design. They are inert products that become active for less than a second during the use of the secret contained within the NFC HSM. Secrets used on the phone or computer are not stored in the systems; everything is conducted ephemerally in volatile memory. This approach is in strict adherence to the CRA’s data protection and confidentiality principles.
  • Innovation Patent Protection: Freemindtronic’s security solutions, underpinned by innovation patents, set a high compliance standard with the Cyber Resilience Act.

Industry Advantages:

  • Simplified Compliance Process: Freemindtronic’s NFC HSMs provide a pre-compliance solution that simplifies adherence to CRA regulations, saving time and resources for businesses.
  • Enhanced Data Security: Freemindtronic sets a security benchmark for sensitive data and cryptographic keys, embodying the CRA’s aim to standardize protection across digital products.
  • Adaptability to Diverse Applications: The flexibility of Freemindtronic’s NFC HSMs showcases the adaptability of security solutions to meet various application needs within the CRA framework.

By showcasing Freemindtronic’s NFC HSMs, we highlight how innovative security technologies can not only meet but surpass the rigorous expectations of the CRA. This insight into Freemindtronic’s compliance strategy offers a practical perspective on adhering to CRA guidelines, reinforcing the regulation’s role in boosting the cybersecurity posture of digital products within the EU.

Key Features of the CRA at a Glance

In summary, the Cyber ​​Resilience Act aims to strengthen the cybersecurity of products sold within the European Union.

This concerns a very large number of products, such as Internet-connected devices, software and online services.

Indeed, manufacturers and distributors will be required to comply with the various requirements of this European CRA regulation. In particular, they will have to carry out risk assessments on their products, implement security measures and inform users.

Thus, the Cyber Resilience Act should offer many advantages. This is characterized by increased user security. But it should also promote trust and the digital economy and help accelerate European innovation in the cybersecurity sector. However, the downside is that the ARC will impose certain challenges, such as increased costs for manufacturers and distributors, increased regulatory complexity and potential fragmentation of the single market.

Overall, the CRA constitutes an important piece of legislation that will have a major impact on the European cybersecurity landscape. It is important that all stakeholders are aware of the ARC requirements and take steps to comply with them.

The table below provides a summary of the CRA’s key features.

Table 1: Summary of the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA)

  • Wide range of products
  • Exclusion of certain products
  • Harmonization of cybersecurity requirements
  • Costs and delays for manufacturers
  • Certification process for critical products
  • Market fragmentation
  • Fines for non-compliance
  • Discouragement of vulnerability reporting
  • Improved security and resilience
  • Impact on innovation
  • Protection of users and businesses
  • Difficulty balancing security and innovation

Finally, this table above constitutes a simple summary of the main characteristics of the CRA. So you have a more complete visual understanding of the Cyber ​​Resilience Act.

In conclusion on the European cyber-resilience act regulation

In conclusion, the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) represents a significant step forward in the European Union’s efforts to strengthen cybersecurity and protect consumers in the digital age. While challenges remain, the CRA has the potential to create a more secure and resilient digital ecosystem for all. As the regulation comes into effect and evolves over time, it will be crucial to monitor its impact and adapt it as needed to ensure its continued effectiveness in a rapidly changing technological landscape. Ultimately, the success of the CRA will depend on the collective efforts of governments, businesses, and individuals to embrace its principles and work together to build a more secure and trustworthy digital world.


Here are some official sources which confirm this information:

Encrypted messaging: ECHR says no to states that want to spy on them

ECHR landmark ruling in favor of encrypted messaging, featuring EviCypher NFC HSM technology by Freemindtronic.

Protecting encrypted messaging: the ECHR decision

Encrypted messaging is vital for digital privacy and free speech, but complex to protect. The historic ECHR decision of February 13, 2024 supports strong encryption against government surveillance. We discuss the importance of this decision. You will discover EviCypher NFC HSM encryption technology from Freemindtronic, guardian of this decision but for all messaging services in the world.

Stay informed in our posts dedicated to Cyberculture to follow its evolution thanks to our regularly updated topics

Learn more through this Cyberculture section on your data encryption rights to protect your personal and professional data written by Jacques Gascuel, creator of data security solutions. Stay informed and secure with our regular news.

Encrypted messaging: ECHR says no to states that want to spy on them

The historic judgment of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) elevates encrypted messaging to the rank of guardian of privacy and freedom of expression. But this also poses security and public order problems. On February 13, 2024, she spoke out in favor of strong encryption, against state interference.

The ECHR has rejected Russian authorities’ request to Telegram, a messaging application, to provide private keys for encrypting its users’ communications, or to install backdoors that would allow authorities to access them. The Court considered that this request violated the rights to privacy and correspondence, as well as freedom of expression, of Telegram users.

The context of the case

The case background Six journalists and human rights activists challenged the request of the Russian authorities to Telegram before the ECHR. They claimed that this request violated their fundamental rights. They relied on Articles 8 and 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. These articles protect the right to privacy and correspondence, and the right to freedom of expression.

The reasoning of the Court

The Court’s reasoning The Court acknowledged that the request of the Russian authorities had a legitimate aim of national security and crime prevention. However, it found that the interference with the rights of the applicants was not proportionate to the aim pursued. It emphasised that encryption plays a vital role in ensuring the confidentiality of communications and the protection of personal data. It held that the request of the Russian authorities was too general and vague. It did not offer enough safeguards against abuse. It could deter people from using encrypted messaging services.

The Court also noted that encryption helps citizens and businesses to defend themselves against the misuse of information technologies, such as hacking, identity theft, data breach, fraud and undue disclosure of confidential information. It stated that this should be duly taken into account when assessing the measures that could weaken encryption.

The Court further observed that, in order to be useful to the authorities, the information must be decrypted at some point. It suggested that the authorities should use other means to obtain the necessary information, such as undercover operations, metadata analysis and international cooperation.

The consequences of the decision

The decision’s implications The decision of the Court is final and binding for Russia. It has to implement it within a reasonable time. It also has a broader impact. It sets out principles applicable to all member states of the Council of Europe, which comprises 47 countries. It sends a strong signal in favour of the respect of fundamental rights on the internet. It aligns with the position of several international organisations, such as the UN, the EU or the OSCE. They have stressed the importance of encryption for the protection of human rights online.

The official link of the ECHR decision is: AFFAIRE PODCHASOV c. RUSSIE and AFFAIRE PODCHASOV c. RUSSIE and AFFAIRE PODCHASOV c. RUSSIE. You can access it by clicking on the title or copying the address in your browser.

The position of other countries in the world

Encryption of communications is not a consensual topic. Countries have different, even opposite, positions on the issue. Here are some examples:

  • The Netherlands have argued for the right to strong encryption. They considered it a human right that must be safeguarded, in the country’s own interest.
  • The United States have repeatedly asked technology companies to provide them with access to encrypted data. They invoked the need to fight terrorism. These requests have been challenged by companies, such as Apple. They refused to create backdoors in their encryption systems.
  • China adopted a cybersecurity law in 2016. It requires companies to cooperate with authorities to provide encryption keys or means to bypass encryption. This law has been denounced by human rights defenders. They fear that it will be used to strengthen the surveillance and censorship of the Chinese regime.
  • The European Union adopted a directive on the protection of personal data in 2016. It recognizes encryption as a technical measure suitable for ensuring the security of data. The EU also supported the development of end-to-end encryption. It funded projects such as the free software Signal, which allows to encrypt calls and messages.

These examples show the divergences and convergences between different countries on the subject of encryption. They also reveal the political, economic and social issues that are at stake.

The world’s reactions to the ECHR decision on Encrypted Messaging

The ECHR decision on Encrypted Messaging has sparked different reactions in the world. Some countries praised the judgment, which boosts the protection of human rights on the internet. Other countries slammed the position of the Court, which undermines, according to them, the judicial cooperation and the national security.

The supporters of the ECHR decision

The Netherlands are among the countries that supported the ECHR decision. They argued for the right to strong encryption, considering it a human right that must be safeguarded, in the country’s own interest. The European Union also backed the Court, reminding that encryption is a technical measure suitable to ensure the security of data, in accordance with the directive on the protection of personal data adopted in 2016. The EU also stressed that it funds the development of end-to-end encryption, through projects such as the free software Signal, which allows to encrypt calls and messages.

The opponents of the ECHR decision

The United States are among the countries that opposed the ECHR decision. They have repeatedly asked technology companies to provide them with access to encrypted data, invoking the need to fight terrorism. These requests have been challenged by companies, such as Apple, which have refused to create backdoors in their encryption systems. China also expressed its disagreement with the Court, stating that encryption of communications fosters the dissemination of illegal or dangerous content, such as terrorist propaganda, child pornography or hate speech. China recalled that it has adopted in 2016 a cybersecurity law, which requires companies to cooperate with authorities to provide encryption keys or means to bypass encryption.

The non-signatories of the European

Convention on Human Rights Some countries have not reacted to the ECHR decision, because they are not signatories of the European Convention on Human Rights. This is the case for example of Russia, which ceased to be a member of the Council of Europe on March 16, 2022, after the invasion of Ukraine decided by the Kremlin. The country no longer participates in the activities of the ECHR. This is also the case of many countries in Africa, Asia or Latin America, which are not part of the Council of Europe and which have not ratified the Convention.

The signatory countries of the European Convention on Human Rights

The European Convention on Human Rights is an international treaty adopted by the Council of Europe in 1950, which aims to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms in the states parties. It entered into force in 1953, after being ratified by ten countries: Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom .

Since then, the Convention has been ratified by 36 other countries, bringing the total number of states parties to 46. They are: Albania, Germany, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Turkey and Ukraine.

All these countries recognize the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), which is in charge of ensuring the respect of the Convention. The ECHR can be seized by any person, group of persons or non-governmental organization who claims to be a victim of a violation of the Convention by one of the states parties. The ECHR can also be seized by a state party who alleges that another state party has violated the Convention. The ECHR delivers judgments that are final and binding for the states parties.

An innovative and sovereign alternative: the EviCypher NFC HSM technology

Facing the challenges of encryption of communications, some users may look for an alternative more innovative and sovereign than the traditional messaging applications. This is the case of the EviCypher NFC HSM technology, developed by the Andorran company Freemindtronic. This technology makes it possible to generate, store, manage and use AES-256 encryption keys to encrypt all communication systems, such as WhatsApp, sms, mms, rcs, Telegram, webmail, email client, private messaging like Linkedin, Skype, X and even via postal mail with encrypted QR code messages, etc.

EviCypher NFC HSM: A Secure and Innovative Solution for Encrypted Messaging

Firstly, it guarantees the confidentiality and integrity of data, even if the messaging services are compromised for any reason, including by a court order. Indeed, it is physically impossible for Freemindtronic, the manufacturer of the DataShielder products, to provide encryption keys generated randomly by the user. These keys are stored encrypted in AES-256 via segmented keys in the HSM and NFC HSM. Only the user holds the decryption keys, which he can erase at any time.

Secondly, it preserves the anonymity and sovereignty of users, because it works without server and without database. It does not require internet connection, nor user account, nor phone number, nor email address. It leaves no trace of its use, nor of its user. It does not depend on the policies or regulations of the countries or companies that provide the communication services.

Thirdly, it offers an extreme portability and availability of encryption keys, thanks to the NFC technology. The user can carry his encryption keys on a physical support, such as a card, a bracelet, a key ring, etc. He can use them with any device compatible with NFC, such as a smartphone, a tablet, a computer, etc. He can also share them with other trusted users, in a simple and secure way.

Lastly, it is compatible with the EviCore NFC HSM or EviCore HSM technology, which allows to secure the access to equipment and applications. The user can thus use the same physical support to encrypt his communications and to authenticate on his different digital services.

The EviCypher NFC HSM technology guarantees the confidentiality and integrity of data, even if the messaging services are compromised for any reason, including by a court order. Indeed, it is physically impossible for Freemindtronic, the manufacturer of the DataShielder products, to provide encryption keys generated randomly by the user. These keys are stored encrypted in AES-256 via segmented keys in the HSM and NFC HSM. Only the user holds the decryption keys, which he can erase at any time.

Transforming Encrypted Messaging with EviCypher NFC HSM

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) decisively highlights encrypted messaging’s vital role in protecting privacy and freedom of speech. EviCypher NFC HSM, aligning perfectly with these principles, emerges as a pioneering solution. It confronts the challenges of state surveillance and privacy breaches head-on, providing unmatched defense for private communications. EviCypher NFC HSM goes beyond the ECHR’s conventional security and privacy requirements. It crafts an inviolable communication platform that honors users’ privacy rights profoundly. With its innovative approach, EviCypher NFC HSM introduces new data protection standards, forging a robust barrier against government intrusion.

Global Reach and User Empowerment

EviCypher NFC HSM’s technology has a broad global impact, seamlessly addressing the varied encryption landscapes worldwide. It provides a consistent answer to privacy and security issues, disregarding geographic limits. This global applicability makes EviCypher NFC HSM an indispensable tool for users worldwide, solidifying its position as a guardian of global privacy.

Despite potential skepticism about new technologies, the user-friendly and accessible nature of EviCypher NFC HSM aims to dispel such doubts. It promotes wider adoption among those seeking to enhance their communication security. Its compatibility with diverse devices and straightforward operation simplify encryption, facilitating an effortless shift towards secure communication practices.

EviCypher NFC HSM: A Beacon of User Autonomy

EviCypher NFC HSM technology deeply commits to empowering users. It allows individuals to generate, store, and manage their encryption keys independently, giving them direct control. This autonomy not only improves data security but also demonstrates a strong commitment to protecting users’ fundamental rights. It resonates with the values emphasized across the discussion, providing an effective way to strengthen online privacy and security. EviCypher NFC HSM marks a significant leap forward in the movement towards a more secure and private digital landscape.

This technologie HSM stands out as a state-of-the-art, self-sufficient solution, perfectly in line with the ECHR’s decisions and the worldwide need for secure encrypted communication. It leads the charge in advancing user autonomy and security, signaling a crucial evolution in encrypted messaging towards unparalleled integrity.

Incorporating EviCypher’s distinctive features—its operation without servers or databases, interoperability, and backward compatibility with all current communication systems, such as email, SMS, MMS, RCS, and social media messaging, even extending to physical mail via encrypted QR codes—highlights its adaptability and innovative spirit. EviCypher’s resistance to zero-day vulnerabilities, due to encrypting communications upfront, further underscores its exceptional security. Operating anonymously and offline, it provides instant usability without requiring user identification or account creation, ensuring seamless compatibility across phone, computer, and communication systems.

Summary at encrypted messaging

Encrypted Messaging is crucial for the digital society. It protects internet users’ privacy and freedom of expression. But it also challenges security and public order. The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) supported strong encryption on February 13, 2024. It defended the right to encryption, against states that want to access it. Several international organizations agree with this position. They emphasize the importance of encryption for human rights online. However, the ECHR decision sparked diverse reactions worldwide. Different countries have different views on encryption.

Our conclusion on Encrypted Messaging

EviCypher NFC HSM technology is an innovative and sovereign alternative for Encrypted Messaging. Users can generate, store, manage and use AES-256 encryption keys. They can encrypt all communication systems, such as WhatsApp, sms, mms, rcs, Telegram, webmail, email client, etc. EviCypher NFC HSM technology ensures data confidentiality and integrity. It works even if messaging services are compromised. It preserves users’ anonymity and sovereignty. It does not need server or database. It offers extreme portability and availability of encryption keys, thanks to NFC technology. It is compatible with EviCore NFC HSM or EviCore HSM technology. They secure access to equipment and applications.

DataShielder products provide EviCypher NFC HSM technology. They are contactless encryption devices, guardians of keys and secrets. Freemindtronic, an Andorran company specialized in NFC security, designs and manufactures them.

DataShielder Defense NFC HSM: Protect Your Sovereign Communications

DataShielder Defense NFC HSM Protect your Sovereign Communications by Freemindtronic Andorra
DataShielder Defense NFC HSM – Jacques Gascuel: This article will be updated with any new information on the topic.

Why You Need DataShielder Defense NFC HSM

DataShielder Defense NFC HSM, a patented solution, ensures maximum confidentiality and anonymization of communications from sovereign entities. Using NFC technology, this HSM manages up to 200 secrets offline, contactless and shareable via any communication method, including email and SMS. A GreenTech innovation, it is interoperable, backward compatible and versatile, designed to immediately respond to various specific needs and customizable for enhanced secret security.

DataShielder Defense NFC HSM: How to Protect Your Sovereign Communications with a Revolutionary Solution

The protection of sovereign entities and the enhancement of existing defense and intelligence systems are crucial challenges in today’s world. Sovereign communications, such as those between heads of state, diplomats, military personnel, or secret agents, are constantly exposed to threats of interception, hacking, or manipulation. These threats can compromise the security, integrity, and confidentiality of sensitive information, and have serious consequences for national and international security.

To address these challenges, a revolutionary solution has been developed by Freemindtronic, a andorran company specialized in data security and encryption. This solution is called DataShielder Defense NFC HSM, and it is the ultimate solution for protecting all forms of communications of sovereign entities. This innovative and cutting-edge solution, protected by two patents, guarantees an unparalleled level of confidentiality and trust among humans, without compromise. With DataShielder, your secrets and sensitive data remain inaccessible and indecipherable, even in case of compromise of the equipment and information and communication systems.

In this article, we will explain how DataShielder Defense NFC HSM works, what are its features and benefits, and how it can be customized to suit your specific needs. We will also show how this solution could have influenced several major events in the history of communication security, and how it has received international recognition and awards for its excellence.

How DataShielder Defense NFC HSM Works

DataShielder Defense NFC HSM is a device that uses Near Field Communication (NFC) technology to create, store, and use up to 200 different secrets in a single device. A secret can be anything that you want to protect, such as an encryption key, a password, a PIN code, a cryptocurrency key, a bank account information, or a message. DataShielder allows you to share your encrypted secrets via all the means of communication available in the world, such as postal mail, webcam, email, SMS, MMS, RCS, messaging, or directly between two NFC HSM devices.

To use DataShielder, you need an Android NFC phone or tablet, and the DataShielder app, which is available for free on the Google Play Store. You also need a DataShielder Defense NFC HSM device, which is a small and discreet card that can be customized to fit different formats and accessories. The device does not require any battery or external power source, as it uses the energy of the NFC signal of the phone to operate on demand.

To create a secret, you simply need to tap your phone on the device, and choose the type of secret you want to create. You can either generate a random secret, or import an existing one. You can also add specific trust criteria for each secret, such as BSSID, geographical area, password, fingerprint, QR code or barcode scan, and phone UID. The absence of any of these criteria makes the access to the secret impossible, ensuring maximum and personalized security.

To use a secret, you simply need to tap your phone on the device, and choose the secret you want to use. You can either use it directly on your phone, or send it to another device or person. You can also use the secret to unlock secure USB or SSD keys, to log in to your favorite websites, to make secure voice calls and SMS, to manage your banking information, to generate and use cryptocurrency wallets, and more.

To share a secret, you simply need to tap your phone on the device, and choose the secret you want to share. You can either share it directly with another NFC HSM device, or encrypt it with the RSA-4096 public key of the recipient, and send it via any means of communication. The recipient will need to decrypt the secret with their NFC HSM device, using the EviSCP HSM (ZKP) protocol, which is a patented technology that ensures a secure and confidential exchange of secrets.

Differentiating Benefits of DataShielder Defense NFC HSM

DataShielder Defense NFC HSM offers a complete and adaptable solution to your needs, thanks to the set of advanced and efficient features that it incorporates. These features are based on different technologies, each with a specific name and function. Here is a summary of the main features and benefits of DataShielder:


Random generation of symmetric and asymmetric encryption keysEviCypher NFC HSMEncrypt all types of data (texts, images, videos) in post-quantum AES-256. Use the RSA-4096 public key to exchange encrypted secrets between distant NFC devices.Protect your data and secrets from unauthorized access and decryption, even in case of quantum computing attacks.
Random generation of identifiers and passwordsEviPass NFC HSMGenerate automatically complex and complicated passwords up to 48 characters based on the 95 ASCII characters, or on bases 16, 58, 64 or 85. Import and store manually login identifiers, PIN codes, PUK, lock codes, TPM2.0 passwords, BitLocker… Log in automatically to your favorite websites.Secure your online accounts and devices with strong and unique passwords. Save time and avoid typing errors with automatic login.
Create a segmented keyEviAuth NFC HSMDivide your secret into two segments and store them on two different NFC HSM devices. Require the presence of two people to reconstitute the secret.Increase the security and confidentiality of your secret by adding a human factor. Prevent the access to the secret by a single person or device.
Management of secret OTP keysEviOTP NFC HSMStore securely the secret OTP keys whose one-time passwords based on time (TOTP) or HMAC (HOTP) to generate a secondary authentication factor (2FA).Enhance the security of your online accounts and services with a second factor of authentication. Avoid the risk of losing or compromising your OTP keys.
Secure voice calls and SMSEviCall NFC HSMStore your phone contacts and make a voice call from the NFC HSM without leaving any trace in the phone history.Communicate securely and discreetly with your contacts. Avoid the interception and recording of your voice calls and SMS.
Secure management of banking informationEviPay NFC HSMStore, manage and use securely the information related to credit cards and bank accounts.Protect your financial information and transactions from fraud and theft. Access and use your banking information easily and securely.
Unlocking of secure USB or SSD keys without contactEviKey NFC HSMManage the administrator, user and temporary user PIN codes to unlock the secure USB/SSD keys without contact.Secure your external and internal storage with a contactless unlocking system. Manage the access rights and permissions of the USB/SSD keys.
Generation of cryptocurrency walletsEviSeed NFC HSMAutomatically and directly create from a blockchain the secret BIP39 key, its derived key, its public key and the public address. The balance verification is done directly on the blockchain.Create and use cryptocurrency wallets securely and conveniently. Store your cryptocurrency keys in an inviolable and encrypted manner. Verify your balance directly on the blockchain.
Automatic import of private keysEviVault NFC HSMImport derived private keys by scanning their QR codes from five blockchain platforms including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain and IOTA. Create and save also the BIP39 PassPhrases.Import and use private keys from different blockchain platforms easily and securely. Scan the QR codes and store the keys in an encrypted manner. Create and save also the BIP39 PassPhrases.
Management of authentication cardsEviCore NFC HSMScan and store the barcode or QR code of any type of card that uses this type of identification (access cards, loyalty cards sometimes linked to a payment system).Store and use authentication cards securely and conveniently. Scan the barcode or QR code and store it in an encrypted manner.
NFC HSM pairing key managerEviCore NFC HSMManage the NFC HSM fleet within a sovereign entity.Manage and control the NFC HSM devices within your organization. Assign and revoke pairing keys for the devices.
Data encryptionEviCrypt NFC HSMEncrypt your texts and files upstream before sending them to your recipients using your usual messaging services.Encrypt your data before sending it via any means of communication. Ensure that only the intended recipients can decrypt and access your data.
Use on all computer systemsEviCore NFC HSM Browser ExtensionUse your NFC HSM with the free Freemindtronic browser extension based on Chromium and Firefox. Find the DataShielder NFC HSM functions on all your computers.Use your NFC HSM on any computer system.
Use of a virtual USB Bluetooth keyboardEviKeyboard BLEUse a virtual keyboard for secure and discreet input. Extend the use of secrets in HID mode on various computer systems, TPM2.0, BitLocker, Windows, Linux, Apple, proprietary software and web browsers.Don’t touch the keyboard. Enter a free line of code up to 52 characters. Entering BIOS passwords. Easy to use

Stealth Customization Options

The manufacturer Freemindtronic offers a customization service specially designed for sovereign entities, combining discretion and functionality.

Discreet Formats: Modified standard PVC and PCB cards for effective camouflage.

Stealth Accessories: Labels, key rings, promotional pens, and cufflinks subtly integrating NFC HSM devices.

USB Dummy Keys: Mini USB keys functioning as secret containers for the NFC HSM devices.

NFC On/Off Card: PCB cards with switchable NFC antenna for increased stealth.

These options guarantee invisible security, ideal for special operations and covert missions.

Complementary Accessories

  • Secure NFC EviKey USB and SSD Keys: These devices offer secure external and internal storage, perfectly integrated with DataShielder NFC HSM for enhanced data protection.
  • Bluetooth Virtual Keyboard EviKeyboard BLE: An innovative keyboard for secure and discreet input, complementing the DataShielder NFC HSM by an additional layer of security in data entry.

International Distinctions and Awards

The EviCypher NFC HSM technology, essential to DataShielder, has received worldwide recognition, marked by several important awards.

  • Gold Medal 2021 of the Geneva Inventions: EviCypher Technology awarded among hundreds of international inventions.
  • Three Global InfoSec Awards 2021: Awarded for being the best data security solution by Cyber Defense Magazine “Next-Gen in Crypto Security”, “Most Innovative Hardware Password Manager”, “Next-Gen in Secrets Management”.
  • Two E&T Innovation Awards 2021: Distinguished for the best communication and IT solution, as well as for the best cybersecurity solution.
  • Two nominations for the National Cyber Awards 2021 of the United Kingdom: Finalist in two categories “The Innovation in Cyber Award 2021” and “The Cyber Defense Product of the Year 2021”.
  • Gold Globee Award 2022: Cyber Computer NFC winner of a Cyber Security Global Excellence Awards®.
  • Fortress Award 2023: Awarded for its excellence in encryption and privacy protection.


DataShielder Defense NFC HSM is a revolutionary solution for protecting your sovereign communications. It offers a high level of security, confidentiality, and trust, without compromise. It is compatible with all types of data and communication means, and can be customized to suit your specific needs. It is also environmentally friendly, durable, and interoperable. It has received international recognition and awards for its excellence and innovation. If you are looking for a solution that can protect your secrets and sensitive data from any threat, DataShielder Defense NFC HSM is the solution for you. Contact Freemindtronic today and get your DataShielder Defense NFC HSM device. You will not regret it.

NFC Business Cards with Cardokey free for life: How to Connect without Revealing

Cardokey NFC vCard Business: Edit, Read, and Import Contacts Seamlessly on iPhone.
NFC Business Cards with Cardokey by Jacques Gascuel: This article will be updated with any new information on the topic.

How to Create NFC Business Cards with Cardokey

Do you want to create your contact information in a simple, fast and eco-friendly way? Do you want to use NFC technology without spending a fortune or compromising your privacy? Then you need to read this article about Cardokey, the app that’s revolutionizing NFC business cards.

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NFC Business Cards with Cardokey free for life: How to Connect without Revealing

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NFC Business Cards: Create your NFC vCard with Cardokey, the Eco-Friendly and Secure NFC App

Are you looking for an eco-friendly way to create contactless business cards? Do you want to benefit from affordable NFC technology and prioritize privacy? You’ll love Cardokey – the app revolutionizing NFC business cards! Cardokey, the NFC business card that connects you while protecting your privacy.

What is Cardokey and how does it work?

Cardokey: Free App for Eco-Friendly NFC Business Cards

You can easily and free create and share your business cards, your social network links or links to your favorite sites for life. Recycle any NFC Tag, NFC Ticket, NFC Sticker or NFC card allowing the use of the NDEF format.
Use of the free Cardokey application is completely anonymous and does not ask for any personal or professional information. You therefore do not need to create an account or identify yourself to use Cardokey.

Cardokey: a compliant and sustainable solution

Cardokey adheres to various standards like ISO/IEC 7816-4, ISO/IEC 14443, NFC Forum Type 2, ISO/IEC 18092, and ISO/IEC 15693 without compromising your privacy or security. It also complies with international data protection laws such as GDPR, PIPEDA, CCPA, and more.

Cardokey is an eco-designed solution that contributes to the UN Goal 12. Consequently, it complies with international standards for eco-responsible practices, circular and solidarity economy, sustainable economy and carbon footprint reduction.

Cardokey: a compatible and versatile app

NFC business cards created with Cardokey are compatible with all NFC phones, Android and iPhone. The application works in real time, offline, without a database, including in airplane mode. This means that you can modify the information contained in the memory of your NFC media at any time. The app also allows you to format any NFC Media to NDEF format and also erase almost all types of NFC chips.

Cardokey: a simple and fast way to share your contact information

Digital business cards created with Cardokey can be shared in seconds. In fact, your interlocutor does not need to download a specific application in order to be able to read the information you wish to share. All he has to do is place the digital business card under his phone equipped with NFC technology to see the information.

How to create an NFC business card with Cardokey that fits the memory size of your NFC media?

The intelligent system of Cardokey

One of the most interesting features of Cardokey is the automatic management of the memory size of forms. The contact form indicates in real time the actual occupancy of the NDEF memory based on the number of characters. The Cardokey user knows the type of vCard information. He can store it according to the memory size. The memory size depends on the NFC media.

The different types of NFC Media and their memory size

It is possible to make a vCard with a minimum of name, surname and email information for a very small NFC memory4. For example, on an NTAG Nano, which has a capacity of 160 bytes and can store NDEF messages of up to 128 bytes, one can store basic information like a person’s name, surname, phone number, and email address.

Or, more complete information can be stored on a ST25TV02K chip, which has a capacity of 256 bytes and can store NDEF messages of up to 224 bytes. In this case, one can include a person’s name, surname, title, organization, phone number, email address, and postal address.

The steps to create an NFC business card with Cardokey

You can create NFC business cards that fit the memory size of your media without losing information. This allows you to optimize the use of your NFC Media and take advantage of their full capabilities.

To create NFC business cards that fit the memory size of your media, simply follow these steps:

  • Open the Cardokey app and choose the type of content you want to create (business card, URL link, social media link).
  • Enter the information you want to share in the contact form. The form tells you in real time how much memory your data is occupying and how much memory is available on your media.
  • Hover your smartphone to the NFC media of your choice. The app writes the data to the NFC media and confirms that the NFC business card has been created successfully.
  • Test your NFC business card by scanning it with your smartphone or another NFC phone. You’ll see the information you’ve shared on the screen.

That’s it, you’ve created an NFC business card adapted to the memory size of your media, thanks to Cardokey’s automatic form memory size management feature

What are the benefits of NFC business cards with Cardokey?

Cardokey is free and anonymous

Cardokey is a free app that lets you create NFC vCard business cards easily. You can create as many NFC business cards as you want, without paying any fees or signing up for any subscriptions. Moreover, Cardokey is completely anonymous and does not ask for any personal or professional information from the user. You don’t need to create an account or fill in any data. Everything works offline, in real-time, without a database.

Cardokey is easy to use

Cardokey is very easy to use, with one-click installation and operation. You don’t need any technical knowledge or specific hardware to create your NFC business cards. All you have to do is download the app on your smartphone, choose the type of content you want to create, enter the information you want to share, and swipe your smartphone on the NFC media of your choice. And there you have it, your NFC business card is ready! Furthermore, Cardokey features an intelligent system that optimizes the NDEF memory management of NFC media. This provides an optimal user experience.

How Cardokey protects your data with EviSwap NFC NDEF technology

The innovative features of EviSwap NFC NDEF technology

Cardokey uses EviSwap NFC NDEF technology by Freemindtronic for cybersecurity. This is an innovative technology that lets you create and share digital contacts contactless for life. With a simple click, you can create NFC business cards on any NFC media, whether it is disposable or not. You can give a new use to NFC tickets, cards, labels, and tags. You can also rewrite your NFC business cards at least a million times without any risk of error. You can use them for more than 40 years without needing a power source.

The standard and secure format of EviSwap NFC NDEF technology

EviSwap NFC NDEF technology is a technology that uses NFC to facilitate data exchange by implementing the NDEF NFC standard. NDEF stands for NFC Data Exchange Format. It is a standardized format that contains structured data, such as contacts, links, texts, images, etc. NDEF files are compatible with most computer and phone terminals, which can read and write them directly on the NFC memory. EviSwap NFC NDEF technology is especially used by Freemindtronic to exchange encrypted data from human to human from an NFC media, ensuring data security and privacy.

The performance and durability of EviSwap NFC NDEF technology for industrial chips

EviSwap NFC NDEF technology is also compatible with all NFC NDEF media, but it has the advantage of being optimized for Freemindtronic’s NFC HSM industrial chips. These chips can operate in a wide range of temperatures, from -40°C to +85°C. They can withstand harsh environments and resist shocks, vibrations, and water. They are ideal for applications that require reliability and robustness, such as logistics, manufacturing, or security. Moreover, EviSwap NFC NDEF technology is optimized to exchange the largest quantity of information stored in a large NFC memory. For example, it is possible to store NDEF messages of up to 7.9 kilobytes on an M24LR64E-R chip, which has a capacity of 8 kilobytes. In this case, one can add all types of vCard data as well as security keys, digital signature keys and other custom data.

Cardokey: the anonymous and reusable solution for creating NFC business cards

Cardokey is a secure and reusable solution. The Cardokey app works anonymously. It is not connected to a remote service. It does not store in the phone the data. It does not ask you for any information about the user. Finally, it works in real time in Air Gap Network Security . The EviSwap technology also includes an intelligent system to optimize the memory management of NFC media. The goal is to improve the user experience. The intelligent system informs the user in real time of the limits imposed by the maximum size of the NDEF memory available in the media. This allows you to easily store data according to the memory size.

Cardokey, an eco-friendly application

Cardokey isn’t just a universal app for people worldwide; it’s also eco-friendly, allowing you to recycle NFC media and reduce their environmental impact.

How Cardokey recycles NFC Media

NFC media, such as tags, cards or bracelets, are made of several elements and materials, such as PET (polyethylene terephthalate), aluminum or copper for the antenna, a silicon NFC chip, gold or other metals, and an adhesive. These materials are not all easily recyclable, and can cause pollution or waste problems. For example, PET is a common plastic, that is used in many consumer products, like water bottles or packaging. Although PET is recyclable, when it is used in large quantities and in the form of an NFC tag, it is hard to separate PET from other components for recycling, and it tends to clog the treatment filters. Moreover, the metal of an NFC antenna is difficult to recover and recycle. Finally, the NFC chip itself contains precious metals, that are often lost during the recycling process.

To avoid these problems, Cardokey offers an innovative and ecological solution: it allows you to recycle NFC media by reusing them to create new NFC business cards. Instead of throwing away your old NFC tags, cards or bracelets, you can transform them into NFC business cards with Cardokey, and give them a new life. You can also use existing NFC media, such as transport tickets, or access badges, and convert them into NFC business cards with Cardokey. You can thus enjoy all the benefits of NFC technology, without generating additional waste.

How Cardokey works with different types of NFC chips

Cardokey recycles all types of NFC chips (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), regardless of ISO standards (14443, 15693, 18092). It detects chip types and adjusts accordingly for maximum compatibility. For example, Cardokey can read and write to NFC chips that have enough memory to store information, such as NTAG, MIFARE or ICODE chips. However, Cardokey will not be able to format, erase or modify NFC chips that are permanently locked.

How Cardokey helps you create personalized NFC business cards

By using Cardokey, you can recycle NFC media and turn them into personalized NFC business cards, that contain the information you want to share, such as your name, company, title, website, email, phone number, and more. You can also create URL links to documents or presentations that are useful for your business, such as quotes, contracts, portfolios, and more. You can also create pre-configured links to your favorite social networks, such as Deviantart, Discord, Facebook, Flickr, GitHub, ICQ, Instagram, LinkedIn, Mastodon, Medium, Pinterest, Reddit, Skype, Slack, Snapchat, SoundCloud, Spotify, Steam, Telegram, TikTok, Tumblr, Twitch, Twitter, VKontakte, WeChat, WhatsApp, YouTube, etc. Finally, you can manage your data and contacts in the NFC card, edit or delete them at any time, and view them on your phone or card.

How Cardokey contributes to the preservation of the planet

If we consider the 14 languages ​​available in the Cardokey application, this represents more than 3.7 billion potential users. These potential users can each recycle 10 NFC media each year. This represents 37 billion NFC supports annually. This reduces the environmental impact of NFC and helps preserve the planet.

How Cardokey is eco-friendly and compliant

Cardokey is an eco-designed solution that contributes to the UN Goal 12. This goal aims to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. It complies with ISO 14001, Basel and WEEE standards. It also follows international standards for eco-responsible practices, circular and solidarity economy, sustainable economy and carbon footprint reduction. In addition, Cardokey complies with various standards and regulations. These include ISO/IEC 7816-4, ISO/IEC 14443, NFC Forum Type 2, ISO/IEC 18092 and ISO/IEC 15693. It also follows international law rules on the protection of private and professional data. These include the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and others.

Unlike other NFC business card solutions, which are often paid, limited, complex or not very environmentally friendly, Cardokey offers you a free, unlimited, simple and eco-designed solution.

Cardokey therefore offers you an innovative and ecological solution to create NFC business cards that look like you and that suit your needs. Thanks to its recycling feature, you can also reuse NFC media and turn them into personalized NFC business cards.

Cardokey: a universal app

Cardokey is designed to let you create and manage your NFC business cards in a simple and efficient way. But did you know that Cardokey is also a universal app, which can be used by people from all over the world, regardless of their language?
Indeed, Cardokey is available in 14 languages: Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, and Ukrainian. This represents more than 86.02% of the languages spoken in the world, and more than 3.7 billion people who can use the app in their native language or in a language they master.

Moreover, Cardokey automatically adapts to the language of the phone where it is installed. If the user changes the language of their phone, Cardokey will do the same. Thus, you can create and manage your NFC business cards in the language of your choice, and enjoy all the features of the app.

You can also choose to share your information in multiple languages, by creating different profiles for each language. For example, you can have a profile in French for your French-speaking contacts, a profile in English for your English-speaking contacts, and a profile in Chinese for your Chinese contacts.

Cardokey offers you great flexibility and creativity to create NFC business cards that suit you and your needs.

How NFC vCards work

NFC stands for Near Field Communication. It is a technology that allows two media to communicate with each other when they are close to each other. NFC business cards with Cardokey use this technology to share your contact information in a simple and fast way.

An NFC tag is a media that contains a tiny electronic chip that can store and exchange data. It can have different shapes, such as stickers, keychains or physical cards. When you bring your smartphone near an NFC tag, the data associated with the tag appears automatically on your screen.

NFC vCard business cards with Cardokey are a great alternative to paper business cards, which are often thrown away, lost or outdated. They are eco-friendly, reusable and updated. They also save you time and money, as you don’t need to print or carry them. Moreover, they are more secure and anonymous, as you don’t need to share your personal data or connect to the Internet to use them.

What are the features of Cardokey NFC vCard business cards?

Cardokey offers many features that allow you to create and manage your NFC digital business cards. Here’s a table that summarizes Cardokey’s features:

Create a vCard (contact) taking into account the available space✔️
Create an NDEF NFC Vcard (Manually)✔️
Create a vCard from an existing contact in the phone✔️
Modify any existing NFC vCard created by other paid or free apps to make it easier to recycle and update them✔️
Delete data stored in the NDEF of an NFC media✔️
Format all types of NFC media to add NDEF compatibility✔️
Create and store in the NDEF memory of any existing NFC media: your pre-configured links for social networks, the url of your choice, a vCard contact✔️
Data management in the NFC Media: Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD)✔️
Explanation of each pcictogram and its feature in the application✔️
Show contact on phone and NFC Media✔️
Automatic management of the memory size of the NFC card✔️
Translation into 14 languages: CA, FR, EN, UK, ES, DE, IT, PT, RO, RU, AR, HI, ZH,JP✔️
Information de contact de Freemindtronic✔️
Information about the publisher of the Freemindtronic software✔️
Direct link on the play store to buy the Cardokey Pro version and NFC Medial✔️
Cardokey is a recycling solution for all types of disposable or non-disposable NFC Media✔️


With these features, you can create a custom NFC business card, which contains the information you want to share, such as your name, company, title, website, email, phone number, and more. You can also create URL links to documents or presentations that are useful for your business, such as quotes, contracts, portfolios, and more. You can also create pre-configured links to your favorite social networks, such as Deviantart, Discord, Facebook, Flickr, GitHub, ICQ, Instagram, LinkedIn, Mastodon, Medium, Pinterest, Reddit, Skype, Slack, Snapchat, SoundCloud, Spotify, Steam, Telegram, TikTok, Tumblr, Twitch, Twitter, VKontakte, WeChat, WhatsApp, YouTube, etc. Finally, you can manage your data and contacts in the NFC card, edit or delete them at any time, and view them on your phone or card. These features give you a lot of freedom and creativity to create NFC business cards that look and match you.

What are the use cases for NFC business cards with Cardokey?

There are many of them, whether for business or personal needs. Here are some examples of use cases:

Andorra: keep in memory a special event

During the winter, a family visits Andorra’s Granvalira for their child’s first ski lesson and to experience their first snowflake, star, etc. The family keeps the NFC ski ticket formatted in NDEF format. Then, they save a URL that links to a page with all the photos and videos of this event. The ski ticket has become a souvenir object that will be kept for several years. In this case, Cardokey allows you to create an NFC business card with a URL that links to a page where there are all the photos, videos of this event.

Exhibitor: a connected poster with NFC tags

At a booth event, Marius uses self-adhesive NFC tags that they stick behind a poster holder advertising their products with a URL link that directs the visitor to their product information on the poster. The exhibitor can change the poster of his support with Cardokey. He can put a new poster and change the URL link of his new poster. This way, the exhibitor makes a simple poster a connected poster. In this case, Cardokey allows you to create an NFC business card with a URL link that directs the visitor to your product information on the poster.

Goodies: Offer NFC business cards

During a trade show, Mary offers her visitors NFC business cards with her brand as goodies. This allows her to make herself known and retain the loyalty of his potential clients, who will be able to scan her NFC business card with their smartphone to access her website, her LinkedIn profile, her portfolio, etc. Mary can purchase her NFC media from any NFC media e-commerce site or order from Cardokey NFC Cards with an extremely long lifespan of up to 1 million writes and 40 years of vCard retention NFC or URL or network link. In this case, Cardokey allows you to create an NFC vCard with all of Mary’s contact details to offer to her visitors.

Tourist: NFC business cards in different languages

While traveling abroad, Tao uses Cardokey to create his NFC business card with his contact details in his native language. This allows him to easily introduce himself to the people he meets. In fact, they will be able to scan his vcard with their smartphone to see the information translated into their language. He can also use Cardokey to save URL links to websites or applications useful for his trip, such as tourist guides, maps, booking services, etc. In this case, Cardokey allows you to create an NFC business card with your contact details in your native language.

Family: An NFC business card collecting memories

During a family reunion, a family member uses Cardokey to store links to photos and memories on NFC media. Before leaving each other, everyone takes their NFC media. Later, they will be able to relive their life moments with their loved ones, who will simply scan the NFC vcards with their smartphone to view their images, videos, messages, etc. They will also be able to use Cardokey to create URL links to websites or applications that are important to them, such as associations, causes, passions, etc. In this case, Cardokey allows you to create an NFC business card with your photos and memories.

How to download and install Cardokey?

To use Cardokey, you need an NFC-enabled smartphone, i.e. one that has an NFC chip and can read and write NFC data. Most recent smartphones are NFC-enabled, but you can check your smartphone’s compatibility on the Cardokey website.

Cardokey is available in 14 languages (Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, German, English, French, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian). You can download it in any country that accepts the Google play store or app store platform.

To download and install Cardokey on your smartphone, all you need to do is follow these steps:

  • Go to the Google Play Store or App Store and search for “Cardokey”.
  • Select the app and click “Install”.
  • Open the app and agree to the terms of use.
  • Start creating your NFC business cards!

If you are interested in Cardokey, feel free to download it now by clicking on the following link:

In short

Cardokey is a free, user-friendly, eco-conscious app compliant with global privacy and data protection laws. It allows you to create NFC vCard business cards for all Android and iPhone NFC phones. It also lets you reuse and customize NFC media.

Cardokey is the NFC business card that connects you without revealing you. It lets you exchange your contact details without contact and without paper. It offers you a free, unlimited, simple and eco-designed solution.

Definition of technical terms:

  • NFC (Near Field Communication): a technology that allows two devices to communicate with each other when they are close to each other.
  • NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format): a standard format for storing and exchanging data on NFC media.
  • vCard: a digital format for storing and sharing contact information, such as name, phone number, email address, etc.
  • Air Gap

DataShielder HSM, la solució Xifratge de dades andorrana de Fullsecure – Freemindtronic, guanya el Premi Fortress 2023

Fullsecure DataShielder HSM Fortress Award Jacques Gascuel inventor CEO de Freemindtronic Andorra el premi fortress 2023 de Business Intelligence Group

DataShielder HSM Xifratge de dades, la solució andorrana de Fullsecure amb tecnologies de Freemindtronic, guanya el Premi Fortress 2023

Estem orgullosos d’anunciar que la nostra solució andorrana DataShielder HSM Xifratge de dades de Fullsecure, desenvolupada per Freemindtronic, ha guanyat el premi Fortress 2023 Cyber Security Award en la categoria de xifratge en productes i serveis. Aquest guardó, atorgat pel Business Intelligence Group, reconeix l’excel·lència i la innovació d’empreses d’arreu del món, així com de productes i persones en l’àmbit de la ciberseguretat. DataShielder HSM de Fullsecure és una solució de xifratge sense servidor que utilitza la tecnologia EviCore HSM OpenPGP de Freemindtronic. Aquesta tecnologia permet crear un H-HSM (Hybrid Hardware Security Module) en qualsevol tipus de dispositiu (ordinador, telèfon, núvol, HD, SSD, SD, suports USB) per xifrar i signar qualsevol dada.

DataShielder HSM Xifratge de dades és una solució innovadora que permet gestionar i generar diversos tipus de fitxes (identificadors, contrasenyes, certificats, claus de xifratge, etc.) en qualsevol suport disponible, estigui connectat o no. Aquesta solució ofereix un alt nivell de seguretat i rendiment, xifrant, signant i autenticant les dades amb claus emmagatzemades en mòduls de maquinari segur creats pel propi usuari. Així, DataShielder HSM està dissenyat per transformar qualsevol dispositiu en un H-HSM, sense servidor, sense base de dades, totalment anònim, inrastrejable i indetectable. La gamma DataShielder H-HSM és un ecosistema complet que cobreix moltes necessitats en termes de seguretat i ciberseguretat, especialment en mobilitat.

DataShielder HSM Xifratge de dades també incorpora la tecnologia EviSign desenvolupada per Freemindtronic, que permet signar electrònicament documents amb un valor legalment reconegut. EviSign utilitza el protocol OpenPGP per assegurar la integritat, l’autenticitat i la no-repudiació de les signatures. EviSign és compatible amb tots els formats de document (PDF, Word, Excel, etc.) i es pot utilitzar amb qualsevol lector NFC o telèfon intel·ligent.

DataShielder HSM Xifratge de dades es va presentar en una versió de doble ús el juny de 2022 a Coges Eurosatory (https://www.eurosatory.com), l’exposició internacional de defensa i seguretat. Aquesta versió permet utilitzar DataShielder H-HSM tant per a aplicacions civils com militars, oferint un nivell de protecció adaptat a cada context. La versió de doble ús de DataShielder H-HSM aviat estarà disponible en una versió civil a finals d’octubre de 2023, per satisfer la demanda creixent de persones i professionals interessats a protegir les seves dades sensibles.

El premi Fortress 2023 Cyber Security Award reconeix la feina i l’expertesa de Freemindtronic, que ofereix solucions innovadores i adaptades als reptes actuals i futurs de la ciberseguretat. Freemindtronic està orgullós d’aquesta distinció i agraeix al jurat del concurs, així com als seus clients i socis, per la seva confiança i suport.

Estem molt orgullosos que DataShielder HSM Xifratge de dades de Fullsecure hagi rebut el premi Fortress 2023 de ciberseguretat”, va dir Christine Bernard, directora de Fullsecure. “La nostra solució aporta una resposta innovadora i adaptada als reptes actuals i futurs de la ciberseguretat. Agraïm al Business Intelligence Group per aquesta distinció, així com als nostres clients i socis per la seva confiança i suport.

També estem molt contents de ser la primera empresa andorrana que ha participat al Fortress Cyber ​​​​​​Security Award creat l’any 2018 pel Business Intelligence Group. El Business Intelligence Group és una organització que reconeix el veritable talent i un rendiment superior al món empresarial. El seu premi Fortress Cyber ​​​​Security té com a objectiu identificar i reconèixer les empreses i productes líders del món que treballen per protegir les nostres dades i actius electrònics contra una amenaça creixent dels pirates informàtics.

Equip andorrà de recerca i desenvolupament del projecte DataShielder

Fortress Cyber security Award 2023 logo
Dylan DA COSTA FERNANDES gerent programador de DataShielder HSM a Freemindtronic premi Fortress Cybersecurity award 2023
Eric Casanova programador de DataShielder HSM a Freemindtronic premi Fortress Cybersecurity award 2023
Hugo Goncalves Oliveira co-gerent programador de DataShielder HSM a Freemindtronic premi Fortress Cybersecurity award 2023
Alex Garcia Sanchez programador de DataShielder HSM a Freemindtronic premi Fortress Cybersecurity award 2023
Victor Gil Feliu programador de DataShielder HSM a Freemindtronic premi Fortress Cybersecurity award 2023
Adrian Serrano Gómez programador de DataShielder HSM a Freemindtronic premi Fortress Cybersecurity award 2023
Jacques Gascuel Inventor de datashielder HSM CEO de Freemindtronic Andorra el Premi Fortress 2023 cat

DataShielder HSM OpenPGP: Una solució de xifratge 100% andorrana

En resum, DataShielder HSM OpenPGP és una solució innovadora que permet crear mòduls de seguretat hardware (H-HSM) en qualsevol tipus de suport (ordinador, telèfon, núvol, HD, SSD, SD, clau USB) per xifrar i signar qualsevol tipus de dada. Aquesta solució utilitza la tecnologia EviCore H-HSM OpenPGP desenvolupada per Freemindtronic, una empresa andorrana titular de patents internacionals i líder en les tecnologies NFC H-HSM. Aquesta tecnologia ofereix un alt nivell de seguretat i rendiment.

Es tracta del primer producte dedicat a la gestió de claus de xifratge i de xifratge per HSM 100% andorrà. En efecte, l’equip de desenvolupament de DataShielder HSM OpenPGP és 100% d’una formació de la Universitat d’Andorra, l’única universitat pública del país. La Universitat d’Andorra és reconeguda per la seva excel·lència acadèmica i la seva recerca innovadora en els àmbits de les ciències, l’enginyeria i les tecnologies de la informació. L’equip de desenvolupament de DataShielder HSM OpenPGP va ser coordinat per un enginyer de programari de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) i professor de la Universitat d’Andorra. Això fa de DataShielder HSM OpenPGP el primer sistema de xifratge d’origen andorrà a haver rebut un premi internacional, el “Fortress Cybersecurity Award”.

Aquesta solució testimonia el saber fer i el potencial d’Andorra en el camp de la ciberseguretat i el xifratge de les dades. DataShielder HSM OpenPGP és una solució que respon a les necessitats actuals i futures de les empreses i els particulars que volen protegir les seves dades sensibles al núvol o als sistemes informàtics, oferint una nova solució en el camp de la sobirania de les dades.

Aviat podreu conèixer més detalls sobre la línia de productes DataShielder HSM de Fullsecure. Sense esperar, ja podeu conèixer més sobre les tecnologies de Freemindtronic incorporades a DataShielder HSM, fent clic als següents enllaços:

[Fullsecure] [EviCore H-HSM Open PGP] [EviCore NFC H-HSM] [Xifratge sense contacte per NFC H-HSM] [Guia de Seguretat de Dades EviKey NFC H-HSM] [EviSign]

Per conèixer més sobre el premi Fortress 2023 Cyber Security Award i altres guanyadors, podeu visitar els següents llocs web:

[Premi de Ciberseguretat Fortress] [Persones, Empreses i Productes Nomenats als Premis de Ciberseguretat Fortress 2023]

Premsa Nacional d’Andorra

DataShielder HSM de la revista de tecnologia Freemindtronic Fullsecure i incrustada Bondia 29 de setembre de 2023
Diari Andorra dijous 5 octubre del 2023: Fullsecure Guanya el Premi Fortress Andorra national press

Notícies proporcionades pel Premi de Ciberseguretat Fortress® 2023 del Business Intelligence Group.

El Business Intelligence Group va ser fundat amb la missió de reconèixer el veritable talent i la superior performance en el món empresarial. A diferència d’altres programes de premis de la indústria, aquests programes són jutjats per executius empresarials amb experiència i coneixement. El sistema de puntuació propietari i únic de l’organització mesura selectivament el rendiment en diversos àmbits empresarials i recompensa aquelles empreses els èxits de les quals destaquen per sobre dels de les seves competidores.

31 de maig de 2023

Enllaç relacionat: https://www.bintelligence.com/posts/105-people-companies-and-products-named-in-2023-fortress-cyber-security-awards

2023 Awards Fortress Cyber Security Award

DataShielder HSM Fortress Award 2023: Andorran Data Encryption Solution

2022 Awards Cybersecurity EviCypher Technology

Gold Globee Winner 2022 Cyber Computer NFC

Awards CES Awards Keepser New

Keepser Group Award CES 2022

2022 Events EviCypher NFC HSM Exhibitions Licences Freemindtronic NFC Contactless

Secure Card CES 2022

2021 Cybersecurity Distinction Excellence EviCypher Technology finalists

E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity

2021 Awards Communications Distinction Excellence EviCypher Technology finalists IT

E&T Innovation Awards Communications & IT

2021 Distinction Excellence The National Cyber Awards

Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards: Freemindtronic’s 2021 Success

2021 Awards Distinction Excellence finalists

Finalists The National Cyber Awards 2021

Awards Cyberculture EviCypher Technology International Inventions Geneva NFC HSM technology

Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions 2021

Awards Global Infosec Awards News Press

List of Winners Global Infosec Awards 2021

2021 Awards International Inventions Geneva

EviCypher Gold Medal 2021 of the Geneva International Inventions

2017 Awards Embedded System Awards IoT

Award 2017 MtoM & Embedded System & IoT

2017 Cybersecurity finalists

Award FIC 2017 10th Most innovative international startup

2015 finalists NFC Contactless

Finalist Contactless Services Challenge

2015 Awards Distinction Excellence EviKey & EviDisk

FIC 2015 Distinction Excellence 19th Most innovative international startup

2014 Awards Embedded System Awards EviKey & EviDisk News

The story of the first NFC hardened USB stick EviKey

2014 Awards Electronics Embedded System Awards EviKey & EviDisk

Embedded Trophy 2014 Freemindtronic

Si voleu descarregar imatges, logotip de Freemindtronic, podeu accedir al kit multimèdia Freemindtronic, que conté diversos arxius i informació relacionada amb l’empresa i els seus productes o trofeus. Trobareu l’enllaç al kit multimèdia al final d’aquest article. A més, si prefereixes llegir aquest article en un altre idioma, o descarregar-te la nota de premsa, pots triar entre les següents opcions:

  • Descarrega’t la nota de premsa en català fent clic aquí
  • Una solució andorrana guanya el premi internacional de ciberseguretat Fortress 2023
  • Read this article in English click here

Articles de premsa catalana:

Esperem que aquest article us hagi agradat i que hàgiu après alguna cosa d’interessant sobre Freemindtronic i la seva tecnologia innovadora.

[Kit de mitjans de Freemindtronic]

Protect yourself from Pegasus spyware with EviCypher NFC HSM

Protect yourself from Pegasus Spyware with EviCypher NFC HSM and EviCore NFC HSM by Freemindtronic technology from Andorra

Pegasus Spyware Protection by Jacques Gascuel: This article will be updated with any new information on the topic.  

Pegasus spyware protection

Pegasus is a spyware that can hack your phone and spy on your confidential information. It has been used to attack sensitive people like journalists or politicians. Freemindtronic, an Andorran company specialized in NFC security, anti-spy and counter-espionage, offers you EviCypher NFC HSM, a device that allows you to store and manage your keys and secrets securely. With EviCypher NFC HSM, you can encrypt and decrypt your data, sign and verify your documents, authenticate and control your access, without fear of Pegasus or any other spyware accessing your data.

How to protect yourself from Pegasus spyware with EviCypher NFC HSM

Pegasus Spyware: what it is, how it works, and how to protect yourself with EviCypher NFC HSM. In this article, we will tell you about Pegasus spyware. A global investigation revealed its misuse by governments and intelligence agencies. They target and spy on personalities around the world. We will explain what Pegasus is, how it works, who developed and sold it, and how it violated human rights, free speech, and democracy. We will also give you tips to protect yourself from this malware with EviCypher NFC HSM technology. It uses a contactless hardware security module (NFC HSM). That is, an innovative security device that lets you encrypt your data and communications on your mobile phone with your own keys that you created and stored offline.

What is Pegasus spyware and how does it work?

The features and capabilities of Pegasus spyware

Pegasus spyware is a malware that can hack your phone and access your data, calls, location, camera, and microphone. It can use security flaws in Android and iOS: silent installation. Spyware activation: missed call or hidden message.

Once installed on a phone, Pegasus spyware gains full access to SMS messages, emails, photos, contacts, calendar, GPS data, logs, and any apps and data the phone contains. In fact, the spyware can even gain access to encrypted data and messages by intercepting them prior to the encryption process. Pegasus spyware can transmit all this information to a remote server controlled by the attacker. Pegasus spyware can also self-destruct or hide its traces if it detects any attempt to detect or remove it.

The developer and seller of Pegasus spyware

NSO Group, an Israeli company founded in 2010 by ex-members of Unit 8200, develops Pegasus spyware. The Israeli military’s cyber intelligence unit. NSO Group sells its product only to government and law enforcement agencies: rescue and crime-fighting purposes. However, accusations against NSO Group: spyware sales to authoritarian regimes and human rights abusers.

How Pegasus spyware has been used to target and spy on people around the world

The Pegasus Project: a global investigation into Pegasus spyware

July 2021: seventeen media outlets exposed Pegasus spying on leaders, activists, journalists and dissidents, leading to “global human rights violations.

The Pegasus Project was led by Forbidden Stories, a Paris-based nonprofit journalism organization, and Amnesty International’s Security Lab, which analyzed the phones of the victims. They revealed that NSO Group’s clients selected over 50,000 phone numbers for surveillance since 2016.

The high-profile targets of Pegasus spyware

NSO Group’s clients selected phone numbers of three presidents (Macron, Ramaphosa and Salih), 10 prime ministers (Khan, Madbouly, El Othmani, Modi, Orbán, bin Daghr, Hariri, Bedoui, Sagintayev and Michel) and one king (Mohammed VI).

The investigation also found at least 180 journalists from 20 countries targeted by Pegasus spyware. They included reporters from CNN , NYT , WSJ , Guardian , Al Jazeera , Le Monde , FT , WP , Reuters , Bloomberg , AP.

Furthermore , the investigation showed evidence of Pegasus spyware infections or attempts on at least 37 phones of journalists , activists , and executives from 10 countries. They were from India , Mexico , France , Morocco , Hungary , Azerbaijan , Bahrain , Saudi Arabia , UAE , and Rwanda.

Some of the other countries and people that have been reportedly targeted by Pegasus spyware are:

  • Azerbaijan: to spy on opposition politicians such as Ali Karimli and journalists such as Khadija Ismayilova in 2019
  • Bahrain: to spy on activists such as Nabeel Rajab and Moosa Abd-Ali Ali in 2020
  • Hungary: to spy on journalists such as Szabolcs Panyi and politicians such as Bernadett Szél in 2019
  • Kazakhstan: to spy on journalists such as Aigul Utepova and activists such as Serikzhan Bilash in 2020
  • UAE: to spy on Princess Latifa, the daughter of Dubai’s ruler who tried to escape in 2018
  • USA: to spy on Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon, who had his phone hacked by Pegasus spyware in 2018 after he received a WhatsApp message from Mohammed bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia

These cases show that Pegasus spyware has been used to violate human rights, free speech, and democracy around the world. The victims of Pegasus spyware have faced harassment, intimidation, arrest, torture, or assassination because of their work or opinions.

The latest news on Pegasus and its consequences

Since we published our article, there have been several important developments regarding Pegasus and its impact on the security and privacy of mobile phone users. Here is a summary of the latest news on Pegasus, sorted by descending chronological order:

Algeria launches an investigation into allegations related to Pegasus spyware

On July 21, 2023, Hindustan Times reported that Algeria had launched an investigation into allegations related to Pegasus spyware. The Algerian attorney general announced that he would open an investigation into the allegations that Pegasus spyware had been used to spy on Algerian personalities, including President Abdelmadjid Tebboune and Army Chief of Staff Saïd Chengriha. According to an investigation conducted by the Forbidden Stories consortium and Amnesty International, and published by several international media outlets, Algeria was among the 50 countries whose phone numbers had been selected as potential targets by NSO Group’s clients, who are mainly governments and intelligence agencies. The investigation revealed that more than 600 Algerian personalities had been targeted by Pegasus between 2017 and 2021, including ministers, diplomats, journalists, activists, political opponents and civil society members. The investigation also suggested that Morocco was the main user of Pegasus in North Africa, and that it had spied on its Algerian neighbors for geopolitical and security reasons. The Algerian attorney general said that he would conduct a “thorough and serious” investigation into this matter, and that he would cooperate with the judicial authorities of the countries concerned. He also said that Algeria condemned “firmly” any violation of its national sovereignty and the privacy of its citizens.

This case shows that Pegasus poses a threat to the sovereignty and security of African countries, which are often victims of foreign interference. It also shows that Algeria takes seriously the protection of its citizens from illegal spying. We applaud the initiative of the Algerian attorney general to open an investigation on this subject.

The Spanish investigation into Pegasus spyware is closed due to “total lack of cooperation” from Israel

On July 10, 2023, The Times of Israel revealed that the Spanish investigation into Pegasus spyware had been closed due to “total lack of cooperation” from Israel. A Spanish judge was investigating the alleged hacking of phones of Spanish ministers with Pegasus spyware, made by the Israeli company NSO Group. The judge had asked four times the Israeli government to provide him with information on the software and to allow him to interrogate NSO Group’s CEO, but he never received a response. The judge therefore decided to close provisionally the case, citing the “total lack of cooperation” from Israel, which prevented the investigation from progressing. The judge indicated that the only possible recourse was diplomatic pressure, to urge Israel to respect its obligations under international treaties.

This case shows that Pegasus raises a legal and ethical problem, which requires international cooperation to enforce law and justice. It also shows that Israel displays a lack of transparency and accountability on its activities related to Pegasus spyware. We regret Israel’s attitude, which hinders the Spanish investigation and which does not respect its international commitments.

The FBI used Pegasus spyware to spy on iPhones, in violation of the US ban

On August 1st, 2023, Mac4Ever revealed that the FBI had used Pegasus spyware to spy on iPhones, in violation of the ban imposed by the US government in November 2021. According to the information published by The New York Times and The Guardian, the FBI had acquired Pegasus spyware in 2019, under Trump’s administration, for 9 million dollars. The bureau had tried to access data from some iPhones, including those of US officials in Uganda, without their consent or knowledge. The FBI had also used another product from NSO Group, Landmark, which allows locating phones through flaws in cellular networks. This product had been used by a subcontractor of the FBI to track drug traffickers in Mexico, without informing the FBI of the origin of the product. The FBI had terminated the contract with the subcontractor and opened an internal investigation into this matter.

This case shows that Pegasus represents a danger for the privacy and human rights of mobile phone users, including in the US. It also shows that the FBI acted in contradiction with US foreign policy and national security, which placed NSO Group on a blacklist in November 2021. It finally shows that the FBI was deceived by a subcontractor who provided it with an illegal and insecure product. We denounce the use of Pegasus spyware by the FBI and we demand an independent investigation into this case.

By summarizing the latest news on Pegasus and its consequences, we show that the threat is still present and that it is urgent to protect yourself from this spyware with Evicypher NFC HSM.

How to detect and remove Pegasus spyware?

Pegasus is a malicious software that can hack your phone and access your data, calls, location, camera and microphone. It can use security flaws in Android and iOS to install silently and activate by a missed call or a hidden message.

If you suspect that you have Pegasus spyware on your phone, you can use a tool called MVT (Mobile Verification Toolkit) to scan your phone and check for traces of infection. MVT is a free tool developed by Amnesty International’s Security Lab. It works for both iOS and Android phones, but it requires some technical skills and a computer to run it.

To use MVT, you need to follow these steps:

  • Back up your phone to a computer using iTunes (for iOS) or ADB (for Android)
  • Download and install MVT on your computer using Python
  • Download the Indicators of Compromise (IOC) file from Amnesty International’s GitHub repository
  • Run MVT on your computer and point it to the backup of your phone and the IOC file
  • Read the analysis report and look for signs of infection
  • If MVT finds evidence of Pegasus spyware on your phone, you should take immediate action to remove it and protect yourself. Here are some recommendations:
    • Erase your phone and restore it to factory settings
    • Change all your passwords and enable two-factor authentication
    • Contact a trusted expert or organization for further assistance
    • Report the incident to the authorities or the media

You can find more detailed instructions on how to use MVT and what to do if you are infected on Amnesty International’s website or on The Verge’s guide. You can also use iMazing’s spyware detection tool for iOS devices, which is easier to use than MVT but less comprehensive.

Pegasus is a serious threat to your privacy and security. You should be aware of the risks and take precautions to protect yourself. EviCypher NFC HSM is a powerful solution that can help you encrypt your data and your communications on your mobile phone with your own keys. You can also use MVT or iMazing’s tool to detect and remove Pegasus spyware if you think you are infected. Stay safe and vigilant!

How EviCypher NFC HSM can protect you from Pegasus spyware

EviCypher NFC HSM: features and capabilities

EviCypher NFC HSM Technology: encryption via a Contactless Hardware Security Module (NFC HSM) designed and manufactured by Freemindtronic, an Andorrane R&D company in cyber, safety, security and anti spy.

EviCypher NFC HSM: store your keys and secrets in a contactless NFC device, like a card, sticker, or keychain. The Android phone’s NFC signal powers the device and serves as the terminal and UI. The device can store up to 200 secrets in its EEPROM memory.

The device: patented wireless access control system for two access profiles: administrator and users. Share your secrets without compromising your privacy. Patented authentication system by segmented key for up to 9 trust criteria to encrypt your secrets, such as geolocation, BSSID, password, or fingerprint.

Evicypher NFC HSM: Use your secrets without constraint with different Android NFC phone and all types of computers via extensions for web browser and web courier and open source Thunderbird. Share your secrets safely and with confidence offline and in Gap air. That is to say physically isolated from networks. In addition, you can share your secrets proximity by Bluetooth ADHOC or via a simple QR code encrypted in RSA 4096. You can thus encrypt or oversee all your favorite email types from your NFC HSM. It is contactless encryption between human being, without leaving any traces of your secrets in your phones or computers.

Products and services based on EviCypher NFC HSM technology

EviCypher NFC HSM: based on EviCore NFC HSM Technology, one of Freemindtronic’s white label products and services with patented technologies. Only available under patent license for white label products integration.

Evicypher NFC HSM: double-use version for civil and defense purposes , with reinforced security for your secrets , using more hidden and/or shared trust criteria , unknown to the user , preventing physical or legal threats from obtaining them . This version: for sovereign entities , like armed forces or secret services , needing more protection against espionage threats like PEGASUS spy software.

How to get and use EviCypher NFC HSM

Anonymously, with Freemindtronic Install on your NFC Android phone, create and store your secrets in an NFC HSM. Define your access profiles and trust criteria for each secret. Use your unlimited secrets with different NFC Android phones. Use your usual communications without changing your habits, email, webmail, chat, SMS, instant messaging, to encrypt them without contact just by passing the NFC HSM from Freemindtronic under the NFC antenna of your phone. Share your secrets with others who also have NFC HSM compatible with EviCypher NFC HSM technology.

To use EviCypher NFC HSM: Android phone with NFC and Freemindtronic app [here]. NFC device compatible with EviCore NFC HSM technology, such as Datashielder product with EviCypher NFC HSM and EviPass NFC HSM technologies. You will have the choice of different models and designs manufactured by Freemindtroic the Freemindtronic website click [here] to find out more.

EviCypher NFC HSM is a technology that allows you to fight against Pegasus spyware by securing your keys and secrets with hardware encryption and NFC. With EviCypher NFC HSM, you benefit from an innovative, practical and flexible solution for your personal or professional needs.

If you are interested in obtaining Evicypher NFC HSM technology and using it for your personal or professional needs, you can contact Freemindtronic by clicking [here]. You can also consult on the site how Evicypher NFC HSM technology works by clicking [here].

Conclusion and recommendations

Pegasus spyware: a privacy and human rights threat needing urgent action and regulation. Amnesty International calls for a global moratorium on surveillance technology sales and use until a human rights-compliant framework exists.

Evicypher NFC HSM: A technology to help you protect yourself from spyware like Pegasus with contactless encryption from a NFC HSM device without ever keeping clear data in the phone and/or computer with the possibility of deciphering the encrypted messages in AES256 Post quantum in GPA air via an QR code encrypted in RSA-4096 from the NFC HSM. Freemindtronic, a research and development company of safety, security, cyber security and andorran spying solution, which develops and offers various NFC HSM format and services available under white brand license with patented technologies.

Evicypher NFC HSM: Use your secrets without constraint with various NFC Android phones and all types of computers via extensions for web browser and web mail and Thunderbird source. Share your secrets safely and with confidence offline and in Gap Air. That is to say physically isolated from networks. In addition, you can share your secrets by Bluetooth Adhoc proximity or via a simple QR code encrypted in RSA 4096. You can quantify in seconds all your texts and parts attached for all your favorite messaging from your NFC HSM. It is contactless encryption between humans, without leaving traces of your secrets in your phones or computers.

Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO: The Challenges and Solutions

Securing IEO STO ICO IDO INO the challenges and solutions EviCore NFC HSM by Freemindtronic

  Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO by Jacques Gascuel This article will be updated with any new information on the topic, and readers are encouraged to leave comments or contact the author with any suggestions or additions.

Enhancing Security: Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO

Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that can be used to buy goods and services, invest in projects, or trade on online platforms. In this article, we will explore the importance of securing IEOs, STOs, ICOs, IDOs, and INOs and how you can protect your investments using EviCore NFC HSM technology.

Discover our other articles on digital security

Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO: How to Protect Your Crypto Investments

Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that can be used to purchase goods and services, invest in projects, or trade on online platforms. They are built on blockchain technology, which is a decentralized system that records and verifies transactions without intermediaries. However, to securely and conveniently store your private keys and seed phrases, thus ensuring the security of your funds in Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO, you need a wallet that stores your private keys and seed phrases. These pieces of data enable you to access and control your funds on the blockchain

But how can you securely and conveniently store your private keys and seed phrases in Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO? How can you prevent losing them or falling victim to hackers or scammers? And how can you participate in various forms of cryptocurrency crowdfunding, such as ICOs, IEOs, STOs, IDOs, and INOs, without risking your funds?

In this article, we will address these questions and explain how to protect your private keys and starter phrases using NFC (Near Field Communication) HSM. We will also compare different cryptocurrency crowdfunding models and show how to store your private keys and starter phrases with EviCore NFC HSM technology for each of these models.

By reading this article, you will learn:

  • What ICOs, IEOs, and STOs are and how to participate in Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO.
  • The significance of seed phrases and private keys in Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO.
  • The features and functionality of EviCore HSM technology in Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO.
  • How to securely store your seed phrases and private keys using EviCore NFC HSM technology across various use cases in Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO.

If you have an interest in cryptocurrencies and want to understand how to secure your funds with EviCore HSM technology in Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO, please continue reading!

What are ICOs, IEOs, STOs, IDOs and INOs?

Cryptocurrencies are virtual digital assets that rely on blockchain technology, a decentralized and encrypted ledger that records all transactions conducted on the network. Cryptocurrencies enable their user community to engage in transactions without the use of traditional currencies and also fund innovative projects through cryptocurrency fundraisers.

A cryptocurrency fundraiser involves issuing tokens in exchange for cryptocurrencies. Tokens are digital units that represent a right or value associated with the funded project. There are various types of cryptocurrency fundraisers based on factors such as the nature of the tokens issued, the platform used for transactions, the involvement of trusted third parties, and the level of regulatory oversight. Let’s take a closer look at the main types of cryptocurrency fundraisers in Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO:

ICO (Initial Coin Offering)

An ICO is a fundraising operation in which a company issues tokens that investors subscribe to mainly with cryptocurrencies. These tokens can have different functions, depending on the project funded:

  • Utility tokens, which give access to a service or a platform developed by the company.
  • Governance tokens, which allow holders to participate in the strategic decisions of the project.
  • Security tokens, which represent a share of the capital or the revenues of the company.

An ICO usually takes place in several stages:

  • The presale, where investors can buy the tokens at a discounted price, often with a minimum amount required.
  • The public sale, where the tokens are made available to the general public, often with a maximum amount to be raised.
  • The distribution, where the tokens are sent to investors on their wallets..

The advantages of an ICO for investors are:

  • The possibility to support innovative and promising projects.
  • The possibility to benefit from a high capital gain if the project succeeds and the value of the tokens increases.
  • The possibility to diversify your portfolio with digital assets.

The disadvantages of an ICO for investors are:

  • The risk of losing all or part of your investment if the project fails or if the tokens lose their value.
  • The risk of falling for a scam or a fraud, as ICOs are poorly regulated and controlled. The risk of not being able to resell your tokens easily, as there is not always a liquid secondary market.Depending on the country where the ICO takes place, there may be rules to follow, especially in terms of investor protection, anti-money laundering or taxation. Therefore, it is advisable to check the legal status and the compliance of the ICO before investing. Some countries have banned or restricted ICOs, while others have issued guidelines or regulations to ensure their transparency and security.

IEO (Initial Exchange Offering)

An IEO is a fundraising operation in which a company issues tokens on a cryptocurrency exchange platform. The exchange acts as an intermediary between the company and investors, providing security, liquidity, and visibility for the token sale. Investors can purchase tokens using cryptocurrencies or fiat money, depending on the exchange.

An IEO typically involves a single stage:

  • Public sale: Tokens are sold on the exchange platform within a limited time frame and at a fixed price.

Advantages of IEOs for investors include:

  • Enhanced security, liquidity, and visibility compared to ICOs.
  • Access to vetted and quality projects that have been approved by the exchange.
  • Ability to trade tokens immediately after the sale on the same exchange.

Disadvantages of IEOs for investors include:

  • Dependence on a centralized intermediary that controls the token sale process and charges fees.
  • Need to comply with stricter rules and regulations imposed by the exchange and jurisdiction.
  • Risk of missing out on opportunities due to high demand and limited token supply.

STO (Security Token Offering)

An STO is a fundraising operation in which a company issues tokens that represent securities, such as shares or bonds. These tokens are backed by real assets, and investors can purchase them using cryptocurrencies or fiat money, depending on the platform.

STOs typically involve one or more stages:

  • Private sale: Accredited investors can buy tokens at a discounted price, often with a minimum investment requirement.
  • Public sale: Qualified investors can purchase tokens at a fixed price, often with a maximum fundraising amount.

Advantages of STOs for investors include:

  • Opportunity to invest in regulated and compliant projects that offer legal protection and transparency.
  • Potential for real value and returns from the underlying assets of the company.
  • Access to new markets and opportunities that were previously reserved for institutional investors.

Disadvantages of STOs for investors include:

  • Need for accreditation or qualification based on strict criteria set by regulators and platforms.
  • Lack of liquidity and availability compared to utility tokens or cryptocurrencies.
  • Complexity and cost associated with issuing and managing security tokens on blockchain platforms.

IDO (Initial Dex Offering)

An IDO is a fundraising operation in which a company issues tokens on a decentralized protocol for exchanging cryptocurrencies, known as a DEX (Decentralized Exchange). Investors can purchase tokens directly on the DEX without going through a centralized platform or intermediary.

Advantages of IDOs for investors include:

  • Speed and simplicity of the process, as it does not require identity verification or prior fund deposits.
  • Transparency and security of transactions, as they are conducted on the blockchain without reliance on a trusted third party.
  • Liquidity and accessibility of tokens, which are immediately available on the secondary market and can be exchanged for other cryptocurrencies.

Disadvantages of IDOs for investors include:

  • Technical and operational risks associated with decentralized protocols that may have vulnerabilities or bugs.
  • Regulatory and legal risks due to the lack of a clear and harmonized legal framework for cryptocurrency fundraisers.
  • Volatility and speculation risks arising from high demand and limited token supply.

INO (Initial NFT Offering)

An INO is a fundraising operation in which a company issues non-fungible tokens, called NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). NFTs are unique and indivisible digital assets that can represent works of art, collectibles, virtual or real goods. Investors can purchase NFTs using cryptocurrencies on specialized platforms.

Advantages of INOs for investors include:

  • Support for creative and original projects that leverage the blockchain’s potential to create value.
  • Possibility to benefit from exclusive and inalienable ownership rights over NFTs, certified by the blockchain and immune to duplication or falsification.
  • Opportunity to resell NFTs on a growing and demanding secondary market.

Disadvantages of INOs for investors include:

  • Risk of overvaluation and speculative bubbles due to the current frenzy around NFTs and their artificial scarcity.
  • Potential for counterfeiting and plagiarism, as effective legal protection for copyrights and trademarks is lacking.
  • Environmental and ethical concerns related to the high energy consumption and negative externalities generated by the blockchain.

Comparison Table of Different Cryptocurrency Crowdfunding Models

Below is a comprehensive table comparing different crowdfunding models in cryptocurrency:

Crowdfunding modelDefinitionAdvantagesDisadvantages
ICOFundraising in cryptocurrency by issuing tokens that can have various functionsSupport innovative projects, benefit from high potential gain, diversify portfolioRisk losing investment, fall for scam, not be able to resell tokens easily, face regulatory uncertainty
IEOFundraising in cryptocurrency by issuing tokens on an exchange platform that acts as a trusted intermediaryBenefit from better security, liquidity and visibility than ICOs, access a wider pool of investors and projectsDepend on a centralized intermediary, pay higher fees, comply with stricter rules, face platform risk
STOFundraising in cryptocurrency by issuing tokens that represent securities such as shares or bondsInvest in regulated and compliant projects, benefit from real value and returns, access new markets and opportunities, reduce intermediation costsBe accredited or qualified, face lack of liquidity and availability, deal with complexity and cost, follow different regulations depending on jurisdictions
IDOFundraising in cryptocurrency by issuing tokens on a decentralized exchange protocol that eliminates intermediariesEnjoy speed and simplicity of the process, ensure transparency and security of transactions, access liquidity and accessibility of tokensFace technical and operational risk, cope with regulatory and legal risk, deal with volatility and speculation
INOFundraising in cryptocurrency by issuing non-fungible tokens that represent unique and indivisible digital assetsSupport creative and original projects, benefit from exclusive and inalienable ownership of NFTs, resell NFTs on a growing and demanding marketDeal with overvaluation and speculative bubble, encounter counterfeiting and plagiarism issues, consider environmental and ethical impact

Comprehensive Table of Blockchains Supporting ICOs, IEOs, STOs, IDOs, and INOs

Here is a table showcasing the support for ICOs, IEOs, STOs, IDOs, and INOs across different blockchains, focusing on Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO:

BlockchainICO supportIEO supportSTO supportIDO supportINO supportBIP32 supportBIP39 supportBIP44 support
Binance Smart Chain (BSC)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Cardano (ADA)NoNoNoYesNoYesYesYes
Solana (SOL)YesYesNoNoNoYesNoYes
Avalanche (AVAX)YesYesYesNoNoYesYesNo
Cosmos (ATOM)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo
Algorand (ALGO)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo
Stellar (XLM)YesNoYesNoNoYesYesYes

What are seed phrases and private keys?

Seed phrases and private keys are essential for accessing and controlling your funds in cryptocurrency. If they are lost or stolen, you may permanently lose access to your cryptocurrencies.

Seed phrase

A seed phrase, also known as a secret phrase, is a sequence of words, typically consisting of 12 or 24 words, that allows you to restore your crypto wallet in case of loss or theft. These words are selected in a specific order from a dictionary containing thousands of words. The seed phrase is essentially a more human-readable representation of a private key and can generate an unlimited number of public-private key pairs.

The public key is the address to which you can receive cryptocurrencies on the blockchain, similar to an IBAN for a bank account. The private key enables you to control the funds associated with a public key and initiate transactions from that address. Public and private keys are always generated as pairs.

The seed phrase is crucial for accessing your wallet and funds, and it must be kept secure and confidential. If lost or stolen, there is no way to recover it or block access to your funds.

Private key

A private key is a string of random letters and numbers generated by your wallet when it is created. It is used for encrypting and decrypting data using public-key cryptography. The private key grants access to your funds and enables you to initiate transactions on the blockchain.

A private key looks like this: 5Kb8kLf9zgWQnogidDA76MzPL6TsZZY36hWXMssSzNydYXYB9KF

You should never share your private key with anyone or store it digitally or online. If your private key is lost or stolen, you will lose access to your funds permanently.

How to Secure Your Funds in Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO

To participate in an ICO, IEO, STO, IDO, or INO and ensure the security of your funds in Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO, you need a wallet that is compatible with the tokens being issued and the accepted cryptocurrency. There are different types of wallets available, each offering varying levels of security and convenience.

Online Wallets (Web Wallets): These wallets are accessible through a web browser. While they are easy to use, they are susceptible to hacking and theft. It is important to choose a reputable and secure online wallet.

Mobile Wallets: These wallets are installed on smartphones and provide convenience for daily transactions. However, they are vulnerable to malware and the risk of losing the phone. Ensure you have proper security measures in place for your mobile wallet, such as enabling device passcodes and biometric authentication.

Software Wallets: These wallets are downloaded and installed on a computer. They offer greater security compared to online or mobile wallets, but their reliability depends on the security of the hardware and software. Keep your computer updated with the latest security patches and use reputable wallet software.

Hardware Wallets: These physical devices are specifically designed for storing private keys. They provide the highest level of security by isolating private keys from the internet. Hardware wallets, such as Ledger or Trezor, are recommended for secure storage of your private keys in Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO.

Regardless of the type of wallet you choose, there are some basic rules to follow to secure your funds in Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO:

  1. Never share your seed phrase or private key with anyone, and avoid storing them digitally or online.
  2. Make a backup copy of your seed phrase or private key on a physical medium such as paper, metal, or plastic. Store them in secure locations.
  3. Use a strong password and PIN code to protect your wallet from unauthorized access.
  4. Regularly update your wallet software to fix any bugs or vulnerabilities.
  5. Utilize reputable antivirus and firewall software to protect your device from malware and hackers.

By following these security practices, you can significantly reduce the risk of losing your funds and ensure the safety of your investments in Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO.

Now, let’s explore how you can enhance the security and simplicity of your cryptocurrency transactions by using EviCore NFC HSM technology.

EviCore NFC HSM is a solution that safeguards your seed phrases and private keys in cryptocurrency using Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. With EviCore NFC HSM, you can store your seed phrases and private keys in an encrypted NFC tag or card, protected by a segmented key. This tag or card allows you to restore your wallet on any NFC-compatible device without exposing your sensitive data to the internet.

EviCore NFC HSM is compatible with major cryptocurrency wallets such as Ledger, Trezor, Metamask, Trust Wallet, and more. It also works seamlessly with popular cryptocurrency exchange platforms like Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken. This ensures optimal security and ease of managing your funds in cryptocurrency.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use EviCore NFC HSM to secure your seed phrases and private keys in cryptocurrency:

  1. Download the application that incorporates the EviCore NFC HSM technology on your NFC-compatible Android smartphone.
  2. Pair the NFC HSM device with your smartphone using the unique pairing key.
  3. Translate to English: Add the seed phrase by simply clicking on the multi-language BIP39 words provided during the creation of your secure cryptocurrency wallet, without typing anything on the keyboard, as EviCore NFC HSM performs real-time checksum verification of the seed phrase before securely encrypting and storing it in the NFC device.
  4. You can also add the private key derived from the seed phrase without entering or scanning its QR code through the Android NFC application, which will automatically encrypt and store it in the NFC device in less than 5 seconds. You just need to indicate beforehand which blockchain your derived key belongs to before the registration pro

By utilizing EviCore NFC HSM, you can secure your seed phrases and private keys with maximum security and unparalleled ease of use. You no longer need to worry about losing or having your sensitive data stolen, as you can store them in a physical device that can be carried with you wherever you go. Additionally, you can securely share your seed phrases and private keys with others using encrypted RSA-4096 public keys or segmented key authentication, making it easier to transmit funds to your heirs.

EviCore NFC HSM technology is the ideal solution for securing your seed phrases and private keys in cryptocurrency, enabling you to fully embrace the opportunities offered by cryptocurrencies while minimizing unnecessary risks. If you’re interested in this innovative solution, visit Freemindtronic’s website or contact them for more information.

Additionally, if you’re seeking an alternative method to secure your crypto fundraising, you may consider EviCore HSM OpenPGP technology. This technology transforms your Android or iPhone into a hardware security module (HSM) for encrypting and storing your crypto keys. It leverages the highly secure OpenPGP standard, known for its reliability and security. To learn more about this technology and how it can help you safely fund your blockchain project, you can refer to this article link


In this article, we have provided insights into participating in various forms of cryptocurrency crowdfunding, including ICOs, IEOs, STOs, IDOs, and INOs. We have emphasized the importance of securing your seed phrases and private keys in Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO and introduced EviCore NFC HSM technology as a solution. By adopting EviCore NFC HSM, you can enhance the security and simplicity of your cryptocurrency transactions while mitigating risks. We hope this article has been informative and valuable to you. Should you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.

Thank you for reading, and happy investing in Securing IEO STO ICO IDO and INO!

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