Category Archives: 2021

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E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity

E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity 2021

Finalists 2021 E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity with EviCypher Technology.

The Freemindtronic Andorra R&D team is very honored to nominated as finalist for the 2021 E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity.

This award recognises an organisation which is taking proactive steps to counter attacks and take preventative measures to remain one-step ahead of cyber threats.

The Cyber Security Award recognises the creative thinking, engineering, people and projects that are taking on this growing threat for the benefit of the global community. We will reward innovations that have reached the stage where its potential to mitigate risk to organisations, government and individuals has been clearly identified.

Entries can range from security research, to new products or services that help to solve today’s important security challenges.

A shortlist and winner will be selected by our judging panel.

The finalists Category Cybersecurity

We congratulate all the other finalists.

We would like to thank the members of the jury in the Communications & IT category for their interest in our latest Greentech innovation EviCypher.


Based on the invention of Jacques GASCUEL, the EviCypher card is a keeper of secrets. It is very easy to use and very efficient for contactless, end-to-end encryption from an NFC hardware security module, sensitive data and in particular emails in Webmail services.

Below is the video of the Awards Ceremony of which Freemindtronic is a finalist.


E&T Innovation Awards 2021
November, 2021
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E&T Innovation Awards Communications & IT

2021 E&T Innovation Awards Freemindtronic Andorra EviCypher Technology finalist Communications & IT

Finalists 2021 E&T Innovation Awards Communications & IT with EviCypher Technology.

The Freemindtronic Andorra R&D team is very honored to nominated as finalist for the 2021 E&T Innovation Awards for Communications & IT.

The E&T Innovation Awards recognise and celebrate the best new innovations in all areas of science, engineering and technology.

Entries can range from research concepts and ideas to technical issues and industrial applications such as dedicated mobile applications and solutions, wearable communication technology, wireless and wireline networking incl. 4G and 5G developments, M2M, IoT, Smart Sensors, infrastructure transformation, business efficiency and the use of big data.

Please consider how you can demonstrate the benefits of your innovation in your entry form. A shortlist and winner will be selected by our judging panel.

The finalists Category Communications  IT

We congratulate all the other finalists.

We would like to thank the members of the jury in the Communications & IT category for their interest in our latest Greentech innovation EviCypher.


Based on the invention of Jacques GASCUEL, the EviCypher card is a keeper of secrets. It is very easy to use and very efficient for contactless, end-to-end encryption from an NFC hardware security module, sensitive data and in particular emails in Webmail services.

Below is the video of the Awards Ceremony of which Freemindtronic is a finalist.


E&T Innovation Awards 2021
November, 2021
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Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards: Freemindtronic’s 2021 Success

Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards certificate showing Freemindtronic's 2021 award for Innovation in Cybersecurity.

Freemindtronic Receives Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards 2021

Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards, Freemindtronic, an Andorran-based company, proudly received this prestigious distinction in the Innovation in Cyber Award category. This recognition came at the National Cyber Awards in the UK, with Raytheon UK sponsoring the award. It acknowledges Freemindtronic’s outstanding contributions to cybersecurity and their innovative solutions that continue to shape the field.

The company was also a finalist in two major categories:

  • Innovation in Cyber Award 2021, sponsored by Raytheon UK.
  • Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2021, sponsored by Immersive Labs.

Why Freemindtronic Stood Out

Freemindtronic’s commitment to cybersecurity innovation set them apart from other finalists. Sponsored by Raytheon UK, the Innovation in Cyber Award recognizes groundbreaking advancements in cybersecurity. Their inclusion alongside major organizations like BT plc and HSBC Bank plc demonstrates the company’s vital contributions to the industry.

The Significance of the “Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards” Distinction

Winning the Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards holds special significance for Freemindtronic. Competing as an Andorran company on an international stage, particularly within the UK, underscores their global impact. This recognition not only highlights their innovative cybersecurity solutions but also emphasizes their growing role within the UK market. Institutions such as the Chartered Institute of Information Security and the NPCC National Police Chiefs Council supported the award. Their endorsement gives further credibility to Freemindtronic’s achievements and ability to tackle critical cybersecurity challenges both globally and nationally.

A Grateful Acknowledgment

Freemindtronic deeply appreciates the National Cyber Awards, the sponsors, and the jury for awarding them the Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards distinction. This recognition motivates the company to continue developing innovative cybersecurity solutions and reinforces their commitment to protecting digital spaces.

However, due to unforeseen COVID-19 travel restrictions, Freemindtronic could not attend the award ceremony in London. The UK imposed new regulations requiring travelers to remain for two nights before returning to Andorra. This prevented the company’s representatives from accepting the award in person. Despite this, Freemindtronic remains proud to have been honored among leading cybersecurity innovators in the UK.

For more details about the finalists and winners of the 2021 National Cyber Awards, please visit the official National Cyber Awards website or the Freemindtronic page for more details on their recognition as Two-Time Finalists.

The National Cyber Awards 2021 :

Finalist out of 11 categories The Cyberspace Innovation Award 2021

Dual finalist Freemindtronic Andorra top 11 The Innovation in Cyber Award 2021 The national cyber–Awards United Kingdom EviCypher Technology

Finalist out of 4 categories The Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2021

Dual finalist Freemindtronic Andorra top 4 The Cyber Defence Product of the year 2021 The national cyber–Awards United Kingdom EviCypher Technology

NEWS PROVIDED BY The National Cyber ​​Awards 2021 Septembre 2021

More information of Finalists the National Cyber Awards 2021 Freemindtronic clic here


African Digital Week 2021

African Digital Week 2021 #adw21 Freemindtronic Andorra Speaker Jacques Gascuel Cybercrime Africa the new terrain Cybercriminalité l’Afrique le nouveau terrain

African Digital Week 2021 Freemindtronic is on line !

Jacques Gascuel CEO of Freemindtronic Andorra is one of the speakers at The African Digital Week 2021 #adw21 event.

It is an honour that the ADW scientific committee asked us to participate in the African Digital Week. We would like to thank Mr Mohamed TOURE and Mr Modeste LALIE as well as Mr Guy Arsène GOUNONGBE from CGECI, or their initiatives and their concern for us.

Jacques Gascuel will intervene by videoconference from Andorra along side Mr. Mamadou NAON, Mr. Hervé BAH, Mr. Guelpétchin Moussa OUATTARA, Mr. Eloge BEONAO and Mr. AMAN VLADIMIR.

Theme : Cybercrime Africa the new terrain


  • State of play and trends observed
  • Effects of cyber security on digital trust
  • What initiatives and organisations should be implemented by States (regulators) and companies to curb this scourge?

A time for sharing cyber information:

  • Sharing of methods and good practices for security in private and professional life
  • Identification of major cyber security actors in Africa
  • Sharing experiences and pooling initiatives to define an inclusive cybersecurity strategy in Africa

If you would like to register to attend African Digital Week, please click here.

Check out a video of the event venue the Boulay Beach Ressort (BBr) inugurated in 27 May 2021 👇.


2022 Articles Events Exhibitions News

EXPO 2020 DUBAI Government of Andorra & Freemindtronic

2021 Events Exhibitions

African Digital Week 2021

2023 Events

THcon 2023: A Cybersecurity Conference and CTF in Toulouse

Why should you attend THcon 2024? THcon is a must-attend event in Occitania for learning, [...]

2022 Cyber Computer Eurosatory Press release

Cyber Computer at Eurosatory 2022

2022 Events Exhibitions

Freemindtronic at Toulouse Hacking Convention

  You can also contact Freemindtronic using the form below 👇.

2018 Bug Bounty Events EviTag NFC HSM

EviTag NFC HSM at CONAND 2018: a Bug Bounty Express organized by Fullsecure

1 Comment


2023 Awards Fortress Cyber Security Award

DataShielder HSM Fortress Award 2023: Andorran Data Encryption Solution

2022 Awards Cybersecurity EviCypher Technology

Gold Globee Winner 2022 Cyber Computer NFC

Awards CES Awards Keepser New

Keepser Group Award CES 2022

2022 Events EviCypher NFC HSM Exhibitions Licences Freemindtronic NFC Contactless

Secure Card CES 2022

2021 Cybersecurity Distinction Excellence EviCypher Technology finalists

E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity


You can also contact Freemindtronic using the form below 👇.

Le 16 septembre 2021 de 16h30 à 17:45 GMT Côte d’Ivoire
Panel 4
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    Finalists The National Cyber Awards 2021

    Finalists The National Cyber Awards 2021 Freemindtronic Andorra with EviCypher Technology

    Two-time Finalists The National Cyber Awards 2021 Freemindtronic in the “INNOVATION & AI” category with EviCypher HSM Technology.

    The Freemindtronic Andorra R&D team is very honored to be twice nominated as finalist for The National Cyber Awards in “The Innovation in Cyber Award 2021” and “The Cyber Defense Product of the Year 2021 “.

    We are also proud to represent Andorra at this prestigious UK national competition open internationally.

    Finalists The National Cyber Awards :

    Category Innovation & AI

    The Innovation in Cyber Award 2021

    The Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2021

    We congratulate all the other finalists.

    We thank all the members of the jury for their interest in our latest breakthrough innovation Greentech EviCypher NFC HSM.

    Based on the invention of Jacques GASCUEL, the EviCypher NFC HSM Card is a keeper of secrets. It is very easy to use and very efficient for contactless, end-to-end encryption from an NFC hardware security module, sensitive data and in particular emails in Webmail services.

    Freemindtronic’s Achievement at the National Cyber Awards

    Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards, Freemindtronic proudly received this distinction in the Innovation in Cyber Award category at the 2021 National Cyber Awards. This recognition underscores the company’s dedication to cybersecurity innovation and excellence. Additionally, Freemindtronic was a finalist in the Cyber Defence Product of the Year category, demonstrating their comprehensive expertise in cybersecurity.

    Why Freemindtronic Stood Out

    Freemindtronic’s innovative solutions and commitment to cybersecurity set them apart from other finalists. Sponsored by Raytheon UK, the Innovation in Cyber Award recognized the most groundbreaking advancements in the field. Freemindtronic’s inclusion in this category, alongside prominent organizations like BT plc and HSBC Bank plc, highlights their significant contributions to the industry.

    The Significance of the “Highly Commended” Distinction

    Being highly commended at the National Cyber Awards is a significant milestone for Freemindtronic. This distinction reflects their relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation, encouraging them to continue developing cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions. The recognition from respected bodies like the Chartered Institute of Information Security and the National Police Chiefs’ Council adds further credibility to their achievements.

    Conclusion at Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards

    Freemindtronic’s recognition at the 2021 National Cyber Awards is a testament to their leadership and innovation in cybersecurity. The “Highly Commended” distinction not only celebrates their current achievements but also motivates them to continue pushing the boundaries of cybersecurity innovation. For more details about the finalists and winners of the National Cyber Awards 2021, you can visit the official National Cyber Awards website.

    Further Information

    In addition to being a two-time finalist at the National Cyber Awards 2021, Freemindtronic has been honored with the “Highly Commended” distinction. For those interested in learning more about this commendation, please visit Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards 2021. This page provides detailed information about Freemindtronic’s achievements and recognition at the awards.

    The National Cyber Awards 2021 :

    Finalist out of 11 categories The Cyberspace Innovation Award 2021

    Dual finalist Freemindtronic Andorra top 11 The Innovation in Cyber Award 2021 The national cyber–Awards United Kingdom EviCypher Technology

    Finalist out of 4 categories The Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2021

    Dual finalist Freemindtronic Andorra top 4 The Cyber Defence Product of the year 2021 The national cyber–Awards United Kingdom EviCypher Technology

    The National Cyber ​​Awards 2021
    Septembre 2021


    EviCypher license available

    EviCypher license available hardware wallet contactless encrytption ssecure contactless secret management by Freemindtronic Andorra

    EviCypher license available.
    EviCypher is a new technology developed by Freemindtronic, dedicated to the physical security of secrets, contactless. EviCypher won the 2021 Gold Medal for International Inventions from Geneva as well as 3 Cyber Defense Awards in May 2021.
    This technology, protected by 2 international patents, offers countless possibilities for technical implementation in all market segments. In particular, that of access control and the security of secrets including physical and digital protection with several trust criteria, for all types of encryption keys and their uses.
    Freemindtronic has created a site dedicated to EviCypher technology which brings together all the services created that are compatible with EviCypher. For example, you will learn about the encryption applications for Thunderbird and Gmail email client services. EviCYpher is the only end-to-end contactless encryption system from an NFC device with 12 configurable cumulative trust criteria. EviCypher is in fact the only solution in the world able to always keep emails and attachments encrypted, even in the event of corruption of local and/or online messaging services.
    EviCypher technology is available under license as a white label.
    EviCypher brand products are guaranteed for life by Freemindtronic SL Andorra.
    In the event of the transfer of an exclusive license for a product and service dedicated to messaging, for example, this product will no longer be available for sale. To acquire the product and related services, it will be mandatory to use the licensed branded services.
    Understanding that EviCypher technology offers countless possibilities for implementations, other products and services will be created and will be available for sale on the EviCypher store.
    In the event of a total exclusive license transfer of the EviCypher technology, the EviCypher site will be closed and redirected to the licensee’s branded services.

    Trophy Global Infosec Awards Winner Cyber Defense Magazine the Best Crypto Security and Most Innovative in Hardware Password Manager and best Secrets Management Freemindtronic Andorra

    Awards Global Infosec Awards News Press

    List of Winners Global Infosec Awards 2021


    Press release

    En  – 📥 ND
    Fr   – 📥 ND


    EviCypher license available

    Jun 25, 2021, 09:00 ET
    Web site EviCypher Technology


    Physical barrier to regaining control of the data

    Physical barrier to regaining control of the data Freemintronic Andorra Observatory of the Cybernetic World CEIS Avisa Partners EviCypher

    Physical barrier to regaining control of the data of the Observatoire du Monde Cybernétique CEIS DGRIS France – June 2nd 2021

    Freemindtronic: A physical barrier to allow users to regain control of their data

    logo freemindtronic only svg


    Interview with Jacques Gascuel (co-founder)


    Jacques Gascuel created the company Freemindtronic in 2010. Previously at the head of a computer company in rural areas, this graduate in electrical engineering and law, specialist in industrial maintenance, measured the impact of computer hacking following the compromise of the systems of one of his breeder customers, which greatly affected the production of the latter. Jacques Gascuel, after the resolution of this incident, turned to cyber safety and security by founding Freemindtronic (“the freedom to create in electronics”). The company, initially based in Comminges, established itself in Andorra from 2016.

    Freemindtronic ensures the complete control of its technological innovations – therefore from the design phase to the industrialization of solutions – and thus does not subcontract any stage of the development cycle. Considering the “all digital” as a threat, the company is guided in its activities by two objectives: to put the human at the heart of security and to preserve as much as possible the anonymity of users.


    All Freemindtronic solutions have as a common denominator a name starting with “Evi” (from the English word “evidence”) with among others EviKey, EviDisk, EviLock, EviToken and EviCard. Such a choice refers to the legal and material evidence produced by a tamper-proof black box, Jacques Gascuel’s patented invention on the safety of electrical appliances with traceability. The latest “EviCypher” solution, the result of four years of R&D, has been ready since March 2021 and aims to restore users control of their data in general, as well as to fight against cybercrime and corporate espionage in particular.

    EviCypher is a contactless end-to-end encryption solution from an NFC device [1]  (Near-field communication). It is based on an NFC application and physical device in the form of a card. The latter is capable of managing and storing “complicated” passwords, symmetric encryption algorithms (up to two hundred AES 256 keys) and asymmetric encryption (four RSA 2048 keys or two RSA 4096 keys). This “greentech” card has been designed from sustainable materials (fiberglass without halogen and emitting no toxic gases or hazardous residues), which ensure a service life of more than forty years and operation in extreme environments. Without a battery, it recovers energy via the NFC signal emitted by an NFC terminal (energy harvesting). This device, which is only activated on demand, is by default a passive product called “air gap”, which consists in physically isolating from any network the system to be secured.

    The application allows you to configure the encryption methods of the EviCypher card and to associate up to twelve “trust criteria” (including geolocation, password, fingerprint, EAN and QR codes…). The latter, which must be respected by any user wishing to decrypt the message, then make it possible to block any fraudulent access attempts in case of theft of the card among others.

    The encryption of a content is thus carried out by passing the EviCypher card at the NFC receiver of a terminal equipped with the application (computer, NFC Android smartphone, etc.). The recipient, upon receipt of the message, must repeat the gesture so that his card proceeds to the decryption. It must be physically located in the predefined geographical area (radius of choice from 1 to 2,500 km²) and validate the confidence criteria established by the issuer. In other words, this system, which is not connected to a server or a database, encrypts content even before it is broadcast online or stored on the servers of a mail. In the latter case, the AES256 and RSA 2048 or 4096 ciphers are robust enough against third-party decryption attempts.


    EviCypher wants to be an untraceable solution that preserves the anonymity of its users. Intended at the base for critical state services (government, armies, embassies, etc.) and sensitive companies, the solution was finally declined in a “general public” version, following the recent cyber attacks on hospitals at the beginning of the year. These various intrusions have indeed convinced Freemindtronic to take advantage of the release of its EviCypher tool to raise awareness about the crucial need to protect data.

    EviCypher reduces the surface area of exposure to attacks every place and applies to many situations:

    • The solution counters espionage and identity theft attempts based on ransomware or phishing attacks aimed at obtaining confidential data (president attack). This is made possible by the authentication system based on multiple trust criteria;
    • In the military field, EviCypher can establish, via its geolocation trust criterion, a secure communication between the command in France and the theatre of operations abroad;
    • This technology, embedding an intelligent automated fleet manager, is also a way for CISOs to manage both multi-station and NFC antenna terminals serving as an interface.

    To go further, Freemindtronic plans, in addition to creating an extension for applications in order to be more “volatile” vis-à-vis its ad hocapplication, to integrate the management of otherencryption systems. Among them, Open PGP, ECC keys, SSH and AWS. Users will also be able to select the type of encryption based on their usages. To date, the new extension for the Thunderbird solution has been developed to encrypt in AES256 mailboxes using the IMAP protocol.


    After recruiting an R&D director, Freemindtronic, which since its creation has relied on a staff of five technical profiles (cybersecurity engineers, electronics, artificial intelligence, embedded systems, forensic expert), is now starting a recruitment phase that confirms its rise in power.

    The company has also received several awards thanks to EviCypher. In March 2021, she won the gold medal in category C at the Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions more info click here. Freemindtronic more recently won three awards last May at the last edition of the Global InfoSec Awards, in the categories “cryptographic security”, “secret management” and “Hardware Password Manager”.


    [1] NFC technology is known to be used in contactless payments and transport cards.

    [2] Category grouping computer, software, electronics, electricity or communication methods innovations.


    • Learn more about the technology Physical barrier to regaining control of the data by EviCypher click here.

    EviCypher A New Way to Keep Secrets and Pass Them On

    EviCypher - EviToken Technology Technology A New Way to Keep Secrets and Pass Them On, multiple trust criteria, password, fingerprint, geolocation, BSSID, ID phone, Sharing Contactless Encryption, MFA, secret management by Freemindtronic Andorra

    EviToken & EviCypher Technology a new way to keep secrets and pass them on.

    EviToken & EviCypher technology to control information privacy is an absolute necessity today, as there are so many cyber malicious acts. We can cite among others acts such as phishing, stalking or ransomware. These so-called “cyber” threats alone represent approximately 75% of the infiltration techniques giving access to your confidential or personal data. All of these techniques have the same approach, which is identity theft. This mechanism allows an individual, or a machine, to impersonate someone or something else. The recipient thus deceived, lifts his natural mistrust to trust this ill-intentioned sender.

        Protection techniques for transmitting confidential or personal data have been around for a very long time, as have signature mechanisms. They are most often based on asymmetric key algorithms, with strong encryption (RSA of 2048 or 4096 bits or even ECDSA). Unfortunately, if the model on which these encryption techniques are based is proven and ensures flawless security, its IT implementation is, for its part, often undermined by man-in-the-middle attacks, or by elevations of law on information systems. These attacks, when identification or decryption relies only on one-factor authentication, allow the theft of encryption keys, and directly compromise the security of your data. To mitigate these threats, two-factor authentication (or 2FA) adds a layer of protection by either obtaining a unique code sent by SMS to your phone number, or by validating a request for it authentication (Google / Facebook), or through the use of authenticators which is increasingly recommended by security specialists.

    Why use the EviToken & EviCypher Technology?

                     The purpose of EviToken & EviCypher technology is to secure secrets of different kinds, such as asymmetric keys (RSA), symmetric keys (AES) but also login information, PIN codes, account or bank card identifiers, cryptocurrency private keys, cryptocurrency wallet passphrases, cryptocurrency recovery phrases (SEED), etc. The EviToken & EviCypher secure safe is contained in a simple NFC card, not connected to a computer system. It communicates with the latter, on demand, via a near-field transmission protocol (NFC) which transmits data over an encrypted channel, built by EviToken & EviCypher. Secrets stored in the card are segmented and encrypted to make them physically inaccessible to cybercriminals. The EviToken & EviCypher secure safe is a real natural Air Gap component. Thus, apart from the case of data transmission, the architecture used has: no power supply; no security breach due to an increase in temperature (which makes it immune to malware such as “BitWhisper and Fansmitter”); no emission of sound signals, even those inaudible to the human ear and no emission of light or waves. Finally, to avoid a conflation with smart card-based systems, the support of EviToken & EviCypher technology does not require dedicated physical connection hardware with the digital system, nor does it have an operating system, which makes it insensitive to the introduction of malicious code as on a Java architecture. Like any electronic component, the EviToken & EviCypher secure safe can undergo invasive attacks which consist in using acids to expose the electronic circuit that will then have to be analyzed to try to understand the implementation of the secure secrets in multiple scrambled segments.

    If EviToken & EviCypher technology provides security in a secure vault, what about the use of encryption keys to transport secrets over a secure channel?

    In the context of two-factor authentication, we consider that you are the only one who can hold the second criterion of trust. This security measure traditionally allows, in case of failure, not to trigger the secure transport of your data. However, this function is not intended to secure the transport, it is the role of the encryption protocol to perform this operation. Thus, if the encryption keys are compromised, the data could be compromised during a listen. Faced with this problem, EviToken & EviCypher directly integrates metadata trust criteria into its encryption keys, in order to secure the encrypted messages during their transport. Thus, even in the event of a compromise of the keys, decryption remains blocked by the trust criteria. With this in mind, why stop at two criteria of trust? In its basic version, EviToken & EviCypher offers nine trust criteria based on the possession of a third-party object, technical components (phone ID, barcode, password, geolocation or BSSID) but also environmental and specific components to the sender, or recipient, to make data compromise even more difficult.

                    A simple example, you want to send a confidential message containing your latest invention to a colleague in a hostile environment, with a high probability of compromise. You will therefore add non-digital trust criteria to your encryption key, to ensure its protection in the event of a compromise. The decryption of the message by the AES 256 symmetric key will only be accessible, by the digital tool, once the conditions related to the trust criteria have been met. If we base one of the trust criteria on a geolocation for example, the recipient must not only be in possession of an EviToken & EviCypher card, but also be physically located at the location of geolocation defined in the trust criteria to decrypt the message. This location may be known to the recipient like a convention, but may also not be known. The trust criterion will then be transmitted to him as one of the authentication multi-factors, by SMS / QR Code / Photo or any other means.

    If EviToken & EviCypher technology provides security in a secure safe, encryption of messages with trust criteria based on environmental components, technical or not, what about the transmission of keys for use in a space digital connected?

                    To secure end-to-end transmissions, several tools, used as gateways, such as smartphones or virtual keyboards, will be crossed.  EviToken & EviCypher then builds encrypted channels, from the first communications between the EviToken & EviCypher card and the first NFC communication gateway, using an AES 128 symmetric pairing key. The latter will be replaced by a 256-bit AES symmetric key, with different trust criteria depending on the user’s choice, when recording a secret. Communication with web browsers is achieved using 256-bit ECC ephemeral keys (X25519), to negotiate exchanges between the smartphone and the browser plugin, to insert website authentication, text decryption, etc. As for the transmission, from the smartphone, of texts, images or encrypted files, the encryption is carried out with a symmetric key AES 256 bits with trust criteria.

    Why choose the EviToken & EviCypher technology?

    Our goal is to better understand the feasibility of digital malicious acts through a human approach to attacks. Thus, if you do not physically have the EviToken & EviCypher card, or if you do not have access to it with a connection duration long enough to carry out an attack, it will be very difficult to compromise the safe, but it is quite obvious that «to the impossible no one is bound “. “However, this attack requires physical contact, it is no longer possible to hide behind anonymizers. Assuming that the encrypted message is sufficiently protected, with algorithms such as 2048- or 4096-bit RSA or even ECDSA, then it is necessary to look into the protection of the key. Indeed, this protection will remain true as long as the encryption and decryption keys remain secret. History of computer attacks shows certain difficulties in maintaining this assertion. It is therefore necessary to strengthen the protection of the keys, by accepting the compromise of the latter, while protecting the message during its transport. at best for this requirement, non-digital trust criteria, that is to say criteria known, held, observable or understandable by the recipient, are required for the decryption of the message and no longer of the key.

    EviToken & EviCypher technology, by adding these trust criteria, changes the current paradigm of access to secrets. Thus, even if a secret, and more particularly a decryption key, were stolen, it could only be used if the trust criteria are met.

    Based on the EviToken & EviCypher principle, the new EviCypher technology, which won the 2021 gold medal for international inventions from Geneva, brings new innovations in the creation, management, integration and augmented intelligence linked to the use of trust criteria. A new chapter on this internationally patented invention on segmented key authentication is opening.

    About the author

    fabrice crasnier cybersecurity university professor in france forensic expert of the court of appeal of toulouse in france and former forensic police officerFabrice Crasnier is the director of Research & Development departement of FREEMINDTRONIC. Freemindtronic, Andorran start-up designs and manufactures tailor-made solutions for its customers in the field of safety and cyber security of information systems and computer systems.

    Fabrice is Associate Professor at Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse where he teaches cybercrime phenomena. He is at the origin of the creation of 3 forensic laboratories as head of forensic activities within the french police in Toulouse and within the SCASSI company. He has worked for 27 years in the judicial police, including 17 years following national and international cybercrime investigations. As a judicial expert since 2004 at the Court of Appeal of Toulouse, he has witnessed the delinquent transformation of cyberspace between 2000 and 2017. As a computer engineer, he has understood that the origin of cyberthreats is not always due to a defect in computer tools but more often to a misuse of these tools.

    Fabrice can be reached online on LinkedIn:

    For more information, visit the company website at

    Freemindtronic Win Awards 2021 Next-Gen in Crypto Security with EviCypher & EviToken Technologies

    Freemindtronic win awards 2021 Most Innovative in Hardware Password Manager with EviCypher & EviToken Technologies

    Freemindtronic win awards 2021 Next-Gen in Secrets Management with EviCypher & EviToken Technologies


    Cyber Defense RSA Edition for 2021 
    May 18, 2021
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