
Freemindtronic at Toulouse Hacking Convention

Freemindtronic at the Toulouse Hacking Convention 2022 sponsor THCon2k22 with its partner Bleujour Toulouse #THCon2k22 #THCon #CTF
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Dive into THCON Hardware CTF 2022!

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Freemindtronic à la Toulouse Hacking Convention 2022 avec son partenaire Bleujour

Freemindtronic, concepteur et fabricant de systèmes électroniques en sûreté et cyber sécurité est sponsor de la 6ème édition de l’événement.

Freemindtronic lors de la Toulouse Hacking Convention réalisera sur son stand THCon2k22 des démonstrations des solutions Kubb Secure de son partenaire Toulousain, Bleujour. Il s’agit de l’unique solution de chiffrement sans contact, de bout en bout, mais d’humain à humain depuis un dispositif NFC.

La particularité de ce chiffrement de bout en bout c’est que les messages ou les fichiers apparaissent « chiffrés » aussi bien chez l’expéditeur que chez le destinataire. Ce n’est qu’avec la Secure card que les données sont déchiffrées.

Les visiteurs découvriront notamment en avant-première la Secure Card, un dispositif de chiffrement sans contact de nombreux services de messageries et des webmails. Cette carte peut s’utiliser avec un téléphone NFC ou sur ordinateur. Les produits Kubb Secure bénéficient de la technologie EviCypher Legacy conçue et développée par Freemindtronic.

La technologie EviCypher a déjà reçu 8 distinctions internationales, dont la médaille d’or 2021 des inventions internationales et dernièrement un Gold Globee Winner 2022 en sécurité matérielle. Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur les awards de Freemindtronic.

La team R&D de Freemindtronic est également impliquée dans la proposition d’un CTF qui doit bien évidemment rester secret pour l’instant.

De plus, la team Freemindtronic sera présente simultanément, en virtuel, sur Discord.

La création d’innovations en sûreté et cyber sécurité des systèmes informatiques et systèmes d’information est au cœur de l’ADN de Freemindtronic.

Pour sa première participation, Freemindtronic découvre la fusion de l’évènement THCon2022 avec la journée sécurité de l’INSA. Profitez ainsi, les 14 & 15 avril 2022, sur le campus de l’ENAC à Toulouse de Keynotes, de présentations, de tables rondes et de démonstrations interactives. En savoir plus sur le programme, cliquez ici.

Rappelons que c’est l’un des principaux événements de l’écosystème entrepreneurial international, réunissant startups technologiques, investisseurs, entreprises et institutions.

Pourquoi venir sur le stand THCon2k22 de Freemindtronic ?

Vous pourrez assister et participer à des démonstrations avec :

  • La prochaine technologie Cyber ​​Computer de Freemindtronic embarquée dans un ordinateur Kubb, de la société française Bleujour.

  • La technologie de chiffrement sans contact développée dans un Kubb Secure Computer de Bleujour

Secure Card Kubb Secure with EviCypher technology Embedded

Gènèse de l’évènement 

La THCon est une conférence créée en 2017 sur la cybersécurité qui réunit amateurs, professionnels et chercheurs. C’est une team composée de passionnés de la sécurité qui crée l’événement Cyber à Toulouse (France).

Si vous ne pouvez pas être présent à Toulouse, les conférences sont retransmises en direct.

Donc n’hésitez plus et achetez votre ticket dès maintenant sur le lien suivant :

Vous pouvez aussi suivre Toulouse Hacking Convention sur les réseaux sociaux #THCon2k22 #THCon:

Vous pouvez également suivre Freemindtronic #EviCypher et son partenaire Bleujour sur les réseaux sociaux #Kubb #KubbSecure

Venez nombreux à la THcon2k22 !


Eurosatory Events Exhibitions

Exhibitors list Eurosatory 2022 and Freemindtronic Story

2024 Eurosatory Events Exhibitions Press release

Eurosatory 2024 Technology Clusters: Innovation 2024 DataShielder Defence

2022 Articles Events Exhibitions News

EXPO 2020 DUBAI Government of Andorra & Freemindtronic

Events Exhibitions

Freemindtronic 4YFN 2021

2022 Events Exhibitions

Freemindtronic at Eurosatory 2022

Where to find us at Eurosatory 2022

Events Exhibitions

MWC 4YFN 2017


2022 Awards Cybersecurity EviCypher Technology

Gold Globee Winner 2022 Cyber Computer NFC

Awards CES Awards Distinction Excellence

Keepser Group Award CES 2022

2022 Events EviCypher NFC HSM Exhibitions Licences Freemindtronic NFC Contactless

Secure Card CES 2022

2021 Cybersecurity Distinction Excellence EviCypher Technology finalists

E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity


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    EXPO 2020 DUBAI Government of Andorra & Freemindtronic

    EXPO 2020 Dubai Andorra participant pavilion exhibition retail merchandise sustainability & Jacques Gascuel CEO Freemindtronic SL 2022
    EXPO 2020 Dubai Andorra participant pavilion exhibition retail merchandise sustainability
    EXPO 2020 Dubai Andorra participant pavilion exhibition retail merchandise sustainability & Jacques Gascuel CEO Freemindtronic SL 2022
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    EXPO 2020 Dubai Andorra participant pavilion exhibition retail merchandise sustainability confederacio empresarial andorrana CEA, Fernando Galindo, Gerard Cadena, 2022


    Freemindtronic svg vertical logo communication kit

    The Freemindtronic SL team thanks the Govern d’Andorra, Andorra Business, CEA Confederació Empresarial Andorrana, Cambra de Comerç, Indústria i Serveis d’Andorra and Empresa Familiar Andorrana for being selected to be part of the delegation of Andorran companies who will present their Made in Andorra know-how, products, services and technology in order to create business links in Dubai.

    We are also very honored to attend with the other Andorran companies the celebration of the International Day of Andorra at Expo 2020 Dubai in the presence of Xavier Espot, the Head of Government accompanied by Maria Ubach Font, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jordi Torres Falco, Head of Tourism and Telecommunications, Cesar Marquina, Secretary of State for Digital Transformation and Strategic Projects.

    We are an industrial player in the research and development of Greentech Safety and Cybersecurity solutions that respect the environment and the circular economy on the scale of a Country open to innovation.

    Andorra Pavilion

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    Freemindtronic at Toulouse Hacking Convention

      You can also contact Freemindtronic using the form below 👇.

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    2022 Articles Events Exhibitions News

    EXPO 2020 DUBAI Government of Andorra & Freemindtronic

    Events Exhibitions

    MWC 4YFN 2017

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    Freemindtronic at Eurosatory 2022

    Where to find us at Eurosatory 2022

    Expo 2020 Dubai Andorra Conference

    National Day of Andorra Celebrations

    Official reception of Xavier Espot to the Andorran participants in the France pavilion at Expo 2020 Duba

    Thomas Pesquet presents the France Pavilion for Expo 2020

    France Expo 2020 Pavilion

    The France Expo 2020 pavilion, designed as a sustainable pavilion with all the techniques to make it virtuous for the environment, has the theme “connecting minds building the future” and sub-themes “opportunity, sustainability and mobility”.

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    3D France Pavilon EXPO 2020

    View the French pavilion in 3D where the official reception of the Andorran participants took place

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    Freemindtronic | Andorra Business | EXPO 2020 DUBAI
    Download Pavilion the PDF Presention click here

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    Gold Globee Winner 2022 Cyber Computer NFC

    Gold Globee Winner 2022 at the Cyber Security Global Excellence Awards Cyber Computer NFC Freemindtronic Andorra

    Freemindtronic Wins Globee® Awards in the 2022 Cyber Security Global Excellence Awards®

    Freemindtronic named Winner in the Globee Awards 18th Annual Cyber Security Global Excellence Awards®

    Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra, – February 24th, 2022 – Freemindtronic announced today that The Globee® Awards, organizers of world’s premier business awards programs and business ranking lists, has named the Cyber computer of Freemindtronic a winner in the 18th Annual 2022 Cyber Security Global Excellence Awards®. These prestigious global awards recognize cyber security and information technology vendors with advanced, ground-breaking products, solutions, and services that are helping set the bar higher for others in all areas of security and technologies.

    The NFC Cyber ​​Computer with EviCypher technology of Freemindtronic offers a new innovative solution to fight against ransomware, espionage and at the same time secure access to sensitive data and protect secrets physically, offline. The NFC reader integrated into the Cyber ​​computer allows interaction with a secure NFC card, manager of encryption tokens and secrets. Simply insert the NFC card into the reserved slot of the Cyber ​​Computer to perform all the operations. Thus, the secrets are physically isolated from the computer system. This allows contactless encryption and auto-locking of access to internal and external data storage media such as USB, SD, SSD or HD keys. The Cyber ​​Computer is also equipped with an encrypted differential backup system with self-locking and/or self-disconnection for storage via a local or remote network. The Cyber ​​Computer offers an effective solution for contactless encryption of webmail and instant messaging. This device is equipped with a multi-factor authentication (MFA) system. The NFC card is also compatible with an NFC phone via the Freemindtronic EviCypher Application. Thus the user of a Cyber ​​Computer has an eco-system which also secures all his messaging services including SMS and files on his phone.

    “We are proud to be recognized as an industry player whose Cyber computer with Freemindtronic EviCypher technology has been named winner by the Globee Awards, in hardware safety and cybersecurity” says said Jacques Gascuel CEO of Freemindtronic Andorra.   “Behind this distinguished success, it is above all the work of a team of enthusiasts in perpetual research and development of new solutions to fight against cybercrime and espionage while defending the individual sovereignty of its data. We believe that this recognition from the Globee Awards further validates our perseverance in always pushing the limits of the impossible to meet the increasingly complex needs of our customers in terms of protecting their computer systems, their information and communications but not only. Human error is also taken into consideration thanks to protected and secure differential backup systems. Above all, the Cyber computer responds advantageously to the need to secure telework as well as work on the move. »  

    More than 55 judges from around the world representing a wide range of industry experts participated in the judging process.

    Judges | Cyber Security | Cyber Security Global Excellence Awards:

    About the Globee Awards 
    Globee Awards are conferred in ten programs and competition: the American Best in Business Awards, Business and Communications Excellence Awards, CEO World Awards®, Cyber Security Global Excellence Awards®, Disruptor Company Awards, Golden Bridge Awards®, Information Technology World Awards®, International Best in Business Awards, Sales, Marketing, & Service Excellence Awards, and Women World Awards®. Learn more about the Globee Awards at

    About Freemindtronic
    The Andorran company Freemindtronic designs, develops and manufactures internationally patented white label products and services, particularly in the field of safety and cyber security. She is an expert in NFC technology. Jacques Gascuel’s patented EviCypher invention was awarded the 2021 Geneva International Inventions Gold Medal. This Gold Globee® Winner 2022 is a new international recognition of the potential of implementation of this invention in many other domains of hardware security of secrets.

    All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

    List winner of the Globee Awards 18th Annual Extract from Freemindtronic’s Cyber Security Global Excellence Awards® 2022

    Winners | Cyber Security

    We congratulate all the other winners.

    We would like to thank the members of the jury in the Cyber Security Global Excellence Awards® for their interest in our latest Greentech innovation EviCypher.

    Based on the invention of Jacques GASCUEL, the EviCypher card is a keeper of secrets. It is very easy to use and very efficient for contactless, end-to-end encryption from an NFC hardware security module, sensitive data and in particular emails in Webmail services.

    Excerpt from Freemindtronic’s Cyber Security Global Excellence Awards® 2022 virtual ceremony on 27 April 2022

    Gold Globee Winner 2022 Cyber Security Global Excellence Awards For Cyber Computer Nfc Evicypher Freemindtronic Andorra

    Extract from the Cyber Security Global Excelence 2022 ceremony

    Winners will be celebrated and presented their awards in a virtual ceremony attended by the finalists, winners, judges and industry peers from all over the world. Globee awards virtual ceremony more information clic here 

    Cyber Security Global Excellence Awards® 2022
    Frebruary 23, 2022
    Related Links
    Judges | Cyber Security Global Excellence Awards


    Keepser Group Award CES 2022

    Keepser Group Award CES 2022 for Keepser product NFC Cold Wallet Cryptocurrency contactless

    Keepser Group Award

    Cybersecurity & Personal Privacy

    Keepser Group Award CES 2022 is for Keepser products the Cold Wallet (KCW) is a contactless NFC device paired with an advanced security application: It is the easiest, most efficient, secure and cost-effective solution for investors in cryptocurrencies and users requiring the highest level of security. For enterprise or a single user, KCW is keeping safe all their sensitive data from malicious attacks or unfortunate loss. The companion software application is publicly available for download.

    Keepser Group website:

    Teaser Keepser Compagny

    The teaser Keepser Group on the digital world valued for the services offered by the new generation of NFC Cold Wallet Keepser.

    About us Keepser products

    Keepser Technology

    The hardware Wallet NFC from Keepser Group is for the only cold wallet that embedded internationally patenteds from Freemindtronic EviToken and EviCypher technologies. The Cold Wallet secures contactless cryptocurrencies and BIP39 passwords from all Cold Wallets and Hot Wallets. Cold Wallet products custom designed, developed and manufactured by Freemindtronic for Keepser Group feature the most advanced technologies in quantum security.

    Keepser Group Award CES 2022 interview Joseph Collado CEO Keepser Group

    Keepser Group CES 2022 CEO Interview

    Interview with Joseph Collado CEO of Keepser Group about their cold wallet solution for storing cryptocurrencies and other data and the partnership with International Boost

    About us Keepser products

    Keepser product Award CES 2022

    Keepser cold wallet is a risk-free solution to store and manage your cryptocurrencies, access codes and private information. They have up to 6 levels of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and up to 3 different user-defined trust criteria to control individual access to each cryptocurrency key stored encrypted in the NFC Cold Wallet.

    There are three models of Keepser hardware wallets that work contactless.
    KEEPSER PASS for passwords and access codes.
    KEEPSER PRO for cryptocurrency management KEEPSER PRO with double storage capacity.

    Keepser Group Award CES 2022 Dave Graveline and Olivier Lauvray

    Keepser Group Award CES 2022 INTERVIEW

    Dave talks with Olivier Lauvray, General Manager of Keepser Group about their Cold wallet solution to store cryptocurrencies and other data

    About us Keepser products

    Secure Card CES 2022

    Secure Card de Bleujour CES 2022 by Freemindtronic Andorra contactless data encryption from an NFC HSM security hardware module

    Secure Card innovation 2022

    Secure Card is a preview at CES Las Vegas 2022 of the new product developed by Freemindtronic for our partner Bleujour. for its new Kubb Secure product range.
    The Secure Card is an NFC HSM secret manager such as encryption keys and hardware passwords, which has received 10 international awards since 2021 including the Geneva Gold Medal for Inventions in security, cyber security and cyber defence of computer and information systems. The Secure Card is equipped with EviCypher technology, which manages contactless secrets such as encryption keys, passwords and tokens.


    Learn more about Kubb Secure products click here

    Learn more about our partner Bleujour click here


    CES 2022 Booth: 18789 for CES booth plan click is here



    CES 2022 Eureka Park booth: 61045 for CES booth plan click is here

    The company BLEU JOUR is based on five founding pillars: Quality, Aesthetics, Innovation, Practicality and Exclusivity. In a constantly changing universe, BLEU JOUR offers creations where aesthetics is combined with innovative technological solutions. The company favors French design and manufacture.

    Category: Home Office Hardware and Accessories

    Country: France

    Contact: Click here

    Other project the Kubb Secure

    Discover another project presented at CES 2022 Las Vegas the Kubb Secure.

    This Kubb Secure works without an NFC phone as it includes an NFC reader. The first computer developed by Freemindtronic has been realized on a Kubb Secure from our partner Bleujour.

    The Kubb Secure embeds the Cyber Computer technology which includes several Freemindtronic’s technologies forming a safety and cyber security eco system. Technologies that have received more than 10 international awards since 2021 in the fields of safety, security, cybersecurity and cyber defence of computer and information systems.

    To find out more about the cyber computer click here

    Kubb Secure embeds Cyber ​​Computer technology from Freemindtronic winner Gold Globee Awards 2022 Cyber ​​Security Global Excellence Awards hardware security category

    Kubb Secure CES 2022

    Kubb Secure embeds Cyber ​​Computer technology from Freemindtronic winner Gold Globee Awards 2022 Cyber ​​Security Global Excellence Awards hardware security category

    Kubb Secure innovation 2022

    Kubb Secure is to be discovered in preview at CES Las Vegas 2022 a new computer developed by Freemindtronic for our partner Bleujour for its new range of Kubb Secure products.

    Kubb Secure embeds freemindtronic’s new technologies that have received 10 international awards in safety, cyber security and cyber defense of computer systems and information systems.

    Learn more about Kubb Secure products click here

    Learn more about our partner Bleujour click here


    CES 2022 Booth: 18789 for CES booth plan click is here



    CES 2022 Eureka Park booth: 61045 for CES booth plan click is here

    The company BLEU JOUR is based on five founding pillars: Quality, Aesthetics, Innovation, Practicality and Exclusivity. In a constantly changing universe, BLEU JOUR offers creations where aesthetics is combined with innovative technological solutions. The company favors French design and manufacture.

    CATEGORY: Home Office Hardware and Accessories
    COUNTRY: France
    CONTACT: Click here

    Other project the Secure Card

    At CES Las Vegas 2022, you will discover a new development from Freemindtronic, the Secure Card for our partner Bleujour, which works via an Android NFC phone but also on a Cyber Desktop without a phone.
    The Secure Card benefits from Freemindtronic’s latest technology which has already received more than 10 international awards since 2021 in the field of security, cybersecurity and cyber defence of computer and information systems.
    To learn more about the Secure Card, click here.

    Secure Card de Bleujour CES 2022 by Freemindtronic Andorra contactless data encryption from an NFC HSM security hardware module

    Software version history

    Version history of software

    Archive des Versions

    Welcome to Freemindtornic’s software version history page. Here you will find a complete archive of all the updates and enhancements made to our software since their initial launch.

    Update Details

    Each history entry includes detailed information about the release, features added, bug fixes, and performance improvements to help you understand the evolution of our products.

    Commitment to Excellence

    We are committed to providing regular updates to continuously improve the user experience and meet the changing needs of our customer base.

    Thank you for your continued trust and support.


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    E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity

    E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity 2021

    Finalists 2021 E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity with EviCypher Technology.

    The Freemindtronic Andorra R&D team is very honored to nominated as finalist for the 2021 E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity.

    This award recognises an organisation which is taking proactive steps to counter attacks and take preventative measures to remain one-step ahead of cyber threats.

    The Cyber Security Award recognises the creative thinking, engineering, people and projects that are taking on this growing threat for the benefit of the global community. We will reward innovations that have reached the stage where its potential to mitigate risk to organisations, government and individuals has been clearly identified.

    Entries can range from security research, to new products or services that help to solve today’s important security challenges.

    A shortlist and winner will be selected by our judging panel.

    The finalists Category Cybersecurity

    We congratulate all the other finalists.

    We would like to thank the members of the jury in the Communications & IT category for their interest in our latest Greentech innovation EviCypher.


    Based on the invention of Jacques GASCUEL, the EviCypher card is a keeper of secrets. It is very easy to use and very efficient for contactless, end-to-end encryption from an NFC hardware security module, sensitive data and in particular emails in Webmail services.

    Below is the video of the Awards Ceremony of which Freemindtronic is a finalist.


    E&T Innovation Awards 2021
    November, 2021
    Related Links


    E&T Innovation Awards Communications & IT

    2021 E&T Innovation Awards Freemindtronic Andorra EviCypher Technology finalist Communications & IT

    Finalists 2021 E&T Innovation Awards Communications & IT with EviCypher Technology.

    The Freemindtronic Andorra R&D team is very honored to nominated as finalist for the 2021 E&T Innovation Awards for Communications & IT.

    The E&T Innovation Awards recognise and celebrate the best new innovations in all areas of science, engineering and technology.

    Entries can range from research concepts and ideas to technical issues and industrial applications such as dedicated mobile applications and solutions, wearable communication technology, wireless and wireline networking incl. 4G and 5G developments, M2M, IoT, Smart Sensors, infrastructure transformation, business efficiency and the use of big data.

    Please consider how you can demonstrate the benefits of your innovation in your entry form. A shortlist and winner will be selected by our judging panel.

    The finalists Category Communications  IT

    We congratulate all the other finalists.

    We would like to thank the members of the jury in the Communications & IT category for their interest in our latest Greentech innovation EviCypher.


    Based on the invention of Jacques GASCUEL, the EviCypher card is a keeper of secrets. It is very easy to use and very efficient for contactless, end-to-end encryption from an NFC hardware security module, sensitive data and in particular emails in Webmail services.

    Below is the video of the Awards Ceremony of which Freemindtronic is a finalist.


    E&T Innovation Awards 2021
    November, 2021
    Related Links


    Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards: Freemindtronic’s 2021 Success

    Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards certificate showing Freemindtronic's 2021 award for Innovation in Cybersecurity.

    Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards: Freemindtronic’s Recognition in 2021

    Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards, Freemindtronic proudly received this distinction in the Innovation in Cyber Award category at the 2021 National Cyber Awards. This recognition underscores the company’s dedication to cybersecurity innovation and excellence. Additionally, Freemindtronic was a finalist in the Cyber Defence Product of the Year category, demonstrating their comprehensive expertise in cybersecurity.

    Why Freemindtronic Stood Out

    Freemindtronic’s innovative solutions and commitment to cybersecurity set them apart from other finalists. Sponsored by Raytheon UK, the Innovation in Cyber Award recognized the most groundbreaking advancements in the field. Freemindtronic’s inclusion in this category, alongside prominent organizations like BT plc and HSBC Bank plc, highlights their significant contributions to the industry.

    The Significance of the “Highly Commended” Distinction

    Being highly commended at the National Cyber Awards is a significant milestone for Freemindtronic. This distinction reflects their relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation, encouraging them to continue developing cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions. The recognition from respected bodies like the Chartered Institute of Information Security and the National Police Chiefs’ Council adds further credibility to their achievements​.

    Conclusion at Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards

    Freemindtronic’s recognition at the 2021 National Cyber Awards is a testament to their leadership and innovation in cybersecurity. The “Highly Commended” distinction not only celebrates their current achievements but also motivates them to continue pushing the boundaries of cybersecurity innovation. For more details about the finalists and winners of the National Cyber Awards 2021, you can visit the official National Cyber Awards website​.

    The National Cyber Awards 2021 :

    Finalist out of 11 categories The Cyberspace Innovation Award 2021

    Dual finalist Freemindtronic Andorra top 11 The Innovation in Cyber Award 2021 The national cyber–Awards United Kingdom EviCypher Technology

    Finalist out of 4 categories The Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2021

    Dual finalist Freemindtronic Andorra top 4 The Cyber Defence Product of the year 2021 The national cyber–Awards United Kingdom EviCypher Technology

    NEWS PROVIDED BY The National Cyber ​​Awards 2021 Septembre 2021

    More information of Finalists the National Cyber Awards 2021 Freemindtronic clic here


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