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LitterDrifter: A USB Worm for Cyberespionage

LitterDrifter A USB Worm for Cyberespionage
LitterDrifter by Jacques Gascuel: This article will be updated with any new information on the topic.

LitterDrifter: USB Worm Threat and Safeguarding

Explore the LitterDrifter USB worm threat and effective safeguards. Learn to protect against this cyber threat and enhance data security.

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LitterDrifter: A USB Worm for Cyberespionage and Its Threats to Data Security

LitterDrifter is a computer worm that spreads through USB drives and is utilized by a Russian cyber espionage group known as Gamaredon. This group, active since at least 2013, primarily targets Ukraine but has also infected systems in other countries. LitterDrifter enables Gamaredon to gather sensitive information, execute remote commands, and download other malicious software. In this article, we will explore how this worm functions, methods to safeguard against it, and the motivations behind its creators.

Understanding Gamaredon

Gamaredon is a cyber espionage group suspected to have ties to Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB). It conducts intelligence and sabotage operations against strategic targets in Ukraine, including government institutions, law enforcement, media, political organizations, and dissidents. Gamaredon plays a part in the hybrid warfare between Russia and Ukraine that emerged in 2014 following the annexation of Crimea and the armed conflict in Donbass.

Gamaredon employs a diverse range of cyberattack techniques, including phishing, disinformation, sabotage, and espionage. The group possesses several malicious tools such as Pterodo, Outlook Forms, VBA Macros, LNK Spreader, and, of course, LitterDrifter. Gamaredon is considered a group that learns from its experiences and adapts its tactics based on responses from its adversaries. It also serves as a training ground for Russia, observing the potential of cyber warfare in contemporary conflicts.

How LitterDrifter Works

LitterDrifter is a computer worm initially discovered in October 2021 by cybersecurity company Check Point Research. It is written in VBS and consists of two main modules: a propagation module and a communication module.

LitterDrifter’s Propagation

The propagation module is responsible for copying the worm to USB drives connected to the infected computer. It creates an autorun.inf file that allows the worm to launch automatically upon inserting an infected drive. Additionally, it generates an LNK file that serves as bait, featuring a random name to entice the user to click on it. The worm’s name is derived from the initial file name, “trash.dll,” which means “garbage” in English.

LitterDrifter’s Communication

The communication module establishes contact with the worm’s authors’ command and control (C2) server. It uses domains as markers for the actual IP addresses of the C2 servers. It can also connect to a C2 server extracted from a Telegram channel, a technique employed by Gamaredon since early 2021. The communication module allows the worm to collect information about the infected system, such as the computer name, username, IP address, operating system, process list, files on the hard drive, and USB drives. It can also execute remote commands, download and install other malicious software, and delete files or partitions.

How LitterDrifter Propagates

LitterDrifter is primarily intended to target Ukraine but has also been detected in other countries, including Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, India, Japan, and Australia. The worm appears to spread opportunistically, taking advantage of USB exchanges and movements among individuals and organizations. Some of the victims may be secondary targets infected inadvertently, while others could be potential targets awaiting activation.

LitterDrifter Statistics

LitterDrifter is a rapidly spreading worm that affects a large number of systems. According to data from Check Point Research, the worm has been submitted to VirusTotal more than 1,000 times since October 2021, originating from 14 different countries. The majority of submissions come from Ukraine (58%), followed by the United States (12%) and Vietnam (7%). Other countries each represent less than 5% of submissions.

The worm also uses a large number of domains as markers for C2 servers. Check Point Research has identified over 200 different domains used by the worm, with most being free or expired domains. Some domains have been used by Gamaredon for a long time, while others are created or modified recently. The worm also uses Telegram channels to extract C2 server IP addresses, making their blocking or tracking more challenging.

The worm is capable of downloading and installing other malicious software on infected systems. Among the malicious software detected by Check Point Research are remote control tools, spyware, screen capture software, password stealers, file encryption software, and data destruction software. Some of these malicious software are specific to Gamaredon, while others are generic or open-source tools.

Uncontrolled Expansion and Real Consequences of LitterDrifter

LitterDrifter is a worm with uncontrolled expansion, meaning it spreads opportunistically by taking advantage of the movement and exchange of USB drives among individuals and organizations. It doesn’t have a specific target but can infect systems in various countries, without regard to the industry sector or security level. Consequently, it can affect critical systems, including infrastructure, public services, or government institutions.

The real consequences of LitterDrifter are manifold and severe. It can compromise the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. Moreover, it can serve as a gateway for more sophisticated attacks, such as deploying ransomware, spyware, or destructive software. Additionally, it can enable the worm’s authors to access sensitive information, including confidential documents, passwords, personal data, or industrial secrets.

LitterDrifter can have serious repercussions for victims, including damage to reputation, financial costs, data loss, disruption of operations, or legal liability. It can also impact national security, political stability, or the sovereignty of targeted countries. It is part of the context of a hybrid war waged by Russia against Ukraine, aiming to weaken and destabilize its neighbor through military, political, economic, media, and cyber means.

LitterDrifter’s Attack Methods

Understanding the attack methods employed by LitterDrifter is crucial in safeguarding your systems. This USB worm leverages various techniques to infiltrate systems and establish contact with its command and control (C2) servers. Below, we delve into the primary attack methods used by LitterDrifter:

Attack Method Description Example
Vulnerability Exploitation Exploiting known vulnerabilities in software and network protocols, such as SMB, RDP, FTP, HTTP, SSH, etc. It employs tools like Metasploit, Nmap, and Mimikatz to scan systems, execute malicious code, steal credentials, and propagate. Utilizing the EternalBlue vulnerability to infect Windows systems via the SMB protocol and install a backdoor.
Phishing Sending fraudulent emails containing malicious attachments or links that entice users to open or click. Attachments or links trigger the download and execution of LitterDrifter. Sending an email pretending to be an invoice from a supplier but containing a malicious Word file that exploits the CVE-2017-0199 vulnerability to execute LitterDrifter.
Identity Spoofing Impersonating legitimate services or applications through similar names, icons, or interfaces. This deceives users or administrators into granting privileges, access, or sensitive information. Using the name and icon of TeamViewer, a remote control software, to blend into the process list and establish a connection with C2 servers.
USB Propagation Copying itself to USB drives connected to infected computers, automatically running upon insertion. It also creates random-named LNK files as bait, encouraging users to click. When a user inserts an infected USB drive into their computer, the worm copies itself to the hard drive and executes. It also creates an LNK file named “Holiday Photos.lnk” pointing to the worm.
Domain Marker Usage Using domains as markers for actual C2 server IP addresses. It generates a random subdomain of a hardcoded domain (e.g., 4fj3k2h5.example.com from example.com) and resolves its IP address through a DNS query. It then uses this IP address for communication with the C2 server. Generating the subdomain 4fj3k2h5.example.com from the hardcoded domain example.com, resolving its IP address through a DNS query (e.g.,, and using it to send data to the C2 server.

LitterDrifter’s Malicious Actions

LitterDrifter is a worm that can cause significant damage to infected systems. It not only collects sensitive information but can also execute remote commands, download and install other malicious software, and delete files or partitions. Here’s a table summarizing LitterDrifter’s main malicious actions:

Action Description Example
Information Collection The worm gathers information about the infected system, including computer name, username, IP address, OS, process list, files on the hard drive, and USB drives. The worm sends the collected information to the C2 server via an HTTP POST request.
Remote Command Execution The worm can receive remote commands from the C2 server, such as launching a process, creating a file, modifying the registry, opening a URL, etc. The worm can execute a command like cmd.exe /c del /f /s /q c:\*.* to erase all files on the C drive.
Download and Malware Installation The worm can download and install other malicious software on the infected system, such as remote control tools, spyware, screen capture software, password stealers, file encryption software, and data destruction software. The worm can download and install the Pterodo malware, allowing Gamaredon to take control of the infected system.
File or Partition Deletion The worm can delete files or partitions on the infected system, potentially leading to data loss, system corruption, or boot failure. The worm can erase the EFI partition, which contains system boot information.

Protecting Against LitterDrifter

Safeguarding your systems against LitterDrifter and similar threats is essential in today’s interconnected digital landscape. Here are some steps you can take to enhance your cybersecurity posture:

  1. Keep Software Updated: Regularly update your operating system, software, and antivirus programs to patch known vulnerabilities that malware like LitterDrifter exploits.
  2. Exercise Caution with Email Attachments and Links: Be cautious when opening email attachments or clicking on links, especially if the sender is unknown or the email seems suspicious. Verify the legitimacy of the sender before taking any action.
  3. Use Reliable Security Software: Install reputable security software that can detect and block malware. Ensure that it is regularly updated to recognize new threats effectively.
  4. Employ Network Segmentation: Implement network segmentation to isolate critical systems and data from potentially compromised parts of your network.
  5. Educate Employees: Train your employees to recognize phishing attempts and the importance of safe browsing and email practices.
  6. USB Drive Security: Disable autorun features on computers and use endpoint security solutions to scan USB drives for malware upon insertion.
  7. Network Monitoring: Implement network monitoring tools to detect unusual activities and unauthorized access promptly.
  8. Encryption and Authentication: Use encryption for sensitive data and multi-factor authentication to secure critical accounts.

Enhancing Data Security with HSM Technologies

In addition to the steps mentioned above, organizations can enhance data security by leveraging NFC HSM (Near Field Communication and Hardware Security Module). These specialized devices provide secure storage and processing of cryptographic keys, protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access.

HSMs offer several advantages, including tamper resistance, hardware-based encryption, and secure key management. By integrating HSMs into your cybersecurity strategy, you can further safeguard your organization against threats like LitterDrifter.

Leveraging NFC HSM Technologies Made in Andorra by Freemindtronic

To take your data security to the next level, consider utilizing NFC HSM technologies manufactured in Andorra by Freemindtronic. These state-of-the-art devices are designed to meet the highest security standards, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your cryptographic keys.

Freemindtronic innovates, manufactures white-label NFC HSM technologies, including PassCypher NFC HSM and DataShielder Defense NFC HSM. These solutions, like EviPass, EviOTP, EviCypher, and EviKey, effectively combat LitterDrifter. They enhance data security, protecting against unauthorized access and decryption, even in the era of quantum computing.

With HSMs from Freemindtronic, you benefit from:

  • Tamper Resistance: HSMs are built to withstand physical tampering attempts, providing an added layer of protection against unauthorized access.
  • Hardware-Based Encryption: Enjoy the benefits of hardware-based encryption, which is more secure than software-based solutions and less susceptible to vulnerabilities.
  • Secure Key Management: HSMs enable secure generation, storage, and management of cryptographic keys, reducing the risk of key compromise.

By integrating HSMs into your organization’s security infrastructure, you can establish a robust defense against threats like LitterDrifter and ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your sensitive data.


Staying One Step Ahead of LitterDrifter

LitterDrifter, the USB worm associated with the Gamaredon cyber espionage group, poses a significant threat to cybersecurity. Its ability to infiltrate systems, collect sensitive data, and execute malicious actions underscores the importance of proactive protection.

By understanding LitterDrifter’s origins, functionality, and impact, as well as implementing robust cybersecurity measures, you can shield your organization from this perilous threat. Additionally, NFC HSM technologies offer an extra layer of security to safeguard your data and secrets.

Stay vigilant, stay informed, and stay ahead of LitterDrifter and the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Protect Your Data from AMOS Malware

AMOS malware protection with Keepser NFC Cold Xallet

AMOS Malware Protection by Jacques gascuel
This article will be updated with any new information on the topic, and readers are encouraged to leave comments or contact the author with any suggestions or additions.
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CryptBot malware

Protect Your Mac from AMOS Malware

Are you worried about the threat of AMOS malware on your Mac? Keep your data safe with Keepser Cold Wallet. Learn how this technology can protect your sensitive information from this dangerous malware.

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AMOS Malware Protection with Keepser Cold Wallet

The Threat of AMOS Malware on macOS

AMOS malware is a growing threat to macOS users. Hackers are marketing a new malware for the macOS operating system. Named Atomic Macos Stealer or AMOS, this malicious software is designed to steal user data for $1,000 per month. It extracts passwords from the keychain, steals files on disks, cookies, as well as cards and identification information stored in the browser and tries to extract data from 50 different cryptocurrency wallets. Buyers also benefit from a complete web dashboard to brute force MetaMask.

How AMOS Malware Works

AMOS is capable of accessing iCloud keychain passwords, system information, files from the desktop and documents folder, as well as the Mac password. It is able to infiltrate applications such as Chrome and Firefox and extract autofill information, passwords, cookies, wallets and credit card information. Cryptocurrency wallets such as Electrum, Binance and Atomic are specific targets.

The malware is being propagated using an unsigned disk image file called Setup.dmg. Once executed, the file prompts the victim to enter their system password on a bogus prompt. This allows the malware to escalate privileges and carry out its malicious activities. This technique is similar to that used by other macOS malware, such as MacStealer.

How to Protect Against AMOS Malware

The increase in the deployment of macOS stealer malware by non-state actors highlights the need for users to be cautious when downloading and installing software. The cybersecurity industry recommends that users only download and install software from trustworthy sources, enable two-factor authentication, review app permissions, and refrain from opening suspicious links received via email or SMS messages.

The Solution: Keepser Cold Wallet with EviVault Technology

However, there is a solution to protect your sensitive data against AMOS malware. For only €387, you can purchase two NFC Cold Wallet Keepser from Keepser Group with EviVault technology from Freemindtronic SL. These wallets allow you to store offline and physically externalized from macOS and/or PC computers the private keys and/or seed phrases of cryptocurrency wallets as well as identifier and password pairs. Thus, it will simply be impossible to extract sensitive data from a computer that is not physically present in these computers, even for this AMOS malware.

By using EviVault NFC Cold Wallet technologies from Freemindtronic embedded in Keepser products, you can protect your sensitive data against malware attacks such as AMOS or Cryptbot. These wallets also work on macOS, providing additional protection to Mac users.

The Benefits of EviVault Technology

Thanks to EviVault technology developed by Freemindtronic, the Keepser Cold Wallet is a unique ultra-secure cold storage solution for cryptocurrency wallets, offering anonymous, offline and contactless use via NFC technology, as well as compatibility with NFC Android phones and computer systems via a browser extension.

It’s like they say: “Why pay €1,000 per month to steal sensitive data when you can pay €387 one shot for AMOS malware protection without subscription to protect against it (and other malware like Cryptbot)!” 😉

It is important to take seriously the threats posed by malware such as AMOS and to take the necessary measures to protect your sensitive data. By using advanced technologies such as EviVault NFC Cold Wallet from Freemindtronic embedded in Keepser products, you can ensure that your data is secure.