
OpenVPN Security Vulnerabilities Pose Global Security Risks

Depiction of OpenVPN security vulnerabilities showing a globe with digital connections, the OpenVPN logo with cracks, and red warning symbols indicating a global breach.

Understanding OpenVPN Security Vulnerabilities: History, Risks, and Future Solutions

OpenVPN security vulnerabilities pose critical risks that could expose millions of devices to cyberattacks. This trusted tool for secure communication now faces serious challenges. This article delves into the history and discovery of these flaws while offering practical solutions to protect your data. Learn how to secure your network and stay ahead of these emerging threats.

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Explore our detailed article on OpenVPN security vulnerabilities, written by Jacques Gascuel, a leading expert in cybersecurity. Learn about the advanced encryption solutions from DataShielder and the proactive measures being taken to protect your data against these threats. Stay updated and secure by subscribing to our regular updates.

Critical OpenVPN Vulnerabilities Pose Global Security Risks

OpenVPN security vulnerabilities have come to the forefront, affecting millions of users globally. Microsoft recently highlighted these critical flaws, which are present in the widely-used open-source project OpenVPN. This project integrates with routers, firmware, PCs, mobile devices, and smart devices. Attackers could exploit these flaws to execute remote code (RCE) and escalate local privileges (LPE). Such exploitation could lead to severe security breaches.

These OpenVPN security vulnerabilities pose a substantial risk due to the extensive use of this technology. If exploited, malicious actors could take complete control of affected devices. These devices span various technologies globally, making the threat widespread. Therefore, the cybersecurity community must respond immediately and in a coordinated manner.

A Chronological Overview of OpenVPN and the Discovery of Vulnerabilities

To understand the current situation, we must first look at the historical context. This overview of OpenVPN highlights its evolution and the timeline leading to the discovery of its security vulnerabilities.

Timeline of the evolution and discovery of OpenVPN security vulnerabilities from 2001 to 2024.
The evolution of OpenVPN and the discovery of security vulnerabilities from 2001 to 2024.

2001: The Birth of OpenVPN

OpenVPN security vulnerabilities did not exist at the beginning. OpenVPN was created by James Yonan in 2001 as an open-source software application implementing virtual private network (VPN) techniques. It aimed to provide secure site-to-site and point-to-point connections, making it a flexible and widely adaptable solution. The open-source nature of OpenVPN allowed developers and security experts worldwide to contribute to its codebase, enhancing its security and functionality over time.

2002-2010: Rapid Adoption and Growth

During the early 2000s, OpenVPN quickly gained traction due to its versatility and security features. Users and enterprises could easily customize it, which fueled its popularity. As organizations and individuals sought reliable VPN solutions, OpenVPN became a preferred choice. It was integrated into numerous routers, devices, and enterprise networks.

2011-2015: Strengthening Security Features

As cybersecurity threats evolved, so did OpenVPN. Between 2011 and 2015, the OpenVPN community focused on enhancing encryption methods and strengthening security protocols. This period saw the introduction of more robust features, including support for 256-bit encryption. OpenVPN became one of the most secure VPN solutions available. Millions of users worldwide relied on it for their privacy needs.

2016-2019: Increased Scrutiny and Open-Source Contributions

As OpenVPN’s popularity soared, it attracted more scrutiny from security researchers. The open-source nature of OpenVPN allowed for constant peer review, leading to the identification of potential vulnerabilities. During this period, the OpenVPN project continued to receive contributions from a global community of developers. This process further enhanced its security measures. However, the growing complexity of the codebase also made it challenging to ensure every aspect was fully secure.

2020: The Discovery of Critical Vulnerabilities

In 2020, security researchers began identifying critical OpenVPN security vulnerabilities. These flaws could be exploited for remote code execution (RCE) and local privilege escalation (LPE). Despite rigorous open-source review processes, these vulnerabilities highlighted the challenges of maintaining security in widely adopted open-source projects. The discovery was particularly concerning given the extensive use of OpenVPN across millions of devices worldwide.

2021-Present: Response and Mitigation Efforts

The discovery of these vulnerabilities prompted swift action. The OpenVPN community and associated manufacturers responded quickly to address the issues. They released a series of patches and updates to mitigate the risks. However, securing open-source software that is widely deployed in diverse environments remains challenging. Although many vulnerabilities have been addressed, the discovery sparked discussions about the need for ongoing vigilance and the adoption of complementary security measures, such as encryption solutions like DataShielder. The evolution of OpenVPN and the discovery of security vulnerabilities from 2001 to 2024.

Mindmap outlining the strategies for mitigating OpenVPN security
Strategies to mitigate OpenVPN security vulnerabilities, focusing on patching, encryption, and Zero Trust.

Understanding OpenVPN Security Vulnerabilities

For millions who rely on OpenVPN for secure communication, these security vulnerabilities are alarming. The possibility of remote code execution means an attacker could introduce malicious software onto your device without your consent. Additionally, local privilege escalation could give attackers elevated access. This access could potentially lead to a full takeover of the device.

Given the widespread use of OpenVPN across numerous devices, these security vulnerabilities could have far-reaching effects. The consequences of an exploit could include data theft and unauthorized access to sensitive information. It could also lead to widespread network compromises, affecting both individual users and large enterprises.

Why Encrypt Your Data Amid OpenVPN Security Vulnerabilities?

OpenVPN security vulnerabilities highlight the necessity of a multi-layered security approach. While VPNs like OpenVPN are essential for securing internet traffic, relying solely on them, especially if compromised, is insufficient to protect sensitive data.

A Zero Trust approach, which follows the principle of “never trust, always verify,” is vital in today’s cybersecurity landscape. This approach mandates not trusting any connection by default, including internal networks, and always verifying device identity and integrity.

Given these vulnerabilities, implementing a robust strategy is crucial. This includes using advanced encryption tools like DataShielder, which protect data even before it enters a potentially compromised VPN.

DataShielder Solutions: Fortifying Security Beyond the VPN

OpenVPN security vulnerabilities underscore the importance of securing sensitive data before it enters the VPN tunnel. DataShielder NFC HSM Master, Lite, and Auth for Android, along with DataShielder HSM PGP for Computers, offer robust encryption solutions that protect your data end-to-end. These solutions adhere to Zero Trust and Zero Knowledge principles, ensuring comprehensive security.

Contactless Encryption with DataShielder NFC HSM for Android

DataShielder NFC HSM for Android, designed for NFC-enabled Android devices, provides contactless encryption by securely storing cryptographic keys within the device. Operating under the Zero Trust principle, it assumes every network, even seemingly secure ones, could be compromised. Therefore, it encrypts files and messages before they enter a potentially vulnerable VPN.

If the VPN is compromised, attackers might intercept data in clear text, but they cannot decrypt data protected by DataShielder. This is because the encryption keys are securely stored in distinct HSM PGP containers, making unauthorized decryption nearly impossible. This approach adds a critical layer to your security strategy, known as “defense in depth,” ensuring continuous protection even if one security measure fails.

End-to-End Security with DataShielder HSM PGP for Computers

The DataShielder HSM PGP for Computers brings PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) encryption directly to your desktop, enabling secure email communication and data storage. By fully aligning with Zero Trust practices, DataShielder ensures that your data is encrypted right at the source, well before any transmission occurs. The encryption keys are securely stored in tamper-resistant HSM hardware, strictly adhering to Zero Knowledge principles. This means that only you have access to the keys required to decrypt your data, thereby adding an additional layer of both physical and logical security.

Empowering Users with Complete Control

With DataShielder, you maintain complete control over your data’s security. This level of autonomy is especially vital when using potentially compromised networks, such as public Wi-Fi or breached VPNs. By fully embracing the Zero Trust framework, DataShielder operates under the assumption that every connection could be hostile, thereby maximizing your protection. The Zero Knowledge approach further guarantees that your data remains private, as no one but you can access the encryption keys. DataShielder integrates seamlessly with existing security infrastructures, making it an ideal choice for both individuals and enterprises aiming to significantly enhance their cybersecurity posture.

Proven and Reliable Security

DataShielder employs advanced encryption standards like AES-256 CBC, AES-256 CBC PGP, and RSA-4096 for secure key exchange between NFC HSM devices. It also utilizes AES-256 CBC PGP for segmented key sharing. These protocols ensure that your data is protected by the most robust security measures available. Distributed in France by AMG Pro and Fullsecure Andorre, these solutions provide reliable methods to keep your data encrypted and secure, even in the face of OpenVPN security vulnerabilities. Professionals who demand the highest level of security for their digital assets trust these solutions implicitly.

Why You Need This Now

In today’s digital landscape, where threats are constantly evolving and VPN vulnerabilities are increasingly exploited, adopting a Zero Trust and Zero Knowledge approach to data encryption is not just advisable—it’s essential. With DataShielder, you can confidently ensure that even if your VPN is compromised, your sensitive data remains encrypted, private, and completely inaccessible to unauthorized parties. Now is the time to act and protect your digital assets with the highest level of security available.

Real-World Exploitation of OpenVPN Security Vulnerabilities

In early 2024, cybercriminals actively exploited critical OpenVPN security vulnerabilities, leading to significant breaches across multiple sectors. These attacks leveraged zero-day flaws in OpenVPN, resulting in severe consequences for affected organizations.

January 2024: Targeted Exploits and Data Breaches

In January 2024, threat actors exploited several zero-day vulnerabilities in OpenVPN, which were identified under the codename OVPNX. These flaws were primarily used in attacks targeting industries such as information technology, finance, and telecommunications. The vulnerabilities allowed attackers to perform remote code execution (RCE) and local privilege escalation (LPE), leading to unauthorized access and control over critical systems​.

One notable incident involved a major financial services firm that suffered a data breach due to the exploitation of these vulnerabilities. The attackers gained access to sensitive financial data, leading to significant financial losses and reputational damage for the firm. As a result, the company faced regulatory scrutiny and was forced to implement extensive remediation measures.

March 2024: Escalation of Attacks

By March 2024, the exploitation of OpenVPN vulnerabilities had escalated, with cybercriminals chaining these flaws to deploy ransomware and other malware across compromised networks. These attacks disrupted operations for several organizations, leading to service outages and data exfiltration. The impact was particularly severe for companies in the telecommunications sector, where attackers exploited these vulnerabilities to disrupt communication services on a large scale​.

In response, affected organizations were compelled to adopt more robust security measures, including the immediate application of patches and the implementation of additional security controls. Despite these efforts, the incidents highlighted the ongoing risks associated with unpatched vulnerabilities and the need for continuous monitoring and vigilance.

Flowchart illustrating how attackers exploit OpenVPN vulnerabilities to perform remote code execution and local privilege escalation.
The process of how attackers exploit OpenVPN vulnerabilities to compromise systems.

Statistics Highlighting OpenVPN Security Vulnerabilities

Recent data reveals that OpenVPN is embedded in over 100 million devices worldwide. This includes routers, PCs, smartphones, and various IoT (Internet of Things) devices. Although exact user figures are challenging to determine, estimates suggest that the number of active OpenVPN users could range between 20 to 50 million globally. This widespread adoption underscores OpenVPN’s critical role in securing global internet communications.

Additionally, a survey by Cybersecurity Ventures indicates that nearly 85% of enterprises utilize VPN technology. OpenVPN is a top choice due to its open-source nature and remarkable flexibility. This extensive adoption not only solidifies OpenVPN’s importance in global internet security, but it also makes it a significant target for cyber exploitation. The vast number of devices relying on OpenVPN heightens its appeal to potential attackers.

Ensuring the security of OpenVPN is vital to maintaining the integrity of global internet infrastructure. Given its pervasive use, any vulnerabilities in OpenVPN could have widespread consequences. These could impact both individual users and large-scale enterprises across the globe.

Robust security measures and timely updates are essential to protect OpenVPN users from potential threats. As OpenVPN continues to play a pivotal role in global communications, safeguarding this technology must remain a top priority. This is crucial for maintaining secure and reliable internet access worldwide.

Entity-relationship diagram showing the connection between OpenVPN vulnerabilities and affected devices like routers, PCs, and IoT devices.
The relationship between OpenVPN vulnerabilities and the various devices affected, such as routers, PCs, and IoT devices.

Global VPN Usage and OpenVPN’s Role

To understand the broader implications of these vulnerabilities, it’s crucial to consider the global landscape of VPN usage, particularly the countries with the highest adoption rates of VPN technology, where OpenVPN plays a pivotal role:

  • Indonesia (61% VPN Usage): Indonesia has the highest VPN adoption globally, with 61% of internet users relying on VPNs to bypass censorship and secure their communications. The widespread use of OpenVPN in the country means that any vulnerability in the protocol could jeopardize the privacy and security of millions of Indonesians.
  • India (45% VPN Usage): In India, 45% of internet users depend on VPNs to access restricted content and protect their privacy online. Given that OpenVPN is heavily utilized, any security flaws could expose millions of Indian users to potential cyber threats, impacting both personal and corporate data​
  • United Arab Emirates (42% VPN Usage): The UAE’s strict internet censorship drives 42% of the population to use VPNs, with OpenVPN being a key player. Any exploitation of vulnerabilities could severely compromise user privacy and security in the region​
  • Saudi Arabia (38% VPN Usage): In Saudi Arabia, 38% of internet users employ VPNs to circumvent government censorship and enhance their online privacy. OpenVPN’s vulnerabilities pose a significant risk, potentially leading to unauthorized data access and breaches of privacy​
  • Turkey (32% VPN Usage): Turkey’s 32% VPN adoption rate is primarily due to governmental restrictions on certain websites and social media platforms. OpenVPN is a widely used protocol, and any security flaws could increase the risk of surveillance and unauthorized data access for Turkish users​
Pie chart showing the distribution of VPN usage across different countries with a focus on OpenVPN.
Distribution of VPN usage across various countries, emphasizing the role of OpenVPN in global internet security.

Broader Global Impact

Beyond these countries, OpenVPN’s vulnerabilities have far-reaching implications across North America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East, and Africa:

  • North America (35% VPN Usage): The United States, holding 35% of the global VPN market share, would be significantly impacted by any security flaws in OpenVPN. Given the critical role of VPNs in corporate and personal data protection, the consequences of an exploit could be extensive​.
  • Europe (17% VPN Usage): Although specific VPN usage percentages for the UK, Germany, and France might not be readily available, approximately 17% of internet users in Europe had used a VPN by 2020. This adoption is driven by stringent data protection regulations like GDPR and growing privacy concerns. Vulnerabilities in OpenVPN could undermine these protections, leading to potential regulatory challenges and widespread data breaches​
  • Asia-Pacific (20% VPN Usage in Australia): In the Asia-Pacific region, countries like Japan, Australia, and South Korea rely heavily on VPNs for secure communications in business and academic sectors. For example, in Australia, VPN usage reached around 20% in 2021. A compromised OpenVPN could disrupt critical infrastructure and expose sensitive information in these countries​
  • Middle East and Africa (69% VPN Usage in Qatar): VPN adoption rates are notably high in regions like Qatar, where over 69% of the population uses VPNs. In Nigeria, VPN adoption is steadily growing as users become more aware of internet security needs. OpenVPN’s vulnerabilities in these regions could lead to widespread disruption and privacy breaches, particularly where secure internet access is vital for maintaining information flow and protecting users from governmental surveillance

Implications of OpenVPN Security Vulnerabilities

OpenVPN security vulnerabilities pose a significant global threat, affecting around 20% of internet users worldwide who rely on VPNs for privacy, secure communications, and unrestricted access to online content. The extensive use of OpenVPN means that the potential attack surface is vast. When a single router is compromised, it can expose an entire network to unauthorized access. This type of breach can escalate rapidly, impacting both individual users and corporate environments.

The consequences of such a breach are far-reaching and severe. They can disrupt business operations, compromise sensitive data, and even jeopardize national security, especially in regions where VPN usage is prevalent. Users worldwide, particularly in areas with high VPN adoption, must act quickly. They should update their VPN software to the latest versions immediately. Additionally, they must implement supplementary security measures, such as robust encryption and multi-factor authentication, to protect against these vulnerabilities.

These actions are not just advisable—they are essential. As threats continue to evolve, the urgency for proactive security measures grows. Protecting your network and sensitive data against potential exploits requires immediate and decisive action.

Update on Patches for OpenVPN Security Vulnerabilities

The discovery of multiple vulnerabilities in OpenVPN, including those tied to OVPNX, underscores the urgency for organizations to stay vigilant. On August 8, 2024, the Microsoft Security Blog confirmed vulnerabilities that could lead to remote code execution (RCE) and local privilege escalation (LPE). These vulnerabilities, identified as CVE-2024-27903, CVE-2024-27459, and CVE-2024-24974, were initially discovered by security researcher Vladimir Tokarev.

These vulnerabilities primarily impact the OpenVPN GUI on Windows, stressing the importance of promptly applying security updates. If left unaddressed, they could lead to significant financial losses and severe reputational damage.

To protect against these risks, organizations should:

  • Apply Patches Promptly: Ensure that all OpenVPN installations are updated to the latest versions, which include the necessary fixes released in March 2024.
  • Implement Robust Security Measures: Use advanced encryption solutions like DataShielder to add an extra layer of protection.
  • Conduct Regular Security Audits: Continuously evaluate your network infrastructure to identify and address any potential vulnerabilities.
  • Monitor for Unusual Activity: Keep a close watch on network traffic and respond swiftly to any signs of compromise.

For more detailed information, please visit the Microsoft Security Blog and the OpenVPN Security Blog.

Additional Resources for Technical Readers

For those interested in a deeper technical dive into the vulnerabilities:

Limitations of Available Patches

Despite the release of several patches, some OpenVPN security vulnerabilities may persist. These limitations are often due to design constraints in certain devices or the OpenVPN protocol itself. Older or unsupported devices may remain vulnerable, making them perpetual targets for attackers. Users of such devices should adopt additional security practices, such as network segmentation, to minimize exposure.

The Future of VPN Security

The discovery of these OpenVPN security vulnerabilities suggests a possible shift in the future of VPN technology. This shift may favor more secure alternatives and innovative protocols. Emerging solutions like WireGuard, known for its simplicity and modern cryptographic methods, are gaining popularity as safer alternatives to traditional VPNs. Adopting these new technologies could enhance both performance and security, providing a more resilient defense against potential threats.

Adoption of Alternative Protocols

As OpenVPN security vulnerabilities come under scrutiny, the adoption of alternative protocols like WireGuard is on the rise. WireGuard offers simplicity, speed, and robust encryption, making it an attractive option for users seeking a more secure VPN solution. While OpenVPN remains widely used, WireGuard’s growing popularity signals a shift towards more secure and efficient VPN technologies.

Resources and Practical Guides for Addressing OpenVPN Security Vulnerabilities

To assist users in securing their devices against OpenVPN security vulnerabilities, here are practical resources:

  • OpenVPN Security Blog: Follow updates on OpenVPN’s official blog for the latest security patches and advice.
  • Microsoft Security Response Center: Stay informed with the Microsoft Security Response Center for guidelines on mitigating risks.
  • Patch Guides: Access comprehensive guides on applying security patches for various devices, ensuring that your network remains protected.
  • Diagnostic Tools: Use recommended tools to check your device’s vulnerability status and confirm the successful application of updates.

Impact on Businesses and Regulatory Compliance

For businesses, the implications of these OpenVPN security vulnerabilities extend beyond immediate security concerns. With regulations like the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in Europe, organizations are obligated to protect personal data. They may face significant penalties if found non-compliant. The discovery of these vulnerabilities necessitates a re-evaluation of current security measures to ensure ongoing compliance with data protection laws.

Businesses should also consider updating their Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) to account for the potential impact of these vulnerabilities. By preparing for worst-case scenarios and implementing robust incident response strategies, organizations can minimize the risk of data breaches and maintain operational resilience.

IK Rating Guide: Understanding IK Ratings for Enclosures

Rating Guide enclosure box labeled with IK ratings from IK01 to IK10 on a white background.

What Is IK Rating?

IK Rating Guide is essential for understanding the level of protection an enclosure offers against external mechanical impacts. This guide explains the IK rating system, from IK01 to IK10, and why IK10 represents the highest vandal resistance available. Understanding these ratings ensures you select the right protection level for your electrical enclosures.

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Explore our IK Rating Guide to understand how different IK ratings protect your enclosures. Learn about impact resistance and how to choose the right protection level with insights from Jacques Gascuel. Stay informed on the best practices for safeguarding your electrical equipment.

IK Rating Guide: Understanding the IK Rating System

The IK Rating Guide clearly defines the international standard IEC 62262. This standard classifies the degree of protection that enclosures provide against mechanical impacts. The rating system is crucial for industries where equipment needs to withstand physical stress. Ratings range from IK01, which indicates minimal protection, to IK10, which represents the highest level of protection against external impacts.

Here is a detailed breakdown of the IK ratings:

IK Rating Impact Energy (Joules) Radius of Striking Element (mm) Material Mass (Kg) Pendulum Hammer Spring Hammer Free Fall Hammer
IK01 0.15J 10 Polymide 0.2 Yes Yes No
IK02 0.20J 10 Polymide 0.2 Yes Yes No
IK03 0.35J 10 Polymide 0.2 Yes Yes No
IK04 0.50J 10 Polymide 0.2 Yes Yes No
IK05 0.70J 10 Polymide 0.2 Yes Yes No
IK06 1.00J 10 Polymide 0.5 Yes Yes No
IK07 2.00J 25 Polymide 0.5 Yes No Yes
IK08 5.00J 25 Polymide 1.7 Yes No Yes
IK09 10.00J 50 Polymide 5.0 Yes No Yes
IK10 20.00J 50 Polymide 5.0 Yes No Yes

IK Rating Guide: IK10 Rating as the Ultimate Protection

The IK Rating Guide highlights IK10 as the highest level of impact resistance. This rating offers protection against 20 joules of impact energy. This level of protection is crucial for enclosures in environments prone to vandalism or extreme conditions. For example, the EviKey NFC HSM uses an IK10-rated enclosure. This design ensures that sensitive data remains protected even in high-risk environments. Another example is the NFC HSM Tag, which also relies on IK10-rated enclosures to ensure durability and security.

IK Rating Guide: Comparing IK Ratings with IP Ratings

The IK Rating Guide helps distinguish between IK and IP ratings. While IK ratings assess resistance to mechanical impacts, IP (Ingress Protection) ratings evaluate protection against dust and water. Both ratings are essential when selecting an enclosure. For instance, an outdoor enclosure may require a high IP rating for water resistance in addition to an IK10 rating for impact protection.

IK Rating Guide: Material Considerations for IK-Rated Enclosures

The IK Rating Guide emphasizes the importance of material choice in determining an enclosure’s IK rating. Common materials include GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic), metal, and polycarbonate. GRP enclosures, known for their high strength and corrosion resistance, are often used in environments requiring IK10 ratings. Metal enclosures offer excellent impact resistance but may need additional coatings to prevent rust in outdoor applications. Polycarbonate, on the other hand, is lightweight and impact-resistant. This makes it suitable for lower IK ratings or specific environments.

IK Rating Guide: Application Examples of IK Ratings

The IK Rating Guide provides practical examples to help you choose the right enclosure:

  • Public Spaces: Transportation hubs, parks, and schools often require IK10-rated enclosures to withstand vandalism.
  • Industrial Settings: Factories or construction sites commonly use enclosures with IK08 or IK09 ratings. These settings need to resist impacts from heavy machinery or accidental collisions.
  • Data Security Devices: Products like the EviKey NFC HSM utilize IK10-rated enclosures. These enclosures ensure the security of sensitive data even under physical attack.

IK Rating Guide: Installation and Maintenance Tips for IK-Rated Enclosures

Proper installation and maintenance are vital. The IK Rating Guide offers tips to ensure your IK-rated enclosure performs as expected:

  • Secure Mounting: Mount the enclosure securely to prevent it from being dislodged or damaged.
  • Regular Inspections: Inspect the enclosure periodically for signs of impact damage or wear, especially in high-risk environments.
  • Environmental Considerations: If exposed to harsh conditions, consider adding protection. Weatherproof coatings or UV-resistant materials can extend the life of your enclosure.

Innovations and Future Trends in IK Ratings

The IK Rating Guide notes ongoing innovations in enclosure design. These could influence IK ratings in the future:

  • Smart Enclosures: Modern enclosures increasingly come with sensors that detect impacts. They can report damage in real-time, enhancing maintenance and security.
  • Sustainable Materials: As industries shift toward sustainability, expect to see more enclosures made from eco-friendly materials. These materials will still meet high IK rating standards.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What is the difference between IK and IP ratings?
    • IK ratings measure resistance to mechanical impacts. In contrast, IP ratings assess protection against dust and water.
  2. Can an enclosure’s IK rating be improved after installation?
    • Improving an IK rating typically involves upgrading the material or adding protective features. This might require replacing the existing enclosure.
  3. Why is IK10 the highest rating?
    • IK10 represents the maximum impact energy (20 joules) that standard testing procedures evaluate. This provides the highest available protection against physical impacts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

IK ratings measure resistance to mechanical impacts. In contrast, IP ratings assess protection against dust and water.

Improving an IK rating typically involves upgrading the material or adding protective features. This might require replacing the existing enclosure.

IK10 represents the maximum impact energy (20 joules) that standard testing procedures evaluate. This provides the highest available protection against physical impacts.

For more detailed information on IK ratings and their classifications, you can visit the IEC Electropedia. This resource offers in-depth explanations and standards related to IK codes, supporting your understanding of how these ratings are developed and applied.

Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année : Freemindtronic Finaliste aux National Cyber Awards 2024

Finaliste du Produit de Cyberdéfense de l'Année 2024 - Freemindtronic Andorre

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE – DataShielder Auth NFC HSM Fabriqué en Andorre par Freemindtronic Finaliste pour le Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024!

Les National Cyber Awards 2024 célèbrent l’excellence des produits de cyberdéfense de l’année avec BAE Systems comme sponsor principal

Escaldes-Engordany, Andorre, 5 août 2024 – Cyber Defence Product of the Year, Freemindtronic Andorra, finaliste, annonce avec fierté sa sélection pour ce prestigieux prix aux National Cyber Awards 2024. Ces prix, désormais dans leur sixième édition, honorent les contributions et les réalisations exceptionnelles dans le domaine de la cybersécurité.

Alors que les menaces numériques s’intensifient, la cybersécurité devient de plus en plus cruciale. Les cyberattaques, y compris le vol d’identité, les ordres de transfert falsifiés, le vol de données sensibles, l’espionnage industriel à distance et de proximité, ainsi que le vol d’informations sensibles sur les téléphones (comme les SMS, les mots de passe, les codes 2FA, les certificats et les clés secrètes), présentent des risques extrêmement préjudiciables pour les entreprises, les gouvernements et les individus à l’échelle mondiale. Les National Cyber Awards, reconnus comme un gage d’excellence, établissent des normes dans l’industrie. Ils sont conçus pour encourager l’innovation, la résilience et la dévotion à la protection du paysage numérique. Ils favorisent l’amélioration continue et l’adoption des meilleures pratiques à l’échelle mondiale.

Cette année, les National Cyber Awards 2024 visent à récompenser ceux qui s’engagent en faveur de l’innovation cybernétique, de la réduction de la cybercriminalité et de la protection des citoyens en ligne. Gordon Corera, le célèbre correspondant de sécurité de la BBC, apporte son immense expertise à cet événement. Il couvre des questions critiques comme le terrorisme, la cybersécurité, l’espionnage et diverses préoccupations de sécurité mondiale. Il note que l’événement de 2024 promet une célébration de l’excellence et de l’innovation au sein de l’industrie de la cybersécurité. Cela offre des perspectives uniques d’une des voix principales de la sécurité internationale.

National Cyber Awards maintient l’Intégrité et l’Équité pour tous ses trophées

Leur jury indépendant maintient l’intégrité du processus d’évaluation des National Cyber Awards en adhérant à un code de conduite strict. Cela garantit un processus d’évaluation juste, transparent et rigoureux. Ils s’engagent pour empêcher toute pratique de paiement pour concourir. Ceci est essentiel pour maintenir les normes les plus élevées d’impartialité dans leurs récompenses.

La cérémonie de remise des prix comprend des catégories telles que les Services de Police et d’Application de la Loi, le Service Public, l’Innovation et la Défense, la Cyber dans les Entreprises, l’Éducation et l’Apprentissage. Les nominés et les lauréats seront célébrés pour leur impact significatif sur la sécurisation du cyberespace contre les menaces en constante évolution.

Freemindtronic Andorre a été sélectionné par le jury comme finaliste pour le Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année avec notre produit, DataShielder Auth NFC HSM.

Les organisateurs de l’événement nous ont notifié:

“Nous sommes ravis de vous informer que vous avez été sélectionné par notre panel de juges comme finaliste pour le Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024! Il s’agit d’une réalisation exceptionnelle, compte tenu des centaines de candidatures que nous avons reçues cette année. Félicitations de la part de toute l’équipe des National Cyber Awards!”

Le dirigean de Freemindtronic déclare:

“Nous nous sentons honorés et reconnaissants d’être reconnus parmi les leaders de la cybersécurité. Être finaliste valide notre engagement envers l’innovation et la protection des données sensibles et des identités numériques contre les menaces en constante évolution, désormais assistées par l’intelligence artificielle. Nous sommes très honorés et fiers d’être nommés parmi les finalistes représentant le 10e plus petit pays du monde, Andorre, en tant qu’acteur industriel de la cyberdéfense. Au nom de l’équipe de Freemindtronic et de moi-même, nous félicitons tous les autres finalistes.”

Jacques Gascuel, PDG et Chef de la Recherche et du Développement, concepteur de solutions de contre-espionnage et détenteur de brevets au Royaume-Uni, sera présent à la cérémonie d’annonce des lauréats.

Cette deuxième nomination pour notre entreprise andorrane Freemindtronic par le jury des National Cyber Awards marque un autre jalon dans la conception et la fabrication de produits de contre-espionnage d’usage civil et militaire accessibles à tous. Nous avons été précédemment reconnus en 2021 comme “Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards” et finalistes pour deux années consécutives en 2021.

Message du Premier Ministre du Royaume-Uni pour les National Cyber Awards 2024

L’Honorable Keir Starmer, Premier Ministre du Royaume-Uni, commente les prix: “Les National Cyber Awards sont une merveilleuse façon de récompenser, de célébrer et de mettre en valeur le travail de ceux qui s’engagent à nous protéger. Veuillez transmettre mes plus chaleureuses félicitations aux lauréats qui sont une source d’inspiration pour tous ceux du secteur qui souhaitent protéger les autres.”

Les National Cyber Awards auront lieu à Londres le 23 septembre, la veille de l’Expo Cybernétique Internationale annuelle.

Les organisateurs félicitent tous les autres finalistes et attendent avec impatience de célébrer cet événement international avec nous le 23 septembre lors de la cérémonie de remise des prix! Si vous souhaitez vous joindre à nous pour une soirée de célébration et d’excitation, vous pouvez acheter des billets et des tables pour l’événement via le site web à l’adresse

Notes aux Rédacteurs

Qu’est-ce que les National Cyber Awards?

Les National Cyber Awards ont débuté en 2019 pour célébrer l’excellence et l’innovation parmi ceux qui se consacrent à la cybersécurité. Ces prix mettent en lumière les réalisations exceptionnelles de professionnels, d’entreprises et d’éducateurs des secteurs privé et public. Des leaders de l’industrie, passionnés par l’élévation du domaine de la cybersécurité, ont conçu ces prix. Ils reconnaissent et inspirent l’engagement à relever les défis en constante évolution de la cybersécurité.

Notre mission est d’identifier et de célébrer les contributions exceptionnelles dans le domaine. Nous aspirons à fournir un critère d’excellence auquel tout le monde peut aspirer. Nous envisageons un avenir où chaque innovation en cybersécurité internationale est reconnue et célébrée. Cette reconnaissance encourage l’amélioration continue et l’adoption des meilleures pratiques à l’échelle mondiale. Avec le soutien de nos sponsors, la participation aux prix reste gratuite. Chaque finaliste reçoit un billet gratuit pour la cérémonie, minimisant les barrières à l’entrée et rendant la participation accessible à tous.

Contact: Future Tech Events, Fergus Bruce,

Finalistes 2024 pour les National Cyber Awards dans la catégorie “Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024”

Résumé du Candidat

  • Produit: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM
  • Catégorie: Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024
  • Nom: Jacques Gascuel
  • Entreprise: Freemindtronic
  • Courriel: contact at
  • Biographie de l’Entreprise: Freemindtronic se spécialise dans la conception, l’édition et la fabrication de solutions de contre-espionnage. Notre dernière innovation, le DataShielder Auth NFC HSM, sert de solution de contre-espionnage à double usage pour les applications civiles et militaires. Nous avons présenté cette solution pour la première fois au public le 17 juin 2024 à Eurosatory 2024. Elle combat activement le vol d’identité, l’espionnage et l’accès aux données et messages sensibles et classifiés grâce au chiffrement post-quantum AES 256 CBC. De plus, elle fonctionne hors ligne, sans serveurs, sans bases de données, et sans nécessiter que les utilisateurs s’identifient ou changent leurs habitudes de stockage de données sensibles, de services de messagerie ou de protocoles de communication, tout en évitant les coûts d’infrastructure. Nous avons spécialement conçu le DataShielder Auth NFC HSM pour combiner sécurité et discrétion. Il se présente sous deux formes pratiques: une carte de la taille d’une carte de crédit et une étiquette NFC discrète. La carte se glisse facilement dans un portefeuille, à côté de vos cartes bancaires NFC, et protège physiquement contre l’accès illicite. Pendant ce temps, vous pouvez attacher l’étiquette NFC, similaire à un badge d’accès RFID, à un porte-clés ou la cacher dans un objet personnel. Cette approche garantit que vous ayez toujours votre DataShielder Auth NFC HSM à portée de main, prêt à sécuriser vos communications, authentifier les collaborateurs et valider les donneurs d’ordres, le tout sans attirer l’attention.

Caractéristiques Additionnelles du Produit

  • Compatibilité avec Divers Systèmes de Communication: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM est compatible avec plusieurs systèmes de communication, y compris les e-mails, les chats, les webmails, les SMS, les MMS, les RCS et les services de messagerie instantanée publics et privés. Cette compatibilité universelle permet une intégration parfaite dans les environnements de communication existants. Cela assure une protection continue sans modifications significatives de l’infrastructure.
  • Protection Contre les Attaques Assistées par IA: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM fournit une protection avancée contre les attaques sophistiquées assistées par IA. Avec un chiffrement robuste et une authentification forte, le produit élimine les risques posés par les tentatives de vol d’identité utilisant des techniques avancées d’ingénierie sociale. Ainsi, il assure une sécurité améliorée pour les utilisateurs.
  • Méthodes de Gestion des Clés: Le produit utilise des modules de sécurité matériels dotés de la technologie NFC pour créer et gérer les clés de manière sécurisée. Les dispositifs DataShielder stockent de manière sécurisée les clés de chiffrement générées aléatoirement. Le système fonctionne sans serveurs ni bases de données. Cela offre un anonymat de bout en bout et réduit significativement les points potentiels de vulnérabilité.

Les produits DataShielder NFC HSM sont disponibles exclusivement en France à travers AMG Pro et internationalement à travers Fullsecure Andorra.

Nous remercions tous les membres du jury pour l’intérêt qu’ils ont montré envers notre dernier produit révolutionnaire, le DataShielder NFC HSM.

Jury des National Cyber Awards

  • Mary Haigh: CISO, BAE Systems
  • Rachael Muldoon: Avocate, Maitland Chambers
  • Shariff Gardner: Chef de la Défense, Militaire et Application de la Loi, Royaume-Uni, Irlande et Pays Nordiques, SANS Institute
  • Damon Hayes: Commandant Régional, National Crime Agency
  • Miriam Howe: Responsable de la Consultation Internationale, BAE Systems Digital Intelligence
  • Myles Stacey OBE: Conseiller Spécial du Premier Ministre, 10 Downing Street
  • Daniel Patefield: Chef de Programme, Cyber & National Security, techUK
  • Sir Dermot Turing: Administrateur, Bletchley Park Trust
  • Nicola Whiting MBE: Présidente du Jury
  • Oz Alashe MBE: PDG et Fondateur, CybSafe
  • Professeure Liz Bacon: Principale et Vice-Chancelière, Université d’Abertay
  • Richard Beck: Directeur de la Cybersécurité, QA
  • Martin Borret: Directeur Technique, IBM Security
  • Bronwyn Boyle: CISO, PPRO
  • Charlotte Clayson: Associée, Trowers & Hamlins LLP
  • Pete Cooper: Fondateur, Aerospace Village
  • Professeur Danny Dresner: Professeur de Cybersécurité, Université de Manchester
  • Ian Dyson QPM DL: Police de la Ville de Londres
  • Mike Fell OBE: Directeur de la Cybersécurité, NHS England
  • Tukeer Hussain: Responsable de la Stratégie, Département de la Culture, des Médias et des Sports
  • Dr Bob Nowill: Président, Cyber Security Challenge
  • Chris Parker MBE: Directeur, Gouvernement, Fortinet (Cybersécurité)
  • Dr Emma Philpott MBE: PDG, IASME Consortium Ltd
  • Peter Stuart Smith: Auteur
  • Rajinder Tumber MBE: Chef de l’Équipe de Consultance en Sécurité, Sky
  • Saba Ahmed: Directrice Générale, Accenture Security
  • Charles White: Directeur, The Cyber Scheme
  • Professeure Lisa Short: Areta Business Performance / XTCC
  • Emma Wright: Associée, Harbottle & Lewis LLP
  • Dr Budgie Dhanda MBE: Consultant en Gestion, PA Consulting
  • Jacqui Garrad: Directrice du Musée National de l’Informatique
  • Dr Vasileios Karagiannopoulos: Codirecteur du Centre de Cybercriminalité et Criminalité Économique, Université de Portsmouth
  • Debbie Tunstall: Directrice de Compte, Immersive Labs
  • Sarah Montague: HMRC

Découvrez nos autres distinctions, y compris notre reconnaissance en tant que finaliste pour le Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année, aux côtés de nos trophées et des médailles d’argent et d’or que nous avons remportées au cours de la dernière décennie. 🏆🌟👇

The National Cyber ​​Awards 2024
August 2024

Autres langues disponibles : catalan et anglais. [Cliquez ici pour le catalan] [Cliquez ici pour l’anglais]


Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any 2024 – Freemindtronic Finalista

Freemindtronic Andorra finalista 2024 als National Cyber Awards per al Producte de Ciberdefensa de l'Any

COMUNICAT DE PREMSA – DataShielder Auth NFC HSM Fet a Andorra per Freemindtronic Finalista per al Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any 2024!

Els National Cyber Awards 2024 Celebren l’Excel·lència dels Productes de Ciberdefensa de l’Any amb BAE Systems com a Patrocinador Principal

Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra, 5 d’agost de 2024 – Freemindtronic Andorra, finalista del Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any, anuncia amb orgull la seva selecció per a aquest prestigiós premi als National Cyber Awards 2024. Aquests premis, ara en la seva sisena edició, honoren les contribucions i els èxits destacats en el camp de la ciberseguretat.

A mesura que les amenaces digitals s’intensifiquen, la importància de la ciberseguretat no es pot subestimar. Els ciberatacs, incloent-hi el robatori d’identitat, les ordres de transferència falses, el robatori de dades sensibles, l’espionatge industrial remot i de proximitat, i el robatori d’informació sensible dels telèfons (com SMS, contrasenyes, codis 2FA, certificats i claus secretes), presenten riscos extremadament perjudicials per a empreses, governs i individus a nivell global. Els National Cyber Awards, reconeguts com un segell d’excel·lència, estableixen estàndards en la indústria. Estan dissenyats per fomentar la innovació, la resiliència i la dedicació a la protecció del paisatge digital, promovent la millora contínua i l’adopció de les millors pràctiques a nivell mundial.

Enguany, els National Cyber Awards 2024 tenen com a objectiu premiar aquells compromesos amb la innovació cibernètica, la reducció de la ciberdelinqüència i la protecció dels ciutadans en línia. Gordon Corera, l’estimat corresponsal de seguretat de la BBC, aporta la seva extensa experiència a aquest esdeveniment, cobrint qüestions crítiques com el terrorisme, la ciberseguretat, l’espionatge i diverses preocupacions de seguretat global. Destaca que l’esdeveniment de 2024 promet una celebració d’excel·lència i innovació dins de la indústria de la ciberseguretat, oferint perspectives úniques d’una de les veus principals en seguretat internacional.

Mantenir la Integritat i l’Equitat per al Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any

El nostre jurat independent manté la integritat del procés d’avaluació dels National Cyber Awards adherint-se a un codi de conducta estricte. Això garanteix un procés d’avaluació just, transparent i robust. Estem compromesos a evitar qualsevol pràctica de pagament per jugar per mantenir els estàndards més alts d’imparcialitat en els nostres premis.

La cerimònia de lliurament de premis inclou categories com Serveis de Policia i Aplicació de la Llei, Servei Públic, Innovació i Defensa, Ciber en els Negocis, Educació i Aprenentatge. Els nominats i els guanyadors seran celebrats pel seu impacte significatiu en la seguretat del ciberespai contra les amenaces en evolució constant.

Freemindtronic Andorra ha estat seleccionat pel jurat com a finalista per al Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any amb el nostre producte, DataShielder Auth NFC HSM.

Els organitzadors de l’esdeveniment ens van notificar

“Ens complau informar-vos que heu estat seleccionats pel nostre jurat com a finalistes per al Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any 2024! Es tracta d’un assoliment destacat, tenint en compte els centenars de nominacions que hem rebut aquest any. Felicitats de part de tot l’equip dels National Cyber Awards!”

El CEO de Freemindtronic declara

“Ens sentim honorats i agraïts de ser reconeguts entre els líders en ciberseguretat. Ser finalistes valida el nostre compromís amb la innovació i la protecció de les dades sensibles i les identitats digitals contra les amenaces en constant evolució, ara assistides per la intel·ligència artificial. Ens sentim molt honorats i orgullosos de ser nominats entre els finalistes representant el desè país més petit del món, Andorra, com a actor industrial en ciberdefensa. En nom de l’equip de Freemindtronic i de mi mateix, felicitem tots els altres finalistes.”

Jacques Gascuel, CEO i Cap de Recerca i Desenvolupament, dissenyador de solucions de contraespionatge i titular de patents al Regne Unit, estarà present a la cerimònia d’anunci dels guanyadors.

Aquesta és la segona nominació per a la nostra empresa andorrana Freemindtronic pel jurat dels National Cyber Awards. Anteriorment vam ser reconeguts el 2021 com a “Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards” i com a finalistes per dos anys consecutius el 2021. Aquesta nominació de 2024 per a aquest prestigiós premi marca un altre pas important en el disseny i fabricació de productes de contraespionatge d’ús dual civil i militar accessibles per a tothom.

Missatge del Primer Ministre del Regne Unit per als National Cyber Awards 2024

L’Honorable Keir Starmer, Primer Ministre del Regne Unit, comenta sobre els premis: “Els National Cyber Awards són una manera meravellosa de recompensar, celebrar i mostrar el treball d’aquells compromesos a mantenir-nos segurs. Si us plau, transmeteu les meves més càlides felicitacions als guanyadors que són una inspiració per a tots els del sector que desitgen protegir els altres.”

Els National Cyber Awards tindran lloc a Londres el 23 de setembre, la nit de dilluns que precedeix l’Expo Cibernètica Internacional anual.

Els organitzadors feliciten tots els altres finalistes i esperen celebrar aquest esdeveniment internacional amb nosaltres el 23 de setembre a la cerimònia de lliurament de premis! Si voleu unir-vos a nosaltres per una nit de celebració i emoció, podeu comprar entrades i taules per a l’esdeveniment a través del lloc web a

Notes per als Editors

Què són els National Cyber Awards?

Els National Cyber Awards van començar el 2019 per celebrar l’excel·lència i la innovació entre aquells dedicats a la ciberseguretat. Aquests premis destaquen els èxits excepcionals de professionals, empreses i educadors tant del sector privat com públic. Líders de la indústria, apassionats per elevar el camp de la ciberseguretat, van concebre aquests premis. Reconeixen i inspiren el compromís per afrontar els reptes en constant evolució de la ciberseguretat.

La nostra missió és identificar i celebrar contribucions excepcionals en el camp. Aspirem a proporcionar un punt de referència d’excel·lència per a tothom. Envisionem un futur on cada innovació en ciberseguretat internacional sigui reconeguda i celebrada. Aquest reconeixement fomenta la millora contínua i l’adopció de les millors pràctiques a nivell mundial. Amb el suport dels nostres patrocinadors, la participació en els premis continua sent gratuïta. Cada finalista rep una entrada gratuïta per a la cerimònia, minimitzant les barreres d’entrada i fent que la participació sigui accessible per a tothom.

Contacte: Future Tech Events, Fergus Bruce,

Finalistes del 2024 per als National Cyber Awards en la categoria “Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any 2024”

Resum del Candidat

  • Producte: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM
  • Categoria: Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any 2024
  • Nom: Jacques Gascuel
  • Empresa: Freemindtronic
  • Correu Electrònic: contact at
  • Biografia de l’Empresa: Freemindtronic es especialitza en dissenyar, publicar i fabricar solucions de contraespionatge. La nostra última innovació, el DataShielder Auth NFC HSM, serveix com una solució de contraespionatge d’ús dual per a aplicacions civils i militars. Vam presentar aquesta solució per primera vegada al públic el 17 de juny de 2024 a Eurosatory 2024. Combate activament el robatori d’identitat, l’espionatge i l’accés a dades i missatges sensibles i classificats mitjançant xifratge post-quantum AES 256 CBC. A més, funciona fora de línia, sense servidors, sense bases de dades, i sense necessitat que els usuaris s’identifiquin o canviïn els seus hàbits d’emmagatzematge de dades sensibles, serveis de missatgeria o protocols de comunicació, tot evitant els costos d’infraestructura. Hem dissenyat especialment el DataShielder Auth NFC HSM per combinar seguretat i discreció. Ve en dues formes pràctiques: una targeta de la mida d’una targeta de crèdit i una etiqueta NFC discreta. La targeta es llisca fàcilment en una cartera, al costat de les teves targetes bancàries NFC, i protegeix físicament contra l’accés il·lícit. Mentrestant, pots enganxar l’etiqueta NFC, similar a una insígnia d’accés RFID, a un clauer o amagar-la en un objecte personal. Aquest enfocament assegura que sempre tinguis el teu DataShielder Auth NFC HSM a mà, llest per assegurar les teves comunicacions, autenticar col·laboradors i validar donants d’ordres, tot sense cridar l’atenció.

Característiques Addicionals del Producte

  • Compatibilitat amb Diversos Sistemes de Comunicació: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM és compatible amb múltiples sistemes de comunicació, incloent correus electrònics, xats, webmails, SMS, MMS, RCS i serveis de missatgeria instantània públics i privats. Aquesta compatibilitat universal permet una integració perfecta en entorns de comunicació existents, assegurant una protecció contínua sense canvis significatius en la infraestructura.
  • Protecció Contra Atacs Assistits per IA: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM proporciona protecció avançada contra atacs sofisticats assistits per IA. Amb un xifratge robust i una autenticació forta, el producte elimina els riscos plantejats per intents de robatori d’identitat mitjançant tècniques avançades d’enginyeria social, assegurant així una seguretat millorada per als usuaris.
  • Mètodes de Gestió de Claus: El producte utilitza mòduls de seguretat de maquinari amb tecnologia NFC per crear i gestionar claus de manera segura. Els dispositius DataShielder emmagatzemen de manera segura les claus de xifratge generades aleatòriament. El sistema funciona sense servidors ni bases de dades, oferint anonimat de punta a punta i reduint significativament els punts potencials de vulnerabilitat.

Els productes DataShielder NFC HSM estan disponibles exclusivament a França a través d’AMG Pro i internacionalment a través de Fullsecure Andorra.

Agraïm a tots els membres del jurat l’interès mostrat en el nostre últim producte revolucionari, el DataShielder NFC HSM.

Jurat dels National Cyber Awards

  • Mary Haigh: CISO, BAE Systems
  • Rachael Muldoon: Advocada, Maitland Chambers
  • Shariff Gardner: Cap de Defensa, Militar i Aplicació de la Llei, Regne Unit, Irlanda i Països Nòrdics, SANS Institute
  • Damon Hayes: Comandant Regional, National Crime Agency
  • Miriam Howe: Cap de Consultoria Internacional, BAE Systems Digital Intelligence
  • Myles Stacey OBE: Assessor Especial del Primer Ministre, 10 Downing Street
  • Daniel Patefield: Cap de Programa, Cyber & National Security, techUK
  • Sir Dermot Turing: Administrador, Bletchley Park Trust
  • Nicola Whiting MBE: Presidenta del Jurat
  • Oz Alashe MBE: CEO i Fundador, CybSafe
  • Professora Liz Bacon: Principal i Vicecanceller, Universitat d’Abertay
  • Richard Beck: Director de Ciberseguretat, QA
  • Martin Borret: Director Tècnic, IBM Security
  • Bronwyn Boyle: CISO, PPRO
  • Charlotte Clayson: Soci, Trowers & Hamlins LLP
  • Pete Cooper: Fundador, Aerospace Village
  • Professor Danny Dresner: Professor de Ciberseguretat, Universitat de Manchester
  • Ian Dyson QPM DL: Policia de la Ciutat de Londres
  • Mike Fell OBE: Director de Ciberseguretat, NHS England
  • Tukeer Hussain: Responsable de l’Estratègia, Departament de Cultura, Mitjans de Comunicació i Esports
  • Dr Bob Nowill: President, Cyber Security Challenge
  • Chris Parker MBE: Director, Govern, Fortinet (Ciberseguretat)
  • Dr Emma Philpott MBE: CEO, IASME Consortium Ltd
  • Peter Stuart Smith: Autor
  • Rajinder Tumber MBE: Cap de l’Equip de Consultoria en Seguretat, Sky
  • Saba Ahmed: Directora General, Accenture Security
  • Charles White: Director, The Cyber Scheme
  • Professora Lisa Short: Areta Business Performance / XTCC
  • Emma Wright: Soci, Harbottle & Lewis LLP
  • Dr Budgie Dhanda MBE: Consultor en Gestió, PA Consulting
  • Jacqui Garrad: Directora del Museu Nacional de la Informàtica
  • Dr Vasileios Karagiannopoulos: Codirector del Centre per a la Cibercriminalitat i la Criminalitat Econòmica, Universitat de Portsmouth
  • Debbie Tunstall: Directora de Comptes, Immersive Labs
  • Sarah Montague: HMRC

Explora els nostres reconeixements addicionals, incloent la nominació com a finalista del Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any, juntament amb els nostres trofeus i les medalles de plata i or que hem guanyat durant la darrera dècada. 🏆🌟👇

The National Cyber ​​Awards 2024
August 2024

Altres idiomes disponibles: anglès i francès. [Cliqueu aquí per a francès] [Cliqueu aquí per a anglès]


European AI Law: Pioneering Global Standards for the Future

An artistic representation of the European AI Law showing a robotic Lady Justice, a digital human head surrounded by EU stars, and European flags, symbolizing the intersection of AI and law within the European Union.

European AI Law: A Comprehensive Guide to the New Regulations

The European AI Law, effective from August 1, 2024, sets a global precedent by ensuring AI technologies are trustworthy and safe. This legislation aims to protect fundamental rights while fostering innovation. Discover how it impacts various AI applications, including autonomous vehicles, facial recognition systems, and virtual assistants.

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Stay informed with our posts dedicated to Cyberculture to track its evolution through our regularly updated topics.

Discover our new article on the European AI Law: Legal Insights. Authored by cybersecurity expert Jacques Gascuel, this comprehensive guide from Freemindtronic’s Cyberculture category explores the impact of new EU regulations on AI technologies, focusing on transparency, accountability, and risk management. Stay informed and ensure your business remains compliant by subscribing to our updates.

On August 1, 2024, the European Union (EU) implemented the world’s first comprehensive legislation on artificial intelligence (AI). This groundbreaking regulation ensures that AI developed and used within the EU is trustworthy, protecting citizens’ fundamental rights while promoting innovation and investment.

Objectives and Principles

The European AI Law is built on several key principles:

  1. Transparency and Accountability in AI Systems: AI models must adhere to transparency obligations, enabling better understanding of their operations.
  2. Risk Management for High-Impact AI Applications: Specific measures are in place for high-impact AI models to manage potential risks.
  3. Protection of Fundamental Rights in AI Applications: The law bans AI systems that pose unacceptable risks to citizens’ rights and safety.

Implementation and Oversight

Most rules will apply from August 2, 2026, but some prohibitions on high-risk AI systems will take effect earlier. EU member states have until August 2, 2025, to designate national authorities to oversee the implementation and market surveillance.

Impact on Innovation and Economy

Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age, emphasized that AI has the potential to transform our lives and work, promising significant benefits for citizens, society, and the European economy. The AI Law aims to create a favorable environment for innovation, supporting European startups and establishing a harmonized internal market.

Global Reactions to the European AI Law

The European AI Law has elicited varied reactions worldwide. Many countries and international organizations have praised this pioneering initiative, viewing it as a model for AI regulation.

Positive Reactions

  • United States: The U.S. supports this legislation, highlighting the importance of regulating AI to protect citizens’ rights and encourage responsible innovation. The U.S. government is also working on similar regulations.
  • United Kingdom: The UK plans to host a global AI summit in June 2024 to establish an international framework for AI regulation.
  • China: While China has not yet adopted comprehensive AI regulations, regions like Shenzhen and Shanghai have implemented their own policies to promote and regulate the AI industry.

Challenges and Criticisms

However, the European AI Law is not without criticism. Some experts argue that this regulation could lead to regulatory outsourcing, where companies might relocate their operations to regions with less stringent regulations. This could create disparities in citizens’ rights protection and complicate effective global regulation.

Specific AI Applications Impacted by the Law

The European AI Law significantly impacts several AI applications, including autonomous vehicles, facial recognition systems, and virtual assistants.

Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles, which use AI algorithms for real-time navigation and decision-making, will be subject to strict safety and transparency requirements. Manufacturers must provide clear information on their AI systems and the measures taken to minimize risks.

Facial Recognition Systems

Facial recognition systems, used for identification and verification, are classified as high-risk by the European AI Law. These systems must comply with strict data protection and fundamental rights standards. For instance, the use of facial recognition in public spaces will be heavily regulated and require specific authorizations.

Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants, such as chatbots and digital personal assistants, must also comply with the new regulations. Although generally considered low-risk, these systems must adhere to transparency obligations. Users must be informed when interacting with a virtual assistant, and measures must be in place to ensure these systems do not collect personal data without explicit consent.

How DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. Aligns with the European AI Law

DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. is an excellent example of a product that aligns with the European AI Law, particularly in its focus on preventing identity fraud, including those assisted by AI. This innovative security solution uses advanced encryption keys, stored securely in NFC HSM devices, to ensure only authorized users can access protected systems.

The system’s ability to detect and prevent identity fraud, even when assisted by AI, is a testament to its robustness. If a delegate receives unencrypted messages, they can immediately identify an identity fraud attempt. This proactive approach to fraud detection aligns perfectly with the European AI Law’s requirements for transparency and security.

By adhering to these stringent standards, DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. not only ensures compliance but also enhances user trust. The product’s audit and surveillance capabilities, which automatically detect and flag any unencrypted messages as potential fraud, provide a critical layer of security. This makes DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. a leading choice for businesses looking to protect their data and maintain compliance with the European AI Law.

How DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. Aligns with the European AI Law

DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. stands out with its advanced capabilities for fraud detection, including AI-assisted fraud, aligning perfectly with the new European AI Law. Here’s how this product leverages the legislation:

Detection of AI-Assisted Fraud

DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. offers robust protection against identity fraud, even when assisted by AI:

  • Secure Authentication Using NFC HSM Technology: The system uses randomly generated encryption keys, securely stored in the NFC HSM device of both the issuer and the delegate. This ensures that no entity, not even one assisted by AI, can guess or access these keys.
  • Message Validation to Prevent AI-Assisted Fraud: If a delegate receives unencrypted messages, they can immediately detect an identity fraud attempt, as only messages encrypted by the NFC HSM Auth. device are authentic. This adds a crucial layer of security against sophisticated AI-assisted attacks.

Compliance with Transparency and Security Requirements in AI Applications

The principles of the European AI Law regarding transparency and security are perfectly integrated into DataShielder NFC HSM Auth.:

  • Human-Based Verification: The system does not rely on databases or servers, ensuring end-to-end offline encryption. The human operator deduces identity fraud attempts based on the encryption status of the messages.
  • Data Security Through Robust Encryption: By encrypting and decrypting messages without ever exposing the encryption keys, DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. ensures that sensitive data remains protected against unauthorized access.

Risk Management and Anomaly Detection

Proactive risk management and anomaly detection are essential components of DataShielder NFC HSM Auth.:

  • Audit and Surveillance by Design: The encryption system allows the detection of identity fraud by simply verifying whether the message is encrypted by the issuer. This innovative, proactive approach aligns with the European AI Law’s requirements.
  • Rapid Threat Response to AI-Assisted Fraud: Advanced detection mechanisms ensure that any identity fraud attempt, even AI-assisted, can be quickly identified and neutralized.

Increased User Trust Through Compliance with EU AI Regulations

By complying with the new standards of the European AI Law, DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. enhances user and business trust:

  • Enhanced Security for AI-Driven Communication: Users can have full confidence in the security of their communications and transactions, knowing the system is designed to withstand even the most sophisticated fraud attempts.
  • Competitive Advantage in AI Security Solutions: Emphasizing compliance and security, DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. positions itself as a market leader, attracting clients concerned with data protection.

Final Considerations

DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. included in the DataShielder NFC HSM Starter Kit is perfectly positioned to benefit from the new European AI Law with its advanced fraud detection capabilities, alignment with transparency and security principles, and effective risk management. By integrating these features, DataShielder’s NFC HSM authentication not only meets legal requirements but also offers robust protection against identity fraud, including AI-assisted attempts.

Official Text

You can find the official text of the European AI Law on the EUR-Lex website.

Cyber Defence Product of the Year: Freemindtronic Finalist at National Cyber Awards 2024

DataShielder Auth NFC HSM from Freemindtronic Finalist for Cyber Defence Product of the Year Award 2024

PRESS RELEASE – DataShielder Auth NFC HSM Made in Andorra from Freemindtronic Finalist Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2024!

The National Cyber Awards 2024 Celebrate Excellence in Cyber Defence Products of the Year with BAE Systems as Main Sponsor

Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra, August 5, 2024 – Cyber Defence Product of the Year finalist, Freemindtronic Andorra, proudly announces our selection for this prestigious award at the National Cyber Awards 2024. These awards, now in their sixth year, honor outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of cybersecurity.

As digital threats intensify, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. Cyber attacks, including identity theft, false transfer orders, theft of sensitive data, remote and proximity industrial espionage, and theft of sensitive information from phones (such as SMS, passwords, 2FA codes, certificates, and secret keys), present extremely detrimental risks to businesses, governments, and individuals globally. The National Cyber Awards, recognized as a hallmark of excellence, set industry benchmarks. They are designed to encourage innovation, resilience, and dedication to protecting the digital landscape, promoting continuous improvement, and adopting best practices worldwide.

This year, the National Cyber Awards 2024 aim to reward those committed to cyber innovation, reducing cybercrime, and protecting online citizens. Gordon Corera, the esteemed BBC security correspondent, brings his extensive expertise to this event, covering critical issues such as terrorism, cybersecurity, espionage, and various global security concerns. He notes that the 2024 event promises a celebration of excellence and innovation within the cybersecurity industry, offering unique insights from one of the leading voices in international security.

Upholding Integrity and Fairness for Cyber Defence Product of the Year

Our independent panel of judges upholds the integrity of the National Cyber Awards evaluation process by adhering to a strict code of conduct. This ensures a fair, transparent, and robust evaluation process. We are committed to preventing any pay-to-play practices to maintain the highest standards of impartiality in our awards.

The awards ceremony includes categories such as Police and Law Enforcement Services, Public Service, Innovation and Defence, Cyber in Business, Education, and Learning. Nominees and winners will be celebrated for their significant impact on securing cyberspace against evolving threats.

Freemindtronic Andorra has been selected by the judges as a finalist for the Cyber Defence Product of the Year with our product, DataShielder Auth NFC HSM.

The event organizers notified us

“We are delighted to inform you that you have been selected by our panel of judges as a finalist for the Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2024! This is an outstanding achievement, given the hundreds of nominations we received this year. Congratulations from the entire National Cyber Awards team!”

Freemindtronic’s CEO states

“We are honored and grateful to be recognized among the leaders in cybersecurity. Being a finalist validates our commitment to innovation and protecting sensitive data and digital identities against constantly evolving threats, now assisted by artificial intelligence. We are very honored and proud to be nominated among the finalists representing the 10th smallest country in the world, Andorra, as an industrial player in cyber defense. On behalf of the Freemindtronic team and myself, we congratulate all the other finalists.”

Jacques Gascuel, CEO and Head of Research and Development, designer of counter-espionage solutions and patent holder in the UK, will be present at the award announcement ceremony.

This is the second nomination for our Andorran company Freemindtronic by the jury of The National Cyber Awards. We were previously recognized in 2021 as “Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards” and as two-time finalists in 2021. This 2024 nomination for this prestigious award marks another milestone in the design and manufacture of dual-use civil and military counter-espionage products accessible to all.

Message from the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom for The National Cyber Awards 2024

The Right Honorable Keir Starmer, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, comments on the awards: “The National Cyber Awards are a wonderful way to reward, celebrate, and showcase the work of those committed to keeping us safe. Please pass on my warmest congratulations to the winners who are an inspiration to everyone in the sector who wish to protect others.”

The National Cyber Awards will take place in London on September 23, the Monday evening preceding the annual International Cyber Expo.

The organizers congratulate all the other finalists and look forward to celebrating this international event with us on September 23 at the awards ceremony! If you wish to join us for an evening of celebration and excitement, tickets and tables for the event can be purchased via the website at

Notes to Editors

What are The National Cyber Awards?

The National Cyber Awards began in 2019 to celebrate excellence and innovation among those dedicated to cybersecurity. These awards highlight the exceptional achievements of professionals, companies, and educators from both the private and public sectors. Industry leaders, passionate about elevating the field of cybersecurity, envisioned these awards. They recognize and inspire commitment to tackling the ever-evolving challenges of cybersecurity.

Our mission is to identify and celebrate outstanding contributions in the field. We aim to provide a benchmark of excellence for everyone to aspire to. We envision a future where every international cybersecurity innovation is recognized and celebrated. This recognition encourages continuous improvement and the adoption of best practices worldwide. With support from our sponsors, participation in the awards remains free. Each finalist receives a complimentary ticket to the ceremony, minimizing barriers to entry and making participation accessible to all.

Contact: Future Tech Events, Fergus Bruce,

2024 Finalists for The National Cyber Awards in the Category “Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2024”

Candidate Summary

  • Product: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM
  • Category: Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2024
  • Name: Jacques Gascuel
  • Company: Freemindtronic
  • Email: contact at
  • Company Bio: Freemindtronic specializes in designing, publishing, and manufacturing counter-espionage solutions. Our latest innovation, the DataShielder Auth NFC HSM, serves as a dual-use counter-espionage solution for both civilian and military applications. We first presented this solution to the public on June 17, 2024, at Eurosatory 2024. It actively combats identity theft, espionage, and access to sensitive and classified data and messages through AES 256 CBC post-quantum encryption. Furthermore, it operates offline, without servers, without databases, and without needing users to identify themselves or change their habits of storing sensitive data, messaging services, or communication protocols, all while avoiding infrastructure costs.We specially designed the DataShielder Auth NFC HSM to combine security and discretion. It comes in two practical forms: a credit card-sized card and a discreet NFC tag. The card easily slips into a wallet, alongside your NFC bank cards, and it physically protects against illicit access. Meanwhile, you can attach the NFC tag, similar to an RFID access badge, to a keyring or hide it in a personal item. This approach ensures that you always have your DataShielder Auth NFC HSM at hand, ready to secure your communications, authenticate collaborators, and validate order givers, all without attracting attention.

Additional Product Features

  • Compatibility with Various Communication Systems: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM supports multiple communication systems, including emails, chats, webmails, SMS, MMS, RCS, and both public and private instant messaging services. This universal compatibility allows seamless integration into existing communication environments, ensuring continuous protection without significant infrastructure changes.
  • Protection Against AI-Assisted Attacks: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM provides advanced protection against sophisticated AI-assisted attacks. With robust encryption and strong authentication, the product eliminates risks posed by identity theft attempts using advanced social engineering techniques, ensuring enhanced security for users.
  • Key Management Methods: The product utilizes hardware security modules with NFC technology to securely create and manage keys. The DataShielder devices securely store the randomly generated encryption keys. The system operates without servers or databases, offering end-to-end anonymity and significantly reducing potential points of vulnerability.

DataShielder NFC HSM products are exclusively available in France through AMG Pro and internationally through Fullsecure Andorra.

We thank all the members of the jury for their interest in our latest revolutionary product, the DataShielder NFC HSM.

Judges – The National Cyber Awards

  • Mary Haigh: CISO, BAE Systems
  • Rachael Muldoon: Barrister, Maitland Chambers
  • Shariff Gardner: Head of Defence, Military and Law Enforcement, UK, Ireland & Nordics, SANS Institute
  • Damon Hayes: Regional Commander, National Crime Agency
  • Miriam Howe: Head of International Consulting, BAE Systems Digital Intelligence
  • Myles Stacey OBE: Special Adviser to the Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street
  • Daniel Patefield: Head of Programme, Cyber & National Security, techUK
  • Sir Dermot Turing: Trustee, Bletchley Park Trust
  • Nicola Whiting MBE: Chair of Judges
  • Oz Alashe MBE: CEO & Founder, CybSafe
  • Professor Liz Bacon: Principal & Vice-Chancellor, Abertay University
  • Richard Beck: Director of Cyber, QA
  • Martin Borret: Technical Director, IBM Security
  • Bronwyn Boyle: CISO, PPRO
  • Charlotte Clayson: Partner, Trowers & Hamlins LLP
  • Pete Cooper: Founder, Aerospace Village
  • Professor Danny Dresner: Professor of Cyber Security, University of Manchester
  • Ian Dyson QPM DL: City of London Police
  • Mike Fell OBE: Director of Cyber, NHS England
  • Tukeer Hussain: Strategy Manager, Department for Culture, Media & Sport
  • Dr Bob Nowill: Chair, Cyber Security Challenge
  • Chris Parker MBE: Director, Government, Fortinet (Cybersecurity)
  • Dr Emma Philpott MBE: CEO, IASME Consortium Ltd
  • Peter Stuart Smith: Author
  • Rajinder Tumber MBE: Security Consultancy Team Lead, Sky
  • Saba Ahmed: Managing Director, Accenture Security
  • Charles White: Director, The Cyber Scheme
  • Professor Lisa Short: Areta Business Performance / XTCC
  • Emma Wright: Partner, Harbottle & Lewis LLP
  • Dr Budgie Dhanda MBE: Managing Consultant, PA Consulting
  • Jacqui Garrad: Museum Director, The National Museum of Computing
  • Dr Vasileios Karagiannopoulos: Co-Director of Centre for Cybercrime and Economic Crime, University of Portsmouth
  • Debbie Tunstall: Account Director, Immersive Labs
  • Sarah Montague: HMRC

Explore our additional accolades, including the Cyber Defence Product of the Year finalist recognition, alongside our trophies and the silver and gold medals we’ve earned over the past decade. 🏆🌟👇

The National Cyber ​​Awards 2024
August 2024

Other languages available: French and Catalan. [Click here for French] [Click here for Catalan]


Leidos Holdings Data Breach: A Significant Threat to National Security

Multiple computer screens displaying data breach alerts in a dark room, with the Pentagon in the background.

Leidos Data Breach: National Security Risk

Discover how the Leidos Holdings data breach exposed critical vulnerabilities in U.S. government agencies, the technical failures that led to it, and how DataShielder’s advanced encryption solutions could have prevented this major security incident.

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Discover our comprehensive article on the Leidos Holdings data breach, authored by Jacques Gascuel, a pioneer in cybersecurity solutions. Dive into the extensive measures DataShielder is implementing to safeguard your data. Stay informed and secure by subscribing to our regular updates.

A Major Intrusion Unveiled

In July 2024, the Leidos Holdings data breach came to light, revealing sensitive internal documents on a cybercriminal forum. These documents exposed critical vulnerabilities within the IT infrastructure of several U.S. government agencies, including the Pentagon, Homeland Security, and NASA. The details of the breach remain unclear, but initial reports suggest significant national security implications.

Chronology of the Leidos Holdings Data Breach

April 2022: Initial Breach

Steele Compliance Solutions, a subsidiary of Diligent Corp. acquired by Leidos in 2021, suffered a data breach in April 2022. This attack compromised sensitive information hosted on Diligent’s systems, affecting several clients, including Leidos Holdings.

November 2022: Notification and Response

In November 2022, Diligent Corp. informed Leidos and other affected clients of the breach. Immediate corrective actions were taken, but the extent of the data compromise was still under evaluation.

June 2023: Legal Disclosure

A legal filing in Massachusetts in June 2023 revealed that Leidos used Diligent’s system to host information collected during internal investigations. This filing indicated that the compromised data included sensitive internal documents from Leidos.

July 2024: Public Disclosure

In July 2024, hackers disclosed Leidos’ internal documents on a cybercrime forum. These documents exposed critical vulnerabilities in the IT infrastructure of several U.S. government agencies.

Historical and Strategic Context of Leidos Holdings Data Breach

The Role and Importance of Leidos Holdings

Leidos Holdings, formerly known as Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), is a cornerstone in the field of defense and national security technology. Founded in 1969, the company engages in critical projects for agencies such as the Pentagon, NASA, and Homeland Security. Their expertise spans information systems, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity solutions.

Technical Analysis of Vulnerabilities Exposed in the Leidos Holdings Data Breach

Details of the Vulnerabilities

The leaked documents revealed several critical vulnerabilities in the encryption protocols used by government agencies. Specifically, cybercriminals exploited weaknesses in both symmetric and asymmetric encryption protocols. These vulnerabilities included:

  • Weakness in Symmetric Encryption: The symmetric encryption keys used were sometimes too short or reused, making the data vulnerable to brute force attacks. Once these keys are compromised, all data encrypted with them becomes accessible to attackers.
  • Problems in Key Management: Private keys used for asymmetric encryption were not securely stored, allowing attackers to access and decrypt data. Additionally, outdated or misconfigured key management protocols enabled attackers to intercept keys during transmission.
  • Lack of Protocol Updates: The encryption protocols in use were not regularly updated, leaving known vulnerabilities exploitable by attackers.

Solutions from DataShielder to Prevent Similar Incidents

Advanced Encryption with DataShielder

Using solutions like DataShielder NFC HSM and DataShielder HSM PGP provides enhanced protection by offering advanced encryption upfront, with keys secured in NFC HSM modules or through multi-support key segmentation. This approach eliminates all risks of key compromise. Even if the primary encryption system is breached, the data remains encrypted.

  • Addressing Weakness in Symmetric Encryption: DataShielder employs advanced encryption algorithms such as AES-256 CBC and AES-256 CBC PGP, which are considered post-quantum, thus providing robust protection against brute force attacks.
  • Solving Key Management Issues: DataShielder stores keys securely in NFC HSM modules or across multiple supports, making key compromise extremely difficult.
  • Ensuring Security Despite Protocol Updates: DataShielder does not rely on existing encryption protocols, as data and messages are encrypted before using potentially compromised protocols. This ensures that data remains encrypted even if protocols are not regularly updated.

In this specific case, if DataShielder solutions had been employed, the cybercriminals would have only stolen encrypted data. DataShielder thus ensures robust key management, essential for protecting sensitive and classified data.

Counter-Espionage Solutions by DataShielder

DataShielder NFC HSM and DataShielder HSM PGP also serve as effective counter-espionage solutions. They prevent unauthorized access and ensure that sensitive data remains encrypted, even if compromised. These advanced encryption methods protect against espionage activities, providing an additional layer of security for classified information.

Impact and Responses to the Leidos Holdings Data Breach

Government Agency Responses

In response to the breach, the Department of Defense announced reinforced security protocols and close collaboration with Leidos to identify and rectify the exposed vulnerabilities. NASA also issued a statement indicating that it is currently reviewing its security systems to prevent future compromises.

Recommendations for Organizations

Enhancing Security Measures

To prevent similar breaches, organizations should adopt a multi-layered security approach, including advanced firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and continuous network monitoring. It is also crucial to train employees on best cybersecurity practices. Implementing solutions like DataShielder NFC HSM and DataShielder HSM PGP can provide additional protection by securing encryption keys and ensuring that data remains encrypted even if the primary system is compromised.

Source of the Leak

The internal documents of Leidos were first published on the cybercrime forum BreachForums. Known for hosting and distributing stolen data, this forum was the initial platform for the public release of these sensitive documents. Despite an FBI seizure in May 2024, the forum quickly resumed operations under the management of ShinyHunters, a former administrator​ (Hackread)​​ (The Record from Recorded Future)​.


The Leidos Holdings data breach raises critical questions about the security of IT infrastructures within U.S. government agencies. Ongoing investigations will determine the extent of the damage and the necessary measures to enhance the security of sensitive data. Updates on this issue will be published as new information becomes available.

For more details on this incident, please refer to the following sources:

These sources provide a detailed overview of the breach and the corrective measures implemented to contain the incident.

Satellite Connectivity: A Major Advancement for DataShielder NFC HSM Users

Realistic image showcasing satellite connectivity and DataShielder NFC HSM with a smartphone, satellite signal, secure communication icons, and elements representing civilian and military use.

Satellite Connectivity for Secure Communication

Satellite connectivity revolutionizes secure communication with DataShielder NFC HSM. By integrating NFC technology with satellite signals, Samsung’s latest smartphones ensure encrypted data exchange anywhere. This technology benefits both civilian leaders and military operations, preventing identity theft and enhancing security. Discover how this innovative solution keeps you connected and protected in any situation. Read on to learn more about its advantages and applications.

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Stay informed with our posts dedicated to Technical News to track its evolution through our regularly updated topics.

Explore our Tech News to see how satellite connectivity and DataShielder NFC HSM secure your communications. Learn to manage encrypted directives anywhere with insights from Jacques Gascuel. Stay updated on the latest tech solutions.

Samsung Unveils Satellite Connectivity

Samsung has introduced satellite connectivity in its Galaxy S24, S24+, S24 Ultra, Galaxy Z Fold 5, and Z Flip 5 models. This feature ensures users stay connected even without traditional cellular networks. By using direct communication with satellites for emergency SMS and calls, Samsung’s innovation promises to revolutionize secure communication.

Enhancing DataShielder NFC HSM Compatibility

These Samsung phones include NFC technology, making them compatible with all Freemindtronic’s NFC HSM products such as DataShielder NFC HSM Lite, DataShielder NFC HSM Master, and DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. This ensures users enjoy seamless and secure contactless encryption solutions.

Advantages of Contactless Encryption

Satellite connectivity offers several advantages for DataShielder NFC HSM users:

Continuous Secure Communications

Users securely exchange encrypted data even in areas without network coverage, ensuring DataShielder NFC HSM devices function effectively anywhere. This is crucial for maintaining secure communications in remote areas.

Enhanced Security

Data transmitted via satellite is less prone to interception and surveillance, further strengthening anti-espionage measures. DataShielder NFC HSM’s advanced security features are thus significantly enhanced.

Universal Usage

This technology enables anti-espionage devices to be used in any situation and location, whether in mountainous, desert, or maritime areas. Therefore, DataShielder NFC HSM users can stay connected and secure anywhere.

Protecting Data and Messaging

DataShielder NFC HSM provides advanced encryption solutions for all types of messaging, including SMS, emails, and instant messaging apps. Contactless encryption ensures that communications remain private and secure, protecting against interception attempts. This functionality is essential for maintaining data integrity.

Combating Identity Theft

DataShielder NFC HSM Auth

This solution offers secure user authentication, reducing the risk of identity theft. NFC technology and robust encryption ensure only authorized individuals can access sensitive information.

DataShielder NFC HSM Lite and Master

These devices provide advanced encryption for all communications and stored data, offering enhanced protection against cyberattacks and hacking attempts. This added security layer is invaluable for preventing unauthorized access.

Civil and Military Benefits

Satellite connectivity integrated with DataShielder NFC HSM technology benefits both civilian and military users:

Civil Applications

DataShielder NFC HSM ensures secure communication for government officials, emergency responders, and corporate executives. It protects sensitive information and ensures operational continuity during natural disasters or crises. This feature is vital for maintaining operations.

Military Applications

For military use, this combination provides robust encrypted communication channels critical for mission-critical operations. It enhances security in remote or hostile environments, ensuring strategic information remains confidential.

Harder to Triangulate Position

One significant advantage of satellite communication over GSM triangulation is its difficulty in pinpointing the phone’s location. Unlike GSM networks, which rely on signal strength from multiple cell towers to estimate a location, satellite communication typically requires a clear line of sight to the satellite. This makes unauthorized tracking harder and adds an extra layer of security for users concerned about location tracking.

Crisis Management

In natural disasters or emergencies, satellite connectivity maintains essential communications and coordinates rescue operations without relying on terrestrial infrastructure. DataShielder NFC HSM ensures communications stay encrypted and secure.

Technology Scalability

Satellite communication technology is evolving. Samsung is developing NTN 5G modems for more advanced bidirectional communications, promising more robust capabilities in the future.

Integration with Security Technologies

Combining satellite connectivity with other mobile security technologies, such as hardware encryption and mobile security management solutions (MSM), provides a comprehensive security solution. DataShielder NFC HSM thus offers complete, multi-layered protection.

Supporting Leadership and Anti-Identity Theft Initiatives

Satellite connectivity with DataShielder NFC HSM enables corporate leaders to issue encrypted directives from anywhere. This enhances operational efficiency and security. This feature is especially beneficial in combating identity theft, ensuring communications are always secure and authenticated.

Other Android Phones with Satellite Connectivity

Several other Android phones are also incorporating satellite connectivity. Google’s Pixel series, particularly the upcoming Pixel 9, is expected to feature this capability. Additionally, devices like the Motorola Defy Satellite Link can enable satellite connectivity on existing phones using Bluetooth.

In summary

The combination of satellite connectivity and NFC technology in Samsung’s new smartphones opens new perspectives for secure communications. This advancement is particularly beneficial for DataShielder NFC HSM users, enhancing their ability to protect their communications and sensitive data under any circumstances.

Fix BitLocker Access Issues After Faulty Crowdstrike Update

Person using PassCypher NFC HSM and EviKeyboard BLE USB to fix BitLocker access on an encrypted storage device.

How to Fix BitLocker Access Issues After the Faulty Crowdstrike Update and Securely Manage BitLocker Keys

Fix BitLocker access issues with this detailed guide that restores access to encrypted storage devices affected by a faulty Crowdstrike update. Learn how to remove problematic files and use PassCypher NFC HSM and EviKeyboard BLE for secure BitLocker key management.

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Stay informed with our posts dedicated to Technical News to track its evolution through our regularly updated topics.

Dive into our Tech News section for an in-depth look at resolving BitLocker access issues caused by the faulty Crowdstrike update. Discover how to remove problematic files and securely manage BitLocker keys using PassCypher NFC HSM and EviKeyboard BLE. Stay up to date and secure with our frequent updates on the latest tech solutions.

Restoring Access to Encrypted Storage Devices

This article provides a detailed guide to restore access to encrypted storage devices affected by a faulty Crowdstrike update. Learn how to remove problematic files and use PassCypher NFC HSM and EviKeyboard BLE for secure BitLocker key management.

Fixing BitLocker Access Issues

Remove Problematic CrowdStrike Files

Reboot in Recovery Mode Restart your computer and enter recovery mode by pressing F8 or F11 during startup.

Navigate to CrowdStrike Directory Go to %WINDIR%\System32\drivers\CrowdStrike.

Delete the Problematic File Identify and delete the file named “C-00000291*.sys”.

Restart Your Computer Reboot your computer normally. For detailed instructions, visit the Crowdstrike blog.

Use BitLocker Recovery Key

Start in Recovery Mode Boot your computer from a USB recovery drive.

Unlock the Drive Select “Unlock the drive” and enter your BitLocker recovery key.

Restore Access Once the drive is unlocked, access your data and apply necessary updates to prevent future issues. For more information, visit the Microsoft support page.

Using PassCypher NFC HSM and EviKeyboard BLE

Setting Up and Using NFC HSM Devices

PassCypher NFC HSM and DataShielder NFC HSM securely store and use up to 100 TPM 2.0, BitLocker, and BitLocker recovery keys.

Prepare the Hardware

  • PassCypher NFC HSM: A security module using NFC technology for key storage.
  • EviKeyboard BLE USB: A secure virtual keyboard for system interaction.

Initial Setup

  • Connect EviKeyboard to your computer via USB and enable BLE for a secure connection.
  • Insert the NFC card into the PassCypher HSM.

Authenticate and Unlock

  • Follow PassCypher instructions to authenticate the user.
  • Use EviKeyboard to access the BitLocker interface.
  • Pass the NFC HSM device under the phone’s antenna to transmit the key securely.

How PassCypher NFC HSM and EviKeyboard BLE Work

From the Freemindtronic app installed on a Bluetooth-paired Android phone (encrypted with AES 128), decryption or recovery keys are transmitted to the computer via the virtual keyboard.


  1. Select the Key: Choose the key for the locked storage in the Freemindtronic app.
  2. Use NFC HSM: Pass the NFC HSM device under the phone’s antenna.
  3. Automatic Entry: The key is automatically entered into the command line or BitLocker window.

BitLocker and TPM 2.0 keys are stored encrypted in the NFC HSM, allowing for secure contactless unlocking from BIOS, before OS startup, or within Windows.

For a visual guide on using EviKeyboard BLE with the Freemindtronic app, you can watch this video.


Following these steps ensures secure and effective restoration of access to encrypted data. Using tools like PassCypher NFC HSM and EviKeyboard BLE USB enhances security, minimizing data loss risks. For additional details, visit the PassCypher and DataShielder resources.

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