Category Archives: Distinction Excellence

Freemindtronic’s Journey to Distinction Excellence: A Testament to Innovation and Purpose

Freemindtronic’s Pursuit of Distinction Excellence” marks a reflection on our journey of learning and innovation. Each finalist recognition we receive is not just an accolade but a reminder of the continuous path of improvement and discovery. Esteemed juries and media rankings offer insights and perspectives that challenge us to aim higher and think deeper. Indeed, every nomination serves as a catalyst for further innovation and reflection.

In striving for “Distinction Excellence,” we graciously welcome each jury commendation. These acknowledgments remind us of the collaborative efforts required to advance in our industry. Similarly, media rankings not only underscore our efforts but also weave us closer into the fabric of the tech community. Through these engagements, we are inspired to evolve, adapt, and contribute more meaningfully.

Our path is characterized by a constant quest for knowledge. Recognition from prestigious platforms as finalists motivates us to question the norms and strive for excellence. The acknowledgment from juries and tech media is a testament to our collective efforts to impact the tech world positively. These milestones, therefore, are viewed not merely as personal achievements but as steps forward for the entire community.

Leading in technology comes with the opportunity to share insights and learn from the vast experiences within the community. Our interactions within the tech ecosystem are chances to exchange ideas and foster growth. In this spirit, we are committed to contributing to the ongoing dialogue in cybersecurity and digital innovation, mindful of the broader implications of our work.

Let’s embrace this journey of “Distinction Excellence” together. Each recognition is a moment to reflect on our shared ambitions and the endless possibilities ahead. It’s not just about the accolades; it’s about our collective endeavor to push the boundaries of technology and innovation, inspiring and enriching the community around us.


Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année : Freemindtronic Finaliste aux National Cyber Awards 2024

Certificat de finaliste du DataShielder Auth NFC HSM pour le Produit de Cyberdéfense de l'Année 2024 aux National Cyber Awards

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE – DataShielder Auth NFC HSM conçu en Andorre par Freemindtronic Finaliste pour le Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024!

Les National Cyber Awards 2024 célèbrent l’excellence des produits de cyberdéfense de l’année avec BAE Systems comme sponsor principal

Escaldes-Engordany, Andorre, 5 août 2024 – Cyber Defence Product of the Year, Freemindtronic Andorra, finaliste, annonce avec fierté sa sélection pour ce prestigieux prix aux National Cyber Awards 2024. Ces prix, désormais dans leur sixième édition, honorent les contributions et les réalisations exceptionnelles dans le domaine de la cybersécurité.

Alors que les menaces numériques s’intensifient, la cybersécurité devient de plus en plus cruciale. Les cyberattaques, y compris le vol d’identité, les ordres de transfert falsifiés, le vol de données sensibles, l’espionnage industriel à distance et de proximité, ainsi que le vol d’informations sensibles sur les téléphones (comme les SMS, les mots de passe, les codes 2FA, les certificats et les clés secrètes), présentent des risques extrêmement préjudiciables pour les entreprises, les gouvernements et les individus à l’échelle mondiale. Les National Cyber Awards, reconnus comme un gage d’excellence, établissent des normes dans l’industrie. Ils sont conçus pour encourager l’innovation, la résilience et la dévotion à la protection du paysage numérique. Ils favorisent l’amélioration continue et l’adoption des meilleures pratiques à l’échelle mondiale.

Cette année, les National Cyber Awards 2024 visent à récompenser ceux qui s’engagent en faveur de l’innovation cybernétique, de la réduction de la cybercriminalité et de la protection des citoyens en ligne. Gordon Corera, le célèbre correspondant de sécurité de la BBC, apporte son immense expertise à cet événement. Il couvre des questions critiques comme le terrorisme, la cybersécurité, l’espionnage et diverses préoccupations de sécurité mondiale. Il note que l’événement de 2024 promet une célébration de l’excellence et de l’innovation au sein de l’industrie de la cybersécurité. Cela offre des perspectives uniques d’une des voix principales de la sécurité internationale.

National Cyber Awards maintient l’Intégrité et l’Équité pour tous ses trophées

Leur jury indépendant maintient l’intégrité du processus d’évaluation des National Cyber Awards en adhérant à un code de conduite strict. Cela garantit un processus d’évaluation juste, transparent et rigoureux. Ils s’engagent pour empêcher toute pratique de paiement pour concourir. Ceci est essentiel pour maintenir les normes les plus élevées d’impartialité dans leurs récompenses.

La cérémonie de remise des prix comprend des catégories telles que les Services de Police et d’Application de la Loi, le Service Public, l’Innovation et la Défense, la Cyber dans les Entreprises, l’Éducation et l’Apprentissage. Les nominés et les lauréats seront célébrés pour leur impact significatif sur la sécurisation du cyberespace contre les menaces en constante évolution.

Freemindtronic Andorre a été sélectionné par le jury comme finaliste pour le Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année avec notre produit, DataShielder Auth NFC HSM.

Les organisateurs de l’événement nous ont notifié:

“Nous sommes ravis de vous informer que vous avez été sélectionné par notre panel de juges comme finaliste pour le Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024! Il s’agit d’une réalisation exceptionnelle, compte tenu des centaines de candidatures que nous avons reçues cette année. Félicitations de la part de toute l’équipe des National Cyber Awards!”

Le dirigean de Freemindtronic déclare:

“Nous nous sentons honorés et reconnaissants d’être reconnus parmi les leaders de la cybersécurité. Être finaliste valide notre engagement envers l’innovation et la protection des données sensibles et des identités numériques contre les menaces en constante évolution, désormais assistées par l’intelligence artificielle. Nous sommes très honorés et fiers d’être nommés parmi les finalistes représentant le 10e plus petit pays du monde, Andorre, en tant qu’acteur industriel de la cyberdéfense. Au nom de l’équipe de Freemindtronic et de moi-même, nous félicitons tous les autres finalistes.”

Jacques Gascuel, PDG et Chef de la Recherche et du Développement, concepteur de solutions de contre-espionnage et détenteur de brevets au Royaume-Uni, sera présent à la cérémonie d’annonce des lauréats.

Cette deuxième nomination pour notre entreprise andorrane Freemindtronic par le jury des National Cyber Awards marque un autre jalon dans la conception et la fabrication de produits de contre-espionnage d’usage civil et militaire accessibles à tous. Nous avons été précédemment reconnus en 2021 comme “Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards” et finalistes pour deux années consécutives en 2021.

Message du Premier Ministre du Royaume-Uni pour les National Cyber Awards 2024

L’Honorable Keir Starmer, Premier Ministre du Royaume-Uni, commente les prix: “Les National Cyber Awards sont une merveilleuse façon de récompenser, de célébrer et de mettre en valeur le travail de ceux qui s’engagent à nous protéger. Veuillez transmettre mes plus chaleureuses félicitations aux lauréats qui sont une source d’inspiration pour tous ceux du secteur qui souhaitent protéger les autres.”

Les National Cyber Awards auront lieu à Londres le 23 septembre, la veille de l’Expo Cybernétique Internationale annuelle.

Les organisateurs félicitent tous les autres finalistes et attendent avec impatience de célébrer cet événement international avec nous le 23 septembre lors de la cérémonie de remise des prix! Si vous souhaitez vous joindre à nous pour une soirée de célébration et d’excitation, vous pouvez acheter des billets et des tables pour l’événement via le site web à l’adresse

Notes aux Rédacteurs

Qu’est-ce que les National Cyber Awards?

Les National Cyber Awards ont débuté en 2019 dans le but de célébrer l’excellence et l’innovation parmi ceux qui se consacrent à la cybersécurité. En effet, ces prix mettent en lumière les réalisations exceptionnelles de professionnels, d’entreprises et d’éducateurs des secteurs privé et public. D’ailleurs, des leaders de l’industrie, passionnés par l’élévation du domaine de la cybersécurité, ont conçu ces prix. Ainsi, ils reconnaissent et inspirent l’engagement à relever les défis en constante évolution de la cybersécurité.

En ce qui concerne leur mission, elle est d’identifier et de célébrer les contributions exceptionnelles dans le domaine. En outre, nous aspirons à fournir un critère d’excellence auquel tout le monde peut aspirer. De plus, nous envisageons un avenir où chaque innovation en cybersécurité internationale est reconnue et célébrée. Cette reconnaissance encourage l’amélioration continue et l’adoption des meilleures pratiques à l’échelle mondiale. Grâce au soutien de nos sponsors, la participation aux prix reste gratuite. En conséquence, chaque finaliste reçoit un billet gratuit pour la cérémonie, minimisant les barrières à l’entrée et rendant la participation accessible à tous.

Contact: Future Tech Events, Fergus Bruce,

Finalistes 2024 pour les National Cyber Awards dans la catégorie “Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024”

Résumé du Candidat

  • Produit: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM
  • Catégorie: Produit de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024
  • Nom: Jacques Gascuel
  • Entreprise: Freemindtronic
  • Courriel: contact at
  • Biographie de l’Entreprise: Freemindtronic se distingue par sa spécialisation dans la conception, l’édition et la fabrication de solutions de contre-espionnage. En effet, notre dernière innovation, le DataShielder Auth NFC HSM, sert de solution de contre-espionnage à double usage pour les applications civiles et militaires. Notamment, nous avons présenté cette solution pour la première fois au public le 17 juin 2024 à Eurosatory 2024. Plus précisément, elle combat activement le vol d’identité, l’espionnage et l’accès aux données et messages sensibles et classifiés grâce au chiffrement post-quantum AES 256 CBC. De surcroît, elle fonctionne hors ligne, sans serveurs, sans bases de données, et sans nécessiter que les utilisateurs s’identifient ou changent leurs habitudes de stockage de données sensibles, de services de messagerie ou de protocoles de communication, tout en évitant les coûts d’infrastructure. C’est pourquoi nous avons spécialement conçu le DataShielder Auth NFC HSM pour combiner sécurité et discrétion. Concrètement, il se présente sous deux formes pratiques : une carte de la taille d’une carte de crédit et une étiquette NFC discrète. D’une part, la carte se glisse facilement dans un portefeuille, à côté de vos cartes bancaires NFC, et protège physiquement contre l’accès illicite. D’autre part, vous pouvez attacher l’étiquette NFC, similaire à un badge d’accès RFID, à un porte-clés ou la cacher dans un objet personnel. Ainsi, cette approche garantit que vous ayez toujours votre DataShielder Auth NFC HSM à portée de main, prêt à sécuriser vos communications, authentifier les collaborateurs et valider les donneurs d’ordres, le tout sans attirer l’attention.

Caractéristiques Additionnelles du Produit

  • Compatibilité avec Divers Systèmes de Communication: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM est compatible avec plusieurs systèmes de communication, y compris les e-mails, les chats, les webmails, les SMS, les MMS, les RCS et les services de messagerie instantanée publics et privés. Cette compatibilité universelle permet une intégration parfaite dans les environnements de communication existants. Cela assure une protection continue sans modifications significatives de l’infrastructure.
  • Protection Contre les Attaques Assistées par IA: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM fournit une protection avancée contre les attaques sophistiquées assistées par IA. Avec un chiffrement robuste et une authentification forte, le produit élimine les risques posés par les tentatives de vol d’identité utilisant des techniques avancées d’ingénierie sociale. Ainsi, il assure une sécurité améliorée pour les utilisateurs.
  • Méthodes de Gestion des Clés: Le produit utilise des modules de sécurité matériels dotés de la technologie NFC pour créer et gérer les clés de manière sécurisée. Les dispositifs DataShielder stockent de manière sécurisée les clés de chiffrement générées aléatoirement. Le système fonctionne sans serveurs ni bases de données. Cela offre un anonymat de bout en bout et réduit significativement les points potentiels de vulnérabilité.

Les produits DataShielder NFC HSM sont disponibles exclusivement en France à travers AMG Pro et internationalement à travers Fullsecure Andorra.

Nous remercions tous les membres du jury pour l’intérêt qu’ils ont montré envers notre dernier produit révolutionnaire, le DataShielder NFC HSM.

Jury des National Cyber Awards

  • Mary Haigh: CISO, BAE Systems
  • Rachael Muldoon: Avocate, Maitland Chambers
  • Shariff Gardner: Chef de la Défense, Militaire et Application de la Loi, Royaume-Uni, Irlande et Pays Nordiques, SANS Institute
  • Damon Hayes: Commandant Régional, National Crime Agency
  • Miriam Howe: Responsable de la Consultation Internationale, BAE Systems Digital Intelligence
  • Myles Stacey OBE: Conseiller Spécial du Premier Ministre, 10 Downing Street
  • Daniel Patefield: Chef de Programme, Cyber & National Security, techUK
  • Sir Dermot Turing: Administrateur, Bletchley Park Trust
  • Nicola Whiting MBE: Présidente du Jury
  • Oz Alashe MBE: PDG et Fondateur, CybSafe
  • Professeure Liz Bacon: Principale et Vice-Chancelière, Université d’Abertay
  • Richard Beck: Directeur de la Cybersécurité, QA
  • Martin Borret: Directeur Technique, IBM Security
  • Bronwyn Boyle: CISO, PPRO
  • Charlotte Clayson: Associée, Trowers & Hamlins LLP
  • Pete Cooper: Fondateur, Aerospace Village
  • Professeur Danny Dresner: Professeur de Cybersécurité, Université de Manchester
  • Ian Dyson QPM DL: Police de la Ville de Londres
  • Mike Fell OBE: Directeur de la Cybersécurité, NHS England
  • Tukeer Hussain: Responsable de la Stratégie, Département de la Culture, des Médias et des Sports
  • Dr Bob Nowill: Président, Cyber Security Challenge
  • Chris Parker MBE: Directeur, Gouvernement, Fortinet (Cybersécurité)
  • Dr Emma Philpott MBE: PDG, IASME Consortium Ltd
  • Peter Stuart Smith: Auteur
  • Rajinder Tumber MBE: Chef de l’Équipe de Consultance en Sécurité, Sky
  • Saba Ahmed: Directrice Générale, Accenture Security
  • Charles White: Directeur, The Cyber Scheme
  • Professeure Lisa Short: Areta Business Performance / XTCC
  • Emma Wright: Associée, Harbottle & Lewis LLP
  • Dr Budgie Dhanda MBE: Consultant en Gestion, PA Consulting
  • Jacqui Garrad: Directrice du Musée National de l’Informatique
  • Dr Vasileios Karagiannopoulos: Codirecteur du Centre de Cybercriminalité et Criminalité Économique, Université de Portsmouth
  • Debbie Tunstall: Directrice de Compte, Immersive Labs
  • Sarah Montague: HMRC

Découvrez nos autres distinctions, y compris notre reconnaissance en tant que finaliste en solution de Cyberdéfense de l’Année 2024, aux côtés de nos trophées et des médailles d’argent et d’or que nous avons remportées au cours de la dernière décennie. 🏆🌟👇

The National Cyber ​​Awards 2024
August 2024

Autres langues disponibles : catalan et anglais. [Cliquez ici pour le catalan] [Cliquez ici pour l’anglais]


Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any 2024 – Freemindtronic Finalista

DataShielder Auth NFC HSM by Freemindtronic – Finalist for Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2024

COMUNICAT DE PREMSA – DataShielder Auth NFC HSM Fet a Andorra per Freemindtronic Finalista per al Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any 2024!

Els National Cyber Awards 2024 Celebren l’Excel·lència dels Productes de Ciberdefensa de l’Any amb BAE Systems com a Patrocinador Principal

Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra, 5 d’agost de 2024 – Freemindtronic Andorra, finalista del Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any, anuncia amb orgull la seva selecció per a aquest prestigiós premi als National Cyber Awards 2024. Aquests premis, ara en la seva sisena edició, honoren les contribucions i els èxits destacats en el camp de la ciberseguretat.

A mesura que les amenaces digitals s’intensifiquen, la importància de la ciberseguretat no es pot subestimar. Els ciberatacs, incloent-hi el robatori d’identitat, les ordres de transferència falses, el robatori de dades sensibles, l’espionatge industrial remot i de proximitat, i el robatori d’informació sensible dels telèfons (com SMS, contrasenyes, codis 2FA, certificats i claus secretes), presenten riscos extremadament perjudicials per a empreses, governs i individus a nivell global. Els National Cyber Awards, reconeguts com un segell d’excel·lència, estableixen estàndards en la indústria. Estan dissenyats per fomentar la innovació, la resiliència i la dedicació a la protecció del paisatge digital, promovent la millora contínua i l’adopció de les millors pràctiques a nivell mundial.

Enguany, els National Cyber Awards 2024 tenen com a objectiu premiar aquells compromesos amb la innovació cibernètica, la reducció de la ciberdelinqüència i la protecció dels ciutadans en línia. Gordon Corera, l’estimat corresponsal de seguretat de la BBC, aporta la seva extensa experiència a aquest esdeveniment, cobrint qüestions crítiques com el terrorisme, la ciberseguretat, l’espionatge i diverses preocupacions de seguretat global. Destaca que l’esdeveniment de 2024 promet una celebració d’excel·lència i innovació dins de la indústria de la ciberseguretat, oferint perspectives úniques d’una de les veus principals en seguretat internacional.

Mantenir la Integritat i l’Equitat per al Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any

El nostre jurat independent manté la integritat del procés d’avaluació dels National Cyber Awards adherint-se a un codi de conducta estricte. Això garanteix un procés d’avaluació just, transparent i robust. Estem compromesos a evitar qualsevol pràctica de pagament per jugar per mantenir els estàndards més alts d’imparcialitat en els nostres premis.

La cerimònia de lliurament de premis inclou categories com Serveis de Policia i Aplicació de la Llei, Servei Públic, Innovació i Defensa, Ciber en els Negocis, Educació i Aprenentatge. Els nominats i els guanyadors seran celebrats pel seu impacte significatiu en la seguretat del ciberespai contra les amenaces en evolució constant.

Freemindtronic Andorra ha estat seleccionat pel jurat com a finalista per al Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any amb el nostre producte, DataShielder Auth NFC HSM.

Els organitzadors de l’esdeveniment ens van notificar

“Ens complau informar-vos que heu estat seleccionats pel nostre jurat com a finalistes per al Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any 2024! Es tracta d’un assoliment destacat, tenint en compte els centenars de nominacions que hem rebut aquest any. Felicitats de part de tot l’equip dels National Cyber Awards!”

El CEO de Freemindtronic declara

“Ens sentim honorats i agraïts de ser reconeguts entre els líders en ciberseguretat. Ser finalistes valida el nostre compromís amb la innovació i la protecció de les dades sensibles i les identitats digitals contra les amenaces en constant evolució, ara assistides per la intel·ligència artificial. Ens sentim molt honorats i orgullosos de ser nominats entre els finalistes representant el desè país més petit del món, Andorra, com a actor industrial en ciberdefensa. En nom de l’equip de Freemindtronic i de mi mateix, felicitem tots els altres finalistes.”

Jacques Gascuel, CEO i Cap de Recerca i Desenvolupament, dissenyador de solucions de contraespionatge i titular de patents al Regne Unit, estarà present a la cerimònia d’anunci dels guanyadors.

Aquesta és la segona nominació per a la nostra empresa andorrana Freemindtronic pel jurat dels National Cyber Awards. Anteriorment vam ser reconeguts el 2021 com a “Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards” i com a finalistes per dos anys consecutius el 2021. Aquesta nominació de 2024 per a aquest prestigiós premi marca un altre pas important en el disseny i fabricació de productes de contraespionatge d’ús dual civil i militar accessibles per a tothom.

Missatge del Primer Ministre del Regne Unit per als National Cyber Awards 2024

L’Honorable Keir Starmer, Primer Ministre del Regne Unit, comenta sobre els premis: “Els National Cyber Awards són una manera meravellosa de recompensar, celebrar i mostrar el treball d’aquells compromesos a mantenir-nos segurs. Si us plau, transmeteu les meves més càlides felicitacions als guanyadors que són una inspiració per a tots els del sector que desitgen protegir els altres.”

Els National Cyber Awards tindran lloc a Londres el 23 de setembre, la nit de dilluns que precedeix l’Expo Cibernètica Internacional anual.

Els organitzadors feliciten tots els altres finalistes i esperen celebrar aquest esdeveniment internacional amb nosaltres el 23 de setembre a la cerimònia de lliurament de premis! Si voleu unir-vos a nosaltres per una nit de celebració i emoció, podeu comprar entrades i taules per a l’esdeveniment a través del lloc web a

Notes per als Editors

Què són els National Cyber Awards?

Els National Cyber Awards van començar el 2019 per celebrar l’excel·lència i la innovació entre aquells dedicats a la ciberseguretat. Aquests premis destaquen els èxits excepcionals de professionals, empreses i educadors tant del sector privat com públic. Líders de la indústria, apassionats per elevar el camp de la ciberseguretat, van concebre aquests premis. Reconeixen i inspiren el compromís per afrontar els reptes en constant evolució de la ciberseguretat.

La nostra missió és identificar i celebrar contribucions excepcionals en el camp. Aspirem a proporcionar un punt de referència d’excel·lència per a tothom. Envisionem un futur on cada innovació en ciberseguretat internacional sigui reconeguda i celebrada. Aquest reconeixement fomenta la millora contínua i l’adopció de les millors pràctiques a nivell mundial. Amb el suport dels nostres patrocinadors, la participació en els premis continua sent gratuïta. Cada finalista rep una entrada gratuïta per a la cerimònia, minimitzant les barreres d’entrada i fent que la participació sigui accessible per a tothom.

Contacte: Future Tech Events, Fergus Bruce,

Finalistes del 2024 per als National Cyber Awards en la categoria “Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any 2024”

Resum del Candidat

  • Producte: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM
  • Categoria: Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any 2024
  • Nom: Jacques Gascuel
  • Empresa: Freemindtronic
  • Correu Electrònic: contact at
  • Biografia de l’Empresa: Freemindtronic es especialitza en dissenyar, publicar i fabricar solucions de contraespionatge. La nostra última innovació, el DataShielder Auth NFC HSM, serveix com una solució de contraespionatge d’ús dual per a aplicacions civils i militars. Vam presentar aquesta solució per primera vegada al públic el 17 de juny de 2024 a Eurosatory 2024. Combate activament el robatori d’identitat, l’espionatge i l’accés a dades i missatges sensibles i classificats mitjançant xifratge post-quantum AES 256 CBC. A més, funciona fora de línia, sense servidors, sense bases de dades, i sense necessitat que els usuaris s’identifiquin o canviïn els seus hàbits d’emmagatzematge de dades sensibles, serveis de missatgeria o protocols de comunicació, tot evitant els costos d’infraestructura. Hem dissenyat especialment el DataShielder Auth NFC HSM per combinar seguretat i discreció. Ve en dues formes pràctiques: una targeta de la mida d’una targeta de crèdit i una etiqueta NFC discreta. La targeta es llisca fàcilment en una cartera, al costat de les teves targetes bancàries NFC, i protegeix físicament contra l’accés il·lícit. Mentrestant, pots enganxar l’etiqueta NFC, similar a una insígnia d’accés RFID, a un clauer o amagar-la en un objecte personal. Aquest enfocament assegura que sempre tinguis el teu DataShielder Auth NFC HSM a mà, llest per assegurar les teves comunicacions, autenticar col·laboradors i validar donants d’ordres, tot sense cridar l’atenció.

Característiques Addicionals del Producte

  • Compatibilitat amb Diversos Sistemes de Comunicació: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM és compatible amb múltiples sistemes de comunicació, incloent correus electrònics, xats, webmails, SMS, MMS, RCS i serveis de missatgeria instantània públics i privats. Aquesta compatibilitat universal permet una integració perfecta en entorns de comunicació existents, assegurant una protecció contínua sense canvis significatius en la infraestructura.
  • Protecció Contra Atacs Assistits per IA: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM proporciona protecció avançada contra atacs sofisticats assistits per IA. Amb un xifratge robust i una autenticació forta, el producte elimina els riscos plantejats per intents de robatori d’identitat mitjançant tècniques avançades d’enginyeria social, assegurant així una seguretat millorada per als usuaris.
  • Mètodes de Gestió de Claus: El producte utilitza mòduls de seguretat de maquinari amb tecnologia NFC per crear i gestionar claus de manera segura. Els dispositius DataShielder emmagatzemen de manera segura les claus de xifratge generades aleatòriament. El sistema funciona sense servidors ni bases de dades, oferint anonimat de punta a punta i reduint significativament els punts potencials de vulnerabilitat.

Els productes DataShielder NFC HSM estan disponibles exclusivament a França a través d’AMG Pro i internacionalment a través de Fullsecure Andorra.

Agraïm a tots els membres del jurat l’interès mostrat en el nostre últim producte revolucionari, el DataShielder NFC HSM.

Jurat dels National Cyber Awards

  • Mary Haigh: CISO, BAE Systems
  • Rachael Muldoon: Advocada, Maitland Chambers
  • Shariff Gardner: Cap de Defensa, Militar i Aplicació de la Llei, Regne Unit, Irlanda i Països Nòrdics, SANS Institute
  • Damon Hayes: Comandant Regional, National Crime Agency
  • Miriam Howe: Cap de Consultoria Internacional, BAE Systems Digital Intelligence
  • Myles Stacey OBE: Assessor Especial del Primer Ministre, 10 Downing Street
  • Daniel Patefield: Cap de Programa, Cyber & National Security, techUK
  • Sir Dermot Turing: Administrador, Bletchley Park Trust
  • Nicola Whiting MBE: Presidenta del Jurat
  • Oz Alashe MBE: CEO i Fundador, CybSafe
  • Professora Liz Bacon: Principal i Vicecanceller, Universitat d’Abertay
  • Richard Beck: Director de Ciberseguretat, QA
  • Martin Borret: Director Tècnic, IBM Security
  • Bronwyn Boyle: CISO, PPRO
  • Charlotte Clayson: Soci, Trowers & Hamlins LLP
  • Pete Cooper: Fundador, Aerospace Village
  • Professor Danny Dresner: Professor de Ciberseguretat, Universitat de Manchester
  • Ian Dyson QPM DL: Policia de la Ciutat de Londres
  • Mike Fell OBE: Director de Ciberseguretat, NHS England
  • Tukeer Hussain: Responsable de l’Estratègia, Departament de Cultura, Mitjans de Comunicació i Esports
  • Dr Bob Nowill: President, Cyber Security Challenge
  • Chris Parker MBE: Director, Govern, Fortinet (Ciberseguretat)
  • Dr Emma Philpott MBE: CEO, IASME Consortium Ltd
  • Peter Stuart Smith: Autor
  • Rajinder Tumber MBE: Cap de l’Equip de Consultoria en Seguretat, Sky
  • Saba Ahmed: Directora General, Accenture Security
  • Charles White: Director, The Cyber Scheme
  • Professora Lisa Short: Areta Business Performance / XTCC
  • Emma Wright: Soci, Harbottle & Lewis LLP
  • Dr Budgie Dhanda MBE: Consultor en Gestió, PA Consulting
  • Jacqui Garrad: Directora del Museu Nacional de la Informàtica
  • Dr Vasileios Karagiannopoulos: Codirector del Centre per a la Cibercriminalitat i la Criminalitat Econòmica, Universitat de Portsmouth
  • Debbie Tunstall: Directora de Comptes, Immersive Labs
  • Sarah Montague: HMRC

Explora els nostres reconeixements addicionals, incloent la nominació com a finalista del Producte de Ciberdefensa de l’Any, juntament amb els nostres trofeus i les medalles de plata i or que hem guanyat durant la darrera dècada. 🏆🌟👇

The National Cyber ​​Awards 2024
August 2024

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Cyber Defence Product of the Year: Freemindtronic Finalist at National Cyber Awards 2024

DataShielder Auth NFC HSM by Freemindtronic – Finalist for Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2024

PRESS RELEASE – DataShielder Auth NFC HSM Made in Andorra by Freemindtronic Finalist for Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2024!

Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra, August 5, 2024 – Freemindtronic Andorra proudly announces that its DataShielder Auth NFC HSM has been selected as a finalist for the prestigious Cyber Defence Product of the Year award at the National Cyber Awards 2024. This highly regarded event, sponsored by BAE Systems, celebrates excellence in cybersecurity and innovation.

As digital threats continue to evolve, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. Cyber attacks such as identity theft, false transfer orders, theft of sensitive data, remote and proximity industrial espionage, and the interception of sensitive information from devices pose significant risks to businesses, governments, and individuals. The National Cyber Awards, recognized for their rigorous standards, aim to promote innovation, resilience, and best practices worldwide in the fight against these ever-growing threats.

A Notable Presence at the National Cyber Awards 2024

Freemindtronic’s CEO, Jacques Gascuel, attended the awards ceremony in London, proudly representing Andorra, one of the smallest countries in the world. Freemindtronic was honored to receive the Silver Certificate as a finalist in the Innovation & Defence category. The company was also thrilled to witness Lisa Ventura MBE, founder of Cyber Security Unity, receive the Highly Commended distinction.

Freemindtronic was the only foreign company to be named a finalist in the UK’s prestigious National Cyber Awards. “We are proud to represent Andorra on the global stage,” said Jacques Gascuel, who also had the honor of gifting The Cyber Trust organizers a NFC vCard DataShielder collector, designed specifically with the logo and robot of the National Cyber Awards 2024. Photos from this moment can be found in the official gallery.

CEO’s Statement:
“We look forward to competing again next year with our upcoming 2025 innovation. I want to thank the organizers for their warm welcome and congratulate all the finalists.”

DataShielder Auth NFC HSM: Among the Top Finalists

Freemindtronic’s DataShielder Auth NFC HSM was selected as a finalist due to its advanced capabilities in safeguarding against identity theft, sensitive data breaches, and industrial espionage. Utilizing AES-256 CBC post-quantum encryption, the device ensures optimal security and operates entirely offline, without the need for servers or databases.

A Special Conversation with Industry Experts

During the event, an insightful discussion took place between Jacques Gascuel, Graham Day of Genesys, and Lisa Ventura (who received the prestigious award). They discussed PassCypher HSM PGP Free, Freemindtronic’s free password manager. Graham Day pointed out that a password manager offering such advanced and comprehensive security for free might be met with skepticism by users, who may find it hard to believe such a solution could truly be free. However, the idea of allowing donations to support its development was seen as a more acceptable approach. They also discussed the paid version of PassCypher HSM PGP, which offers fully automated services with a patented segmented encryption system, sparking conversation about potential partnerships.

Message from the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, the Right Honorable Keir Starmer, expressed his support for the National Cyber Awards:
“The National Cyber Awards are a wonderful way to reward, celebrate, and showcase the work of those committed to keeping us safe. Please pass on my warmest congratulations to the winners who are an inspiration to everyone in the sector.”

About the National Cyber Awards

The National Cyber Awards were established in 2019 to celebrate excellence and innovation in cybersecurity. They honor exceptional achievements in both the public and private sectors. These awards highlight the continuous efforts of professionals and organizations dedicated to addressing the ever-changing challenges of cybersecurity.

Innovation and Security with DataShielder Auth NFC HSM – A Finalist for Cyber Defence Product of the Year

The DataShielder Auth NFC HSM provides advanced protection against sophisticated AI-assisted attacks, making it a leader in the fight against digital identity theft and data espionage. Compatible with a variety of communication systems (including emails, SMS, MMS, RCS, and private messaging platforms), this device ensures seamless integration into existing infrastructures while offering robust security.

Freemindtronic’s dedication to privacy and security has been recognized for a second time by the National Cyber Awards. This latest achievement builds upon the company’s previous recognition as a Highly Commended finalist in 2021. The DataShielder Auth NFC HSM remains a dual-use solution for both civilian and military applications.

For more information, visit the official National Cyber Awards 2024 gallery to see Jacques Gascuel showcasing the DataShielder NFC HSM Defense and DataShielder NFC HSM Auth products.

Notes to Editors

What are The National Cyber Awards?

The National Cyber Awards began in 2019 to celebrate excellence and innovation among those dedicated to cybersecurity. These awards highlight the exceptional achievements of professionals, companies, and educators from both the private and public sectors. Industry leaders, passionate about elevating the field of cybersecurity, envisioned these awards. They recognize and inspire commitment to tackling the ever-evolving challenges of cybersecurity.

Our mission is to identify and celebrate outstanding contributions in the field. We aim to provide a benchmark of excellence for everyone to aspire to. We envision a future where every international cybersecurity innovation is recognized and celebrated. This recognition encourages continuous improvement and the adoption of best practices worldwide. With support from our sponsors, participation in the awards remains free. Each finalist receives a complimentary ticket to the ceremony, minimizing barriers to entry and making participation accessible to all.

Contact: Future Tech Events, Fergus Bruce,

2024 Finalists for The National Cyber Awards in the Category “Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2024”

Candidate Summary

  • Product: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM
  • Category: Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2024
  • Name: Jacques Gascuel
  • Company: Freemindtronic
  • Email:
  • Company Bio: Freemindtronic specializes in designing, publishing, and manufacturing counter-espionage solutions. Our latest innovation, the DataShielder Auth NFC HSM, serves as a dual-use counter-espionage solution for both civilian and military applications. We first presented this solution to the public on June 17, 2024, at Eurosatory 2024. It actively combats identity theft, espionage, and access to sensitive and classified data and messages through AES 256 CBC post-quantum encryption. Furthermore, it operates offline, without servers, without databases, and without needing users to identify themselves or change their habits of storing sensitive data, messaging services, or communication protocols, all while avoiding infrastructure costs.

Additional Product Features

  • Compatibility with Various Communication Systems: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM supports multiple communication systems, including emails, chats, webmails, SMS, MMS, RCS, and both public and private instant messaging services. This universal compatibility allows seamless integration into existing communication environments, ensuring continuous protection without significant infrastructure changes.
  • Protection Against AI-Assisted Attacks: DataShielder Auth NFC HSM provides advanced protection against sophisticated AI-assisted attacks. With robust encryption and strong authentication, the product eliminates risks posed by identity theft attempts using advanced social engineering techniques, ensuring enhanced security for users.
  • Key Management Methods: The product utilizes hardware security modules with NFC technology to securely create and manage keys. The DataShielder devices securely store the randomly generated encryption keys. The system operates without servers or databases, offering end-to-end anonymity and significantly reducing potential points of vulnerability.

DataShielder NFC HSM products are exclusively available in France through AMG Pro and internationally through Fullsecure Andorra.

We thank all the members of the jury for their interest in our latest revolutionary product, the DataShielder NFC HSM.

Judges – The National Cyber Awards

  • Mary Haigh: CISO, BAE Systems
  • Rachael Muldoon: Barrister, Maitland Chambers
  • Shariff Gardner: Head of Defence, Military and Law Enforcement, UK, Ireland & Nordics, SANS Institute
  • Damon Hayes: Regional Commander, National Crime Agency
  • Miriam Howe: Head of International Consulting, BAE Systems Digital Intelligence
  • Myles Stacey OBE: Special Adviser to the Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street
  • Daniel Patefield: Head of Programme, Cyber & National Security, techUK
  • Sir Dermot Turing: Trustee, Bletchley Park Trust
  • Nicola Whiting MBE: Chair of Judges
  • Oz Alashe MBE: CEO & Founder, CybSafe
  • Professor Liz Bacon: Principal & Vice-Chancellor, Abertay University
  • Richard Beck: Director of Cyber, QA
  • Martin Borret: Technical Director, IBM Security
  • Bronwyn Boyle: CISO, PPRO
  • Charlotte Clayson: Partner, Trowers & Hamlins LLP
  • Pete Cooper: Founder, Aerospace Village
  • Professor Danny Dresner: Professor of Cyber Security, University of Manchester
  • Ian Dyson QPM DL: City of London Police
  • Mike Fell OBE: Director of Cyber, NHS England
  • Tukeer Hussain: Strategy Manager, Department for Culture, Media & Sport
  • Dr Bob Nowill: Chair, Cyber Security Challenge
  • Chris Parker MBE: Director, Government, Fortinet (Cybersecurity)
  • Dr Emma Philpott MBE: CEO, IASME Consortium Ltd
  • Peter Stuart Smith: Author
  • Rajinder Tumber MBE: Security Consultancy Team Lead, Sky
  • Saba Ahmed: Managing Director, Accenture Security
  • Charles White: Director, The Cyber Scheme
  • Professor Lisa Short: Areta Business Performance / XTCC
  • Emma Wright: Partner, Harbottle & Lewis LLP
  • Dr Budgie Dhanda MBE: Managing Consultant, PA Consulting
  • Jacqui Garrad: Museum Director, The National Museum of Computing
  • Dr Vasileios Karagiannopoulos: Co-Director of Centre for Cybercrime and Economic Crime, University of Portsmouth
  • Debbie Tunstall: Account Director, Immersive Labs
  • Sarah Montague: HMRC

Explore our additional accolades, including the Cyber Defence Product of the Year finalist recognition, alongside our trophies and the silver and gold medals we’ve earned over the past decade. 🏆🌟👇

The National Cyber ​​Awards 2024
August 2024

Other languages available: French and Catalan. [Click here for French] [Click here for Catalan]


E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity

E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity 2021

Finalists 2021 E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity with EviCypher Technology.

The Freemindtronic Andorra R&D team is very honored to nominated as finalist for the 2021 E&T Innovation Awards Cybersecurity.

This award recognises an organisation which is taking proactive steps to counter attacks and take preventative measures to remain one-step ahead of cyber threats.

The Cyber Security Award recognises the creative thinking, engineering, people and projects that are taking on this growing threat for the benefit of the global community. We will reward innovations that have reached the stage where its potential to mitigate risk to organisations, government and individuals has been clearly identified.

Entries can range from security research, to new products or services that help to solve today’s important security challenges.

A shortlist and winner will be selected by our judging panel.

The finalists Category Cybersecurity

We congratulate all the other finalists.

We would like to thank the members of the jury in the Communications & IT category for their interest in our latest Greentech innovation EviCypher.


Based on the invention of Jacques GASCUEL, the EviCypher card is a keeper of secrets. It is very easy to use and very efficient for contactless, end-to-end encryption from an NFC hardware security module, sensitive data and in particular emails in Webmail services.

Below is the video of the Awards Ceremony of which Freemindtronic is a finalist.


E&T Innovation Awards 2021
November, 2021
Related Links


E&T Innovation Awards Communications & IT

2021 E&T Innovation Awards Freemindtronic Andorra EviCypher Technology finalist Communications & IT

Finalists 2021 E&T Innovation Awards Communications & IT with EviCypher Technology.

The Freemindtronic Andorra R&D team is very honored to nominated as finalist for the 2021 E&T Innovation Awards for Communications & IT.

The E&T Innovation Awards recognise and celebrate the best new innovations in all areas of science, engineering and technology.

Entries can range from research concepts and ideas to technical issues and industrial applications such as dedicated mobile applications and solutions, wearable communication technology, wireless and wireline networking incl. 4G and 5G developments, M2M, IoT, Smart Sensors, infrastructure transformation, business efficiency and the use of big data.

Please consider how you can demonstrate the benefits of your innovation in your entry form. A shortlist and winner will be selected by our judging panel.

The finalists Category Communications  IT

We congratulate all the other finalists.

We would like to thank the members of the jury in the Communications & IT category for their interest in our latest Greentech innovation EviCypher.


Based on the invention of Jacques GASCUEL, the EviCypher card is a keeper of secrets. It is very easy to use and very efficient for contactless, end-to-end encryption from an NFC hardware security module, sensitive data and in particular emails in Webmail services.

Below is the video of the Awards Ceremony of which Freemindtronic is a finalist.


E&T Innovation Awards 2021
November, 2021
Related Links


Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards: Freemindtronic’s 2021 Success

Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards certificate showing Freemindtronic's 2021 award for Innovation in Cybersecurity.

Freemindtronic Receives Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards 2021

Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards, Freemindtronic, an Andorran-based company, proudly received this prestigious distinction in the Innovation in Cyber Award category. This recognition came at the National Cyber Awards in the UK, with Raytheon UK sponsoring the award. It acknowledges Freemindtronic’s outstanding contributions to cybersecurity and their innovative solutions that continue to shape the field.

The company was also a finalist in two major categories:

  • Innovation in Cyber Award 2021, sponsored by Raytheon UK.
  • Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2021, sponsored by Immersive Labs.

Why Freemindtronic Stood Out

Freemindtronic’s commitment to cybersecurity innovation set them apart from other finalists. Sponsored by Raytheon UK, the Innovation in Cyber Award recognizes groundbreaking advancements in cybersecurity. Their inclusion alongside major organizations like BT plc and HSBC Bank plc demonstrates the company’s vital contributions to the industry.

The Significance of the “Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards” Distinction

Winning the Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards holds special significance for Freemindtronic. Competing as an Andorran company on an international stage, particularly within the UK, underscores their global impact. This recognition not only highlights their innovative cybersecurity solutions but also emphasizes their growing role within the UK market. Institutions such as the Chartered Institute of Information Security and the NPCC National Police Chiefs Council supported the award. Their endorsement gives further credibility to Freemindtronic’s achievements and ability to tackle critical cybersecurity challenges both globally and nationally.

A Grateful Acknowledgment

Freemindtronic deeply appreciates the National Cyber Awards, the sponsors, and the jury for awarding them the Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards distinction. This recognition motivates the company to continue developing innovative cybersecurity solutions and reinforces their commitment to protecting digital spaces.

However, due to unforeseen COVID-19 travel restrictions, Freemindtronic could not attend the award ceremony in London. The UK imposed new regulations requiring travelers to remain for two nights before returning to Andorra. This prevented the company’s representatives from accepting the award in person. Despite this, Freemindtronic remains proud to have been honored among leading cybersecurity innovators in the UK.

For more details about the finalists and winners of the 2021 National Cyber Awards, please visit the official National Cyber Awards website or the Freemindtronic page for more details on their recognition as Two-Time Finalists.

The National Cyber Awards 2021 :

Finalist out of 11 categories The Cyberspace Innovation Award 2021

Dual finalist Freemindtronic Andorra top 11 The Innovation in Cyber Award 2021 The national cyber–Awards United Kingdom EviCypher Technology

Finalist out of 4 categories The Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2021

Dual finalist Freemindtronic Andorra top 4 The Cyber Defence Product of the year 2021 The national cyber–Awards United Kingdom EviCypher Technology

NEWS PROVIDED BY The National Cyber ​​Awards 2021 Septembre 2021

More information of Finalists the National Cyber Awards 2021 Freemindtronic clic here


Finalists The National Cyber Awards 2021

Finalists The National Cyber Awards 2021 Freemindtronic Andorra with EviCypher Technology

Two-time Finalists The National Cyber Awards 2021 Freemindtronic in the “INNOVATION & AI” category with EviCypher HSM Technology.

The Freemindtronic Andorra R&D team is very honored to be twice nominated as finalist for The National Cyber Awards in “The Innovation in Cyber Award 2021” and “The Cyber Defense Product of the Year 2021 “.

We are also proud to represent Andorra at this prestigious UK national competition open internationally.

Finalists The National Cyber Awards :

Category Innovation & AI

The Innovation in Cyber Award 2021

The Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2021

We congratulate all the other finalists.

We thank all the members of the jury for their interest in our latest breakthrough innovation Greentech EviCypher NFC HSM.

Based on the invention of Jacques GASCUEL, the EviCypher NFC HSM Card is a keeper of secrets. It is very easy to use and very efficient for contactless, end-to-end encryption from an NFC hardware security module, sensitive data and in particular emails in Webmail services.

Freemindtronic’s Achievement at the National Cyber Awards

Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards, Freemindtronic proudly received this distinction in the Innovation in Cyber Award category at the 2021 National Cyber Awards. This recognition underscores the company’s dedication to cybersecurity innovation and excellence. Additionally, Freemindtronic was a finalist in the Cyber Defence Product of the Year category, demonstrating their comprehensive expertise in cybersecurity.

Why Freemindtronic Stood Out

Freemindtronic’s innovative solutions and commitment to cybersecurity set them apart from other finalists. Sponsored by Raytheon UK, the Innovation in Cyber Award recognized the most groundbreaking advancements in the field. Freemindtronic’s inclusion in this category, alongside prominent organizations like BT plc and HSBC Bank plc, highlights their significant contributions to the industry.

The Significance of the “Highly Commended” Distinction

Being highly commended at the National Cyber Awards is a significant milestone for Freemindtronic. This distinction reflects their relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation, encouraging them to continue developing cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions. The recognition from respected bodies like the Chartered Institute of Information Security and the National Police Chiefs’ Council adds further credibility to their achievements.

Conclusion at Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards

Freemindtronic’s recognition at the 2021 National Cyber Awards is a testament to their leadership and innovation in cybersecurity. The “Highly Commended” distinction not only celebrates their current achievements but also motivates them to continue pushing the boundaries of cybersecurity innovation. For more details about the finalists and winners of the National Cyber Awards 2021, you can visit the official National Cyber Awards website.

Further Information

In addition to being a two-time finalist at the National Cyber Awards 2021, Freemindtronic has been honored with the “Highly Commended” distinction. For those interested in learning more about this commendation, please visit Highly Commended at National Cyber Awards 2021. This page provides detailed information about Freemindtronic’s achievements and recognition at the awards.

The National Cyber Awards 2021 :

Finalist out of 11 categories The Cyberspace Innovation Award 2021

Dual finalist Freemindtronic Andorra top 11 The Innovation in Cyber Award 2021 The national cyber–Awards United Kingdom EviCypher Technology

Finalist out of 4 categories The Cyber Defence Product of the Year 2021

Dual finalist Freemindtronic Andorra top 4 The Cyber Defence Product of the year 2021 The national cyber–Awards United Kingdom EviCypher Technology

The National Cyber ​​Awards 2021
Septembre 2021


Freemindtronic Named Winner of the Coveted Global InfoSec Awards during RSA Conference 2021

Freemindtronic named Winner of the coveted Global Infosec Awards during RSA Conference 2021 with EviCypher and EviToken technologies patented

Named Winner of the Coveted Global InfoSec Awards FREEMINDTRONIC wins 3 AWARDS in 9th Annual Global InfoSec Awards at #RSAC 2021

SAN FRANCISCO (BUSINESSWIRE) MAY 17, 2021 – Freemindtronic is proud to announce we have won the following awards from Cyber Defense Magazine (CDM), the industry’s leading electronic information security magazine:

Next-Gen in Crypto Security
Most Innovative Hardware Password Manager
Next-Gen in Secrets Management

“We’re thrilled to receive not just one, but three of the most prestigious and coveted cybersecurity awards in the world from Cyber Defense Magazine.  We knew the competition would be tough and with top judges who are leading infosec experts from around the globe, we couldn’t be more pleased,” said Jacques GASCUEL of Freemindtronic.

 “We scoured the globe looking for cybersecurity innovators that could make a huge difference and potentially help turn the tide against the exponential growth in cybercrime.  Freemindtronic is absolutely worthy of these coveted awards and consideration for deployment in your environment,” said Gary S. Miliefsky, Publisher of Cyber Defense Magazine.

We’re thrilled to be a member on this coveted group of winners, located here:

Trophy Global Infosec Awards Winner Cyber Defense Magazine the Best Crypto Security and Most Innovative in Hardware Password Manager and best Secrets Management Freemindtronic Andorra

Awards Global Infosec Awards News Press

List of Winners Global Infosec Awards 2021


Press release

En  – 📥
Fr   – 📥

Freemindtronic named winner of the coveted Global Infosec Awards during RSA conference red carpet Cybersecurity Safety Andorra three Awards 2021

Please join us virtually at the #RSAC RSA Conference 2021, today, as we share our red-carpet experience and proudly display our trophy online at our website, our blog and our social media channels.

About Freemindtronic

Freemindtronic is a Andorran Deeptech which designs and manufactures Greentech products and services in the field of cybersecurity and safety of information systems and computer systems. It develops tailor-made solutions for manufacturers, companies, public services and governments.

About CDM InfoSec Awards

This is Cyber Defense Magazine’s ninth year of honoring global InfoSec innovators. Our submission requirements are for any startup, early stage, later stage or public companies in the INFORMATION SECURITY (INFOSEC) space who believe they have a unique and compelling value proposition for their product or service. Learn more at

About the Judging

The judges are CISSP, FMDHS, CEH, certified security professionals who voted based on their independent review of the company submitted materials on the website of each submission including but not limited to data sheets, white papers, product literature and other market variables. CDM has a flexible philosophy to find more innovative players with new and unique technologies, than the one with the most customers or money in the bank. CDM is always asking “What’s Next?” so we are looking for Next Generation InfoSec Solutions.

About Cyber Defense Magazine

With over 5 Million monthly readers and growing, and thousands of pages of searchable online infosec content, Cyber Defense Magazine is the premier source of IT Security information for B2B and B2G with our sister magazine Cyber Security Magazine for B2C. We are managed and published by and for ethical, honest, passionate information security professionals. Our mission is to share cutting-edge knowledge, real-world stories and awards on the best ideas, products and services in the information technology industry.  We deliver electronic magazines every month online for free, and special editions exclusively for the RSA Conferences. CDM is a proud member of the Cyber Defense Media Group. Learn more about us at and visit and to see and hear some of the most informative interviews of many of these winning company executives.  Join a webinar at and realize that infosec knowledge is power.

Continue reading

FIC 2015 Distinction Excellence 19th Most innovative international startup

FIC 2015 Distinction Excellence 19th most innovative international cybersecurity startup with Freemindtronic EviKey USB stick unlock contactless by nfc phone invented by Jacques Gascuel

FIC 2015 Distinction Excellence Freemindtronic

The jury of the 9th FIC 2015 Distinction Excellence has nominated EviKey NFC Rugged USB Stick & EviDisk  NFC Rugged SSD Sata 3 unlock contactless via an NFC phone. 
Award FIC 2015 EviKey NFC rugged USB Stick & EviDisk NFC rugged SSD Sata 3 unlock contactless by nfc phone Freemindtronic Andorra.

Award FIC 2015 EviKey NFC rugged USB Stick & EviDisk NFC rugged SSD Sata 3 unlock contactless by nfc phone Freemindtronic Andorra

EviKey and EviDisk have won other awards such as the 2014 Embedded Systems Award. To learn more about this award click here.

Top 19 – FIC 2015

Award FIC 2015 Freemindtronic is nominated among the 19 finalists of the most innovative startup in cybersecurity Andorra EviKey nfc usb stick and EviDisk nfc ssd sata 3 unlock contactless

FIC 2015
20-21 Janvier 2015
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RFID Award 2014 🎙️ Jacques gascuel presents NFC USB Stick EviKey

RFID Award 2014 Interview Jacques Gascuel presents EviKey NFC Rugged USB stick secured unlocked contactless

RFID Award 2014 🎙️ Interview with the inventor Jacques Gascuel on 7-8 October 2014 in Marseille (France) participating in the RFID AWARD 2014 competitions of the 5th edition International RFID Congress scientific conferences organized by the CNRFID. The inventor presents EviKey NFC an electronic safe in the format of a hardened secure USB key.

EviKey is invisible to computer systems when it locks itself. It is a contactless unlocked electronic safe via an NFC phone. EviKey also carries a tamper-proof black box that ensures the traceability of random events. EviKey also has a technology for self-diagnosing the origin of these events.

Discover the story behind the first EviKey NFC-enhanced USB flash drive by click here.

Discover now our other videos on our youtube channel Click here

Three Awards 2021

Embedded Trophy 2014 Freemindtronic Award 2014 Bercy Paris France EviKey NFC rugged USB Stick contactless unlock and NFC SSD Sata 3 Technology patented Andorra Copyright

CNRFID / Connectwave 
Octobre 2014
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