
The first wood transistor for green electronics

Wood transistor by Jacques gascuel This article will be updated with any new information on the topic, and readers are encouraged to leave comments or contact the author with any suggestions or additions.  

The first wood transistor for green electronics

Wood is a natural and renewable material that can be used for many purposes, from construction to furniture. But did you know that wood can also be used to make electronic devices? In this article, we will introduce you to the first wood transistor ever created, and explain how it works and why it is a promising innovation for green electronics.

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What is a wood transistor?

A transistor is a device that can amplify or switch electrical signals. Transistors are the building blocks of modern electronics, such as computers, smartphones, and sensors. They are usually made of silicon, a semiconductor material that can conduct electricity under certain conditions.

However, a wood transistor is a type of transistor that uses wood as the base material instead of silicon. Wood is also a semiconductor, but with different properties than silicon. To make wood transistors, researchers coat thin slices of wood with carbon nanotubes. These are tiny tubes of carbon atoms that have excellent electrical and mechanical properties.

The carbon nanotubes act as electrodes, which are the parts of the transistor that connect to the external circuit. The wood acts as the channel, which is the part of the transistor that controls the flow of current between the electrodes.

How does a wood transistor work?

A wood transistor works by applying a voltage to one of the electrodes, called the gate. This voltage creates an electric field that affects the conductivity of the wood channel. By changing the gate voltage, the current flowing between the other two electrodes, called the source and the drain, can be modulated.

The wood transistor can operate in two modes: depletion mode and enhancement mode. In depletion mode, the wood channel is normally conductive, and the gate voltage can reduce or stop the current flow. In enhancement mode, the wood channel is normally non-conductive, and the gate voltage can increase or start the current flow.

The researchers who developed the wood transistor made an interesting discovery. They found that it can switch between depletion mode and enhancement mode by changing the polarity of the gate voltage. This means that the wood transistor can perform both n-type and p-type functions, which are essential for creating complex electronic circuits.

Why is a wood transistor important?

A wood transistor is important because it offers several advantages over conventional silicon transistors. Some of these advantages are:

  • Wood is abundant, cheap, biodegradable, and renewable, which makes it an environmentally friendly alternative to silicon. Silicon is scarce, expensive, non-biodegradable, and requires high-energy processing.
  • Wood transistors have a low operating voltage, which means they consume less power and generate less heat than silicon transistors. This can improve the energy efficiency and performance of electronic devices.
  • Wood transistors have a high sensitivity to humidity and temperature changes, which makes them suitable for applications such as environmental sensors and smart textiles.
  • Moreover, wood transistors have a flexible and transparent structure, which makes them compatible with flexible and wearable electronics.

What are the challenges and opportunities for wood transistors?

Researchers are still developing wood transistors, and they face some challenges and opportunities for further improvement. Some of these are:

  • The stability and reliability of wood transistors need to be enhanced by optimizing the fabrication process and protecting them from moisture and oxidation.
  • The scalability and integration of wood transistors need to be improved by developing methods to produce large-area and high-density arrays of wood transistors on various substrates.
  • The functionality and diversity of wood transistors need to be expanded by exploring different types of wood materials and carbon nanotube coatings with different properties.
  • The applications and markets for wood transistors need to be explored by collaborating with industry partners and end-users who can benefit from this novel technology.


Wood transistors are a breakthrough innovation that can revolutionize green electronics. They combine the natural advantages of wood with the exceptional properties of carbon nanotubes to create low-power, high-performance, flexible, transparent, and biodegradable electronic devices.


Li, T., Zhu, H., Wang, X. et al. Wood-based fully biodegradable and flexible electronic devices. Nat Electron 4, 33–40 (2021).

[1] A transistor made of wood: Electrical current modulation in wood electrochemical transistor –

Kevin Mitnick’s Password Hacking with Hashtopolis

Kevin Mitnick and his Hashtopolis: The Ultimate Password Cracking Tool

password hacking with Hashtopolis by Jacques gascuel
This article will be updated with any new information on the topic, and readers are encouraged to leave comments or contact the author with any suggestions or additions.
Related topic : ******

How Kevin Mitnick hacked passwords with Hashtopolis

Learn about password hacking using Hashtopolis, a powerful tool that can crack any hash in minutes using multiple machines equipped with GPUs. Famous hacker Kevin Mitnick used it to demonstrate the tool’s capabilities. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of using such a tool, as well as ethical and legal implications of password hacking. Get tips on how to protect your online accounts with strong passwords. Keep reading to find out more!

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Password hacking tool: how it works and how to protect yourself

Password hacking is a practice that consists of finding the secret code that protects access to an account or a file. There are specialized tools to perform this operation, such as the one used by Mitnick Security Consulting. In this article, we will present the features of this tool, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the ways to protect yourself from password hacking.


Password hacking is a practice that consists of finding the secret code that protects access to an account or a file. It can be done for various purposes, such as testing the security of a system, recovering a forgotten password, or stealing personal or professional data.

There are specialized tools to perform password hacking, such as the one used by Mitnick Security Consulting. This company is led by Kevin Mitnick, a famous hacker who was arrested in 1995 for hacking dozens of computer systems, including those of the Pentagon, NASA and FBI. Today he has become a security expert and consultant who helps companies protect themselves from cyberattacks.

The main purpose of this article is to present the features, advantages and disadvantages of the password hacking tool used by Mitnick Security Consulting, as well as the ways to protect yourself from password hacking. We will first explain how the tool uses a large number of GPUs to speed up the hacking process. Then we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using such a tool in terms of energy consumption and privacy concerns. Next we will address the ethical and legal implications of password hacking. After that we will summarize some user reactions to password hacking. Finally we will provide some tips on how to protect your online accounts with strong passwords.

Features of the password hacking tool

The password hacking tool used by Mitnick Security Consulting uses a large number of GPUs to speed up the hacking process. According to the information shared by Mitnick, the tool uses 24 GPU 4090s and 6 GPU 2080s, all clustered and running with Hashtopolis. This allows the tool to hack passwords at an impressive speed, reaching 6.2 trillion per second for NTLM (New Technology LAN Manager).

Hashtopolis is an open source software that allows to distribute the password hacking work across multiple machines equipped with GPUs. It uses a web interface to manage the agents, tasks and passwords found. It supports several types of hashes, such as NTLM, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, WPA/WPA2 and even BitLocker.

A hash is a mathematical function that transforms a password into a random string of characters. For example, the password “password” hashed with MD5 would be “5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99”. Hashing is used to store passwords securely without revealing them in plain text.

To crack a password, one has to find the original password that corresponds to a given hash. This can be done by using different methods, such as bruteforce, dictionary or mask.

Bruteforce is a method that tries all possible combinations of characters until finding the right one. For example, if the password is four digits long, it would try 0000, 0001, 0002… until 9999.

Dictionary is a method that tries words from a predefined list or a common language dictionary. For example, if the password is a word in English, it would try apple, banana, carrot… until finding the right one.

Mask is a method that tries combinations based on a known pattern or structure. For example, if the password is composed of two words separated by an underscore (_), it would try word_word, name_name… until finding the right one.

Advantages and disadvantages of the password hacking tool

The use of such a tool has advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, it allows the company to quickly test the security of the passwords used by its clients and detect vulnerabilities. This can help prevent unauthorized access and data breaches. It can also help users improve their password habits and choose stronger passwords.

On the other hand, it consumes a considerable amount of energy and generates heat. This can have a negative impact on the environment and increase the carbon footprint of the company. It can also raise privacy concerns, as the tool can be used for malicious purposes, such as hacking online accounts or sensitive data. This can result in identity theft, industrial espionage or sabotage.

It is important to note that even with such a powerful tool, there are limits to what can be achieved in terms of password hacking. Long and complex passwords, stored using secure hashing algorithms such as bcrypt or PBKDF2, can be very difficult to hack even with powerful tools. These algorithms use a large number of iterations to significantly slow down the hashing process, making brute force hacking much more difficult.

In addition to the number of iterations, these algorithms have other features that make them more resistant to GPU or specialized hardware attacks. Bcrypt uses an encryption function based on Blowfish, which is designed to be costly in memory and random access. This makes it difficult to parallelize bcrypt on multiple GPUs. PBKDF2 uses an internal hash function, such as SHA-256 or SHA-512, which can be optimized for GPUs, but which also requires a lot of calculations. This makes the cost of the attack proportional to the number of iterations. According to a 2015 study, it would take about 4 days to crack an 8-character alphanumeric password with bcrypt and 10 iterations, compared to about 5 hours with PBKDF2 and 10,000 iterations.

Ethical and legal implications of password hacking

The use of such a powerful password hacking tool raises ethical and legal questions. On one hand, it can serve to strengthen the security of computer systems by demonstrating their vulnerability and encouraging users to choose stronger passwords. This can be seen as a form of ethical hacking or penetration testing, which aims to improve the security of a system by finding and reporting its weaknesses.

On the other hand, it can be used for malicious purposes, such as hacking online accounts or sensitive data. This can be seen as a form of illegal hacking or cybercrime, which aims to harm or exploit a system by exploiting its weaknesses.

Therefore, some ethical and legal rules must be respected when using a password hacking tool. For example:

  • The tool should only be used with the consent and authorization of the owner or administrator of the system.
  • The tool should only be used for legitimate purposes, such as testing the security of passwords or recovering a forgotten password.
  • The tool should not be used to access or disclose confidential or personal information without permission.
  • The tool should not be used to cause damage or disruption to the system or its users.

To give you an idea of how long it would take to crack a password using high-performance GPUs, a machine equipped with eight RTX 4090 GPUs, the most powerful on the market today and very popular among gamers and creators, could go through all possible combinations of an 8-character password in just 48 minutes using brute force methods. For comparison, it would take about 3 hours and 20 minutes with eight RTX 3090 Ti GPUs.

User reactions to password hacking

Kevin Mitnick’s post sparked many positive comments from computer security experts, who praised the power and speed of his password hacking tool. Some even asked for technical details on how Hashtopolis works and what types of hashes it can crack.

For example, one comment said: “This is amazing! I would love to see how Hashtopolis works and what kind of hashes it can crack. Can you share some screenshots or videos of the tool in action?”

Another comment said: “Wow, this is impressive! I wonder how long it would take to crack a password with bcrypt or PBKDF2 using this tool. Do you have any benchmarks or comparisons?”

However, some negative comments from Internet users also expressed concerns about the environmental impact and privacy issues of password hacking.

For example, one comment said: “This is terrible! Do you realize how much electricity and heat this tool consumes? You are contributing to global warming and climate change with your irresponsible hacking. You should plant some trees or use renewable energy to offset your carbon footprint.”

Another comment said: “This is scary! How can we trust you with our passwords and data? You could hack into our accounts or steal our information without our consent. You are violating our privacy and security with your unethical hacking. You should respect the law and the rights of others.”

In conclusion

The new password hacking tool used by Mitnick Security Consulting is impressive in terms of power and speed. It can crack passwords at an astonishing rate, reaching 6.2 trillion per second for NTML. It uses Hashtopolis, an open source software that allows to distribute the password hacking work across multiple machines equipped with GPUs. It supports several types of hashes and methods to crack them.

However, the use of such a tool also raises concerns about energy and privacy. It consumes a considerable amount of electricity and generates heat, which can have a negative impact on the environment. It can also be used for malicious purposes, such as hacking online accounts or sensitive data, which can result in identity theft, industrial espionage or sabotage.

As Internet users, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with weak passwords and use secure methods to protect our online accounts. Some tips to do so are:

  • Use long and complex passwords that contain letters, numbers and symbols.
  • Use a password manager to store and generate secure passwords.
  • Use a random password generator or a secret phrase that is easy to remember but hard to guess.
  • Use multi-factor authentication that requires a code sent by SMS or email to access an account.

Password hacking is a practice that can have positive or negative consequences depending on how it is used. It is therefore necessary to be vigilant and adopt good practices to protect ourselves from hackers like Kevin Mitnick.

I hope this article has helped you understand how password hacking works and how to protect yourself from it. If you want to learn more about password hacking, you can check out these sources:

  • Cracking Passwords at 7.25 TRILLION Hashes per second?
  • How Secure Is My Password?
  • How To Create A Strong Password

Sources :

(1) hash – What is the specific reason to prefer bcrypt or PBKDF2 over ….

(2) Password Storage – OWASP Cheat Sheet Series.

(3) Do any security experts recommend bcrypt for password storage?.

(4) Password Hashing: PBKDF2 (using sha512 x 1000) vs Bcrypt.

ChatGPT Cybersecurity System Safety: AI-Powered Defense for Secure Systems

Shield representing ChatGPT Cybersecurity System Safety, connected to a network of digital nodes.

Optimize ChatGPT for Cybersecurity and System Safety

Optimize prompts for ChatGPT as part of our “Skills Enhancement” series. This guide will show you how to harness the full potential of ChatGPT-4 for cybersecurity and system safety. Learn how to create impactful prompts that enhance your AI’s ability to detect threats, secure systems, and provide critical insights into security practices.


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ChatGPT Cybersecurity System Safety

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot launched by OpenAI in November 2022, specifically designed for cybersecurity tasks. Trained with Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) and utilizing GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 language models, ChatGPT can perform a range of tasks including pentesting, fuzzing, shellcode generation, custom email creation, and buffer overflow exploitation. Additionally, it assists blue teams in detecting, analyzing, and preventing cyberattacks with greater efficiency.

Learn Cybersecurity with ChatGPT for System Safety

If you want to use ChatGPT as a learning tool about cybersecurity and system safety, you can ask it to explain concepts, teach you skills, or help you solve problems. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to learn with ChatGPT:

  • Explain [cybersecurity or safety concept] to me as if I were 5 years old.
  • Teach me how to [apply a cybersecurity or safety measure or technique] step by step.
  • Help me solve this problem: [cybersecurity or safety scenario or case study].
  • What are the best resources for learning [cybersecurity or safety field or topic]?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of [cybersecurity or safety choice or solution]?
  • What is the difference between [term A] and [term B] when it comes to cybersecurity or safety?
  • How can I improve in [cybersecurity or safety field or topic]?
  • What are the pitfalls to avoid when [doing something related to cybersecurity or safety]?
  • What is the story of [cybersecurity or safety event or persona]?
  • What are the most interesting facts about [cybersecurity or safety field or topic]?

Create Secure Systems with ChatGPT Cybersecurity Prompts

If you want to use ChatGPT as a cybersecurity and systems safety authoring tool, you can ask it to generate content, design items, or give ideas. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to create with ChatGPT:

  • Write a blog post on [cybersecurity or safety topic] using AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) format.
  • Create a catchy slogan for (product or service related to cybersecurity or safety).
  • Give me 10 name ideas for new cybersecurity or safety software.
  • Draw me an architecture diagram for a secure system.
  • Write a safety or security policy for [organization or project].
  • Compose a cybersecurity or safety incident alert or report.
  • Invent a cybersecurity or safety test or audit scenario for [system or application].
  • Create an action or remediation plan for [cybersecurity or safety issue or vulnerability].
  • Write source code for [cybersecurity or safety feature or measure] using the [programming language].
  • Generate a secure key or password.
  • Create a quiz or game on [cybersecurity or safety domain or topic].

Stay Informed on System Safety with ChatGPT Cybersecurity Insights

If you want to use ChatGPT as an information tool on cybersecurity and system safety, you can ask it to provide you with data, facts, or opinions on various topics. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to inform yourself with ChatGPT:

  • What is the current cyber threat situation in the world?
  • What are the latest news on [cybersecurity or safety topic]?
  • What is the best way to [protect, detect, respond] to [type of attack or incident]?
  • What are the best products or services for [cybersecurity or safety needs]?
  • What is the historical and future evolution of [cybersecurity or safety-related field or topic]?
  • What are the benefits and risks of [cybersecurity or safety technology or trend]?
  • What is your opinion on [controversial topic related to cybersecurity or safety]?
  • What are the best books or movies on [genre or theme related to cybersecurity or safety]?
  • What are upcoming events in [domain or sector related to cybersecurity or safety]?
  • Who are the most influential people in [field or sector related to cybersecurity or safety]?

Have Fun with ChatGPT: Cybersecurity and System Safety Games

If you want to use ChatGPT as an entertainment tool, you can ask it to make jokes, play games, or simulate characters. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to have fun with ChatGPT:

  • Tell me a joke on [topic].
  • Let’s play a game: I’m thinking of something and you have to guess what it is by asking me closed-ended questions (yes or no).
  • Talk to me like you were [famous person].
  • Make me an imitation of [celebrity].
  • Invent a riddle on [subject].
  • What’s the funniest movie you’ve ever seen?
  • What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
  • What is your wildest dream?
  • What is your favorite superpower and why?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
  • What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?

Discuss System Safety and Cybersecurity with ChatGPT

If you want to use ChatGPT as a tool for discussing cybersecurity and system safety, you can ask it to talk about themselves, their interests, or their emotions. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to chat with ChatGPT:

  • Tell me about yourself: who are you, what do you do, what do you like about cybersecurity or safety?
  • What are your hobbies or passions in cybersecurity or safety?
  • How do you feel today in terms of cybersecurity or safety?
  • What makes you happy or sad about cybersecurity or safety?
  • What are your cybersecurity or safety dreams or goals?
  • What scares or stresses you about cybersecurity or safety?
  • What makes you curious or fascinated about cybersecurity or safety?
  • What makes you laugh or cry when it comes to cybersecurity or safety?
  • What are your values or principles regarding cybersecurity or safety?
  • What are your strengths or weaknesses in cybersecurity or safety?

Test Your Cybersecurity Knowledge with ChatGPT System Safety Quizzes

If you want to use ChatGPT as a cybersecurity and system safety testing tool, you can ask it to check your knowledge, skills, or personality. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to test with ChatGPT:

  • Give me a quiz on [cybersecurity or safety topic].
  • Assess my level of [cybersecurity or safety competency] by asking myself questions.
  • Analyze my personality in terms of cybersecurity or safety by asking me questions.
  • Correct my text on [topic related to cybersecurity or safety] by looking for errors or weaknesses.
  • Give me feedback on my [cybersecurity or safety-related project or work].
  • Give me tips on how to improve in [area or topic related to cybersecurity or safety].
  • Give me a challenge in [field or topic related to cybersecurity or safety].
  • Compare my results with those of other users in terms of cybersecurity or safety.
  • Give me a grade on [cybersecurity or safety criterion].
  • Give me a reward or sanction based on my cybersecurity or safety performance.

Collaborate on Cybersecurity Projects Using ChatGPT for System Safety

If you want to use ChatGPT as a collaboration tool on cybersecurity and system safety, you can ask it to work with you on a project, task, or idea. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to collaborate with ChatGPT:

  • Help me [do something related to cybersecurity or safety] by giving me instructions or resources.
  • Work with me on [cybersecurity or safety project] by giving me ideas or suggestions.
  • Participate in [cybersecurity or safety task] by giving me your opinion or feedback.
  • Create with me [something related to cybersecurity or safety] by giving me examples or models.
  • Join me in [cybersecurity or safety activity] by giving me encouragement or motivation.
  • Learn with me [something related to cybersecurity or safety] by giving me lessons or exercises.
  • Play [cybersecurity or safety game] with me by giving me strategies or tips.
  • Share with me [something related to cybersecurity or safety] by giving me information or facts.
  • Discuss [cybersecurity or safety topic] with me using arguments or opinions.
  • Trust me in [cybersecurity or safety situation] by giving me support or help.

Explore New Cybersecurity Horizons with ChatGPT for System Safety

If you want to use ChatGPT as an exploration tool on cybersecurity and system safety, you can ask it to introduce you to new topics, places, or people. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to explore with ChatGPT:

  • Let me know [cybersecurity or safety topic] by giving me an introduction or summary.
  • Show me around [place related to cybersecurity or safety] by giving me a description or map.
  • Let me meet [someone related to cybersecurity or safety] by giving me a biography or interview.
  • Take me on a journey back to [cybersecurity or safety era] by giving me historical or cultural context.
  • Let me dive into [cybersecurity or safety universe] by giving me a storyline or plot.
  • Make me dream of [cybersecurity or safety fantasy] by giving me a vision or a feeling.
  • Make me think about [cybersecurity or safety issue] by giving me a perspective or hypothesis.
  • Make me imagine [cybersecurity or safety situation] by giving me an example or simulation.
  • Make me experiment with [something related to cybersecurity or safety] by giving me a challenge or opportunity.

Improve Your System Safety Strategies with ChatGPT Cybersecurity Tools

If you want to use ChatGPT as a cybersecurity and system safety improvement tool, you can ask it to help you patch, develop, or optimize your writing, project, or strategy. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to improve with ChatGPT:

  • Correct my text on [topic related to cybersecurity or safety] by looking for errors or weaknesses. Make sentences clearer. [Paste your text].
  • Develop a cybersecurity or safety strategy for my [organization or project] using the [framework name] framework. Guide me through the steps of developing an effective strategy.
  • Create catchy headlines for a blog post on [cybersecurity or safety topic]. Titles should be engaging, impactful, and memorable. [Create a number of titles].
  • Plan my day more efficiently by creating a list of priority tasks based on the following tasks: [List your cybersecurity or safety tasks].
  • Optimize my security or safety configuration for my [system or application] using the [approach name] approach. Guide me through the optimization process.
  • Summarize the most important lessons from the book [Book title related to cybersecurity or safety] in a comprehensive but digestible summary.
  • Help me break writer’s block by writing me a plan for a detailed blog post on [cybersecurity or safety topic].
  • Help me design a conversion funnel for my (cybersecurity or safety-related product or service) using the [framework name] framework. Guide me through the key elements of an effective funnel.
  • Help me set better goals for [personal or professional goal related to cybersecurity or safety] using the SMART framework. Create specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound goals.
  • Help me develop a communication strategy for my [project or work related to cybersecurity or safety] using the RACE (Research, Action, Communication, Evaluation) template. Guide me through the steps of creating a strategy that inspires interest and trust.
  • Help me innovate and improve my (cybersecurity or safety-related product or service) using the Jobs to Be Done framework. Identify potential areas for improvement based on customer needs and wants.
  • Help me review and update my security or safety policy for [organization or project] using current best practices and standards. Guide me through the key points of an effective and compliant policy.

Personalize Your ChatGPT Experience

If you want to use ChatGPT as a customized cybersecurity and system safety tool, you can ask it to change its behavior, tone, or style according to your preferences. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to customize ChatGPT:

  • From now on, talk to me in [language].
  • From now on, use a [formal or informal] tone in your answers.
  • From now on, adapt your writing style to [target genre or audience].
  • From now on, be more [concise or detailed] in your answers.
  • From now on, always give me at least [number] of options or examples in your answers.
  • From now on, always cite your sources or references in your answers.
  • From now on, always use verified data or facts in your answers.
  • From now on, avoid sensitive or controversial topics in your answers.
  • From now on, respect my opinions or beliefs in your answers.
  • From now on, treat me as [relationship or status] in your answers.

Enhance Your AI Interactions with ChatGPT-4 Prompts

In our fast-paced digital landscape, optimizing the way you interact with AI is essential. Whether you’re a cybersecurity professional or exploring the potential of AI for personal or professional growth, effective prompts for ChatGPT-4 can significantly enhance your AI interactions. Discover how well-crafted prompts can help you get the most out of ChatGPT-4’s capabilities across various tasks, including cybersecurity.

Explore AI-Driven Cybersecurity Strategies

Leverage the power of ChatGPT-4 to develop sophisticated cybersecurity strategies tailored to your unique needs. By crafting precise prompts, you can guide the AI to provide valuable insights into the latest cyber threats, mitigation techniques, and best practices for data protection.

Some effective prompts include:

  • “What are the top five emerging cybersecurity threats for 2024, and how can I mitigate them?”
  • “Develop a step-by-step plan to safeguard my company’s data against ransomware.”
  • “Analyze the latest trends in cybersecurity and suggest how I can implement them in my organization.”

Optimize System Safety with AI

System safety is crucial in maintaining a secure digital environment. ChatGPT-4 can assist in enhancing your network’s resilience by providing actionable advice through well-crafted prompts. Whether you need to protect sensitive data or ensure compliance with industry standards, ChatGPT-4 is a valuable tool.

Consider these prompts to enhance system safety:

  • “Design a comprehensive system safety plan for a medium-sized enterprise.”
  • “What steps can I take to improve my system’s safety against cyber threats?”
  • “What are the essential components of an effective incident response plan for a cyber breach?”

Discover More on Effective AI Prompts

For further insights into optimizing your ChatGPT-4 interactions, especially in the realm of cybersecurity, explore our comprehensive guide on effective prompts for ChatGPT. This resource offers detailed strategies and expert advice on maximizing the potential of AI in various applications.

Incorporating these techniques into your cybersecurity practices will not only fortify your defenses but also streamline your approach to managing digital risks. Make ChatGPT-4 an integral part of your cybersecurity toolkit and stay ahead of the curve in this ever-evolving field.

Explore More: Best Prompts for ChatGPT

This wraps up our guide on the top prompts for engaging with ChatGPT on cybersecurity and system safety. We hope you found this resource valuable and that you’ll experiment with these prompts to enhance your interactions with ChatGPT. We’d love to hear your feedback or suggestions—feel free to share them in the comments section below. If you found this article useful, don’t hesitate to share it with friends or colleagues who might benefit from it. Dive into your ChatGPT conversations and take your cybersecurity practices to the next level!

Prompts for ChatGPT-4: Your Guide to Effective AI Interactions

Futuristic robot with blue eyes, representing AI capabilities, in a classroom setting with the text 'Freemindtronic: The best prompts for ChatGPT.

Optimize prompts for ChatGPT to Maximize Your Potential with ChatGPT-4: A Versatile Tool for Every Task

Optimize prompts for ChatGPT as part of our “Skills Enhancement” series. This guide will show you how to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT-4 by creating impactful prompts. Whether you’re looking to boost your learning, ignite creativity, or streamline project management, these tips are designed to help you craft prompts that deliver results. Dive in and discover how to maximize this powerful tool’s capabilities.

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SEO Prompts ChatGPT white Freemindtronic Andorra


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How to create a prompt for ChatGPT

Phrases for ChatGPT: ChatGPT is an advanced artificial intelligence tool that allows you to generate text based on the inputs you provide. You can use it to create content, learn new things, entertain yourself, or simply engage in conversation. But to truly maximize the benefits of ChatGPT, it’s essential to understand how to communicate effectively with it—this is where prompts come into play.

Prompts are short sentences or phrases that you input into ChatGPT’s interface to prompt a response or continue a conversation. These prompts guide the AI, helping it generate responses that meet your expectations. By crafting well-thought-out prompts, you can interact more effectively with ChatGPT and obtain high-quality answers tailored to your needs.

In this article, we introduce you to the best prompts for interacting with ChatGPT. We’ve grouped them into several categories based on the type of response or conversation you want to have. Whether you’re looking to learn, create, have fun, or stay informed, you’ll find the prompts you need right here.

Why Choose ChatGPT-4?

ChatGPT-4 is more than just a chatbot—it’s a versatile tool that can support you across various aspects of your life, from learning and creating to entertainment and more. With its enhanced understanding and nuanced responses, ChatGPT-4 offers more precise and engaging interactions than ever before.

Optimizing Your Interactions with ChatGPT-4

Prompts are key to maximizing the effectiveness of ChatGPT-4. These concise phrases or instructions guide the AI’s responses, enabling you to obtain clear answers, generate creative ideas, or even solve complex problems. To help you achieve your goals, we’ve categorized the most effective prompts below.

Learn with ChatGPT-4

Whether simplifying complex concepts or diving deep into detailed theories, ChatGPT-4 can become your go-to learning companion. Here’s how you can use prompts to enhance your learning experience:

  • Simplified Explanation: “Explain [complex concept] with a real-world example.”
  • In-Depth Learning: “Develop the theory of [subject] in detail, using recent case studies.”
  • Problem Solving: “Guide me step by step to solve [type of problem] using best practices.”
  • Advanced Comparison: “Compare the pros and cons of [choice A] and [choice B] in a professional context for 2024.”


  • Simplified Explanation: “Explain blockchain technology using a library ledger as an example.”
  • Problem Solving: “Help me structure a plan to improve time management within a work team.”

These prompts empower you to gain clear, customized insights while exploring your topics of interest in depth.

Create with ChatGPT-4

Unleash your creativity with ChatGPT-4, whether you need a blog post, catchy slogan, or even a business plan. ChatGPT-4 can help you generate innovative content and ideas across various mediums:

  • Content Creation: “Write a blog post on [subject] incorporating the latest industry data.” Alternatively, use the AIDA format (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) to structure your content.
  • Catchy Slogans: “Create a compelling tagline for an advertising campaign about (product or service), inspired by 2024’s best practices.”
  • Script Development: “Write a short film script based on [idea], with a plot that captivates a modern audience.”
  • Product Ideas: “Propose five innovative product ideas for the [sector] market, considering current trends.”
  • Book Title Ideas: “Give me 10 title ideas for a book on [theme].”
  • Logo Design: “Draw me a logo for [brand name] that reflects its core values.”
  • Short Story Writing: “Write a short story based on this sentence: [catchphrase].”
  • Song Composition: “Compose a song on [subject] using [artist’s] musical style.”
  • Business Plan: “Create a business plan for [type of business], focusing on market analysis and financial projections.”
  • Poetry Writing: “Write a poem on [topic] using the form [type of poem].”
  • Code Generation: “Generate source code for [functionality] using the [programming language].”

Enhance prompts for ChatGPT to Get Informed

Use ChatGPT-4 to keep up with the latest trends, data, and insights. Whether you’re looking for the latest news, in-depth analysis, or personalized recommendations, these prompts will help you stay informed:

  • Trend Tracking: “What are the latest trends in [industry or field] for 2024?”
  • Innovation Opinions: “What is the impact of [new technology] on [sector]?”
  • Critical Analysis: “Analyze the potential consequences of [recent event] on the global economy.”
  • Personalized Recommendations: “What are the best tools for [specific need] right now?”
  • Market Analysis: “Analyze the market opportunities for connected health products in Europe.”
  • Current Events: “What is the current situation in [country or region]?”
  • Upcoming Events: “What are the upcoming events in [field or sector]?”
  • Benefits and Risks: “What are the benefits and risks of [technology or trend]?”
  • Opinions on Controversial Topics: “What is your opinion on [controversial topic]?”
  • Books and Movies: “What are the best books or movies on [genre or theme]?”
  • Influential People: “Who are the most influential people in [field or sector]?”
  • Weather Updates: “What is the weather today in [place]?”

These prompts allow you to access relevant and current information tailored to your specific needs, helping you stay well-informed in a rapidly changing world.

Have Fun with ChatGPT-4

Transform your free time into interactive and entertaining experiences with ChatGPT-4. Whether you’re in the mood for jokes, creative storytelling, or immersive simulations, these prompts will keep you engaged:

  • Tell me a joke on [topic].
  • Let’s play a game: “I’m thinking of something, and you have to guess what it is by asking me closed-ended questions (yes or no).”
  • Creative Storytelling: “Let’s invent a story where you choose the course of events, inspired by the last novel I read.”
  • Personalized Stories: “Tell me a sci-fi story where I am the main character, and I have to solve a complex puzzle.”
  • Immersive Simulations: “Simulate a day in the life of [historical or fictional character], exploring their challenges and decisions.”
  • Character Imitation: “Talk to me like you were [famous person] or imitate [celebrity].”
  • Riddles and Puzzles: “Invent a riddle on [subject] for me to solve.”
  • Role-Playing Games: “Launch a role-playing game where I am a detective searching for a lost artifact in a cyberpunk city.”
  • Personal Exploration: “What is your wildest dream? What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? What’s your favorite superpower and why?”
  • Collaborative Creation: “Let’s write a song together about [theme], starting with the chorus lyrics and drawing inspiration from [artist’s] style.”

These prompts offer a wide range of entertainment options, from light-hearted fun to deeply engaging creative experiences, ensuring that every session with ChatGPT-4 is unique and enjoyable.

Engage in Meaningful Discussions with ChatGPT-4

Deepen your connection with ChatGPT-4 by exploring a range of personal, emotional, and intellectually stimulating topics. Whether you want to talk about personal interests or dive into complex issues, these prompts will guide your conversations:

  • Personal Introduction: “Tell me about yourself: who are you, what do you do, and what do you love?”
  • Hobbies and Passions: “What are your hobbies or passions?”
  • Daily Emotions: “How do you feel today? What makes you happy or sad?”
  • Dreams and Goals: “What are your dreams or goals? What motivates you to achieve them?”
  • Fears and Stressors: “What scares or stresses you?”
  • Curiosities and Fascinations: “What makes you curious or fascinates you, especially in the context of recent technological advancements?”
  • Laughter and Tears: “What makes you laugh or cry? What’s the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?”
  • Values and Principles: “What are your values or principles? How do they guide your decisions?”
  • Strengths and Weaknesses: “What are your strengths or weaknesses?”
  • Philosophical Reflections: “What is your view on the ethics of artificial intelligence, particularly regarding user rights?”
  • Current Global Issues: “What’s your opinion on climate issues and their long-term impact on the global economy?”
  • Thematic Discussions: “Discuss with me the implications of AI in the mental health field, analyzing ethical and practical aspects.”

These prompts allow you to engage with ChatGPT-4 on a personal level, exploring both everyday emotions and deep, thought-provoking topics, enriching your conversations and connections.

Test and Explore with ChatGPT-4

Engage with ChatGPT-4 to both test your knowledge and skills, and explore new topics, places, or historical contexts. This dual approach lets you discover new areas while assessing and improving your abilities.

Test Yourself and Improve

  • Personalized Quiz: “Give me a quiz on [topic].”
  • Skill Assessment: “Assess my level of [competence] by asking me questions.”
  • Personality Analysis: “Analyze my personality by asking me questions.”
  • Text Correction: “Correct my text by checking for spelling and grammar errors.”
  • Project Feedback: “Give me your feedback on my [project or work].”
  • Improvement Advice: “Give me advice on how to improve in [area].”
  • Professional Challenge: “Propose a challenge for me in [field].”
  • Result Comparison: “Compare my results with those of other users.”
  • Performance Rating: “Give me a rating based on [criterion].”
  • Rewards and Sanctions: “Assign me a reward or sanction based on my performance.”

These prompts allow ChatGPT-4 to act as a virtual coach, helping you evaluate your performance and continuously improve.

Explore New Worlds and Ideas

  • Topic Discovery: “Introduce me to [topic] by giving me an overview or summary.”
  • Virtual Tour: “Show me around [place] with a detailed description or map.”
  • Meet Someone New: “Introduce me to [person] by providing a biography or conducting an interview.”
  • Time Travel: “Transport me to [historical era] and provide the cultural and historical context.”
  • World-Building: “Create a scenario or plot that immerses me in [fictional universe].”
  • Fantasy Visualization: “Make me dream of [fantasy], describing a vivid vision or sensation.”
  • Philosophical Inquiry: “Make me think about [question] by offering a unique perspective or hypothesis.”
  • Simulation and Imagination: “Help me imagine [situation] by providing an example or simulation.”
  • Experiential Learning: “Give me a challenge or opportunity to experience [activity or concept].”

These prompts encourage you to explore new worlds, ideas, and perspectives, enriching your experience with ChatGPT-4.

Collaborate and Test Your Skills with ChatGPT-4

Leverage ChatGPT-4 to both assess your knowledge, skills, or personality, and collaborate on enhancing your projects or content. This approach enables you to improve while working closely with ChatGPT-4 on various tasks.

Test and Improve Yourself

  • Personalized Quiz: “Give me a quiz on [topic].”
  • Skill Assessment: “Assess my level of [competence] by asking me questions.”
  • Personality Analysis: “Analyze my personality by asking me questions.”
  • Text Correction: “Correct my text by checking for spelling and grammar errors.”
  • Project Feedback: “Provide feedback on my [project or work].”
  • Improvement Advice: “Give me advice on how to improve in [area].”
  • Professional Challenge: “Propose a challenge for me in [field].”
  • Result Comparison: “Compare my results with those of other users.”
  • Performance Rating: “Give me a rating based on [criterion].”
  • Rewards and Sanctions: “Assign me a reward or sanction based on my performance.”

These prompts allow ChatGPT-4 to act as a virtual coach, helping you evaluate your performance and continuously improve.

Collaborate to Enhance Your Projects

Beyond testing yourself, you can use ChatGPT-4 to collaborate on projects, refine your texts, or fine-tune your strategies. Whether you’re working on specific content or developing a broader project, ChatGPT-4 offers invaluable assistance:

  • Article Writing Prompt: “Make this text more direct and relevant for a blog post on [topic]. Avoid clichés, and adopt a more engaging and conversational tone. Use simple, everyday language. Ask open-ended questions to encourage the user to share more information. Show empathy by acknowledging the user’s feelings and concerns. Vary the responses to avoid repetition and enrich the conversation with relevant details. Maintain a friendly and accessible tone throughout.”
  • Interactive Collaboration Example: “Guide me in organizing a launch campaign for (product or service), ensuring we stay within a specific budget.”

These prompts enable you to refine the tone, structure, and effectiveness of your content or strategies, ensuring they resonate more effectively with your audience.

Explore New Ideas and Perspectives with ChatGPT-4

Use ChatGPT-4 as your guide to explore new topics, cultures, and concepts. Whether you want to understand a new industry, immerse yourself in a different culture, or explore hypothetical scenarios, these prompts will expand your horizons:

Discover and Learn

  • Introduction and Summary: “Let me discover [topic] by giving me an introduction or summary.”
  • Cultural Exploration: “Immerse me in the customs and traditions of [region], using historical anecdotes.”
  • Market Analysis: “Analyze market opportunities in [country] for tech products, considering local regulations.”
  • Historical Context: “Make me travel in [era] by giving me a historical or cultural context.”
  • Future Prospects: “What are the future prospects for the [industry] by 2030?”

Imagine and Create

  • Scenario Development: “Make me dive into [universe] by giving me a scenario or plot.”
  • Fantasy and Vision: “Make me dream of [fantasy] by giving me a vision or a sensation.”
  • Creative Inspiration: “Inspire me with innovative ideas for [creative project], drawing on current artistic trends.”
  • Hypothetical Exploration: “Make me think about [question] by giving me a perspective or hypothesis.”

Experience and Engage

  • Biographical Exploration: “Make me meet [person] by giving me a biography or an interview.”
  • Immersive Simulation: “Make me imagine [situation] by giving me an example or simulation.”
  • Challenge and Opportunity: “Make me experience [something] by giving me a challenge or an opportunity.”
  • Culinary Journey: “Take me on a journey through the culinary traditions of [country], explaining the historical influences behind each dish.”

These prompts enable you to explore a wide array of topics and experiences, deepening your understanding and sparking your imagination through ChatGPT-4’s guidance.


Prompts for ChatGPT to Improve Your Skills and Strategies with ChatGPT-4

Enhance your abilities, refine your strategies, and optimize your work processes with the help of ChatGPT-4. Whether you need to correct your writing, develop a compelling brand story, or design a strategic plan, these prompts will help you achieve continuous improvement:

Refine Your Content and Communication

  • Text Correction: “Correct my text by looking for spelling and grammar mistakes. Make sentences clearer. [Paste your text].”
  • Title Creation: “Create catchy titles for a blog post on [topic]. Titles should be engaging, impactful, and memorable.”
  • Brand Story Development: “Develop a compelling brand story for my brand using the hero’s journey framework.”

Optimize Your Workflow and Planning

  • Task Management: “Plan my day more efficiently by creating a list of priority tasks based on the following tasks: [Your to-do list].”
  • Goal Setting: “Help me set better goals for [personal or professional goal] using the SMART framework. Create specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound goals.”
  • Performance Optimization: “Analyze my current results and suggest improvements to achieve my professional goals.”

Innovate and Strategize

  • Product Innovation: “Help me innovate and improve my (product or service) using the Jobs to Be Done framework. Identify potential areas for improvement based on customer needs and wants.”
  • Pricing Strategy: “Optimize my pricing strategy for my (product or service) using the value-based pricing approach. Guide me through the process of determining the optimal price.”
  • Strategic Innovation: “Guide me in developing an innovation strategy for [type of company], incorporating agile methodologies.”

Plan and Launch

  • Content Strategy: “Help me break writer’s block by writing me a plan for a detailed blog post on [topic].”
  • Sales Funnel Design: “Help me design a high-converting sales funnel for my (product or service) using the Customer Value Optimization framework.”
  • Product Launch: “Help me develop a successful product launch strategy for my using the product launch formula.”

Continued Learning and Development

  • Learning Program: “Suggest a learning program to master [skill] within 6 months, using the best online resources.”
  • Development Plan: “Propose a program to learn Python programming, adapted to my schedule.”
  • Book Summary: “Summarize the most important lessons of the book [Book Title] in a comprehensive but digestible summary.”

These prompts enable you to improve your skills, optimize your strategies, and continually develop both personally and professionally with the guidance of ChatGPT-4.

Personalize Your ChatGPT-4 Experience

Customize ChatGPT-4’s responses to fit your specific needs, whether you require a change in tone, a specific writing style, or tailored content. Here’s how you can personalize your interaction with ChatGPT-4:

Adjust Tone and Style

  • Language Preference: “From now on, talk to me in [language].”
  • Tone Customization: “From now on, use a [formal or informal] tone in your answers.”
  • Writing Style Adaptation: “Adapt your writing style to [genre or target audience].”
  • Conciseness and Detail: “Be more [concise or detailed] in your answers.”

Enhance Content and Communication

  • Response Options: “Always give me at least [number] of options or examples in your answers.”
  • Source Citation: “Always cite your sources or references in your answers.”
  • Data Verification: “Always use verified data or facts in your answers.”
  • Topic Sensitivity: “Avoid sensitive or controversial topics in your answers.”
  • Respect and Consideration: “Respect my opinions or beliefs in your answers.”

Tailor Responses to Your Needs

  • Advanced Personalization: “Adjust your writing style to match the tone of [publication or audience] while maintaining a professional approach.”
  • Precision and Detail: “Provide me with more in-depth responses on [subject], using recent data and academic studies.”
  • Technical Language: “Use more technical language in your explanations about [specialized topic] for an informed audience.”
  • Interactive Responses: “Give me multiple options or examples in your responses to [type of problem], so I can choose the most appropriate approach.”

Personal Interaction

  • Relationship-Based Interaction: “Treat me as [relationship or status] in your answers.”
  • Customized Engagement: “From now on, interact with me as though I’m your [relationship role], incorporating personalized references.”

These prompts give you the flexibility to tailor ChatGPT-4’s interactions according to your preferences, ensuring that the responses are not only relevant but also aligned with your communication style and needs.

Optimize for SEO with Prompts for ChatGPT

Leverage the power of ChatGPT-4 to optimize your content for search engines, ensuring your work ranks higher and reaches a broader audience. Follow these steps and use the prompts provided to create SEO-optimized content:

Step-by-Step SEO Optimization

  1. Choose the Right Prompt: Select the prompt that best matches your content needs.
  2. Customize the Prompt: Replace the placeholder {topic} with your specific article topic.
  3. Generate Responses: Paste the customized prompt into ChatGPT-4 and generate the response.
  4. Evaluate and Edit: Assess the quality and relevance of the generated content, making necessary corrections.
  5. Repeat as Needed: Use additional prompts to refine and complete your article.

Key SEO Prompts

  • Title Creation: “Write a catchy title for your article on the topic {topic}.”
  • Meta-Description: “Create a meta-description optimized for SEO for your article on the topic {topic}.”
  • Introduction: “Write an engaging introduction for your article on the topic {topic}.”
  • Outline: “Develop a detailed outline for your article on the topic {topic}, using relevant headings and subheadings.”
  • Conclusion: “Write a concluding paragraph for your article on the topic {topic}, summarizing key points and encouraging action.”
  • Call to Action: “Craft an effective call to action for your article on the topic {topic}, clearly stating the desired outcome.”

Advanced SEO Techniques

  • Optimized Content: “Write a blog post optimized for SEO on [subject], incorporating the latest voice search trends.”
  • Effective Meta Descriptions: “Create an SEO meta description for an article on [subject], using the most searched keywords and optimizing for click-through rate.”
  • Keyword Research: “Identify long-tail keywords to improve the ranking of my content on [subject], using the latest SEO tools.”
  • Content Strategy: “Propose an SEO content strategy for a blog on [theme], considering the latest Google algorithm updates for 2024.”

Utilizing SEO Tools and Resources

  • Keyword Optimization: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, and Semrush to find high-potential keywords.
  • Synonym and Variation Identification: Explore Google Trends, Answer The Public, and LSI Graph for keyword variations.
  • Content Enrichment: Enhance your article with royalty-free images, quality videos, infographics, recent statistics, inspiring quotes, examples, and testimonials.
  • Technical SEO: Optimize internal and external links, Hn tags, alt tags, schema tags, title tags, and meta keywords for SEO.
  • SEO Analytics: Utilize tools like Screaming Frog, Sitebulb, Yoast SEO, Ahrefs, Moz, and Majestic to analyze and refine your content’s SEO performance.

By integrating these SEO strategies and utilizing the power of ChatGPT-4, you can create content that not only engages readers but also performs well in search engine rankings. This comprehensive approach ensures that every aspect of your content is optimized, from keyword selection to meta descriptions and internal linking.

Strengthen Your Cybersecurity with ChatGPT Prompts

In our ever-evolving digital world, cybersecurity is more crucial than ever. Leveraging the power of ChatGPT can significantly enhance your approach to system safety and cyber defense. Whether you’re a cybersecurity professional or someone looking to secure personal data, ChatGPT-4 can assist in various aspects of cybersecurity.

Explore Cybersecurity Strategies

Use ChatGPT to develop robust cybersecurity strategies tailored to your specific needs. You can craft prompts that guide the AI to provide insights into the latest cyber threats, mitigation techniques, and best practices for data protection.

Examples of cybersecurity-focused prompts include:

  • “Identify the top five emerging cybersecurity threats for 2024 and suggest mitigation strategies.”
  • “Help me create a step-by-step plan to secure my company’s data against ransomware attacks.”
  • “What are the latest trends in cybersecurity, and how can I implement them in my organization?”

Enhance System Safety

System safety is another critical area where ChatGPT-4 can provide valuable assistance. Whether you’re looking to secure network infrastructure, protect sensitive information, or comply with industry regulations, tailored prompts can yield actionable advice.

Consider using prompts such as:

  • “Outline a comprehensive system safety plan for a mid-sized enterprise.”
  • “How can I enhance my system’s safety to protect against potential cyber-attacks?”
  • “What are the key elements of an effective incident response plan for a cyber breach?”

Link to Additional Resources

For a deeper dive into how ChatGPT can enhance your cybersecurity efforts, explore our detailed guide on ChatGPT and Cybersecurity System Safety. This resource covers advanced strategies and provides expert insights into using AI for cyber defense.

By incorporating these cybersecurity strategies and system safety measures into your daily operations, you can ensure your digital environment is secure and resilient against evolving threats. Make ChatGPT a cornerstone of your cybersecurity efforts and stay ahead of potential risks.

Optimize prompts for ChatGPT to Expand Your AI Experience with Cyber ChatGPT Prompts

You’ve explored some of the most effective prompts to elevate your interactions with ChatGPT-4. Whether your goal is to learn, create, or enjoy a moment of entertainment, these prompts are designed to help you unlock the full potential of this versatile tool.

We encourage you to apply these prompts and see how they enhance your experience. Your feedback is invaluable to us—share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below. And if you found this article helpful, why not share it with others who could benefit?

For those looking to dive deeper into specialized areas, don’t miss our Cyber ChatGPT Prompts. This resource is crafted to guide you through cybersecurity topics, offering you precision and confidence in the digital realm.

Start exploring, experimenting, and expanding your horizons with ChatGPT-4 today!

THcon 2023: A Cybersecurity Conference and CTF in Toulouse

THCON 2023 DataShielder by Freemindtronic silver sponsor THCON CTF FCT ENSEEIHT Toulouse Hacking Convention

2024 Eurosatory Events Exhibitions Press release

Eurosatory 2024 Technology Clusters: Innovation 2024 DataShielder Defence

2023 Events FIC 2023

Serverless Cryptography Solution – FIC 2023

2022 Confex Events

CONFEX 4.0 Cybersecurity Transalley

Eurosatory Events Exhibitions

Exhibitors list Eurosatory 2022 and Freemindtronic Story

2022 CyberStealth Eurosatory Press release

EviStealth Technology at Eurosatory 2022

2022 Cyber Computer Eurosatory Press release

Cyber Computer at Eurosatory 2022

2022 Contactless Dual Strongbox Eurosatory Press release

The Contactless Dual Strongbox for sensitive data at Eurosatory 2022
Team THcon 2023 Freemindtronic Andorra Silver Sponsor
hardware CTF THcon 2023 Freemindtronic Andorra Silver Sponsor
Fortnite THcon 2023 Freemindtronic Andorra Silver Sponsor
Cryptax CTF THcon 2023 Freemindtronic Andorra Silver Sponsor
Team THcon 2023 Freemindtronic Andorra Silver Sponsor
THcon 2023: Highlights of the Cybersecurity Event

Do you want to know more about THcon 2023, a cybersecurity conference and CTF that took place in Toulouse, France? In this article, you will learn about the highlights of the event, the speakers, the partners and the prizes. You will also find out how to register for the next edition in 2024. Read on to discover why THcon is a must-attend event for cybersecurity enthusiasts!

Are you a cybersecurity enthusiast who missed THcon 2023 and its CTF? Or are you curious about what happened at this amazing event that took place in Toulouse, France from April 20 to 22, 2023? If so, you are in the right place. In this article, I will give you a recap of the highlights of THcon 2023 and its CTF. I will also show you why you should attend the next edition in 2024.

What is THcon and its CTF?

THcon is a cybersecurity event organized by the Toulouse Informatique Sécurité et Associatif (TISA) association. It aims to bring together hackers, researchers, students, professionals and enthusiasts from all over the world to share their passion and knowledge on cybersecurity.

The event features two days of talks, a social event and a CTF (Capture The Flag) in person. The talks cover various and current topics, such as hardware hacking, firmware analysis, secret extraction in CI/CD systems, attacks against online games, Android security model or the challenges of connected vehicle security. The speakers are recognized experts in their fields, such as Travis Goodspeed, Axelle Apvrille or Damien Cauquil.

The social event is an opportunity for the participants to network and have fun in a friendly and festive atmosphere. It is also the occasion to award the prizes for the challenge that takes place during the talks.

The CTF is a hacking competition that consists of solving cybersecurity challenges. For example, exploiting a vulnerability in an electronic device, extracting hidden data in a memory image, finding weaknesses in an encryption protocol and much more. The CTF takes place at ENSEEIHT on the third day of the event and is open to all levels. The winning teams win prizes such as hacking equipment, t-shirts and other surprises.

Highlights of THcon 2023 and its CTF THcon 2023 and its CTF were full of memorable moments that made this edition a success. Here are some of them:

  • The opening keynote by Travis Goodspeed. He shared his experience and insights on hacking hardware devices, such as radios, microcontrollers or smart cards.
  • The talk by Axelle Apvrille. She showed how to analyze firmware images using static and dynamic techniques. For instance, reverse engineering, emulation or fuzzing.
  • The talk by Damien Cauquil. He demonstrated how to attack online games using various tools and methods. For example, packet sniffing, proxying or cheating.
  • The social event on Thursday evening. Participants enjoyed music, drinks and food while chatting with each other and with the speakers.
  • The award ceremony for the challenge that took place during the talks. The challenge was to find hidden flags in different web pages related to THcon. The first three teams who found all the flags won prizes such as books or vouchers.
  • The CTF on Saturday at ENSEEIHT. More than 600 participants from 12 countries faced various and stimulating challenges in the field of cybersecurity.
  • Congratulation to the Synacktiv team, ENSEEIHT team and GCCENSIBS team for the podium and also to every team that participated ! 👏 You can learn more about GCC-ENSIBS on their LinkedIn page:

Partners and sponsors of THcon 2023 THcon is supported by several partners and sponsors who contribute to make this event possible. Among them are:

  • Freemindtronic: an Andorran company specialized in cybersecurity and safety of computer systems. Freemindtronic actively participates in the hardware CTF of THcon. You can discover the backstage of the hardware CTF of THcon 2022 in this video made by Jacques Gascuel, the CEO of Freemindtronic:
  • Synacktiv: a French company that provides offensive security services and solutions. Synacktiv also organizes trainings on various topics related to cybersecurity.

ENSEEIHT: a French engineering school that offers courses on computer science, electronics, telecommunications and applied mathematics. ENSEEIHT hosts the CTF of THcon on its premises.

Among the prizes offered by Freemindtronic, silver sponsor of THcon since 2022, there are four NFC HSM DataShielder Lite collector devices, a unique version made for THcon CTF 2023. These devices are password and bank card managers that work without a battery and offer secure, decentralized and individualized management of sensitive data.

Why should you attend THcon 2024?

THcon is a must-attend event in Occitania for learning, having fun and meeting other cybersecurity enthusiasts. You can find all the information on the official website of the event: You can also consult the list of challenges of the CTF on the site

If you want to experience this unique and enriching event, don’t hesitate to register for the next edition of THcon in 2024! You will find all the necessary information on the website Don’t miss this opportunity to discover the latest trends in cybersecurity, face exciting challenges and meet people who share your interests!

THCon Conference 2023


9h15 – 9h30 OPENING SPEECH
Mohamed Kâaniche (Director at LAAS-CNRS),
Marc Sztulman (Conseiller Régional d’Occitanie)

Travis GoodSpeed
More info

Théo Louis-Tisserand and Hugo Vincent
Synacktiv (Toulouse & Paris, France)
More info

David Soria
Astar (Toulouse, France)
More info

Romain Cayre and Damien Cauquil
Institut Eurecom (Sophia-Antipolis, France),
Quarkslab (Paris, France)
More info

Yaakov Cohen and Arie Haenel
More info

Florent Moriconi, Axel Neergaard, Lucas Georget, Samuel Aubertin and Aurélien Francillon
Institut Eurecom (Sophia-Antipolis, France)
More info

Paul Olivier
Institut Eurecom (Sophia-Antipolis, France) / LAAS-CNRS (Toulouse, France)
More info

FRIDAY 21TH 2023

9h30 – 10h15 [K] HACKING FOR IDEAS
Axelle Apvrille
More info

Céline Minh, Kevin Vermeulen, Cédric Lefebvre, Philippe Owezarski and William Ritchie
Custocy (Toulouse, France),
LAAS-CNRS, Universite de Toulouse, CNRS, INSA (Toulouse, France)
More info

Olivier de Casanove and Florence Sèdes
IRIT, Universite Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France)
More info

Jean-Baptiste Cayrou
Synacktiv (Toulouse, France)
More info

Redouane Soum
More info

Geoffrey Bertoli and Pierre Milioni
Synacktiv (Paris, France)
More info

Ilies Benhabbour, Marc Dacier, David Bromberg, Sven Dietrich, Rodrigo Rodrigues and Paulo Estes-Verissimo
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), (Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia),
Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRISA, INRIA Rennes (France),
City University of New York (New York, NY, USA),
Instituto Superior Tecnico and INESC-ID (Lisboa, Portugal)
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Antonin Verdier, Romain Laborde and Abdelmalek Benzekri
IRIT, Universite Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France)
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16h30 – 16h50 CONCLUSION

KingsPawn A Spyware Targeting Civil Society

KingsPawn A Spyware


KingsPawn from QuaDream Spyware Threat

KingsPawn, a spyware developed and sold by QuaDream based on digital offensive technology to governments. Its spyware, named Reign, uses zero-click exploits to infiltrate the mobile devices of civil society victims. In this article you will learn how QuaDream works, who its Cyber victims and customers have been, and how to protect yourself from this type of dangerous spyware

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To learn more about the potential dangers of KingsPawn spyware, read “QuaDream: Spyware That Targets Civil Society.” Stay informed by browsing our constantly updated topics

How to Secure Your Data from QuaDream’s KingsPawn Spyware,” written by Jacques Gascuel, the innovator behind advanced sensitive data security and safety systems, provides priceless knowledge on the topic of data encryption and decryption. Are you prepared to enhance your comprehension of data protection?

QuaDream: KingsPawn spyware vendor shutting down in may 2023

QuaDream was a company that sold digital offensive technologies to governments. Its main product, Reign, was a spyware that used zero-click exploits to hack mobile devices. A few months after Pegasus, a similar spyware by NSO Group, Microsoft and Citizen Lab found QuaDream’s Reign / KingsPawn spyware and its victims worldwide.

However, in May 2023, QuaDream stopped its activitiesMay 2023, QuaDream stopped its activities, due to the Israeli government’s restrictions on its spyware export. QuaDream had developed other espionage technologies, such as ENDOFDAYS, that it sold to foreign governments, like Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Ghana, Indonesia and Singapor.

QuaDream tried to sell its assets to other players, but the Israeli government blocked them It is unknown if the spyware KingsPawn is still active and used, or who controls it. Therefore, it is advised to be vigilant and protect your data with reliable security solutions.

How QuaDream’s Exploits KingsPawn her Spyware Work

According to Microsoft, QuaDream has an arsenal of exploits and malware that it calls KingsPawn. It includes a suspected exploit for iOS 14, named ENDOFDAYS, that seems to use invisible iCloud calendar invitations sent by the spyware operator to the victims. This exploit was deployed as a zero-day against iOS 14.4 and 14.4.2 versions, and maybe others.

The KingsPawn spyware is designed to exfiltrate data from the infected devices, such as contacts, messages, photos, videos, audio recordings, location data, browser information and app data. The malware communicates with command and control (C2) servers via encrypted protocols and uses evasion techniques to avoid detection.

How the KingsPawn spyware infects phones

The main infection vector of KingsPawn is the ENDOFDAYS exploit, which does not require any user interaction to execute. The spyware operator sends an invisible iCloud calendar invitation to the target’s phone number or email address. The invitation contains a malicious link that triggers the exploit when the phone processes the notification. The exploit then downloads and installs the KingsPawn malware on the device, without the user’s knowledge or consent.

The spyware operator can also use other methods to deliver the malicious link, such as phishing emails, SMS, social media messages, or fake websites. However, these methods require the user to click on the link, which reduces the chances of success.

KingsPawn Datasheet

The following table summarizes the main features and characteristics of the KingsPawn malware:

Feature Description
Name KingsPawn
Developer QuaDream
Platform iOS
Version 1.0
Size 2.5 MB
Permissions Full access to device data and functions
Capabilities Data exfiltration, audio recording, camera capture, location tracking, file search, keychain access, iCloud password generation, self-deletion
Communication Encrypted TCP and UDP protocols
C2 servers Multiple domains and IP addresses, some located in Israel, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ghana, Mexico, Romania, Singapore, UAE, and Uzbekistan
Victims At least five civil society actors, including journalists, political opponents, and an NGO worker, in North America, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the Middle East
Customers Several governments, some with poor human rights records, such as Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Ghana, Indonesia, and Morocco

How to Detect KingsPawn

KingsPawn is a stealthy and sophisticated malware that can evade most antivirus and security software. However, there are some signs and symptoms that can indicate a possible infection, such as:

  • Unusual battery drain or overheating of the device
  • Increased data usage or network activity
  • Unexpected pop-ups or notifications
  • Changes in device settings or behavior
  • Presence of unknown apps or files

If you notice any of these signs, you should scan your device with a reliable antivirus or security app, such as Malwarebytes or Norton. These apps can detect and remove KingsPawn and other malicious software from your device.

How to Protect Against KingsPawn

If you suspect that your device is infected by KingsPawn, you should take the following steps to remove it and protect your data:

  • Disconnect your device from the internet and any other networks
  • Backup your important data to a secure external storage
  • Perform a factory reset of your device to erase all data and settings
  • Restore your device from a clean backup or set it up as a new device
  • Update your device to the latest version of iOS and install security patches
  • Change your passwords and enable two-factor authentication for your online accounts
  • Avoid clicking on suspicious links or opening attachments from unknown sources
  • Use a reputable antivirus or security app to scan your device regularly

These steps will help you to get rid of KingsPawn and prevent it from infecting your device again. However, you should also be aware of the risks of using unsecured email services, such as iCloud web mail, which can be compromised by hackers or spyware. To protect your emails and other sensitive data, you should use a technology that encrypts your data with a hardware security module (HSM), such as EviCypher NFC HSM or DataShielder HSM PGP.

Who Are the Victims and Customers of QuaDream?

Citizen Lab, a research lab at the University of Toronto, identified at least five civil society victims of the spyware and exploits of QuaDream in North America, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe and the Middle East. The victims include journalists, political opponents and a worker of a non-governmental organization (NGO). Citizen Lab did not reveal the names of the victims for security reasons, but one of them agreed to share his testimony anonymously:

I was shocked when I learned that my phone was infected by QuaDream. I had no idea tat they were targeting me. I work for a human rights NGO and I have been involved in several campaigns to denounce the abuses of authoritarian regimes. I fear that they have accessed my personal and professional data, and that they have compromised my contacts and sources.

Citizen Lab also detected QuaDream servers operated from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ghana, Israel, Mexico, Romania, Singapore, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Uzbekistan. These countries could be potential or current customers of QuaDream, which sells its Reign platform to governments for law enforcement purposes. Media reports indicate that QuaDream sold its products to Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Mexico and Ghana, and offered its services to Indonesia and Morocco.

What Is the Link Between QuaDream and InReach?

QuaDream had a partnership with a Cypriot company called InReach, with which it is currently in legal dispute. The two companies accused each other of fraud, theft of intellectual property and breach of contract. Several key people associated with both companies have previous links with another surveillance provider, Verint, as well as with Israeli intelligence agencies.

Microsoft and Citizen Lab shared information about QuaDream with their customers, industry partners and the public, to improve the collective knowledge of how PSOAs (private sector offensive actors) operate and how they facilitate the targeting and exploitation of civil society. Microsoft calls for stricter regulation of PSOAs and increased protection of human rights in cyberspace.


QuaDream is a new spyware vendor that poses a serious threat to civil society. Its spyware, named Reign, uses zero-click exploits to infiltrate the mobile devices of civil society victims. QuaDream has sold its products to several governments, some of which have a poor record of human rights. QuaDream is also involved in a legal dispute with another company, InReach, over the ownership of the spyware technology. The international community should be aware of the dangers of QuaDream and other PSOAs, and take action to prevent their abuse.

Electronic Signature HSM OpenPGP

Electronic Signature from DataShielder

Electronic signatures are increasingly being used to authenticate and protect documents online. But did you know that there are different levels of security for electronic signatures? According to the eIDAS regulation, there are three types of electronic signatures: simple, advanced and qualified. Each type offers a different degree of reliability and safety. In this article, we will look at simple electronic signatures and explain how HSM OpenPGP can make them more secure.

Simple Electronic Signatures

A simple electronic signature is the most basic form of electronic signature. It has no specific criteria defined by the eIDAS regulation. It is based solely on the express or implied consent of the author of the document. For example, a simple click on an “I agree” button or entering a name in a form field can be considered a simple electronic signature.

Simple electronic signatures are used for documents that do not require increased security, such as newsletters, surveys or contact forms. They have limited legal value, as they do not guarantee the identity of the signer or the integrity of the document.

Simple electronic signatures present several risks for data security. First of all, they are easy to forge or usurp. It is enough to know the name or email address of the signer to be able to sign in his place. Then, they are vulnerable to computer attacks. A hacker can intercept, modify or delete the signed document without the signer or the recipient noticing. Finally, they are difficult to verify. There is no simple and reliable way to prove the authenticity and validity of a simple electronic signature.

Il is a tool that allows you to sign your electronic documents in compliance with the eIDAS regulation. HSM OpenPGP offers you several advantages to enhance the security of your simple electronic signatures:

HSM OpenPGP uses an asymmetric cryptography system to protect your data. Each signer has a pair of keys: a public key and a private key. The public key is used to verify the signature, while the private key is used to sign the document. The private key is stored in a secure digital vault and is only accessible to the signer. HSM OpenPGP generates a timestamp for each signed document. The timestamp is an indelible proof of the date and time of the signature. It ensures the integrity of the document and prevents tampering or repudiation. HSM OpenPGP allows you to choose the level of security of your electronic signature according to your needs. You can opt for a simple, advanced or qualified electronic signature. Each level offers additional guarantees on the identity of the signer and the validity of the document. It is therefore a tool that allows you to sign your electronic documents with confidence and compliance. If you want to learn more about HSM OpenPGP and its features, feel free to visit our website or contact us.

Advanced Electronic Signatures

Electronic signatures are increasingly used to authenticate and protect online documents. But not all electronic signatures are equal. According to the eIDAS regulation, there are three types of electronic signatures: simple, advanced and qualified. Each type offers a different level of reliability and security. In this article, we will focus on advanced electronic signatures and explain how HSM OpenPGP can make them safer.

An advanced electronic signature is a form of electronic signature that offers a higher level of security than a simple electronic signature. It is based on a digital certificate issued by a trusted third party, called a qualified trust service provider (QTSP). This certificate allows to authenticate the identity of the signer and to ensure the integrity of the signed document. To be considered as an advanced electronic signature, the signature must meet several criteria defined by the eIDAS regulation. It must be:

  • Uniquely linked to the signer;
  • Capable of identifying the signer;
  • Created using signature creation data that the signer can use under his exclusive control;
  • Linked to the signed data in such a way that any subsequent modification of the data is detectable.

Advanced electronic signatures are used for documents that require increased security, such as contracts, invoices or tax declarations. They have a stronger legal value than simple electronic signatures, because they can prove the origin and integrity of the document.

It is an encryption key management application that provides unparalleled security and privacy to users. It is compatible with all messaging services and offers end-to-end encrypted instant messaging via segmented key authentication SMS. It also has a file encryption and data signing system with signature self-verification.

  • eIDAS compliance: By using HSM OpenPGP for advanced electronic signatures, you can be sure that your signatures meet the requirements of the eIDAS (Electronic IDentification, Authentication and Trust Services) regulation, which was established in July 2016 to define the criteria for an electronic signature process within the European Union.
  • Timestamp of signed documents: HSM OpenPGP generated a timestamp for each signed document. The timestamp is indelible proof of the date and time of the signature. It ensures the integrity of the document and prevents falsification or repudiation.
  • Choice of security level: HSM OpenPGP also allows you to choose the level of security of your electronic signature according to your needs.
  • Advanced features for data security and privacy: In addition to meeting eIDAS requirements for advanced electronic signatures, HSM OpenPGP also offers other data security and privacy benefits. For example, it allows you to generate, store, and use all types of symmetric and asymmetric keys offline for Open PGP encryption algorithms. The user can freely choose the algorithm he wants to use from AES 128 192 256 or RSA 2048 3072 4096 Open PGP. They can also import or export existing keys for storage, management, sharing, or use with HSM OpenPGP.

By using HSM OpenPGP for advanced electronic signatures, you not only benefit from a high level of reliability and security in accordance with the eIDAS regulation, but also additional protection for your data thanks to the advanced features offered by HSM OpenPGP.

Compliance with eIDAS Regulation

It is an innovative application for managing encryption keys and signing files. Although HSM OpenPGP offers an interesting approach to electronic signatures, it is important to note that its approach differs from the requirements for a qualified electronic signature under the eIDAS regulation.

The eIDAS Regulation (No 910/2014) was adopted on 23 July 2014 by the European Parliament and the European Union Council. It aims to strengthen trust in electronic transactions within the internal market by establishing a common foundation for secure electronic interactions between citizens, businesses and public authorities. According to this regulation, a qualified electronic signature must be created using a secure signature creation device (DSC) that ensures that the signature creation data is under the exclusive control of the signatory. It must also be based on a qualified electronic signature certificate that attests to the identity of the signatory and is issued by a qualified trust service provider (PSC) meeting applicable technical and regulatory requirements. Finally, it must allow the signatory to be identified and any subsequent changes to the signed data to be detected.

To learn more about the eIDAS Regulation, you can visit the EUR-Lex website at the following address:

HSM OpenPGP does not generate a qualified electronic signature within the meaning of the eIDAS Regulation because its approach does not rely on the use of a secure signature creation device (DSC) or a qualified certificate for electronic signatures issued by a qualified trust service provider (PSC).

However, It’s offers an innovative approach in the field of file signing and data encryption. HSM OpenPGP allows the signatory to generate, store and share their own public key and signature hash without relying on an external trusted third party. HSM OpenPGP uses technology patented by Freemindtronic on segmented key authentication to provide users with an unparalleled level of security and privacy. HSM OpenPGP also allows you to choose the level of security for your electronic signature based on your needs.

In short, although HSM OpenPGP does not generate a qualified electronic signature within the meaning of the eIDAS Regulation, it offers an innovative approach to simple and advanced electronic signatures with a high level of security and privacy.

According to the eIDAS Regulation, an advanced electronic signature must meet the following criteria:

  • It is uniquely linked to the signatory.
  • It allows the signatory to be identified.
  • It is created using data that the signatory can use under their exclusive control.
  • It is linked to the data to which it relates in such a way that any subsequent changes to the data can be detected.

It is appears to meet these criteria by allowing the signatory to generate their own private key using an application on their phone. The private key is encrypted and stored in the keychain (Apple) or key store (Android) and is only accessible to the signatory. The signatory creates their signature in .asc format from their private key after authenticating by entering at least one key or two or three. The signatory then sends the signature and their public key to the recipient so that they can verify that the file has not been corrupted.

By using HSM OpenPGP for advanced electronic signatures, you not only benefit from a high level of reliability and security in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation, but also additional protection for your data thanks to HSM OpenPGP’s advanced features. For example, it has a file encryption system and data signing with self-verification of signatures. The user can freely choose which algorithm they want to use among AES 128 192 256 or RSA 2048 3072 4096 Open PGP. They can also import or export existing keys for storage, management, sharing or use with HSM OpenPGP.

In conclusion, although HSM OpenPGP does not generate a qualified electronic signature within the meaning of the eIDAS Regulation, it offers an innovative approach to simple and advanced electronic signatures with a high level of security and privacy. It is appears to meet the criteria for an advanced electronic signature by allowing the signatory to generate their own private key using an application on their phone and providing users with an unparalleled level of security and privacy thanks to its patented technology. By using HSM OpenPGPfor advanced electronic signatures, you not only benefit from a high level of reliability and security in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation, but also additional protection for your data thanks to HSM OpenPGP’s advanced features. For example, it has a file encryption system and data signing with self-verification of signatures. The user can freely choose which algorithm they want to use among AES 128 192 256 or RSA 2048 3072 4096 Open PGP. They can also import or export existing keys for storage, management, sharing or use with HSM OpenPGP.

Serverless Cryptography Solution – FIC 2023

datashielder serverless cryptography solution team Sesame Expertises Region Hauts de France FIC 2023 Freemindtronic Andorra

DataShielder: Freemindtronic’s innovation at FIC 2023


DataShielder is a serverless cryptography solution that Freemindtronic presented at the International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC) 2023, which took place in Lille Grand Palais from 5 to 7 April 2023. The FIC is the leading European event on issues of security and digital trust. It brings together all cybersecurity actors, whether public or private, national or international. FIC visitors were able to attend demonstrations to discover all the features and benefits offered by DataShielder. The demonstrations took place on the stand of the Hauts-de-France region with Sésame Expertises, official partner of Freemindtronic.

DataShielder electronic signature compatible with eIDAS, GDPR, ISO/IEC 27001
Contact for demos on Sesame Expertises booth C9-12

Upload PDF press release (en) click here

CONFEX 4.0 Cybersecurity Transalley

CONFEX 4.0 Cybersecurity Transalley Freemindtronic from Andorra participates in the first edition theme industrial cybersecurity iiot cyber pc Kubb Bleujour
QR code black contact Freemindtronic Eurosatory Hall 5B C178

CONFEX 4.0 CYBERSECURITY TRANSALLEY 2022 for its 1st edition Freemindtronic Andorra participates on December 15, 2022 at the Technopole Transalley Famars (France) in the event on the theme Cybersecurity and IIOT

We thank the organizers of the Confex 4.0 Cybersecurite Transalley for having solicited Freemindtronic to participate as an industrial actor in safety and cybersecurity developer and manufacturer of industrial solutions and IIoT.

CONFEX 4.0 Transalley Expo 2022 Famars IMTD France

Demonstration available on the booth

Various safety and cybersecurity products and services are available under white label license.

NFC M15Secure Bleujour

Learn more

NFC CyberPC Bleujour

Learn more

NFC Cold Wallet Keepser

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NFC Secure Card Bleu Jour

Learn more

Data & Backup ITProtectee

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vCard & Badge Manager

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NFC Encryption Keys Manager

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Rugged Secure NFC USB key

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Encryption Keys PGP Manager

NEW 2023

vCard & Badge Manager

NEW 2023

PDF Encrypted Manager

NEW 2023

NFC HSM Advertising Pen

NEW 2022

NFC HSM Cufflinks

NEW 2022

NFC HSM Tuxedo Button

NEW 2022

NFC HSM Fake USB Stick

NEW 2023

NFC HSM Stealth Ruler

NEW 2023

Your NFC HSM   ?

NEW 2023



The rugged NFC mini HSM (Hardware Security Module) offers the ability to store up to 100 encrypted secrets. It is paired with an NFC Android phone and works by energy harvesting, contactless, through the antenna signal of the phone, It can be embedded directly into different non-ferrous materials that do not disturb the NFC signal such as wood, leather, plastic, stone, resin, tissue. Very small size (less than 2 cm diameter and 2 mm thick), it can be used in different places, a wall, a door … for industrial use. In the video above, the NFC HSM has been embedded under the pad of the M15 Secure laptop from French computer manufacturer Bleu Jour. Advantageously, the aluminum casing of the laptop offers a Faraday protection blocking the NFC signal.


Keepser Group Award CES 2022 for Keepser product NFC Cold Wallet Cryptocurrency contactless
NFC Cold Wallet

Freemindtronic designs stealthy NFC HSM

Some examples which will be presented at Confex 4.0: advertising pen, cufflink, ruler and the stealthy NFC card.

Stealthy Secret Safe Pen
Discover EviStealth technologies

Anonymised real-time encrypted data transfer

Eurosatory 2022 costume NFC button secret safe & NFC cufflink secret safe by Freemindtronic Andorra
Stealthy cufflink secret safe

Design of customized stealth eco-systems

EviKey Technology

Discover the Evikey technology, a mobile data storage that can only be unlocked contactless. In USB and SSD format, they are physically undetectable from computer systems when locked.

Eurosatory 2022 EviKey Technology NFC rugged waterproof usb stick nfc unlock data storage secured contactless by Freemindtronic Andorra
EviKey technology

Waterproof contactless data storage

The only contactless unlocking system with a configurable self-healing multi-factor and a tamper-proof black box that protects against mechanical, electrical, thermal and electronic stress.


Give us a call!

Eurosatory 2022 EviStealth dual use milirary Technology by Freemindtronic Andorra
EviStealth technology

Secret Service

Eurosatory 2022 EviStealth dual use civil journalist Technology by Freemindtronic Andorra
EviStealth technology

Regulated professions

CONFERENCES | #1 CONFEX 4.0 : Cyber Security and IIoT

First edition on Thursday, December 15, 2022 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the first 4.0. theme addressed: Industrial Cybersecurity and IIoT.

The Technolope Transalley on France, has partnered with the AIF (Association of Railway Industries Hauts-de-France), Altytud (Cluster of Aerospace Industries Hauts-de-France), ARIA Hauts-de-France (Regional Association of Automotive Industry Hauts-de-France), CAP’Industrie, CETIM, the CCI Grand Hainaut and HDFID (Hauts-de-France Innovation Development), to organize a cycle “CONFEX 4. 0”, an innovative formula that combines a conference program and an exhibition, bringing together solution providers on the theme of the day and the presence of training centers in the field of Industry 4.0.

Confex 4.0 Cybersecurity Transalley official communication eventbrite 2022

Learn more about the Confex conference program clic button 👉

Contact support

KEEPSER Products Warranty

Keepser products warranty for NFC Cold Wallet Keepser embedded EviVault Technology from Freemindtronic Andorra ces award 2022

KEEPSER® Products Warranty

EviVault & EviToken Technologies by Freemindtronic
Official partner of KEEPSER® brand products

Version 1.0 – 26th september 2022

Datasheet link:

KEEPSER datasheet products


Warranty of KEEPSER products manufactured by Freemindtronic

Manufacturer Identification

Freemindtronic is an andorran company whose head office is located at 14 Avenue Copríncep de Gaulle, AD700 Escaldes-Engordany, Principality of Andorra, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Andorra under number 16501.


We guarantee that the Products are free from hidden defects, manufacturing defects and non-conformities, which hinder their marketing by the seller.

We warrant the products manufactured by us under the KEEPSER® brand, its components and workmanship to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under regular use as defined by the manufacturer’s user manuals for the warranty period under the following conditions:

Manufacturer warranty period

The warranty period begins on the date of original purchase and lasts two (2) years for the professional customer and three (3) years for the customer.

The customer can activate the manufacturer’s warranty after having exhausted the seller’s commercial or contractual warranty remedies or if the seller no longer has a legal existence. The customer can consult the general conditions of sale of the seller here:

We further warrant the replaced product and/or its parts or components to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of replacement, or the remainder of the warranty period, the longest period being chosen.


This warranty is not transferable. It is enforceable by the original customer. Any product not purchased as new from the seller is expressly excluded from this warranty.

We shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages incurred and/or occurring in connection with the product or its purchase. Our liability is limited solely to the product itself. We assume no liability for any loss or cost relating to loss of profits and/or business of any third party or customer, or any other indirect cost or loss however incurred. . We reserve the right to make changes or improvements in design or workmanship without assuming any obligation to modify or improve products previously manufactured and/or sold.

The seller’s products are protected by intellectual property via patents for inventions (n° WO2018/154258 and n° WO2017/129887) in the USA, Europe, China, South Korea, Japan and Algeria as well as by various copyrights and Soleau envelopes.

We have granted patents and software licenses to the seller. The customer must ensure that the seller still has their licenses with the manufacturer before making a purchase. Failing this, the customer can be considered as the receiver of the counterfeit product.

We grant Seller’s Customer a personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use the software associated with the Products. This license is exclusively intended to allow the customer to use the Products and benefit from the associated functionalities. The customer may not copy or modify in whole or in part, nor distribute, sell or rent all or part of the software. The customer does not have the right to decompile and/or decompose nor attempt to extract the source code of our software.

We guarantee the authorization to decompile and/or break down only in the event that a law of public order is imposed on us or with our prior explicit agreement. This guarantee does not apply to the use of our free software used by our Products since we guarantee to the customer that this software can be offered under an open license that we make available to him. However, the open license is legally autonomous. It can enact specific conditions.

To benefit from the guarantee, the customer must not make any modification to the Products (no right of disassembly and reassembly for example), nor remove the labels or the distinctive signs of the brands under which they are sold. Neither the customer nor the seller has the right to make statements that are not in accordance with our documentation.

To benefit from the warranty,

  • The customer or the seller must not reproduce, nor allow a third party to reproduce, any part of the Products.The customer or the seller must not communicate to third parties information allowing the reproduction of any part of the Products.
  • The customer or the seller must not participate, directly or indirectly, in the sale of products which would violate our rights and/or those of the seller.
  • The customer acknowledges and agrees not to import, sell or transfer Products in violation of the laws applicable in his country.
  • The customer declares that the delivery of the Products that he buys will not violate any law or regulation of the country of delivery.
  • The customer acknowledges being aware that in certain countries, he must be registered as an importer and/or obtain a special import license for our products equipped with cryptographic technologies.
  • The customer agrees not to export any product purchased from the seller to any other country or region if the export control laws prohibit it or if he does not have the appropriate license, or any other agreement from the authorities.
  • The customer agrees to comply with these conditions before making a purchase of the product.
  • The customer declares to be aware that in the event of non-compliance with the above conditions, he is liable to legal action by the authorities of the country of importation.
  • The Customer agrees not to purchase any product from Seller for military purposes.

Warranty limitations

We, as a manufacturer, make no specific commitment regarding the Products, their available features, their qualities, their performance, their functionalities, their reliability, their availability or their compatibility for a particular use or the suitability for your needs. We do not warrant that the functions contained in the software will meet any specific requirements or that the operation of the software will be uninterrupted, or error free, or changed without notice or the need for updates to ensure continued compatibility with seller’s branded products.

Our products are sold “as is” to the seller.

The customer is solely responsible for compliance with the conditions of use and the instructions contained in the user manuals of the product.

The limitation of this warranty binds the customer to expressly release our affiliates, agents and employees and the seller from any liability other than that defined by this warranty. The customer indemnifies us against any claim, proceeding or legal action on his part in connection with the use of the products, including any liability and financial burden resulting from claims, losses or damages, proceedings and judgments, legal and attorney’s fees.
We are aware that some countries do not allow the above disclaimers, if the customer is a consumer. In fact, the customer is required to know the legislation of his country. He is in fact held solely responsible for the conformity of his order with the rules of law of his country. If the customer does not meet the legal conditions under the law of his country, he cannot hold us responsible, nor sue us for non-compliance due to his own negligence.

The release of our software is provided to the seller on an “as is” and “as available” basis. We do not warrant that it will be accurate, error-free or uninterrupted. The seller has independent publishing autonomy from the manufacturer. We do not guarantee the interruption of the seller’s publication.

The products have a protection system against counterfeiting via a unique digital signature embedded in the product. It is accessible only in read-only mode, but only through the software. The latter detects and warns the user if the product signature is not compliant. Despite this electronic and digital anti-counterfeiting system, we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including warranties of accuracy, non-infringement, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose.

We guarantee that the software and the product do not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party. The seller is released from all responsibility for the product and software which is the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, this warranty does not apply to:

  • Normal wear and tear;
  • Damage resulting from accident, abuse, misuse, neglect, mishandling or improper installation;
  • Damage to or loss of product caused by undue physical or electrical stress, including but not limited to humidity, corrosive environments, power surges, temperature extremes;
  • Damage to or loss of the product caused by acts of nature, including but not limited to floods, storms, fires and earthquakes;
  • Damage caused by operator error or failure to follow the instructions set out in the accompanying documentation;
  • Modifications made by persons other than Us, associated partners or authorized service facilities;
  • Products on which the original software has been replaced or modified by persons other than Us, associated partners or authorized service facilities;
  • Counterfeit products;
  • Damage to or loss of data or information contained in the product;
  • Product malfunction which may result in the loss, erasure, corruption or alteration of data (“Data Loss”). We cannot be held responsible for loss of data in connection with the product, however caused. It is the Customer’s responsibility to protect against data loss and maintain a verified backup of all data on the Product at all times;
  • Product failure caused by the use of products not supplied by us.

This warranty gives specific legal rights. You may also have other legal rights which vary from country to country. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of warranties or incidental or consequential damages, so some of the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.

Warranty Service Procedure

If your product can store software programs, data and other information, we recommend that you make regular backup copies of the information contained in the product in order to protect the contents and to guard against possible failures. Operating.

Data disclaimer:

We do not warrant, represent or promise that we can repair or replace a Product under this warranty without risk and/or loss of information and/or data stored on the Product.

Before submitting your warranty claim for your Product, we advise you to make a copy of the content, delete all personal information and disable all security passwords. The contents of your Product may be erased, replaced and/or reformatted during warranty service.

In order to exercise any recourse under this guarantee, you must be in possession of the serial number of your product and its pairing key which are accessible via the software. The pairing key is supplied with the product in “Qrcode” format. The serial number can be obtained via a free app on your NFC phone to read the serial number of the product.

Before returning the product, make sure you have recovered all your Keeps, including your BIP39 cryptocurrency recovery passphrases. We are not responsible for any damage or loss of data or other data stored in the product while inspected by our warranty departments.

We undertake to repair, or replace a defective product with the similar version of the product, unless the defect is the result of warranty limitations. The repair or replacement of the product is free of charge.

In the event that the product proves to be defective during the warranty period, please follow these instructions:

  • Contact Seller Support at
  • The warranty department will open an RMA request procedure by assigning you a product return code.
  • The seller will provide you with a mailing address to return the product for inspection.

Applicable law

The customer, like the seller, accepts the laws of the Principality of Andorra, without regard to the principles of conflict of laws, govern these guarantees and any dispute of any kind that may arise between the customer and / or the seller and / or the manufacturer. This choice of applicable law clause does not deprive the consumer who concludes this contract of his rights under the mandatory provisions of the law of his country of habitual residence in the event that this law would otherwise be applicable under Article 6.1 of Regulation (EC) No. 593/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I).

Election de for clause

Any dispute relating in any way to these warranty conditions for products that the customer has acquired from the seller or the seller from the manufacturer will be definitively settled in the courts of the Principality of Andorra. If you have in any way violated or threatened to violate our intellectual property rights, we may seek injunctive or other appropriate relief in any court of our choosing. You consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of such courts.


The customer who accepts it, acknowledges that the manufacturer may at its discretion have recourse to the arbitration procedure for any dispute or dispute arising from or in connection with these warranty conditions, including any question relating to the validity, invalidity, breach, or termination of the contract. These disputes will be definitively resolved by way of arbitration according to the Rules of the Arbitral Tribunal of the Principality of Andorra (TAPA) by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with these Rules. The seat of the arbitration is the Principality of Andorra, the language of the arbitration is French and the rules of law applicable to the merits of the dispute, those of Andorran law.


Terms used in this document have the following meanings (whether used in singular or plural):

Customer” means an end customer (owner of the Product) who purchases a product under the KEEPSER® brand

Hidden defect” means a non-apparent defect of the Product, which makes it unfit for the use for which it is intended, or which reduces this use so much that the customer would not have bought it or would have bought it at a lower price if he had known about it. The claim for latent defect must be brought within two years of the discovery of the defect.

KEEPSER® brand” is not a trademark of the manufacturer. It refers to the owner of the trademark and/or the legally legitimate company to exploit this trademark.

Limited warranty” applies to purchases of Products under the KEEPSER® brand.

Professional customer” refers to a physical or legal person who purchases a Product from the KEEPSER® brand or use in the context of a commercial, industrial, artisanal, liberal or agricultural activity.

Manufacturing defect” contains an apparent defect in the Product which renders it unfit for the use for which it is intended.

Manufacturer” means the company Freemindtronic SL Andorra with registered office at Av. Copríncep de Gaulle, 13, AD700 Escaldes-Engordany in the Principality of Andorra. It is the sole guarantor of the products it manufactures under the KEEPSER® brand.

Non-conformity” characterizes a Product delivered by the manufacturer that does not conform to the explicit description of the purchase order issued by the Seller.

However, to be recognized as non-compliant, the product must meet one of the following points:

  • The product does not correspond to the description given by the manufacturer,
  • The product does not have the qualities detailed in an advertisement about it,
  • The user manual is incomprehensible,
  • The product has a manufacturing defect, imperfection, improper assembly,
  • The seller was not aware of the defect at the time of placing theorder, or he could not have been unaware of this defect at that time, or the seller and/or manufacturer proves that the lack of conformity did not exist at the time of delivery of the product.

It also characterizes a product delivered by the seller to his customer. The customer has read the conditions of sale and commercial or contractual guarantee of the seller before purchasing the product.

Product” means the Electronic Product offered for sale under the KEEPSER® brand, including associated digital elements including software, firmware, applications, web browser extensions.

RMA” in English Return Merchandise Authorization, means Return Merchandise Authorization.

Seller “: refers to the owner of the brand and/or company operating the KEEPSER® trademark.

« We » identifies Freemindtronic SL as the manufacturer of the KEEPSER® products.


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