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Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année : Freemindtronic Finaliste aux National Cyber Awards 2024

Certificat de finaliste du DataShielder Auth NFC HSM pour le Produit de Cyberdéfense de l'Année 2024 aux National Cyber Awards

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE – DataShielder Auth NFC HSM conçu en Andorre par Freemindtronic Finaliste pour le Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024!

Les National Cyber Awards 2024 célèbrent l’excellence des produits de cyberdéfense de l’année avec BAE Systems comme sponsor principal

Escaldes-Engordany, Andorre, 5 août 2024 – Cyber Defence Product of the Year, Freemindtronic Andorra, finaliste, annonce avec fierté sa sélection pour ce prestigieux prix aux National Cyber Awards 2024. Ces prix, désormais dans leur sixième édition, honorent les contributions et les réalisations exceptionnelles dans le domaine de la cybersécurité.

Alors que les menaces numériques s’intensifient, la cybersécurité devient de plus en plus cruciale. Les cyberattaques, y compris le vol d’identité, les ordres de transfert falsifiés, le vol de données sensibles, l’espionnage industriel à distance et de proximité, ainsi que le vol d’informations sensibles sur les téléphones (comme les SMS, les mots de passe, les codes 2FA, les certificats et les clés secrètes), présentent des risques extrêmement préjudiciables pour les entreprises, les gouvernements et les individus à l’échelle mondiale. Les National Cyber Awards, reconnus comme un gage d’excellence, établissent des normes dans l’industrie. Ils sont conçus pour encourager l’innovation, la résilience et la dévotion à la protection du paysage numérique. Ils favorisent l’amélioration continue et l’adoption des meilleures pratiques à l’échelle mondiale.

Cette année, les National Cyber Awards 2024 visent à récompenser ceux qui s’engagent en faveur de l’innovation cybernétique, de la réduction de la cybercriminalité et de la protection des citoyens en ligne. Gordon Corera, le célèbre correspondant de sécurité de la BBC, apporte son immense expertise à cet événement. Il couvre des questions critiques comme le terrorisme, la cybersécurité, l’espionnage et diverses préoccupations de sécurité mondiale. Il note que l’événement de 2024 promet une célébration de l’excellence et de l’innovation au sein de l’industrie de la cybersécurité. Cela offre des perspectives uniques d’une des voix principales de la sécurité internationale.

National Cyber Awards maintient l’Intégrité et l’Équité pour tous ses trophées

Leur jury indépendant maintient l’intégrité du processus d’évaluation des National Cyber Awards en adhérant à un code de conduite strict. Cela garantit un processus d’évaluation juste, transparent et rigoureux. Ils s’engagent pour empêcher toute pratique de paiement pour concourir. Ceci est essentiel pour maintenir les normes les plus élevées d’impartialité dans leurs récompenses.

La cérémonie de remise des prix comprend des catégories telles que les Services de Police et d’Application de la Loi, le Service Public, l’Innovation et la Défense, la Cyber dans les Entreprises, l’Éducation et l’Apprentissage. Les nominés et les lauréats seront célébrés pour leur impact significatif sur la sécurisation du cyberespace contre les menaces en constante évolution.

Freemindtronic Andorre a été sélectionné par le jury comme finaliste pour le Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année avec notre produit, DataShielder Auth NFC HSM.

Les organisateurs de l’événement nous ont notifié:

“Nous sommes ravis de vous informer que vous avez été sélectionné par notre panel de juges comme finaliste pour le Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024! Il s’agit d’une réalisation exceptionnelle, compte tenu des centaines de candidatures que nous avons reçues cette année. Félicitations de la part de toute l’équipe des National Cyber Awards!”

Le dirigean de Freemindtronic déclare:

“Nous nous sentons honorés et reconnaissants d’être reconnus parmi les leaders de la cybersécurité. Être finaliste valide notre engagement envers l’innovation et la protection des données sensibles et des identités numériques contre les menaces en constante évolution, désormais assistées par l’intelligence artificielle. Nous sommes très honorés et fiers d’être nommés parmi les finalistes représentant le 10e plus petit pays du monde, Andorre, en tant qu’acteur industriel de la cyberdéfense. Au nom de l’équipe de Freemindtronic et de moi-même, nous félicitons tous les autres finalistes.”

Jacques Gascuel, PDG et Chef de la Recherche et du Développement, concepteur de solutions de contre-espionnage et détenteur de brevets au Royaume-Uni, sera présent à la cérémonie d’annonce des lauréats.

Cette deuxième nomination pour notre entreprise andorrane Freemindtronic par le jury des National Cyber Awards marque un autre jalon dans la conception et la fabrication de produits de contre-espionnage d’usage civil et militaire accessibles à tous. Nous avons été précédemment reconnus en 2021 comme “Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards” et finalistes pour deux années consécutives en 2021.

Message du Premier Ministre du Royaume-Uni pour les National Cyber Awards 2024

L’Honorable Keir Starmer, Premier Ministre du Royaume-Uni, commente les prix: “Les National Cyber Awards sont une merveilleuse façon de récompenser, de célébrer et de mettre en valeur le travail de ceux qui s’engagent à nous protéger. Veuillez transmettre mes plus chaleureuses félicitations aux lauréats qui sont une source d’inspiration pour tous ceux du secteur qui souhaitent protéger les autres.”

Les National Cyber Awards auront lieu à Londres le 23 septembre, la veille de l’Expo Cybernétique Internationale annuelle.

Les organisateurs félicitent tous les autres finalistes et attendent avec impatience de célébrer cet événement international avec nous le 23 septembre lors de la cérémonie de remise des prix! Si vous souhaitez vous joindre à nous pour une soirée de célébration et d’excitation, vous pouvez acheter des billets et des tables pour l’événement via le site web à l’adresse www.thenationalcyberawards.org.

Notes aux Rédacteurs

Qu’est-ce que les National Cyber Awards?

Les National Cyber Awards ont débuté en 2019 dans le but de célébrer l’excellence et l’innovation parmi ceux qui se consacrent à la cybersécurité. En effet, ces prix mettent en lumière les réalisations exceptionnelles de professionnels, d’entreprises et d’éducateurs des secteurs privé et public. D’ailleurs, des leaders de l’industrie, passionnés par l’élévation du domaine de la cybersécurité, ont conçu ces prix. Ainsi, ils reconnaissent et inspirent l’engagement à relever les défis en constante évolution de la cybersécurité.

En ce qui concerne leur mission, elle est d’identifier et de célébrer les contributions exceptionnelles dans le domaine. En outre, nous aspirons à fournir un critère d’excellence auquel tout le monde peut aspirer. De plus, nous envisageons un avenir où chaque innovation en cybersécurité internationale est reconnue et célébrée. Cette reconnaissance encourage l’amélioration continue et l’adoption des meilleures pratiques à l’échelle mondiale. Grâce au soutien de nos sponsors, la participation aux prix reste gratuite. En conséquence, chaque finaliste reçoit un billet gratuit pour la cérémonie, minimisant les barrières à l’entrée et rendant la participation accessible à tous.


Contact: Future Tech Events, Fergus Bruce, info@futuretechevents.com

Finalistes 2024 pour les National Cyber Awards dans la catégorie “Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024”

Résumé du Candidat

  • Produit: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM
  • Catégorie: Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024
  • Nom: Jacques Gascuel
  • Entreprise: Freemindtronic
  • Courriel: contact at freemindtronic.com
  • Biographie de l’Entreprise: Freemindtronic se distingue par sa spécialisation dans la conception, l’édition et la fabrication de solutions de contre-espionnage. En effet, notre dernière innovation, le DataShielder Auth NFC HSM, sert de solution de contre-espionnage à double usage pour les applications civiles et militaires. Notamment, nous avons présenté cette solution pour la première fois au public le 17 juin 2024 à Eurosatory 2024. Plus précisément, elle combat activement le vol d’identité, l’espionnage et l’accès aux données et messages sensibles et classifiés grâce au chiffrement post-quantum AES 256 CBC. De surcroît, elle fonctionne hors ligne, sans serveurs, sans bases de données, et sans nécessiter que les utilisateurs s’identifient ou changent leurs habitudes de stockage de données sensibles, de services de messagerie ou de protocoles de communication, tout en évitant les coûts d’infrastructure. C’est pourquoi nous avons spécialement conçu le DataShielder Auth NFC HSM pour combiner sécurité et discrétion. Concrètement, il se présente sous deux formes pratiques : une carte de la taille d’une carte de crédit et une étiquette NFC discrète. D’une part, la carte se glisse facilement dans un portefeuille, à côté de vos cartes bancaires NFC, et protège physiquement contre l’accès illicite. D’autre part, vous pouvez attacher l’étiquette NFC, similaire à un badge d’accès RFID, à un porte-clés ou la cacher dans un objet personnel. Ainsi, cette approche garantit que vous ayez toujours votre DataShielder Auth NFC HSM à portée de main, prêt à sécuriser vos communications, authentifier les collaborateurs et valider les donneurs d’ordres, le tout sans attirer l’attention.

Caractéristiques Additionnelles du Produit

  • Compatibilité avec Divers Systèmes de Communication: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM est compatible avec plusieurs systèmes de communication, y compris les e-mails, les chats, les webmails, les SMS, les MMS, les RCS et les services de messagerie instantanée publics et privés. Cette compatibilité universelle permet une intégration parfaite dans les environnements de communication existants. Cela assure une protection continue sans modifications significatives de l’infrastructure.
  • Protection Contre les Attaques Assistées par IA: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM fournit une protection avancée contre les attaques sophistiquées assistées par IA. Avec un chiffrement robuste et une authentification forte, le produit élimine les risques posés par les tentatives de vol d’identité utilisant des techniques avancées d’ingénierie sociale. Ainsi, il assure une sécurité améliorée pour les utilisateurs.
  • Méthodes de Gestion des Clés: Le produit utilise des modules de sécurité matériels dotés de la technologie NFC pour créer et gérer les clés de manière sécurisée. Les dispositifs DataShielder stockent de manière sécurisée les clés de chiffrement générées aléatoirement. Le système fonctionne sans serveurs ni bases de données. Cela offre un anonymat de bout en bout et réduit significativement les points potentiels de vulnérabilité.

Les produits DataShielder NFC HSM sont disponibles exclusivement en France à travers AMG Pro et internationalement à travers Fullsecure Andorra.

Nous remercions tous les membres du jury pour l’intérêt qu’ils ont montré envers notre dernier produit révolutionnaire, le DataShielder NFC HSM.

Jury des National Cyber Awards

  • Mary Haigh: CISO, BAE Systems
  • Rachael Muldoon: Avocate, Maitland Chambers
  • Shariff Gardner: Chef de la Défense, Militaire et Application de la Loi, Royaume-Uni, Irlande et Pays Nordiques, SANS Institute
  • Damon Hayes: Commandant Régional, National Crime Agency
  • Miriam Howe: Responsable de la Consultation Internationale, BAE Systems Digital Intelligence
  • Myles Stacey OBE: Conseiller Spécial du Premier Ministre, 10 Downing Street
  • Daniel Patefield: Chef de Programme, Cyber & National Security, techUK
  • Sir Dermot Turing: Administrateur, Bletchley Park Trust
  • Nicola Whiting MBE: Présidente du Jury
  • Oz Alashe MBE: PDG et Fondateur, CybSafe
  • Professeure Liz Bacon: Principale et Vice-Chancelière, Université d’Abertay
  • Richard Beck: Directeur de la Cybersécurité, QA
  • Martin Borret: Directeur Technique, IBM Security
  • Bronwyn Boyle: CISO, PPRO
  • Charlotte Clayson: Associée, Trowers & Hamlins LLP
  • Pete Cooper: Fondateur, Aerospace Village
  • Professeur Danny Dresner: Professeur de Cybersécurité, Université de Manchester
  • Ian Dyson QPM DL: Police de la Ville de Londres
  • Mike Fell OBE: Directeur de la Cybersécurité, NHS England
  • Tukeer Hussain: Responsable de la Stratégie, Département de la Culture, des Médias et des Sports
  • Dr Bob Nowill: Président, Cyber Security Challenge
  • Chris Parker MBE: Directeur, Gouvernement, Fortinet (Cybersécurité)
  • Dr Emma Philpott MBE: PDG, IASME Consortium Ltd
  • Peter Stuart Smith: Auteur
  • Rajinder Tumber MBE: Chef de l’Équipe de Consultance en Sécurité, Sky
  • Saba Ahmed: Directrice Générale, Accenture Security
  • Charles White: Directeur, The Cyber Scheme
  • Professeure Lisa Short: Areta Business Performance / XTCC
  • Emma Wright: Associée, Harbottle & Lewis LLP
  • Dr Budgie Dhanda MBE: Consultant en Gestion, PA Consulting
  • Jacqui Garrad: Directrice du Musée National de l’Informatique
  • Dr Vasileios Karagiannopoulos: Codirecteur du Centre de Cybercriminalité et Criminalité Économique, Université de Portsmouth
  • Debbie Tunstall: Directrice de Compte, Immersive Labs
  • Sarah Montague: HMRC

Découvrez nos autres distinctions, y compris notre reconnaissance en tant que finaliste en solution de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024, aux côtés de nos trophées et des médailles d’argent et d’or que nous avons remportées au cours de la dernière décennie. 🏆🌟👇

The National Cyber ​​Awards 2024
August 2024

Autres langues disponibles : catalan et anglais. [Cliquez ici pour le catalan] [Cliquez ici pour l’anglais]


European AI Law: Pioneering Global Standards for the Future

An artistic representation of the European AI Law showing a robotic Lady Justice, a digital human head surrounded by EU stars, and European flags, symbolizing the intersection of AI and law within the European Union.

European AI Law: A Comprehensive Guide to the New Regulations

The European AI Law, effective from August 1, 2024, sets a global precedent by ensuring AI technologies are trustworthy and safe. This legislation aims to protect fundamental rights while fostering innovation. Discover how it impacts various AI applications, including autonomous vehicles, facial recognition systems, and virtual assistants.

Stay informed with our posts dedicated to Cyberculture to track its evolution through our regularly updated topics.

Discover our new article on the European AI Law: Legal Insights. Authored by cybersecurity expert Jacques Gascuel, this comprehensive guide from Freemindtronic’s Cyberculture category explores the impact of new EU regulations on AI technologies, focusing on transparency, accountability, and risk management. Stay informed and ensure your business remains compliant by subscribing to our updates.

On August 1, 2024, the European Union (EU) implemented the world’s first comprehensive legislation on artificial intelligence (AI). This groundbreaking regulation ensures that AI developed and used within the EU is trustworthy, protecting citizens’ fundamental rights while promoting innovation and investment.

Objectives and Principles

The European AI Law is built on several key principles:

  1. Transparency and Accountability in AI Systems: AI models must adhere to transparency obligations, enabling better understanding of their operations.
  2. Risk Management for High-Impact AI Applications: Specific measures are in place for high-impact AI models to manage potential risks.
  3. Protection of Fundamental Rights in AI Applications: The law bans AI systems that pose unacceptable risks to citizens’ rights and safety.

Implementation and Oversight

Most rules will apply from August 2, 2026, but some prohibitions on high-risk AI systems will take effect earlier. EU member states have until August 2, 2025, to designate national authorities to oversee the implementation and market surveillance.

Impact on Innovation and Economy

Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age, emphasized that AI has the potential to transform our lives and work, promising significant benefits for citizens, society, and the European economy. The AI Law aims to create a favorable environment for innovation, supporting European startups and establishing a harmonized internal market.

Global Reactions to the European AI Law

The European AI Law has elicited varied reactions worldwide. Many countries and international organizations have praised this pioneering initiative, viewing it as a model for AI regulation.

Positive Reactions

  • United States: The U.S. supports this legislation, highlighting the importance of regulating AI to protect citizens’ rights and encourage responsible innovation. The U.S. government is also working on similar regulations.
  • United Kingdom: The UK plans to host a global AI summit in June 2024 to establish an international framework for AI regulation.
  • China: While China has not yet adopted comprehensive AI regulations, regions like Shenzhen and Shanghai have implemented their own policies to promote and regulate the AI industry.

Challenges and Criticisms

However, the European AI Law is not without criticism. Some experts argue that this regulation could lead to regulatory outsourcing, where companies might relocate their operations to regions with less stringent regulations. This could create disparities in citizens’ rights protection and complicate effective global regulation.

Specific AI Applications Impacted by the Law

The European AI Law significantly impacts several AI applications, including autonomous vehicles, facial recognition systems, and virtual assistants.

Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles, which use AI algorithms for real-time navigation and decision-making, will be subject to strict safety and transparency requirements. Manufacturers must provide clear information on their AI systems and the measures taken to minimize risks.

Facial Recognition Systems

Facial recognition systems, used for identification and verification, are classified as high-risk by the European AI Law. These systems must comply with strict data protection and fundamental rights standards. For instance, the use of facial recognition in public spaces will be heavily regulated and require specific authorizations.

Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants, such as chatbots and digital personal assistants, must also comply with the new regulations. Although generally considered low-risk, these systems must adhere to transparency obligations. Users must be informed when interacting with a virtual assistant, and measures must be in place to ensure these systems do not collect personal data without explicit consent.

How DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. Aligns with the European AI Law

DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. is an excellent example of a product that aligns with the European AI Law, particularly in its focus on preventing identity fraud, including those assisted by AI. This innovative security solution uses advanced encryption keys, stored securely in NFC HSM devices, to ensure only authorized users can access protected systems.

The system’s ability to detect and prevent identity fraud, even when assisted by AI, is a testament to its robustness. If a delegate receives unencrypted messages, they can immediately identify an identity fraud attempt. This proactive approach to fraud detection aligns perfectly with the European AI Law’s requirements for transparency and security.

By adhering to these stringent standards, DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. not only ensures compliance but also enhances user trust. The product’s audit and surveillance capabilities, which automatically detect and flag any unencrypted messages as potential fraud, provide a critical layer of security. This makes DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. a leading choice for businesses looking to protect their data and maintain compliance with the European AI Law.

How DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. Aligns with the European AI Law

DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. stands out with its advanced capabilities for fraud detection, including AI-assisted fraud, aligning perfectly with the new European AI Law. Here’s how this product leverages the legislation:

Detection of AI-Assisted Fraud

DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. offers robust protection against identity fraud, even when assisted by AI:

  • Secure Authentication Using NFC HSM Technology: The system uses randomly generated encryption keys, securely stored in the NFC HSM device of both the issuer and the delegate. This ensures that no entity, not even one assisted by AI, can guess or access these keys.
  • Message Validation to Prevent AI-Assisted Fraud: If a delegate receives unencrypted messages, they can immediately detect an identity fraud attempt, as only messages encrypted by the NFC HSM Auth. device are authentic. This adds a crucial layer of security against sophisticated AI-assisted attacks.

Compliance with Transparency and Security Requirements in AI Applications

The principles of the European AI Law regarding transparency and security are perfectly integrated into DataShielder NFC HSM Auth.:

  • Human-Based Verification: The system does not rely on databases or servers, ensuring end-to-end offline encryption. The human operator deduces identity fraud attempts based on the encryption status of the messages.
  • Data Security Through Robust Encryption: By encrypting and decrypting messages without ever exposing the encryption keys, DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. ensures that sensitive data remains protected against unauthorized access.

Risk Management and Anomaly Detection

Proactive risk management and anomaly detection are essential components of DataShielder NFC HSM Auth.:

  • Audit and Surveillance by Design: The encryption system allows the detection of identity fraud by simply verifying whether the message is encrypted by the issuer. This innovative, proactive approach aligns with the European AI Law’s requirements.
  • Rapid Threat Response to AI-Assisted Fraud: Advanced detection mechanisms ensure that any identity fraud attempt, even AI-assisted, can be quickly identified and neutralized.

Increased User Trust Through Compliance with EU AI Regulations

By complying with the new standards of the European AI Law, DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. enhances user and business trust:

  • Enhanced Security for AI-Driven Communication: Users can have full confidence in the security of their communications and transactions, knowing the system is designed to withstand even the most sophisticated fraud attempts.
  • Competitive Advantage in AI Security Solutions: Emphasizing compliance and security, DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. positions itself as a market leader, attracting clients concerned with data protection.

Final Considerations

DataShielder NFC HSM Auth. included in the DataShielder NFC HSM Starter Kit is perfectly positioned to benefit from the new European AI Law with its advanced fraud detection capabilities, alignment with transparency and security principles, and effective risk management. By integrating these features, DataShielder’s NFC HSM authentication not only meets legal requirements but also offers robust protection against identity fraud, including AI-assisted attempts.

Official Text

You can find the official text of the European AI Law on the EUR-Lex website.

Freemindtronic’s Legacy: Rediscovering Excellence

Freemindtronic's Legacy: Rediscovering Excellence

Freemindtronic’s Legacy by Jacques Gascuel: This article will be updated with any new information on the topic.  

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In this exclusive preview, at Freemindtronic, we take immense pride in inviting you to delve into our pioneering legacy in the realm of extreme security. Discover how our company not only reshapes the technological landscape but also has the potential to establish new industry standards in the captivating world of advanced nanotechnology and electronic cyber protection.

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Resurrecting Excellence: Freemindtronic’s Legacy in Nanotechnology and the ‘Fullprotect’ Revolution

In 2013, Freemindtronic, a visionary enterprise founded in 2010, celebrated its nomination as a finalist for the prestigious “electron d’Or” award and its recognition as one of the top 10 most innovative mechatronics startups, earning the esteemed European Mechatronics Award. These accolades marked pivotal moments for Freemindtronic, showcasing its groundbreaking ‘Fullprotect’ technology and pioneering contributions to electronic innovation.

A New Chapter Begins with Freemindtronic SL Andorra – Resurrecting Excellence

Freemindtronic SL Andorra, the custodian of a global exclusive patent license for this groundbreaking technology, is embarking on a new chapter. Even though the partnership between STMicroelectronics and Freemindtronic SAS prematurely concluded just before the production of the first FullProtect component, Freemindtronic SL Andorra’s commitment to the project of creating nanotechnological components enters a new dynamic, as we explore new avenues for development.

Nanotechnology Components: A Resilient Legacy – Freemindtronic’s Technological Excellence

The journey begins with the creation of a range of miniaturized electronic components using nanotechnology. Freemindtronic SAS France’s primary objective was to create a range of miniaturized electronic components utilizing nanotechnology. This included the development of the first product range for direct current, covering 5 volts, 12 volts, and 8 volts to 48 volts, in collaboration with STMicroelectronics. This technology has the potential to revolutionize electronic systems, enhance performance, and set new industry standards. While the partnership with STMicroelectronics may have ended, Freemindtronic SL Andorra’s commitment to nanotechnology components remains unyielding, as we seek new avenues for development.

Rekindling Electronic System Protection – Innovating with ‘Fullprotect’

But the heart of the revival lies in the resurrection of ‘Fullprotect,’ the revolutionary technology that redefined electronic system protection. This innovation was designed to safeguard electronic systems from electrical and environmental threats while meticulously recording random events within an immutable “Evidence Box.” It was, and remains, a game-changer in the realm of electronic protection.

A Comprehensive Vision – The Vision of Freemindtronic

This synergy presents a comprehensive vision where technology converges to provide holistic solutions. Freemindtronic’s ‘Fullprotect’ technology sets the stage for a secure and efficient electronic landscape.

Expanding Horizons with Global Patents – International Patents and Innovations

Advantageously, Freemindtronic’s innovation, Argos One NFC, based on the patent FR2941572, is not an isolated triumph. It seamlessly integrates with the company’s other innovations in the realms of safety and cybersecurity, both of which hold international patents.

The Evolution of EviKey NFC HSM – EviKey NFC HSM: A Technological Evolution

An excellent example of this evolution is EviKey NFC HSM. It represents the discreet version of several other patented NFC HSM technologies by Freemindtronic SL Andorra, including EviCore, EviPass, EviSeed, EviVault, EviSign, EviOTP, EviPC, EviKeyboard, and EviCypher, with silicon integration on the horizon. This exemplifies Freemindtronic’s unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of electronic protection and innovation.

Rediscover Excellence with Freemindtronic – Join Us in Rediscovering Excellence

Join us in rediscovering the illustrious journey of Freemindtronic, a legacy of innovation in nanotechnology components and the ‘Fullprotect’ revolution. Together, we’re reigniting the flame of excellence and pioneering the future of electronic protection.

DataShielder HSM Fortress Award 2023: Andorran Data Encryption Solution

DataShielder HSM, FullSecure's Andorran solution featuring Freemindtronic technologies, wins the 2023 Fortress Award

DataShielder HSM, Fullsecure’s Andorran data encryption solution featuring Freemindtronic technologies, wins the 2023 Fortress Award

We are proud to announce that our Andorran DataShielder HSM solution from Fullsecure, developed by Freemindtronic, has won the Fortress 2023 Cyber Security Award in encryption in the product and service category. This award, awarded by the Business Intelligence Group, recognizes the excellence and innovation of companies around the world, products and people in the field of cybersecurity. DataShielder HSM from Fullsecure is a serverless encryption solution that uses EviCore HSM OpenPGP technology from Freemindtronic. This technology creates Hybrid Hardware Security Modules (H-HSM) on any device, such as computers, phones, cloud storage, HDs, SSDs, SD cards, and USB media. By combining hardware and software, the hardware securely stores keys, ensuring high-level security, while the software handles encryption and signing. This hybrid approach leverages the strengths of both components, providing robust security and flexibility.

DataShielder HSM is an innovative solution that manages and generates various types of tokens (identifiers, passwords, certificates, encryption keys, etc.) on any medium, whether connected or not. It offers high security and performance by encrypting, signing, and authenticating data with keys stored in self-created secure hardware modules. DataShielder HSM transforms any device into a Hardware Security Module (HSM) without the need for servers or databases, ensuring total anonymity, untraceability, and undetectability. The DataShielder HSM range is a comprehensive ecosystem that addresses numerous safety and cybersecurity needs, particularly in mobility.

DataShielder HSM also incorporates the EviSign technology developed by Freemindtronic, which allows electronically signing documents with a legally recognized value. EviSign uses the OpenPGP protocol to ensure the integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation of signatures. EviSign is compatible with all document formats (PDF, Word, Excel, etc.) and can be used with any NFC reader or smartphone.

The Fortress 2023 Cyber Security Award acknowledges the work and expertise of Freemindtronic, who offers innovative and adapted solutions to the current and future challenges of cybersecurity. Freemindtronic is proud of this distinction and thank the jury of the contest as well as their customers and partners for their trust and support.

DataShielder HSM was presented in a Dual-Use version in June 2022 at Coges Eurosatory (https://www.eurosatory.com), the international defense and security exhibition. This version allows DataShielder HSM Hybrid Encryption Solutions to be used for both civil and military applications, offering a level of protection adapted to each context. The Dual-Use version of DataShielder HSM will soon be available in a civilian version by the end of October 2023, to meet the growing demand from individuals and professionals keen to protect their sensitive data.

We are very proud that DataShielder HSM from Fullsecure has been awarded the Fortress Cyber Security Award 2023”, said Christine Bernard, director of Fullsecure. “Our solution provides an innovative and adapted response to the current and future challenges of cybersecurity. We thank the Business Intelligence Group for this distinction, as well as our customers and partners for their trust and support.

“We are also very happy to be the first Andorran company to have applied for the Fortress Cyber ​​​​Security Award created in 2018 by the Business Intelligence Group. The Business Intelligence Group is an organization that recognizes true talent and superior performance in the business world. Its Fortress Cyber ​​Security Award aims to identify and recognize the world’s leading companies and products working to protect our data and electronic assets against a growing threat from hackers.”

Fortress Cyber security Award 2023 logo
Dylan DA COSTA FERNANDES gerent programador de DataShielder HSM a Freemindtronic premi Fortress Cybersecurity award 2023
Eric Casanova programador de DataShielder HSM a Freemindtronic premi Fortress Cybersecurity award 2023
Hugo Goncalves Oliveira co-gerent programador de DataShielder HSM a Freemindtronic premi Fortress Cybersecurity award 2023
Alex Garcia Sanchez programador de DataShielder HSM a Freemindtronic premi Fortress Cybersecurity award 2023
Adrian Serrano Gómez programador de DataShielder HSM a Freemindtronic premi Fortress Cybersecurity award 2023
Victor Gil Feliu programador de DataShielder HSM a Freemindtronic premi Fortress Cybersecurity award 2023
Jacques Gascuel Inventor de datashielder HSM CEO de Freemindtronic Andorra el Premi Fortress 2023 cat

DataShielder HSM OpenPGP: Una solució de xifratge 100% andorrana

En resum, DataShielder HSM OpenPGP és una solució innovadora que permet crear mòduls de seguretat hardware (HSM) en qualsevol tipus de suport (ordinador, telèfon, núvol, HD, SSD, SD, clau USB) per xifrar i signar qualsevol tipus de dada. Aquesta solució utilitza la tecnologia EviCore HSM OpenPGP desenvolupada per Freemindtronic, una empresa andorrana titular de patents internacionals i líder en les tecnologies NFC HSM. Aquesta tecnologia ofereix un alt nivell de seguretat i rendiment.

Es tracta del primer producte dedicat a la gestió de claus de xifratge i de xifratge per HSM 100% andorrà. En efecte, l’equip de desenvolupament de DataShielder HSM OpenPGP és 100% d’una formació de la Universitat d’Andorra, l’única universitat pública del país. La Universitat d’Andorra és reconeguda per la seva excel·lència acadèmica i la seva recerca innovadora en els àmbits de les ciències, l’enginyeria i les tecnologies de la informació. L’equip de desenvolupament de DataShielder HSM OpenPGP va ser coordinat per un enginyer de programari de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) i professor de la Universitat d’Andorra. Això fa de DataShielder HSM OpenPGP el primer sistema de xifratge d’origen andorrà a haver rebut un premi internacional, el “Fortress Cybersecurity Award”.

Aquesta solució testimonia el saber fer i el potencial d’Andorra en el camp de la ciberseguretat i el xifratge de les dades. DataShielder HSM OpenPGP és una solució que respon a les necessitats actuals i futures de les empreses i els particulars que volen protegir les seves dades sensibles al núvol o als sistemes informàtics, oferint una nova solució en el camp de la sobirania de les dades.

You will soon be able to learn more about the DataShielder HSM product line at Fullsecure. Without waiting you can already learn more about the Freemindtronic technologies embedded in DataShielder HSM, by clicking on the following links:

To learn more about the Fortress 2023 Cyber Security Award and other winners, you can visit the following sites:

Premsa Nacional d’Andorra:

DataShielder HSM de la revista de tecnologia Freemindtronic Fullsecure i incrustada Bondia 29 de setembre de 2023
Diari Andorra dijous 5 octubre del 2023: Fullsecure Guanya el Premi Fortress Andorra national press

News provided by Fortress® Cybersecurity Award 2023 from Business Intelligence Group

The Business Intelligence Group was founded with the mission of recognizing true talent and superior performance in the business world. Unlike other industry award programs, these programs are judged by business executives having experience and knowledge. The organization’s proprietary and unique scoring system selectively measures performance across multiple business domains and rewards those companies whose achievements stand above those of their peers.

May 31, 2023 Related Link: https://www.bintelligence.com/posts/105-people-companies-and-products-named-in-2023-fortress-cyber-security-awards

2023 Awards Fortress Cyber Security Award

DataShielder HSM Fortress Award 2023: Andorran Data Encryption Solution

2022 Awards Cybersecurity EviCypher Technology

Gold Globee Winner 2022 Cyber Computer NFC

Awards CES Awards Keepser New

Keepser Group Award CES 2022

2022 Events EviCypher NFC HSM Exhibitions Licences Freemindtronic NFC Contactless

Secure Card CES 2022

2021 Cybersecurity Distinction Excellence EviCypher Technology finalists

E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity

2021 Awards Communications Distinction Excellence EviCypher Technology finalists IT

E&T Innovation Awards Communications & IT

2021 Distinction Excellence The National Cyber Awards

Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards: Freemindtronic’s 2021 Success

2021 Awards Distinction Excellence finalists

Finalists The National Cyber Awards 2021

Awards Cyberculture EviCypher Technology International Inventions Geneva NFC HSM technology

Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions 2021

Awards Global Infosec Awards News Press

List of Winners Global Infosec Awards 2021

2021 Awards International Inventions Geneva

EviCypher Gold Medal 2021 of the Geneva International Inventions

2017 Awards Embedded System Awards IoT

Award 2017 MtoM & Embedded System & IoT

2017 Cybersecurity finalists

Award FIC 2017 10th Most innovative international startup

2015 finalists NFC Contactless

Finalist Contactless Services Challenge

2015 Awards Distinction Excellence EviKey & EviDisk

FIC 2015 Distinction Excellence 19th Most innovative international startup

2014 Awards Embedded System Awards EviKey & EviDisk News

The story of the first NFC hardened USB stick EviKey

2014 Awards Electronics Embedded System Awards EviKey & EviDisk

Embedded Trophy 2014 Freemindtronic

To improve in English: If you want to download images, Freemindtronic logo, you can access the Freemindtronic media kit, which contains various files and information related to the company and its products or awards. You will find the link to the media kit at the end of this article. In addition, if you prefer to read this article in another language, or download the press release, you can choose from the following options:

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Unitary patent system: why some EU countries are not on board

Unitary Patent system European why some EU countries are not on board

Unitary patent system by Jacques Gascuel: This article will be updated with any new information on the topic.  

Why some EU countries don’t want the unitary patent

The unitary patent system promises to simplify and unify patent protection in Europe. But not all EU countries are on board. Discover why some countries like Spain have opted out and what it means for inventors.

Why some EU countries are not on board

What is the unitary patent?

The unitary patent is a new scheme that allows inventors and innovative companies to protect their inventions in 17 EU member states by filing a single request to the European Patent Office (EPO) 1. It is an alternative option to the classical European patent, which requires individual validation and maintenance in each country where the patent holder wants to benefit from protection 1. The unitary patent  entered into force on 1 June 2023, after the ratification of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court (UPC Agreement) by 17 states participating in enhanced cooperation 2. It is expected that more EU states will join this scheme in the future 1.

The unitary patent is based on the European patent granted by the EPO under the rules of the European Patent Convention (EPC), so nothing changes in the pre-grant phase and the same high standards of quality search and examination apply. After a European patent is granted, the patent holder can request unitary effect, thereby obtaining a European patent with unitary effect (unitary patent) that provides uniform protection in initially 17 EU member states.

What is the current status of the unitary patent?

The unitary patent system is a new scheme that allows inventors and innovative companies to protect their inventions in 17 EU member states by filing a single request to the European Patent Office (EPO) . It is an alternative option to the classical European patent, which requires individual validation and maintenance in each country where the patent holder wants to benefit from protection . The unitary patent is expected to start in early 2023, after the ratification of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court (UPC Agreement) by 17 states participating in enhanced cooperation . It is expected that more EU states will join this scheme in the future.

The UPC Agreement

The UPC Agreement is an international treaty that establishes the Unified Patent Court (UPC), a supranational specialised court that will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle disputes relating to unitary patents and European patents . The UPC Agreement was signed by 25 EU member states in 2013, but it requires the ratification by at least 13 states, including France, Germany and Italy, to enter into force.

As of June 2021, 16 states have ratified the UPC Agreement, including France and Italy . Germany has also ratified the UPC Agreement in December 2020, but its ratification is pending before the German Constitutional Court, which has received two constitutional complaints against it . The German government has expressed its intention to deposit its instrument of ratification as soon as possible after the resolution of these complaints . The UK, which was initially one of the mandatory ratifying states, has withdrawn from the unitary patent system after leaving the EU in 2020.

The main obstacle and challenges

The main remaining obstacle for the implementation of the unitary patent system is therefore the outcome of the German constitutional complaints. If they are dismissed or overcome, Germany could deposit its instrument of ratification and trigger the entry into force of the UPC Agreement within three months . However, if they are upheld or delayed, Germany could be prevented from joining the unitary patent or cause further uncertainties and complications for its launch.

Other challenges for the implementation of the unitary patentinclude the practical and logistical arrangements for the operation of the Unified Patent Court, such as the recruitment and training of judges, the establishment of IT systems and facilities, and the adoption of procedural rules and guidelines . Moreover, some legal and political issues may arise from the withdrawal of the UK from the unitary patent, such as the impact on the linguistic regime of the unitary patent, the distribution of the workload and the cases among the different divisions of the Unified Patent Court, and the compatibility of the UPC Agreement with EU law.

What are the advantages?

The unitary patent system offers several advantages for inventors and innovative companies who want to protect their innovations in the EU. Among these advantages, we can mention:

  • The simplification of the procedure: the patent holder no longer needs to carry out complex and costly procedures with national offices to validate their European patent in each country 1.
  • They only need to request unitary effect from the EPO, which is their single interlocutor 2.
  • The reduction of costs: the patent holder no longer has to pay validation fees, translation fees, representation fees or annual national fees to keep their patent in force in the countries covered by the unitary patent 1.
  • They only pay a single annual fee to the EPO, which is calculated according to a progressive scale 3.
  • The legal certainty: the patent holder benefits from a uniform protection in all countries where the unitary patent takes effect, without risk of fragmentation or divergence between national rights 1.
  • They can also enforce their rights before a supranational specialised court, the Unified Patent Court (UPC), which has exclusive jurisdiction to settle disputes relating to infringement and validity of unitary patents.

How does the unitary patent compare with other patent systems?

The unitary patent system is not the only option for obtaining patent protection in multiple countries. There are other regional or international patent systems that offer different advantages and disadvantages for inventors and innovative companies. Here are some examples:

The European Patent Convention (EPC)

The EPC is an international treaty that allows applicants to file a single application at the European Patent Office (EPO) and obtain a European patent that can be validated in up to 38 contracting states . The EPC is not affected by the unitary patent system and will continue to operate in parallel with it. The EPC offers more flexibility than the unitary patent, as applicants can choose which countries they want to validate their European patent in. However, it also involves more costs and formalities than the unitary patent, as applicants have to pay validation fees, translation fees and annual national fees in each country where they want to maintain their European patent.

The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)

The PCT is an international treaty that allows applicants to file a single international application at a national or regional office and obtain an international search report and a preliminary examination report on their invention . The PCT does not grant patents directly, but facilitates the entry into national or regional phases in up to 153 contracting states . The PCT offers more time than the unitary patent system, as applicants can delay their decision on which countries they want to pursue their patent protection in for up to 30 or 31 months from the priority date . However, it also involves more complexity than the unitary patent, as applicants have to comply with different requirements and procedures in each country where they enter the national or regional phase.

The Eurasian Patent Convention (EAPC)

The EAPC is an international treaty that allows applicants to file a single application at the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) and obtain a Eurasian patent that can be validated in up to 8 contracting states . The EAPC is not related to the unitary patent system and operates independently from it. The EAPC offers more simplicity than the unitary patent, as applicants do not have to pay any validation fees or translation fees in the countries where they want to validate their Eurasian patent . However, it also involves more risk than the unitary paten system, as applicants cannot opt out of the jurisdiction of the Eurasian Court of Patent Disputes, which can invalidate their Eurasian patent in all contracting states.

How Freemindtronic’s international patents are related to the unitary patent

Freemindtronic is an Andorran company that creates innovative solutions for security, cyber-security and counter-espionage, using contactless technology (NFC). We have several inventions that are protected by international patents in the fields of embedded systems, access control and segmented key authentication. For example, our patented technologies EviCore NFC HSM, which manage encryption keys in an NFC HSM device, EviCore HSM OpenPGP, which manage encryption keys in a security element of phones, EviVault NFC HSM Cold Wallet operating without contact, EviKey NFC a contactless secured USB key and the technology EviCypher NFC HSM which encrypts all types of data. These technologies implement our patents and especially the one based on the segmented key authentication system. The latter received the gold medal of international inventions of Geneva 2021.

Our patent options

Our patents are based on the European patent granted by the European Patent Office (EPO) under the rules of the European Patent Convention (EPC). Therefore, we could benefit from the unitary patent system, which is a new scheme that allows inventors and innovative companies to protect their inventions in 17 EU member states by filing a single request to the EPO. However, we would also have to consider the disadvantages and risks of the unitary patent, such as the risk of total invalidation, the lack of flexibility and the exclusion of some countries. Moreover, we would have to deal with the legal issues of the unitary patent for non-participating countries, such as cross-border infringement cases and jurisdictional conflicts.

Our patent strategy

We have opted for the unitary patent only for our segmented key authentication system, and we have added some non-participating countries to our other European patents. The reasons behind this choice are related to our market strategy, our innovation potential and our risk assessment. For instance, we have decided to use the unitary patent for our segmented key authentication system because we consider it as our core invention and we want to protect it in a uniform and effective way in most EU countries. On the other hand, we have decided to add some non-participating countries to our other European patents because we want to preserve our flexibility and avoid possible invalidation challenges in those countries.


Our international patents are relevant examples of how the unitary patent system can affect inventors and innovative companies in Europe, both positively and negatively. They illustrate the opportunities and challenges that the unitary patent poses for innovation and competitiveness in the EU.

How can legal issues of the unitary patent for non-participating countries be resolved?

The legal issues of the unitary patent system for non-participating countries are complex and not yet fully resolved. One of the main questions is how to deal with cross-border infringement cases involving unitary patents and national patents. For instance, if an inventor from a non-participating country, such as Spain, wants to enforce his rights on his classic European patent in a participating country, such as France, where a unitary patent holder claims to infringe his patent, which law should he consider? Well, the question is not easy to answer, because he will have to take into account many international standards. In the end, this very important aspect will be “subjected” to a very complex situation that will necessarily be defined with the successive application of the law.

Another question is how to ensure a fair balance between the rights and obligations of unitary patent holders and national patent holders in non-participating countries. For example, if a unitary patent holder wants to enforce their rights in a non-participating country, such as Poland, where a national patent holder is allegedly infringing their patent, which court should they go to? Well, the answer is not clear, as it will depend on the interpretation and application of various international agreements. In principle, the unitary patent holder should go to the national court of Poland, but they may face some difficulties or disadvantages in comparison with the national patent holder, such as higher costs, longer procedures or different standards of proof.

One possible way to resolve these legal issues is to harmonise the rules and practices of the unitary patent and the national patent systems in Europe. This could be achieved by adopting common standards and guidelines for patent examination, grant, validity and enforcement, as well as by establishing mechanisms for cooperation and coordination between the UPC and the national courts. Another possible way is to extend the scope and coverage of the unitary patent and the UPC to all EU member states and other EPC contracting states. This could be achieved by encouraging and facilitating their participation in the enhanced cooperation and ratification of the UPC Agreement.

However, these solutions may face some practical and political challenges, such as the lack of consensus or willingness among the different stakeholders, the respect for national sovereignty and diversity, or the compatibility with EU law and international obligations. Therefore, it is important that the unitary patent and its legal implications are carefully monitored and evaluated, and that its benefits and drawbacks are balanced and communicated to all parties involved.

What are the disadvantages?

The unitary patent system is not without disadvantages for some actors in the patent market. Among these disadvantages, we can mention:

  • The risk of total invalidation: the patent holder faces the possibility that their patent will be cancelled in all countries where it takes effect, if the UPC finds that it does not meet the requirements of patentability. They do not have the possibility to limit or amend their patent to avoid this fatal outcome.
  • The lack of flexibility: the patent holder cannot choose the countries where they want to protect their invention, nor renounce their patent in some countries to avoid paying fees or to circumvent legal obstacles. They must accept or refuse unitary effect as a whole.
  • The exclusion of some countries: the patent holder cannot benefit from protection in all EU member states, since some countries have decided not to participate in the unitary patent or have not yet ratified the UPC Agreement 1.
  • This is notably the case of Spain, which is one of the few EU countries that does not intend to be part of the unitary patent

What are the best practices or strategies for using or avoiding the unitary patent?

The unitary patent system offers a new opportunity for inventors and innovative companies who want to protect their inventions in Europe. However, it also poses some challenges and risks that need to be carefully considered. Depending on their needs and goals, they may decide to use or avoid the unitary patent, or to combine it with other patent systems. Here are some factors to consider when making this decision:

The scope of protection

The unitary patent system provides a uniform protection in 17 EU member states, which may cover a large part of the European market. However, it does not cover all EU member states, nor non-EU countries that are part of the EPC or the PCT. Therefore, inventors and innovative companies should assess whether the unitary patent covers their target markets, or whether they need to seek additional protection in other countries.

The cost of protection

The unitary patent reduces the cost of protection in Europe, as it eliminates the need to pay validation fees, translation fees and annual national fees in each country where the unitary patent takes effect. However, it also introduces a single annual fee for the unitary patent, which is calculated according to a progressive scale . Therefore, inventors and innovative companies should compare the cost of the unitary patent with the cost of other patent systems, and consider whether they need protection in all countries covered by the unitary patent, or whether they can save money by choosing a smaller number of countries.

The risk of invalidation

The unitary patent increases the risk of invalidation in Europe, as it exposes the unitary patent to a single challenge before the UPC, which can invalidate it in all countries where it takes effect. Moreover, the UPC is a new court that may have some uncertainties and inconsistencies in its interpretation and application of the law. Therefore, inventors and innovative companies should evaluate the strength and validity of their inventions, and consider whether they want to avoid this risk by opting out of the UPC for their European patents, or by using other patent systems that allow them to limit or amend their patents in case of invalidation challenges.

The enforcement of rights

The unitary patent facilitates the enforcement of rights in Europe, as it allows the holders of unitary patents to sue infringers before the UPC, which can grant pan-European injunctions and damages. However, it also exposes them to counterclaims for invalidity before the UPC, which can invalidate their unitary patents in all countries where they take effect. Therefore, inventors and innovative companies should assess the likelihood and impact of infringement and invalidity actions, and consider whether they want to benefit from this facilitation by opting in to the UPC for their European patents, or whether they want to retain more control over their litigation strategy by using national courts or other patent systems.

Why do some EU countries not want to join the unitary patent

The reasons for some EU countries’ exclusion from the unitary patent are diverse. Spain, for example, considers that the linguistic regime of the unitary patent, which relies on the three official languages of the EPO (English, French and German), is discriminatory and harms its economic and cultural interests. It believes that Spanish, which is the second most spoken native language in the world, should be recognised as an official language of the unitary patent, or at least, that the holders of unitary patents should be required to provide a full translation in Spanish of their patents. It also fears that the unitary patent will strengthen the dominant position of the English-speaking and German-speaking countries in the field of innovation and will reduce the development opportunities of Spanish companies.

Croatia, on the other hand, has not joined enhanced cooperation for setting up the unitary patent, because it joined the EU after the launch of this initiative. However, it has expressed its interest in joining the unitary patent in the future.

Poland and the Czech Republic have participated in enhanced cooperation, but have not signed or ratified the UPC Agreement, which is a prerequisite for being part of the unitary patent 2. These countries have invoked economic and legal reasons to justify their withdrawal. Poland has estimated that the unitary patent would have a negative impact on its national budget and on its competitiveness. The Czech Republic has expressed doubts about the compatibility of the unitary patent with EU law and about the quality of automatic translations .

Slovakia has also participated in enhanced cooperation, but has opposed the regulation on the unitary patent and has challenged it before the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU). It has argued that the regulation was contrary to the principle of equal treatment between the member states and the official languages of the EU. It has also questioned the legal basis of the regulation and its respect for national competences in the field of industrial property. The CJEU rejected its request in 2015.

Hungary has ratified the UPC Agreement in 2018, but has denounced it in 2020, following a decision of its Constitutional Court that declared that the Agreement was incompatible with its Constitution. The Court considered that the Agreement infringed on Hungary’s sovereignty in the matter of intellectual property and that it violated the principle of separation of powers by entrusting the settlement of disputes relating to patents to a supranational court not integrated into the Hungarian judicial system.

Here is a table that summarizes that gives the list of European countries that accept the unitary patent and the European countries that have excluded themselves from the unitary patent:

GermanyAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
AustriaAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
BelgiumAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
BulgariaAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
CyprusAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
CroatiaExcludedHas not joined enhanced cooperation
DenmarkAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
SpainExcludedHas opposed enhanced cooperation and has challenged the linguistic regime of the unitary patent
EstoniaAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
FinlandAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
FranceAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
GreeceAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
HungaryExcludedHas ratified the UPC Agreement but has denounced it following a decision of its Constitutional Court
IrelandAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation but has not yet ratified the UPC Agreement
ItalyAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
LatviaAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
LithuaniaAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
LuxembourgAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
MaltaAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
NetherlandsAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
PolandExcludedParticipates in enhanced cooperation but has not signed or ratified the UPC Agreement
PortugalAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
Czech RepublicExcludedParticipates in enhanced cooperation but has not signed or ratified the UPC Agreement
RomaniaAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation but has not yet ratified the UPC Agreement
SlovakiaExcludedHas opposed enhanced cooperation and has challenged the regulation on the unitary patent
SloveniaAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement
SwedenAcceptsParticipates in enhanced cooperation and has ratified the UPC Agreement

What are the consequences of these countries’ exclusion from the unitary patent?

The exclusion of these countries from the unitary patent has consequences for both the holders of unitary patents and the national patent holders in these countries. For the holders of unitary patents, this means that they cannot protect their inventions in these countries through the unitary patent, but they have to resort to the classical European patent or the national patent . They therefore have to bear the costs and formalities related to the validation and maintenance of their patent in these countries, as well as the risks of a fragmented protection and legal uncertainty . For the national patent holders in these countries, this means that they cannot benefit from the advantages of the unitary patent, but they have to face the increased competition of the holders of unitary patents in the other EU countries . They also have to adapt to the rules and procedures of the UPC, which can be seized by the holders of unitary patents to assert their rights against them or to challenge the validity of their classical European patents .

What are the legal issues of the unitary patent for non-participating countries?

The legal issues of the unitary patent system for non-participating countries are complex and not yet fully resolved. One of the main questions is how to deal with cross-border infringement cases involving unitary patents and national patents. For example, if an inventor from a non-participating country, such as Spain, wants to exercise their rights on their classical European patent in a participating country, such as France, where a unitary patent holder is allegedly infringing their patent, which law should they take into account? Well, the question is not easy to answer, as it will have to take into account many international norms. In the end, this very important aspect will be “subjected” to a very complex situation that will necessarily be defined with the successive application of the law.

Another question is how to ensure a fair balance between the interests of the holders of unitary patents and those of national patent holders in non-participating countries. For instance, if a national patent holder in Spain wants to challenge the validity of a unitary patent that covers an invention similar to theirs, how can they do so without having to go before the UPC, which may not be accessible or convenient for them? Conversely, if a unitary patent holder wants to enforce their rights against a national patent holder in Spain who is allegedly infringing their patent, how can they do so without having to go before a national court that may not be familiar or favourable with the unitary patent? These questions raise issues of jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of judgments, as well as substantive law harmonisation.

These legal issues are likely to generate uncertainty and litigation for both unitary patent holders and national patent holders in non-participating countries. They may also create barriers and distortions in the internal market and affect innovation and competitiveness. Therefore, it is desirable that these issues are addressed and clarified as soon as possible, either by legislative or judicial means.


The unitary patent is a new scheme that offers a simplified, economical and uniform protection in 17 EU member states. It is accompanied by a Unified Patent Court, which has exclusive jurisdiction to settle disputes relating to unitary patents. The unitary patent has advantages and disadvantages for inventors and innovative companies, depending on their strategy and market. Spain is one of the few EU countries that does not intend to join the unitary patent, mainly for linguistic reasons. Its exclusion has consequences for both unitary patent holders and Spanish actors in the patent market. The unitary patent also raises legal issues for non-participating countries, which are not yet fully resolved.

In conclusion, the unitary patent system is a major innovation in the field of intellectual property in Europe, but it also poses significant challenges for its implementation and acceptance. It aims to foster innovation and competitiveness in the EU, but it also creates disparities and conflicts between participating and non-participating countries. It offers a simplified and uniform protection for inventors and innovative companies, but it also exposes them to risks and uncertainties in cross-border litigation. It is therefore important that the unitary patent is carefully monitored and evaluated, and that its benefits and drawbacks are balanced and communicated to all stakeholders.

(1) https://www.epo.org/applying/european/unitary/unitary-patent.html

(2) https://www.epo.org/applying/european/unitary.html

(3) https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-unitary-patent-and-unified-patent-court

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