Category Archives: Press


Freemindtronic Guanya La Medalla D’or

Freemindtronic Guanya La Medalla D’or En El Saló Internacional De Les Invencions De Ginebra



L’empresa andorrana Freemindtronic, ha estat guardonada el passat dimarts dia 22 de març, amb el primer premi, la medalla d’or en el saló internacional de les invencions de Ginebra. Una fita ja que es van presentar més de 1.000 invencions de tot el món. Andorra està per uns dies al centre de la recerca en temes de ciberseguretat.

Inventor guardonat guanya per fi la medalla d’or com empresa andorrana

Freemindtronic , guanyador de la medalla d'or del saló d'invencions de ginebra 2021

Freemindtronic és l’empresa dirigida pel senyor Jacques Gascuel, inventor, expert en xifratge i propietari de varis patents en els camps de la protecció i seguretat de dades. El Sr. Gascuel és un inventor en sèrie que ja va estar guardonat en altres ocasions.

Aquest cop, el seu invent “EviCypher” ha rebut el màxim guardó, i situa al Principat d’Andorra a l’avantguarda tecnològica en sistemes de seguretat informàtica.

Entre els altres avenços tecnològics recents, estan un sistema de codificació de pantalla segura en el 2017, i un sistema d’autentificació de claus segmentades en el 2019.

Alta tecnologia, made in Andorra

Aquest cop després de 3 anys d’investigació i desenvolupament, El Sr. Gascuel ha creat el primer dispositiu de xifratge contactless. Per tant, és una petita meravella de la tecnologia, una targeta sense bateria, impermeable, altament resistent, inclús a temperatures extremes, i que és capaç de salvaguardar dades secretes durant més de 40 anys.

Freemindtronic , guanyador de la medalla d'or del saló d'invencions de ginebra 2021
Freemindtronic , guanyador de la medalla d'or del saló d'invencions de ginebra 2021

Per tant, La targeta és una caixa forta de claus, independent dels sistemes lectors i que permet preservar l’anonimat, és a dir que no deixa rastre del seu ús. En definitiva, estem parlant de tecnologia punta amb aplicacions a nivell militar i de seguretat governamental, amb la qual es podrien preservar els secrets de màxima importància estratègica.


EviCypher, aquesta targeta d’“hyperseguretat” estarà disponible al mercat a principis de maig, i es fabricarà des d’Andorra. Es tracta d’un producte de tecnologia verda que no utilitza plàstics en la seva producció i on està previst el reciclatge de les targetes fabricades. Així mateix està prevista l’evolució de la targeta per garantir la seguretat en els serveis de coreu electrònic i missatgeria instantània.

En definitiva, una excel·lent notícia per l’ecosistema digital i en especial de la ciberseguretat. Un premi que potencia l’arribada de talent i la recerca en el nostre petit gran país. Des d’ACTINN, volíem felicitar la fita de Freemindtronic de guanyar la medalla d’or del saló internacional d’invencions de Ginebra i desitjar-li molts més éxits.

ACTINN Andorra 
March 24, 2021 , 2020, 09:00 ET
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ACTINN Andorra Media coverage of Freemindtronic Press

Freemindtronic Guanya La Medalla D’or

Best international invention 2021

Best invention worldwide 2021, EviCypher NFC Hardware Wallet contactless Secrets Management multi trust criteria Gold Medal 2021 Geneva international inventions by Freemindtronic Andorra

evicypher dual nfc hardware wallet black golden encryption key management password manager by freemindtronic andorra

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The following press releases are freely available for download. If you would like more information, please contact us via our contact form by clicking here.

Read more of the best international invention 2021 click here 

Best invention worldwide 2021 with Gold medal of international inventions of Geneva.

The best invention worldwide 2021, it’s EviCypher Technology from Freemindtronic for the category C (computer sciences, software, electronics, electricity and method communication).

Because, the personal security should no longer be in the hands of connected digital services, but in those of the individual. Indeed, it is because cybercriminals have access to digital systems that they can carry out their attacks. Freemindtronic’s EviCypher technologie, invented by Jacques Gascuel, establishes an effective physical and digital barrier. It’s an “Air Gap” device that keeps secrets, but that’s not all.

Enova Paris 2014 interview by Jacques Gascuel Electronique Mag

Enova Paris 2014 interview by Jacques Gascuel electronique mag interview EviKey NFC Rugged USB stick unlock contactless Freemindtronic Andorra

Enova Paris 2014 🎙️ Interview with the inventor Jacques Gascuel by Electronique. The inventor presents EviKey NFC an electronic safe in the format of a hardened secure USB key.

EviKey is invisible to computer systems when it auto-locking. It is a contactless unlocked electronic safe via an NFC phone. EviKey also carries a tamper-proof black box that ensures the traceability of random events. EviKey also has a technology for self-diagnosing the origin of these events.

Discover the story behind the first EviKey NFC-enhanced USB flash drive by click here.

Discover now our other videos on our youtube channel Click here

Watch below the video of the interview conducted during the Enova Paris 2014 exhibition.


Embedded Trophy 2014 Freemindtronic Award 2014 Bercy Paris France EviKey NFC rugged USB Stick contactless unlock and NFC SSD Sata 3 Technology patented Andorra Copyright

9 Octobre 2014
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Freemindtronic startup of the month March 2013

freemindtronic startup of the month march 2013 Magazine ElectroniqueS argos one nfc Page 36 invente une technologie de protection dynamique invents dynamic protection technology

Freemindtronic Startup of the month march 2013 by ElectroniqueS magazine &

Freemindtronic invents a technology to dynamically protect electronic systems

The Toulouse-based start-up has set itself the mission of implementing a technology that allows for secure, unfalsifiable event traceability of electronic systems. It is of particular interest to insurance companies.
The Toulouse-based start-up Freemindtronic, founded in 2010, has set itself the mission of implementing a technology called “Fullprotect” that protects electronic systems from electrical or environmental risks and records all random events in a “black box” called “Evidence Box”. This technology allows for unfalsifiable secure event traceability and is of particular interest to insurance companies that are willing to promote the technology to their members. Protected by an international patent, this technology is “unprecedented and unique in the world.” It offers “dynamic, intelligent, interactive” protection in the sense of M2M (Machine to Machine) but also IHM (Human-Machine Interaction), and not passive like that usually present in electronic devices.
The company was founded by Jacques Gascuel, inventor of the “Fullprotect” technology for which he was awarded the Silver Medal of Innovation at the Geneva International Motor Show in 2010 in the categories of electricity, electronics, computer, communication, multimedia. The device comes in the form of an electronic module, intended to be later integrated on silicon, which is associated with a “black box”. It has a communication system based on NFC technology and an accelerometer. The proliferation of NFC readers in mobile phones have thus allowed a wide variety of applications. Examples include the possibility of recovering information about the life of electronic systems, setting a limited duration of use for a product, knowing its actual duration of use or its remaining warranty duration, or enslaving a product to become an anti-theft device.

Argos One NFC Smart Safety Electrical Hardware with Black Box electronics & embedded system by freemindtronic Andorra

Providing evidence at a level of evidence

It incorporates three elements: an electronic circuit breaker, a para-surge device and the “Evidence Box” black box. The circuit breaker maintains the conditions for the proper operation of the electronic system. Once the operating parameters are defined (tension, current, temperature, shocks and others), it automatically regulates voltage and current and protects the device in the event of a passing of these criteria. The short-circuit control para-surge device adds an alternative to the existing para-on-voltage device. Finally, the “Evidence Box” records all actions and events that occurred outside the parameters defined by the hardware manufacturer. It irrefutably formalizes physical evidence at a level of evidence, hence its name. The device can therefore be used in a legal dispute in the case of a dispute that causes litigation and thus absolve the user or manufacturer (or both parties) of the liability related to the injury. It guarantees the durability of electronic devices since it includes a traceability of many events, such as time of use, temperature, shock, electrical failure, type of use and user…

Excerpt from the article by Mr. Jacques Marouani journalist of the magazine Electronics ” Freemindtronic Startup of the month march 2013″.

Freemindtronic was one of the 4 finalists for the 16th “Electrons d’Or” 2013 trophy organized for 24 years by Electronics. Click here for more information.

You can also read the full article “Freemindtronic Startup of the month march 2013  in the March 2013” issue of this magazine via the website of

Argos One NFC was invented by Jacques Gascuel using his patent issued internationally under numbers FR2941572 on a device for monitoring and protecting the power supply of an electrical appliance and the process for implementing this device.

Discover also the electrons d’or website here

Startup of the month March 2013

freemindtronic named in the top by the press