Tag Archives: PassCypher


Dropbox Security Breach 2024: Phishing, Exploited Vulnerabilities

A realistic depiction of the 2024 Dropbox security breach, featuring a cracked Dropbox logo with compromised data such as emails, user credentials, and security tokens spilling out. The background includes red flashing alerts and warning symbols, highlighting the seriousness of the breach.

Delving into the 2░0░2░4░Dropbox Security Breach: A Chronicle of Vulnerabilities, Exfiltrated Data

In 2024, a shadow fell over cloud storage security. The Dropbox breach exposed a shocking vulnerability, leaving user data at risk. This deep dive explores the attack, the data compromised, and why encryption remains your ultimate defense. Dive in and learn how to fortify your digital assets.

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Dropbox Security Breach. Stay updated with our latest insights.


Dropbox Security Breach: Password Managers and Encryption as Defense By Jacques Gascuel, this article examines the crucial role password managers and encryption play in mitigating the risks of cyberattacks like the Dropbox Security Breach

Phishing Tactics: The Bait and Switch in the Aftermath of the Dropbox Security Breach

The 2024 Dropbox Security Breach stands as a stark reminder of the ever-evolving cyberthreat landscape and the urgent need for robust security measures. In this comprehensive article, we’ll unravel the intricate details of this breach, examining the tactics employed by attackers, the vast amount of sensitive data compromised, and the far-reaching consequences for affected users. We’ll also delve into the underlying security vulnerabilities exploited and discuss essential measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. Finally, we’ll explore the crucial role of advanced encryption solutions, such as DataShielder and PassCypher, in safeguarding sensitive data stored in the cloud. Through this in-depth analysis, you’ll gain a clear understanding of the Dropbox breach, its impact, and the proactive steps you can take to enhance your own cybersecurity posture.

Crafting Convincing Emails

Attackers meticulously crafted phishing emails, often disguised as notifications or security alerts, to deceive employees.

  • Crafting Convincing Emails: Attackers meticulously crafted phishing emails, often disguised as notifications or security alerts, to deceive employees.
  • Exploiting Human Trust: By leveraging the trust employees had in Dropbox, attackers successfully persuaded them to divulge sensitive information.
  • MFA Circumvention: The compromise of MFA codes highlights the need for additional layers of security beyond passwords.
Diagram illustrating the stages of the 2024 Dropbox Security Breach attack flow.
This diagram depicts the stages of the 2024 Dropbox Security Breach, from phishing emails to data exfiltration and its aftermath.

Dropbox Security Breach Attack Flow: Unraveling the Steps of the Cyberattack

  • Phishing Emails: Attackers send out phishing emails to Dropbox employees, mimicking legitimate communications.
  • Credential Harvesting: Employees fall victim to phishing tactics and reveal their credentials, including MFA codes.
  • Unauthorized Access: Attackers gain unauthorized access to Dropbox Sign infrastructure using compromised credentials.
  • Exploiting Automated Tools: Attackers exploit automated system configuration tools to manipulate accounts and escalate privileges.
  • Data Exfiltration: Attackers extract a vast amount of sensitive data, including emails, usernames, phone numbers, hashed passwords, API keys, OAuth tokens, and MFA data.

Exploited Vulnerabilities: A Technical Analysis

The attackers behind the Dropbox breach exploited a combination of vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access and exfiltrate sensitive data.

Specific CVEs Exploited

  • CVE-2019-12171: This vulnerability allowed attackers to store credentials in cleartext in memory, posing a significant security risk.
  • CVE-2022-4768: This critical vulnerability in Dropbox Merou affected the add_public_key function, leading to injection attacks.
  • Automated System Configuration Tools: The exploitation of these tools highlights the need for robust access controls and security measures.

Exfiltrated Data: The Scope of the Breach

The sheer volume of data compromised in the Dropbox breach is staggering, raising serious concerns about the potential impact on affected users.

Types of Data Exposed

  • Exposed Emails: Attackers now possess email addresses, potentially enabling them to launch targeted phishing attacks or engage in email scams.
  • Vulnerable Usernames: Usernames, often coupled with leaked passwords or other personal information, could be used to gain unauthorized access to other online accounts.
  • Misused Phone Numbers: Exposed phone numbers could be used for unwanted calls, text messages, or even attempts to reset passwords or gain access to other accounts.
  • Hashed Passwords: A Target for Cracking: While not directly readable, hashed passwords could be subjected to brute-force attacks or other cracking techniques to recover the original passwords.
  • Compromised Authentication Tokens: API keys and OAuth tokens, used for app authentication, could enable attackers to impersonate users and access their Dropbox accounts or other connected services.

The Dropbox Breach Fallout: Unraveling the Impact and Consequences

The ramifications of the Dropbox breach extend far beyond the compromised data itself. The incident has had a profound impact on both affected users and Dropbox as a company.

Consequences of the Breach

  • User Privacy Concerns: The exposure of personal information has left users feeling vulnerable and at risk of identity theft, phishing attacks, and other cyber threats.
  • Reputational Damage: Dropbox’s reputation as a secure cloud storage provider has taken a significant hit, potentially affecting user trust and future business prospects.
  • Financial Costs: Dropbox has incurred substantial expenses in investigating the breach, notifying affected users, and implementing additional security measures.

Lessons Learned: Preventing Future Breaches and Strengthening Security

In the aftermath of the Dropbox breach, it’s crucial to identify key takeaways and implement preventive measures to safeguard against future incidents.

Essential Security Practices

  • Secure Service Accounts: Implement strong passwords for service accounts and enforce strict access controls, adhering to the principle of least privilege. Consider using Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions to manage and monitor service account activity.
  • Regular Penetration Testing: Conduct regular penetration tests (pen tests) to identify and remediate vulnerabilities in systems and networks before they can be exploited by attackers. Engage qualified security professionals to simulate real-world attack scenarios.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Incident Response: Establish a robust incident response plan to effectively address security breaches. This plan should include procedures for identifying, containing, and remediating incidents.
  • Patch Management: Prioritize timely patching of software and systems with the latest security updates. Implement a comprehensive patch management strategy to ensure the prompt deployment of critical security updates.

Beyond the Breach: Enhancing Proactive Defense with Advanced Encryption

While robust security practices are essential for preventing breaches, additional layers of protection can further safeguard data. Advanced encryption solutions play a pivotal role in this regard. Here, we’ll delve into two such solutions – DataShielder HSM PGP and NFC HSM, and PassCypher HSM PGP and NFC HSM – and explore how they address the vulnerabilities exploited in the 2024 Dropbox breach.

DataShielder HSM PGP and NFC HSM

DataShielder HSM PGP and NFC HSM provide client-side encryption for data stored in the cloud. By encrypting data at rest and in transit (as depicted in the following diagram [Insert DataShielder Diagram Here]), DataShielder ensures that even if an attacker gains access to cloud storage, the data remains inaccessible. This robust protection is achieved through:

  • Client-Side Encryption: Data is encrypted on the user’s device before being uploaded to the cloud.
  • Hardware Security Module (HSM) or NFC HSM: Encryption keys are stored within a secure HSM or NFC HSM, offering physical separation and robust protection against unauthorized access.
  • Offsite Key Management: Encryption keys are never stored on the cloud or user devices, further minimizing the risk of compromise (as illustrated in the diagram).
  • Post-Quantum Encryption: Additionally, DataShielder incorporates post-quantum encryption algorithms to safeguard against future advancements in code-breaking techniques.

Diagram showing DataShielder HSM PGP and DataShielder NFC HSM encryption process for Dropbox security breach protection.

DataShielder HSM PGP and NFC HSM: Ensuring Dropbox security breach protection with AES-256 encryption and offsite key management

PassCypher HSM PGP and NFC HSM

PassCypher HSM PGP and NFC HSM go beyond traditional password management, offering a comprehensive security suite that directly addresses the vulnerabilities exploited in the 2024 Dropbox breach. Here’s how PassCypher strengthens your defenses:

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) with Hardware Security: PassCypher NFC HSM offers additional protection for logins by securely managing Time-based One-Time Passwords (TOTP) and HOTP keys. Users can scan a QR code to automatically store the encrypted TOTP secret key within the NFC HSM, adding a layer of hardware-based authentication beyond passwords.
  • Real-Time Password Breach Monitoring: PassCypher HSM PGP integrates with Have I Been Pwned (HIBP), a constantly updated database of compromised passwords. This real-time monitoring allows users to be instantly notified if their passwords appear in any known breaches.
  • Phishing Prevention: In addition to the URL sandbox system and protection against typosquatting and BITB attacks mentioned earlier, PassCypher’s comprehensive approach empowers users to identify and avoid malicious attempts (as detailed in the diagram).
  • Client-Side Encryption: PassCypher utilizes client-side encryption to ensure data remains protected even if attackers manage to exfiltrate it (as shown in the diagram).


Diagram illustrating PassCypher HSM PGP and PassCypher NFC HSM, focusing on Dropbox security breach protection

By combining these features, PassCypher HSM PGP and NFC HSM provide a robust defense against the social engineering tactics and credential theft exploited in the Dropbox breach.

Statistics of the 2024 Dropbox Security Breach

While verifying the exact number of users affected by data breaches can be challenging, security experts estimate that the Dropbox breach could have impacted a substantial number of users. Some reports suggest that the breach may have affected up to 26 billion records, making it one of the largest data breaches in history. However, it is crucial to note that this figure is unconfirmed and may not reflect the actual number of individuals impacted.

Key Takeaways for Enhanced Cybersecurity

  • Uncertain Numbers: The exact number of affected users remains unclear, highlighting the challenges in verifying breach statistics.
  • Potential for Massive Impact: The estimated 26 billion records underscore the potential scale of the breach and its far-reaching consequences.
  • Importance of Reliable Sources: Relying on reputable sources for breach information is crucial to ensure accurate and up-to-date data.

Conclusion: A Call for Vigilance and Enhanced Security in the Wake of the Dropbox Security Breach

The 2024 Dropbox security breach serves as a stark reminder of the ever-evolving cyberthreat landscape and the urgent need for vigilant security practices. Organizations must prioritize robust security measures, including strong access controls, regular vulnerability assessments, and timely patching. Additionally, advanced encryption solutions, such as DataShielder HSM PGP and NFC HSM and PassCypher HSM PGP and NFC HSM, can provide an extra layer of protection for sensitive data.

Key Takeaways for Enhanced Cybersecurity

  • Collective Responsibility: Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility, requiring collaboration between organizations and individuals.
  • Continuous Learning and Awareness: Staying informed about emerging threats and adopting best practices are essential for effective cybersecurity.
  • Protecting Sensitive Data: Prioritizing data protection through robust security measures and advanced encryption is paramount.

The 2024 Dropbox security breach serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the vulnerabilities that can exist even in large, established organizations. By learning from this incident and implementing the recommendations discussed, we can collectively strengthen our cybersecurity posture and protect our valuable data from the ever-evolving threat landscape.

Terrapin attack: How to Protect Yourself from this New Threat to SSH Security

SSH handshake with Terrapin attack and EviKey NFC HSM

Terrapin Attack: How to Protect Your SSH Security

The Terrapin attack is a serious vulnerability in the SSH protocol that can be used to downgrade the security of your SSH connections. This can allow attackers to gain access to your sensitive data. In this article, we will explain what the Terrapin attack is, how it works, and how you can protect yourself from it.

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Terrapin attack: CVE-2023-48795 SSH security vulnerability articles for in-depth threat reviews and solutions. Stay informed by clicking on our scrolling topics.

Shield Your SSH Security from the Sneaky Terrapin Attack written by Jacques Gascuel, inventor of sensitive data safety and security systems. Are you safeguarding your SSH connections? Stay vigilant against the Terrapin attack, a stealthy vulnerability that can compromise your SSH security and expose your sensitive data.

Protect Yourself from the Terrapin Attack: Shield Your SSH Security with Proven Strategies

SSH is a widely used protocol for secure communication over the internet. It allows you to remotely access and control servers, transfer files, and encrypt data. However, SSH is not immune to attacks, and a recent vulnerability OpenSSH before 9.6 (CVE-2023-48795) has exposed a serious flaw in the protocol itself. This flaw, dubbed the Terrapin attack, can downgrade the security of SSH connections by truncating cryptographic information. In this article, we will explain what the Terrapin attack is, how it works, and how you can protect yourself from it.

Why you should care about the Terrapin attack

The Terrapin attack is not just a theoretical threat. It is a real and dangerous attack that can compromise the security of your SSH connections and expose your sensitive data. The consequences of a successful Terrapin attack can be severe, such as:

  • Data breaches: The attacker can access your confidential information, such as passwords, keys, files, or commands, and use them for malicious purposes.
  • Financial losses: The attacker can cause damage to your systems, services, or assets, and demand ransom or extort money from you.
  • Reputation damage: The attacker can leak your data to the public or to your competitors, and harm your credibility or trustworthiness.

Therefore, it is important to be aware of the Terrapin attack and take the necessary measures to prevent it. In the following sections, we will show you how the Terrapin attack works, how to protect yourself from it, and how to use PassCypher HSM PGP and EviKey NFC HSM to enhance the security of your SSH keys.

A prefix truncation attack on the SSH protocol

The Terrapin attack is a prefix truncation attack that targets the SSH protocol. It exploits a deficiency in the protocol specification, namely not resetting sequence numbers and not authenticating certain parts of the handshake transcript. By carefully adjusting the sequence numbers during the handshake, an attacker can remove an arbitrary amount of messages sent by the client or server at the beginning of the secure channel without the client or server noticing it.

This manipulation allows the attacker to perform several malicious actions, such as:

  • Downgrade the connection’s security by forcing it to use less secure client authentication algorithms
  • Bypass the keystroke timing obfuscation feature in OpenSSH, which may allow the attacker to brute-force SSH passwords by inspecting the network packets
  • Exploit vulnerabilities in SSH implementations, such as AsyncSSH, which may allow the attacker to sign a victim’s client into another account without the victim noticing

To pull off a Terrapin attack, the attacker must already be able to intercept and modify the data sent from the client or server to the remote peer. This makes the attack more feasible to be performed on the local network.

Unveiling the SSH Handshake: Exposing the Terrapin Attack’s Weakness

The SSH Handshake Process

The SSH handshake is a crucial process that establishes a secure channel between a client and server. It consists of the following steps:

  1. TCP connection establishment: The client initiates a TCP connection to the server.
  2. Protocol version exchange: The client and server exchange their protocol versions and agree on a common one. Then, the algorithm negotiation takes place.
  3. Algorithm negotiation: The client and server exchange lists of supported algorithms for key exchange, encryption, MAC, and compression. Then, they select the first matching algorithm.
  4. Key exchange: The client and server use the agreed-upon key exchange algorithm to generate a shared secret key. They also exchange and verify each other’s public keys. Then, the service request is sent.
  5. Service request: The client requests a service from the server, such as ssh-userauth or ssh-connection. Then, the client authenticates itself to the server using a supported method, such as password, public key, or keyboard-interactive.
  6. User authentication: The client authenticates itself to the server using a supported method, such as password, public key, or keyboard-interactive. Then, the channel request is sent.
  7. Channel request: The client requests a channel from the server, such as a shell, a command, or a subsystem. Thus, encrypted communication is enabled.

The Terrapin Attack

The Terrapin attack exploits a vulnerability in the SSH handshake by manipulating the sequence numbers and removing specific messages without compromising the secure channel integrity. This stealthy attack is difficult to detect because it doesn’t alter the overall structure or cryptographic integrity of the handshake.

For example, the attacker can eliminate the service request message sent by the client, which contains the list of supported client authentication methods. This forces the server to resort to the default method, typically password-based authentication. The attacker can then employ keystroke timing analysis to crack the password.

Alternatively, the attacker can target the algorithm negotiation message sent by the server, which lists the supported server authentication algorithms. By removing this message, the attacker forces the client to use the default algorithm, usually ssh-rsa. This opens the door for the attacker to forge a fake public key for the server and deceive the client into accepting it.

To illustrate the process of a Terrapin attack, we have created the following diagram:

Hackers exploit OAuth2 flaw to bypass 2FA on google accounts google account security flaw
Hackers exploit OAuth2 flaw to bypass 2FA on google accounts google account security flaw

As you can see, the diagram shows the steps from the interception of the communication by the attacker to the injection of malicious packets. It also highlights the stealthiness and the difficulty of detection of the attack.


The Terrapin attack is a serious threat to SSH security. By understanding how it works, you can take steps to protect yourself from it. Here are some tips:

  1. Make sure your SSH server is up to date with the latest security patches.
  2. Use strong passwords or public key authentication.
  3. Enable SSH key fingerprint verification.

How to protect yourself from the Terrapin attack: Best practices and tools

The Terrapin attack is a serious threat to SSH security, and it affects many SSH client and server implementations, such as OpenSSH, PuTTY, FileZilla, and more. Here are some steps you can take to protect yourself from it:

  • Update your SSH client and server to the latest versions. Many vendors have released patches that fix the vulnerability or introduce a strict key exchange option that prevents the attack. You can check if your SSH software is vulnerable by using the Terrapin vulnerability scanner.
  • Use strong passwords and public key authentication. Avoid using weak or default passwords that can be easily guessed by the attacker. Use public key authentication instead of password authentication, and make sure your public keys are verified and trusted.
  • Use secure encryption modes. Avoid using vulnerable encryption modes, such as ChaCha20-Poly1305 or AES-CBC with default MACs. Use encryption modes that use authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD), such as AES-GCM or Chacha20-Poly1305@openssh.com.
  • Use a VPN or a firewall. If possible, use a VPN or a firewall to encrypt and protect your SSH traffic from being intercepted and modified by the attacker. This will also prevent the attacker from performing other types of attacks, such as DNS spoofing or TCP hijacking.
  • Implement a strict security policy on your local networks. Limit the access to your SSH servers to authorized users and devices, and monitor the network activity for any anomalies or intrusions.

How to use PassCypher HSM PGP and EviKey NFC HSM to protect your SSH keys: A secure and convenient solution

A good way to enhance the security of your SSH keys is to use PassCypher HSM PGP and EviKey NFC HSM. These are products from PassCypher), a company specialized in data security. They offer a secure and convenient solution for generating and storing your SSH keys.

PassCypher HSM PGP is a system that embeds a SSH key generator, allowing you to choose the type of algorithm – RSA (2048, 3072, 4096) or ECDSA (256,384, 521), and ED25519. The private key is generated and stored in a secure location, making it inaccessible to attackers.

EviKey NFC HSM is a contactless USB drive that integrates with PassCypher HSM PGP. It provides an additional layer of security and convenience for users who can easily unlock their private SSH key with their smartphone.

To show how PassCypher HSM PGP and EviKey NFC HSM can protect your SSH keys from the Terrapin attack, we have created the following diagram:

SSH handshake process with Terrapin attack illustration
This image illustrates the Terrapin attack, a stealthy attack that exploits a vulnerability in the SSH handshake. The attacker can manipulate the sequence numbers and remove specific messages without compromising the secure channel integrity. This can lead to a variety of security risks, including password cracking and man-in-the-middle attacks.

As you can see, the diagram shows how this solution effectively protects your SSH keys from the Terrapin attack. It also shows the benefits of using a contactless USB drive, such as:

  • Enhanced security: The private key is physically externalized and protected with a contactless authentication mechanism.
  • Convenience: Easy unlocking with a smartphone.
  • Ease of use: No additional software required.
  • Industrial-grade security: Equivalent to SL4 according to the standard IEC 62443-3-3.

Safeguarding Your SSH Keys with a Contactless USB Drive: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re seeking a comprehensive guide to securely store your SSH keys using a contactless USB drive, look no further than this detailed resource: [Link to the article ([https://freemindtronic.com/how-to-create-an-ssh-key-and-use-a-nfc-hsm-usb-drive-to-store-it-securely/])]

This guide meticulously walks you through the process of:

  1. Generating an SSH key pair leveraging PassCypher HSM PGP
  2. Protecting the private SSH key within the EviKey NFC HSM USB drive
  3. Unlocking the private SSH key employing your smartphone
  4. Establishing a secure connection to an SSH server using the EviKey NFC HSM USB drive

Alongside step-by-step instructions, the guide also includes illustrative screenshots. By adhering to these guidelines, you’ll effectively safeguard and conveniently manage your SSH keys using a contactless USB drive.

Statistics on the Terrapin attack: Facts and figures

Statistics on the Terrapin attack: Facts and figures

The Terrapin attack is a serious cybersecurity threat that affects SSH connections. We have collected some statistics from various sources to show you the scale and impact of this attack. Here are some key facts and figures:

  • The Shadowserver Foundation reports that nearly 11 million SSH servers exposed on the internet are vulnerable to the Terrapin attack. This is about 52% of all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses scanned by their monitoring system.
  • The most affected countries are the United States (3.3 million), China (1.3 million), Germany (1 million), Russia (704,000), Singapore (392,000), Japan (383,000), and France (379,000).
  • The Terrapin attack affects many SSH client and server implementations, such as OpenSSH, PuTTY, FileZilla, Dropbear, libssh, and more. You can see the complete list of known affected implementations here).
  • You can prevent the Terrapin attack by updating your SSH software to the latest version, using secure encryption modes, and enabling strict key exchange. You can also use the Terrapin vulnerability scanner, available on GitHub, to check your SSH client or server for vulnerability.
  • A team of researchers from the Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security at Ruhr University Bochum in Germany discovered and disclosed the Terrapin attack. They published a detailed paper and a website with the technical details and the implications of the attack. Conclusion: How to stay safe from the Terrapin attack

The Terrapin attack is a serious threat to SSH security. It lets hackers break into SSH servers by exploiting a vulnerability in the protocol. To protect yourself effectively, you need to do the following:

  • Update your SSH software to the latest version
  • Use two-factor authentication
  • Store your SSH keys securely
  • Use PassCypher HSM PGP and EviKey NFC HSM

Conclusion: How to stay safe from the Terrapin attack

The Terrapin attack is a serious threat to SSH security. It allows hackers to break into SSH servers by exploiting a vulnerability in the protocol. To protect yourself effectively, you need to update your SSH software, use two-factor authentication, store your SSH keys securely, and use PassCypher HSM PGP and EviKey NFC HSM. If you found this article useful, please feel free to share it with your contacts or leave us a comment.

PassCypher NFC HSM: Secure and Convenient Password Management

PassCypher NFC HSM contactless hardware password manager Freemindtronic Technology from Andorra

PassCypher NFC HSM by Jacques Gascuel This article will be updated with any new information on the topic, and readers are encouraged to leave comments or contact the author with any suggestions or additions.

Discover Secure Password Management with PassCypher NFC HSM and PassCypher Pro NFC HSM

Protect your passwords with innovative solutions from PassCypher. From contactless management to invention patents, enhanced security, and versatility, find out how PassCypher provides you with a convenient and secure solution for password management. Don’t let data vulnerability be a concern anymore. Dive into our dedicated article on PassCypher products and take control of your password security.

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PassCypher NFC HSM and PassCypher Pro NFC HSM: Secure and Convenient Password Management


PassCypher offers a range of contactless hardware password managers known as PassCypher NFC HSM and PassCypher Pro NFC HSM. These products are protected by three invention patents and incorporate EviPass, EviOTP, and EviCore NFC HSM technologies, along with Freemindtronic’s NFC HSM devices, EviTag, and Evicard. PassCypher allows you to securely and conveniently store and manage passwords, one-time passwords (OTP), and HMAC-based passwords. It eliminates the need for a power source or internet connection. Additionally, PassCypher features a built-in RSA 4096 key manager with a random generator capable of changing the key up to one million times without any risk of error. It seamlessly works on Android NFC-enabled phones with fingerprint access control and is compatible with computers supporting Chromium-based or Firefox-based web browsers with autofill and auto login functionalities. For computer use, users need to install the PassCypher NFC Web Browser Extension and EviDNS software, which acts as a hotspot for pairing the extension with the PassCypher NFC HSM application through the local network. PassCypher is not compatible with Safari.


Features and Benefits

PassCypher’s web browser extension offers several convenient features, including:

Management of Paired Phones

With PassCypher, you can easily manage the phones paired with the EviCore NFC HSM for Web Browser extension. You can add phones to the list of paired devices, manage favorites, make direct calls, and delete paired phones.

Create a New Label (Secret)

PassCypher enables you to create labels containing sensitive information such as login IDs, passwords, OTPs, or HOTPs. You can define the name of the label and use an intelligent random password generator for login IDs and segmented keys. Additionally, PassCypher allows you to create a compatible QR Code for each label.

Digital Post-it

Retrieve labels from the NFC HSM in clear text using the Digital Post-it feature. This enables you to manually use the information for copying and pasting, including login IDs.

Free Tools: Advanced Password Manager

PassCypher offers a real-time entropy state bar based on Shannon’s mathematical function and a passphrase generator. It also includes various features such as checking if your password has been compromised in a data breach, generating personalized password and segmented key labels, and fetching login credentials and cloud keys.

Authenticator Sandbox

The Authenticator Sandbox function provides automatic anti-phishing protection by verifying the URL before authorizing auto-filling login fields. It leverages EviCore NFC HSM technology to store the URL during the first automatic login to a favorite site. Upon subsequent logins, PassCypher checks if the URL matches the auto-login request, ensuring seamless and secure authentication.

Segmented Key Generator

PassCypher introduces an innovative segmented key generator that requires multiple parties to reconstruct the key. The extension automatically populates the appropriate fields for each key component, ensuring the key’s integrity and security.

Pwned Function (Enhanced Cybersecurity)

Pwned offers proactive monitoring for online credentials. By leveraging a database of compromised usernames and passwords, PassCypher securely checks if your login information has been compromised in past data breaches. This feature helps prevent identity theft by promptly alerting you to compromised credentials and enabling you to change your password immediately.

Secret Phrase Generator (Passphrase)

Generate mnemonic phrases with basic salting using PassCypher’s Secret Phrase Generator. You can customize the number of words in your passphrase and choose special characters for separation. The real-time entropy control based on Shannon’s mathematical function enhances the security of your passphrases.


Advantages of PassCypher

PassCypher offers numerous advantages to its users:

  1. High-level Security: High-level security: PassCypher provides optimal security with AES 256-bit segmented key post-quantum encryption in NFC HSM memories, zero-knowledge architecture, patented technology and an integrated RSA 4096 key that enhances share security and remote backup of OTP passwords, segmented keys and secret keys.
  2. User-Friendly: PassCypher is easy to use with its contactless NFC card or tag, which can be conveniently placed on smartphones, computers, or other compatible devices.
  3. Environmentally Friendly and Cost-effective: PassCypher eliminates the need for batteries, cables, or power sources, making it eco-friendly and cost-effective.
  4. Versatility: PassCypher can manage passwords, OTPs, and HOTPs, providing two-factor authentication capabilities.
  5. Compatibility: PassCypher is compatible with various operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS) and web browsers based on Chromium or Firefox.
  6. One-time Purchase: There are no financial commitments or subscriptions required to purchase PassCypher products.
  7. Absolute Anonymity: PassCypher follows the principles of zero-trust and plug-and-play, requiring no account creation or collection of personal or hardware information. It ensures complete user anonymity.
  8. Built-in Black Box: The NFC HSM Tag and Card devices feature a black box that records certain events, such as the number of incorrect password attempts, providing traceability and security.
  9. Air Gap Functionality: PassCypher operates in an air gap mode, independent of servers or secret databases. It securely stores all data in real-time on the volatile memory of the phone or computer.
  10. Physically Decentralized Authenticator Sandbox: The Authenticator Sandbox autofill and auto login feature is securely stored within the Evicypher application on Android phones. This allows for extreme portability across multiple computers, utilizing the energy harvested from the phone’s NFC signal without contact.
Freemindtronic win awards 2021 Next-Gen in Secrets Management with EviCypher & EviToken Technologies
Freemindtronic win awards 2021 Most Innovative in Hardware Password Manager with EviCypher & EviToken Technologies

Freemindtronic Receives Global InfoSec Awards for Innovative PassCypher NFC HSM Technology

Freemindtronic, the proud developer of PassCypher NFC HSM, has been recognized as a winner of the prestigious Global InfoSec Awards during the RSA Conference 2021. The company was honored with three awards, including the titles of “Most Innovative Hardware Password Manager” and “Next-Gen in Secrets Management” by Cyber Defense Magazine. This achievement highlights Freemindtronic’s commitment to delivering cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions. With PassCypher NFC HSM’s advanced technology, users can enjoy secure and convenient password management. Join us as we celebrate this remarkable accomplishment and learn more about the exceptional features that make PassCypher a standout choice for safeguarding sensitive information.

Disadvantages of PassCypher

Despite its many advantages, PassCypher has a few limitations:

  1. NFC Device Requirement: PassCypher requires an NFC-compatible device to function, which may limit its use on certain devices or in specific situations.
  2. Risk of Loss or Theft: Like any portable device, PassCypher can be lost or stolen, necessitating backup and recovery measures.
  3. Incompatibility with Safari: PassCypher is not compatible with the Safari browser, which may be inconvenient for Mac or iPhone users.


PassCypher has an exceptionally long lifecycle, estimated to be over 40 years without maintenance or a power source. It can handle up to 1,000,000 guaranteed error-free read/write cycles, equivalent to daily use for over a millennium. PassCypher is designed to withstand extreme temperatures ranging from -40°C to +85°C. It is also resistant to shocks, scratches, magnetic fields, X-rays, and its TAG version is enveloped in military-grade resin, surpassing IP89K standards for superior waterproofing. As a result, PassCypher offers exceptional durability and resilience against external factors.

Comparison with Competitors

PassCypher stands out from its competitors in several ways:

  1. Contactless Hardware Manager: PassCypher is the only password manager that operates without requiring physical contact, providing a more convenient and hygienic solution compared to USB keys or biometric readers.
  2. Patent Protection: PassCypher is protected by three international invention patents, ensuring exclusivity and reliability compared to other solutions in the market.
  3. Innovative Technology: PassCypher incorporates EviPass, EviOTP, and EviCore NFC HSM technologies, along with Freemindtronic’s NFC HSM devices, EviTag and Evicard, providing unparalleled performance and features.
  4. RSA 4096 Key Manager: PassCypher is the only password manager that offers an RSA 4096 key manager with a random generator, allowing for one million key changes without the risk of error. This provides an additional level of security and flexibility..
  5. Value Proposition for Customers: PassCypher brings significant value to its customers by enabling them to:
    • Protect their data: PassCypher ensures the security of personal and professional data, guarding against hacking, theft, or loss.
    • Simplify password management: PassCypher centralizes the management of passwords and access codes, offering a user-friendly solution for securely handling them.
    • Securely access online accounts: PassCypher enables secure access to online accounts, even without an internet connection or power source.
    • Benefit from innovative technology: By choosing PassCypher, customers gain access to innovative and patented technology developed by Freemindtronic, a leading company in the NFC HSM field.
    • Flexibly secure secrets: PassCypher offers various options for securely backing up secrets, including cloning between NFC HSM devices (EviCard or EviTag), partial or complete copying between nearby or remote devices using RSA 4096 public key encryption, or encrypted archiving on any encrypted storage media using the RSA 4096 public key of an NFC HSM EviCard or EviTag. This flexibility provides peace of mind and adaptability to customers.
    • Choose the appropriate storage format: PassCypher is available in three different formats with varying secret storage capacities, allowing customers to choose the one that best suits their needs and budget.
    • Multilingual Support: The PassCypher Android application and web browser extension are available in 14 different languages. Users can use PassCypher in their preferred language, including Arabic (AR), Catalan (CA), Chinese (CN), German (DE), English (EN), Spanish (ES), French (FR), Italian (IT), Japanese (JA), Portuguese (PT), Romanian (RO), Russian (RU), Ukrainian (UK), and Bengali (BIN). This feature provides a personalized experience and facilitates the use of PassCypher in various international contexts.

Comparison with Competitors

To better understand the advantages of PassCypher compared to other solutions in the market, here is a comparative table:

Features PassCypher NFC HSM Competitor A Competitor B
Contactless Management Yes Yes No
Invention Patents Yes (3 international patents) No Yes (1 national patent)
NFC HSM Technology Yes (EviPass, EviOTP, EviCore) No Yes (proprietary technology)
RSA 4096 Key Manager Yes No Yes (RSA 2048 key)
Versatility Passwords, TOTP, HOTP, Fingerprint Passwords Passwords, Fingerprint
OS Compatibility Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS Windows, MacOS Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android
Browser Compatibility Chromium- or Firefox-based browsers Chrome, Firefox, Safari Chrome, Firefox
One-Time Purchase Yes Subscription Yes
Data Protection AES 256-bit, Zero-knowledge architecture for NFC memory AES 128-bit AES 256-bit, ECC, RSA 4096
Virtual Keyboard Support USB Bluetooth Multilingual No No
Biometric Authentication Fingerprint (from NFC-enabled phone) No Fingerprint (selected devices)
RSA-4096 Key Regeneration Yes (up to 1 million times without errors) N/A N/A
PassCypher Pro Compatibility All OS, Computers, TVs, NFC-enabled phones Limited compatibility Limited compatibility

This table highlights the unique features of PassCypher, such as contactless management, invention patents, NFC HSM technology, RSA 4096 key manager, and extensive compatibility with operating systems and browsers. Compared to competitors, PassCypher offers superior versatility, enhanced security, and flexibility in purchasing options.

Comparison with Competitors

PassCypher stands out from its competitors in several key aspects. Let’s compare PassCypher NFC HSM and PassCypher Pro NFC HSM with two major competitors in the market, Competitor A and Competitor B.

PassCypher NFC HSM vs. Competitor A

PassCypher NFC HSM offers contactless management, protected by three international invention patents, and utilizes advanced NFC HSM technology (EviPass, EviOTP, EviCore). It includes an RSA 4096 key manager, enabling secure key changes and flexibility. PassCypher NFC HSM supports passwords, OTPs, and HOTPs for versatile authentication. It is compatible with various operating systems and browsers, including Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, and iOS, as well as Chromium and Firefox. PassCypher NFC HSM is available for one-time purchase, providing long-term value and eliminating subscription fees. With AES 256-bit data protection and a zero-knowledge architecture, PassCypher ensures the highest level of security.

In comparison, Competitor A also offers contactless management and AES 128-bit data protection. However, it lacks the extensive patent protection, advanced NFC HSM technology, and RSA 4096 key manager provided by PassCypher. Additionally, Competitor A may have limited compatibility with operating systems and browsers, restricting its usability for some users.

PassCypher NFC HSM vs. Competitor B

PassCypher NFC HSM surpasses Competitor B with its contactless management, three international invention patents, and NFC HSM technology (EviPass, EviOTP, EviCore). It includes an RSA 4096 key manager for secure and flexible key changes. PassCypher NFC HSM supports passwords, OTPs, and HOTPs, providing versatile authentication options. It offers compatibility with a wide range of operating systems and browsers, including Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, and iOS, as well as Chromium and Firefox. The one-time purchase model of PassCypher NFC HSM eliminates ongoing subscription fees. With AES 256-bit data protection and a zero-knowledge architecture, PassCypher ensures the utmost security for user data.

In comparison, Competitor B offers contactless management, AES 256-bit data protection, and compatibility with multiple operating systems. However, it lacks the advanced NFC HSM technology, invention patents, and RSA 4096 key manager offered by PassCypher, limiting its capabilities and security features.


PassCypher NFC HSM and PassCypher Pro NFC HSM are cutting-edge solutions for secure and convenient password management. With advanced NFC HSM technology, patent protection, and versatile features, PassCypher offers unparalleled security and flexibility. Whether it’s protecting personal or professional data, simplifying password management, or securely accessing online accounts, PassCypher provides a comprehensive solution.

By choosing PassCypher, users gain access to innovative technology, a one-time purchase model, and multilingual support. PassCypher’s ability to securely back up secrets and its compatibility with various operating systems and browsers further enhance its appeal. In comparison to its competitors, PassCypher demonstrates superior versatility, advanced security measures, and a user-friendly approach.

Discover the next level of password management with PassCypher NFC HSM and PassCypher Pro NFC HSM, and experience the peace of mind that comes with secure and convenient password management.

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