Category Archives: Training


Andorra National Cyberattack Simulation: A Global First in Cyber Defense

A modern cybersecurity control center with a diverse team monitoring national cyber threats during the Andorra National Cyberattack Simulation.

Andorra Leads with a Groundbreaking National Cyberattack Simulation

In an era of constantly evolving cyber threats, the Andorra National Cyberattack Simulation actively demonstrates proactive defense and innovative cybersecurity strategies. With the launch of this landmark simulation imminent, Andorra is set to redefine the standards for digital safety and preparedness.

2024 Cyberculture DataShielder

Google Workspace Data Security: Legal Insights

2024 Cyberculture Digital Security

Russian Cyberattack Microsoft: An Unprecedented Threat

2024 Cyberculture EviSeed SeedNFC HSM

Crypto Regulations Transform Europe’s Market: MiCA Insights

2024 Articles Cyberculture legal Legal information News

End-to-End Messaging Encryption Regulation – A European Issue

2024 Cyberculture Digital Security News Training

Andorra National Cyberattack Simulation: A Global First in Cyber Defense

2024 Crypto Currency Cryptocurrency Cyberculture Legal information

EU Sanctions Cryptocurrency Regulation: A Comprehensive Overview

Stay informed with our posts dedicated to Cyberculture to track its evolution through our regularly updated topics.

Discover our new Cyberculture article about a country’s independent simulation of cyberattacks, a national event scheduled for April 16, 2024 in Andorra. Authored by Jacques Gascuel, a pioneer in contactless, serverless, databaseless and wireless security solutions, this article offers a unique insight into this revolutionary initiative. Stay informed and safe by subscribing to our regular updates.

Andorra Cybersecurity Simulation: A Vanguard of Digital Defense

Andorra-la-Vieille, April 15, 2024 – Andorra is poised to make history with the first-ever Andorra National Cyberattack Simulation, led by the Agència Nacional de Ciberseguretat d’Andorra. On April 16, in collaboration with Andorra Digital and the Secretariat of State for Digital Transformation and Telecommunications, the country will conduct a comprehensive cyber exercise. This trailblazing initiative is set to redefine global cybersecurity standards.

Andorra National Cyberattack Simulation: An Unprecedented Scale

The Andorra National Cyberattack Simulation will launch a series of attacks on critical national infrastructure, testing Andorra’s resilience and readiness against escalating digital threats. With participants from both public and private sectors, this exercise is unparalleled in its scope and reach.

A Pioneering Approach in the Andorra National Cyberattack Simulation

Unlike the USA and Israel, Andorra emphasizes inclusive national coordination in its simulations. This focus significantly shifts cybersecurity practices. It positions Andorra as a pioneer, integrating comprehensive national efforts into its cybersecurity framework. This strategic move enhances its resilience and sets a new global standard.

International Context of the Andorra National Cyberattack Simulation

Comparing this initiative with global counterparts underscores Andorra’s adoption and adaptation of best practices. This approach highlights the need for tailored cybersecurity strategies to effectively counter specific national security challenges.

Expert Analysis on Cyber Resilience

Cybersecurity experts agree that simulations like the Andorra National Cyberattack Simulation are critical for testing and enhancing national resilience. They stress that such exercises are crucial not only for identifying vulnerabilities but also for heightening national vigilance.

Anticipated Outcomes of the Simulation

This simulation is vital for bolstering the country’s cyber resilience. It will pinpoint vulnerabilities, refine incident response protocols, and strengthen the digital security culture across Andorra.

Post-Exercise Follow-Up

Planners have scheduled a detailed analysis post-exercise to scrutinize the outcomes and lessons learned from the national cyberattack simulation. This evaluation will be crucial in assessing the simulation’s effectiveness and in adjusting future strategies based on the findings, thus providing a comprehensive perspective on its impact and efficiency.

Direct Insights on National Cyber Resilience

Freemindtronic Andorra, designer, developer and manufacturer of innovative dual-use counter-espionage and cyber-resilience solutions, welcomes this exceptional initiative. As a pioneer in the field of contactless encryption of communications systems, Freemindtronic underlines the importance and relevance of this exercise for national security and the advancement of cutting-edge technologies in the fight against cyber threats.

Jacques Gascuel, CEO Freemindtronic, emphasizes the critical role of simulations like Andorra’s upcoming national cyber exercise. “Cyber exercises like the one planned by Andorra are essential to test and strengthen national resilience against digital threats,” he states. Furthermore, Gascuel highlights the unique opportunity these exercises offer. “They allow us to gain feedback to improve or innovate new ways to enhance cybersecurity and resilience at the national level.”


This initiative positions Andorra as a leader in cybersecurity and highlights the significance of thorough national preparedness against cyber threats. Consequently, this cyber exercise might inspire other nations to adopt similar strategies, underscoring the critical importance of cybersecurity in today’s world.

Stay Updated

For more information and updates on this pioneering initiative, stay connected with official sources and local media.


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Dual-Use Encryption Products: a regulated trade for security and human rights

Dual-Use encryption products a regulated trade for security and human rights by Freemindtronic-from Andorra
Dual-use encryption products by Jacques Gascuel: This article will be updated with any new information on the topic.

Dual-use encryption products: a challenge for security and human rights

Encryption is a technique that protects data and communications. Encryption products are dual-use goods, which can have civilian and military uses. The export of these products is controlled by the EU and the international community, to prevent their misuse or diversion. This article explains the EU regime for the export of dual-use encryption products, and how it has been updated.

2024 Cyberculture DataShielder

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Russian Cyberattack Microsoft: An Unprecedented Threat

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Crypto Regulations Transform Europe’s Market: MiCA Insights

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End-to-End Messaging Encryption Regulation – A European Issue

2024 Cyberculture Digital Security News Training

Andorra National Cyberattack Simulation: A Global First in Cyber Defense

2024 Crypto Currency Cryptocurrency Cyberculture Legal information

EU Sanctions Cryptocurrency Regulation: A Comprehensive Overview

The international regulations on dual-use encryption products

The main international regulations that apply to dual-use encryption products are the Wassenaar Arrangement and the EU regime for the control of exports of dual-use goods.

The Wassenaar Arrangement

The Wassenaar Arrangement is a multilateral export control regime that aims to contribute to regional and international security and stability. It promotes transparency and responsibility in the transfers of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies. It was established in 1996 and currently has 42 participating states, including the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, Russia, China and most of the EU member states.

The Wassenaar Arrangement maintains a list of dual-use goods and technologies that are subject to export control by the participating states. The list is divided into 10 categories, with subcategories and items. Category 5, part 2, covers information security, including encryption products. The list of encryption products includes, among others, the following items:

  • Cryptographic systems, equipment, components and software, using symmetric or asymmetric algorithms, with a key length exceeding 56 bits for symmetric algorithms or 512 bits for asymmetric algorithms, or specially designed for military or intelligence use.
  • Cryptanalytic systems, equipment, components and software, capable of recovering the plain text from the encrypted text, or of finding cryptographic keys or algorithms.
  • Cryptographic development systems, equipment, components and software, capable of generating, testing, modifying or evaluating cryptographic algorithms, keys or systems.
  • Non-cryptographic information security systems, equipment, components and software, using techniques such as steganography, watermarking, tamper resistance or authentication.
  • Technology for the development, production or use of the above items.

The participating states of the Wassenaar Arrangement are required to implement national export controls on the items listed in the arrangement, and to report annually their exports and denials of such items. However, the arrangement does not impose binding obligations on the participating states, and each state is free to decide whether to grant or refuse an export license, based on its own policies and national interests.

The EU regime for the control of exports of dual-use goods

The common legal framework of the EU for dual-use goods

The EU regime for the control of exports of dual-use goods is a common legal framework. It applies to all EU member states, and it has two main goals. First, it aims to ensure a consistent and effective implementation of the international obligations of export control. Second, it aims to protect the security and human rights of the EU and its partners. The regime is based on the Regulation (EU) 2021/821, which was adopted in May 2021 and entered into force in September 2021. This regulation replaces the previous Regulation (EC) No 428/2009.

The Regulation (EU) 2021/821: the principles and criteria of export control

The Regulation (EU) 2021/821 establishes a Union list of dual-use goods. These are goods that can have both civilian and military uses, such as software, equipment and technology. These goods are subject to an export authorization, which means that exporters need to obtain a permission from the competent authorities before exporting them. The Regulation also sets out a set of general principles and criteria for granting or refusing such authorization. The Union list of dual-use goods is based on the international export control regimes, including the Wassenaar Arrangement. It covers the same categories and items as the latter. However, the EU list also includes some additional items that are not covered by the international regimes. These are cyber-surveillance items that can be used for internal repression or human rights violations.

The Union list of dual-use goods: the categories and items subject to an export authorization

The Union list of dual-use goods consists of ten categories, which are:

  • Category 0: Nuclear materials, facilities and equipment
  • Category 1: Materials, chemicals, micro-organisms and toxins
  • Category 2: Materials processing
  • Category 3: Electronics
  • Category 4: Computers
  • Category 5: Telecommunications and information security
  • Category 6: Sensors and lasers
  • Category 7: Navigation and avionics
  • Category 8: Marine
  • Category 9: Aerospace and propulsion

Each category contains a number of items, which are identified by a code and a description. For example, the item 5A002 is “Information security systems, equipment and components”. The items are further divided into sub-items, which are identified by a letter and a number. For example, the sub-item 5A002.a.1 is “Cryptographic activation equipment or software designed or modified to activate cryptographic capability”.

The novelties of the Regulation (EU) 2021/821: the due diligence obligation, the catch-all clause, the human security approach and the transparency and information exchange mechanism

The Regulation (EU) 2021/821 also provides for different types of export authorizations. These are individual, global, general or ad hoc authorizations, depending on the nature, destination and end-use of the items. Moreover, the Regulation introduces some novelties, such as:

  • A due diligence obligation for exporters. This means that exporters have to verify the end-use and the end-user of the items, and to report any suspicious or irregular transaction.
  • A catch-all clause. This allows the competent authorities to impose an export authorization on items that are not listed, but that can be used for weapons of mass destruction, a military end-use, human rights violations or terrorism.
  • A human security approach. This requires the competent authorities to take into account the potential impact of the items on human rights, international humanitarian law, regional stability and sustainable development, especially for cyber-surveillance items.
  • A transparency and information exchange mechanism. This requires the competent authorities to share information on the authorizations, denials and consultations of export, and to publish annual reports on their export control activities.

The dual-use encryption products: sensitive goods for security and human rights

The dual-use encryption products are a specific type of dual-use goods that fall under the category 5 of the Union list. These are products that use cryptographic techniques to protect the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of data and communications. These products can have both civilian and military uses, and they raise important issues for security and human rights.

The dual-use encryption products: a definition and examples

The dual-use encryption products are defined by the Regulation (EU) 2021/821 as “information security systems, equipment and components, and ‘software’ and ‘technology’ therefor, which use ‘cryptography’ or cryptanalytic functions”. The Regulation also provides a list of examples of such products, such as:

  • Cryptographic activation equipment or software
  • Cryptographic equipment for mobile cellular systems
  • Cryptographic equipment for radio communication systems
  • Cryptographic equipment for computer and network security
  • Cryptanalytic equipment and software
  • Quantum cryptography equipment and software

The dual-use encryption products: security issues

The dual-use encryption products can have a significant impact on the security of the EU and its partners. On the one hand, these products can enhance the security of the EU and its allies, by protecting their sensitive data and communications from unauthorized access, interception or manipulation. On the other hand, these products can also pose a threat to the security of the EU and its adversaries, by enabling the encryption of malicious or illegal activities, such as terrorism, espionage or cyberattacks. Therefore, the export of these products needs to be carefully controlled, to prevent their misuse or diversion to undesirable end-users or end-uses.

The dual-use encryption products: human rights issues

The dual-use encryption products can also have a significant impact on the human rights of the EU and its partners. On the one hand, these products can protect the human rights of the EU and its citizens, by safeguarding their privacy and freedom of expression on the internet. On the other hand, these products can also violate the human rights of the EU and its partners, by enabling the repression or surveillance of dissidents, activists or journalists by authoritarian regimes or non-state actors. Therefore, the export of these products needs to take into account the potential consequences of the items on human rights, international humanitarian law, regional stability and sustainable development, especially for cyber-surveillance items.

The modification of the Union list of dual-use goods by the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1

The Union list of dual-use goods is not static, but dynamic. It is regularly updated to reflect the changes in the technological development and the international security environment. The latest update of the list was made by the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1 of the Commission of 20 October 2021, which modifies the Regulation (EU) 2021/821.

The changes made by the international export control regimes in 2020 and 2021

The Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1 reflects the changes made by the international export control regimes in 2020 and 2021. These are the Wassenaar Arrangement, the Nuclear Suppliers Group, the Australia Group and the Missile Technology Control Regime. These regimes are voluntary and informal arrangements of states that coordinate their national export control policies on dual-use goods. The EU is a member of these regimes, and it aligns its Union list of dual-use goods with their lists of controlled items. The changes made by these regimes include the addition, deletion or modification of some items, as well as the clarification or simplification of some definitions or technical parameters.

The new items added to the Union list of dual-use goods: the quantum technologies, the drones and the facial recognition systems or biometric identification systems

The Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1 also adds some new items to the Union list of dual-use goods. These are items that are not covered by the international export control regimes, but that are considered to be sensitive for the security and human rights of the EU and its partners. These items include:

  • Certain types of software and technology for the development, production or use of quantum computers or quantum cryptography. These are devices or techniques that use the principles of quantum physics to perform computations or communications that are faster or more secure than conventional methods.
  • Certain types of equipment, software and technology for the development, production or use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones. These are aircraft or systems that can fly without a human pilot on board, and that can be used for various purposes, such as surveillance, reconnaissance, delivery or attack.
  • Certain types of equipment, software and technology for the development, production or use of facial recognition systems or biometric identification systems. These are systems or techniques that can identify or verify the identity of a person based on their facial features or other biological characteristics, such as fingerprints, iris or voice.

The entry into force and application of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1

The Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1 entered into force on 7 January 2022. It applies to all exports of dual-use goods from the EU from that date. The exporters of dual-use goods need to be aware of the changes and updates to the Union list of dual-use goods, and to comply with the export control rules and procedures established by the Regulation (EU) 2021/821. The competent authorities of the member states need to implement and enforce the new Union list of dual-use goods, and to cooperate and coordinate with each other and with the Commission. The Commission needs to monitor and evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the new Union list of dual-use goods, and to report to the European Parliament and the Council.

The national regulations on dual-use encryption products

How some countries have their own rules on dual-use encryption products

The case of the United States

Some countries have their own national regulations on dual-use encryption products, which may differ or complement the existing regimes. For example, the United States has a complex and strict export control system, based on the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). The EAR classify encryption products under category 5, part 2, of the Commerce Control List (CCL). The EAR require an export license for most encryption products, except for some exceptions, such as mass market products, publicly available products, or products intended for certain countries or end-users. The EAR also require that exporters submit annual self-classification reports, semi-annual sales reports, and encryption review requests for certain products.

The case of Andorra

Andorra is a small country between France and Spain. It is not an EU member, but it has a customs union with it. However, this customs union does not cover all products. It only covers those belonging to chapters 25 to 97 of the Harmonized System (HS), which are mainly industrial products. Agricultural products and products belonging to chapters 1 to 24 of the HS are free of import duties in the EU. But they are subject to the most-favored-nation (MFN) treatment in Andorra.

Andorra has adopted the EU list of dual-use goods. It requires an export or transfer authorization for these goods, according to the Regulation (EU) 2021/821. This regulation came into force on 9 September 2021 and replaced the previous Regulation (EC) No 428/2009. Andorra has also adopted the necessary customs provisions for the proper functioning of the customs union with the EU. These provisions are based on the Community Customs Code and its implementing provisions, by the Decision No 1/2003 of the Customs Cooperation Committee.

Andorra applies the EU regulation, as it is part of the internal market. Moreover, Andorra has adopted the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1 of the Commission of 20 October 2021, which modifies the EU list of dual-use goods. This modification reflects the changes made by the international export control regimes in 2020 and 2021. It also adds some new items, such as software and technologies for quantum computing, drones or facial recognition. The Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1 came into force on 7 January 2022, and applies to all exports of dual-use goods from the EU from that date.

Andorra entered the security and defense sector for the first time by participating in Eurosatory 2022. This is the international reference exhibition for land and airland defense and security. Andorra became the 96th country with a security and defense industry on its territory. Among the exhibitors, an Andorran company, Freemindtronic, specialized in counter-espionage solutions, presented innovative products. For example, DataShielder Defense NFC HSM, a device to protect sensitive data against physical and logical attacks. It uses technologies such as EviCypher NFC HSM and EviCore NFC HSM, contactless hardware security modules (NFC HSM). The president of Coges events, a subsidiary of GICAT, identified these products as dual-use and military products. They need an export or transfer authorization, according to the Regulation (EU) 2021/821. Freemindtronic also showed its other security solutions, such as EviKey NFC HSM, a secure USB key, a security token. These products were displayed in the Discover Village, a space for start-ups and SMEs innovations.


Switzerland is not an EU member, but it has a free trade agreement with it. Switzerland has adopted the Regulation (EU) 2021/821 by the Ordinance of 5 May 2021 on the control of dual-use goods. Switzerland applies the EU list of dual-use goods and requires an export or transfer authorization for these goods, according to the Regulation (EU) 2021/821. Switzerland has also adopted the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1 of the Commission of 20 October 2021, which modifies the EU list of dual-use goods.


Turkey is not an EU member, but it has a customs union with it. Turkey has adopted the Regulation (EU) 2021/821 by the Presidential Decree No 3990 of 9 September 2021 on the control of exports of dual-use goods. Turkey applies the EU list of dual-use goods and requires an export or transfer authorization for these goods, according to the Regulation (EU) 2021/821. Turkey has also adopted the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1 of the Commission of 20 October 2021, which modifies the EU list of dual-use goods.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom left the EU on 31 January 2020. It has adopted the Regulation (EU) 2021/821 by the Dual-Use Items (Export Control) Regulations 2021, which came into force on 9 September 2021. The United Kingdom applies the EU list of dual-use goods and requires an export or transfer authorization for these goods, according to the Regulation (EU) 2021/821. The United Kingdom has also adopted the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1 of the Commission of 20 October 2021, which modifies the EU list of dual-use goods.

The challenges and opportunities for the exporters of dual-use encryption products

The exporters of dual-use encryption products face several challenges and opportunities in the current context of export control regulations. Among the challenges, we can mention:

  • The complexity and diversity of the regulations, which may vary depending on the countries, the products, the destinations and the end-uses, and which require a deep knowledge and a constant monitoring from the exporters.
  • The costs and delays related to the administrative procedures, which can be high and unpredictable, and which can affect the competitiveness and profitability of the exporters, especially for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
  • The legal and reputational risks, which can result from an involuntary or intentional violation of the regulations, or from a misuse or diversion of the products by the end-users, and which can lead to sanctions, prosecutions or damages to the image of the exporters.

Among the opportunities, we can mention:

  • The growing demand and innovation for encryption products, which are increasingly used in many sectors and domains, such as finance, health, education, defense, security, human rights, etc.
  • The contribution to the security and human rights of the exporters, their customers and the general public, by enabling the protection of data, privacy, freedom of expression, access to information and democratic participation, thanks to encryption products.
  • The cooperation with the competent authorities, the civil society and the international community, to ensure the compliance and accountability of the exporters, and to support the development and implementation of effective and balanced encryption policies and regulations, that respect the security and human rights of all stakeholders.


Dual-use encryption products can have both civil and military uses. They are subject to export control regulations at different levels: international, regional and national. These regulations aim to prevent the risks that these products can pose for security and human rights. At the same time, they allow the development and trade of these products. Therefore, the exporters of dual-use encryption products must comply with the regulations that apply to their products. They must also assess the impact of their products on security and human rights. The exporters of dual-use encryption products can benefit from the demand and innovation for these products. These products are essential for the digital economy and society. They can also enhance the security and human rights of the exporters, their customers and the public.

Freemindtronic Andorra is a company that specializes in dual-use encryption products. It offers secure and innovative solutions for data, communication and transaction protection. Freemindtronic Andorra respects the export control regulations that apply to its products. It is also committed to promoting and supporting the responsible and lawful use of its products. It follows the principles of security and human rights. Freemindtronic Andorra cooperates with the authorities, the civil society and the international community. It ensures the transparency and accountability of its activities. It also participates in the development and implementation of effective and balanced encryption policies and regulations. It respects the interests and needs of all stakeholders.

ChatGPT on cybersecurity and system safety

ChatGPT Cybersecurity System Safety

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot for cybersecurity launched by OpenAI in November 2022. It is trained with RLHF and uses GPT-3.5 language models. ChatGPT can perform various tasks such as pentesting, fuzzing, shellcode generation, custom email creation or buffer overflow exploitation. ChatGPT can also help blue teams detect and prevent cyberattacks .


to learn chatgpt

To learn

create with chatgpt


have fun with chatgpt

Have fun

Get informed



collaborate with ChatGPT


explorer with ChatGPT


improve with ChatGPT



Prompt ChatGPT Openai white freemindtronic Andorra


ChatGPT Cybersecurity

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence tool that allows you to generate text from your inputs. You can use it to create content, learn new things, entertain yourself, or just chat. But to get the most out of ChatGPT, you need to know how to talk to it. That’s where prompts come in.

Prompts are short sentences or texts that you enter into ChatGPT’s interface to ask for a response or a continuation of the conversation. They serve to guide the AI to a response or continuation of the conversation that meets your expectations. By using well-formulated prompts, you can interact with ChatGPT effectively and get quality answers.

In this article, we will introduce you to the best prompts to exchange with ChatGPT on cybersecurity and safety of computer systems, phone systems, communication systems, information system, industrial system, home automation system. We’ve grouped them into 10 categories depending on the type of response or conversation you want to get. Whether you want to learn, create, have fun or get informed, here you will find the prompts you need.

1 – To learn

If you want to use ChatGPT as a learning tool about cybersecurity and systems safety, you can ask it to explain concepts, teach you skills, or help you solve problems. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to learn with ChatGPT:

  • Explain [cybersecurity or safety concept] to me as if I were 5 years old.
  • Teach me how to [apply a cybersecurity or safety measure or technique] step by step.
  • Help me solve this problem: [cybersecurity or safety scenario or case study].
  • What are the best resources for learning [cybersecurity or safety field or topic]?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of [cybersecurity or safety choice or solution]?
  • What is the difference between [term A] and [term B] when it comes to cybersecurity or safety?
  • How can I improve in [cybersecurity or safety field or topic]?
  • What are the pitfalls to avoid when [doing something related to cybersecurity or safety]?
  • What is the story of [cybersecurity or safety event or persona]?
  • What are the most interesting facts about [cybersecurity or safety field or topic]?

2 – Create

If you want to use ChatGPT as a cybersecurity and systems safety authoring tool, you can ask it to generate content, design items, or give ideas. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to create with ChatGPT:

  • Write a blog post on [cybersecurity or safety topic] using AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) format.
  • Creates a catchy slogan for
    1.885,00 4.465,00 
    Learn more This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Give me 10 name ideas for new cybersecurity or safety software.
  • Draw me an architecture diagram for a secure or secure system.
  • Write a safety or security policy for [organization or project].
  • Compose a cybersecurity or safety incident alert or report.
  • Invents a cybersecurity or safety test or audit scenario for [system or application].
  • Creates an action or remediation plan for [cybersecurity or safety issue or vulnerability].
  • Write source code for [cybersecurity or safety feature or measure] using the [programming language].
  • Generates a secure or secure key or password.
  • Create a quiz or game on [cybersecurity or safety domain or topic].

4 – Have fun

If you want to use ChatGPT as an entertainment tool, you can ask it to make jokes, play games, or simulate characters. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to have fun with ChatGPT:

  • Tell me a joke on [topic].
  • Let’s play a game: I’m thinking of something and you have to guess what it is by asking me closed-ended questions (yes or no).
  • “Talk to me like you were [famous person].
  • Make me an imitation of [celebrity].
  • Invents a riddle on [subject].
  • What’s the funniest movie you’ve ever seen?
  • What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
  • What is your wildest dream?
  • What is your favorite superpower and why?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
  • What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?

3 – Get Informed

If you want to use ChatGPT as an information tool on cybersecurity and system safety, you can ask it to provide you with data, facts, or opinions on various topics. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to inform yourself with ChatGPT:

  • What is the current cyber threat situation in the world?
  • What are the latest news on [cybersecurity or safety topic]?
  • What is the best way to [protect, detect, respond] to [type of attack or incident]?
  • What are the best products or services for [cybersecurity or safety needs]?
  • What is the historical and future evolution of [cybersecurity or safety related field or topic]?
  • What are the benefits and risks of [cybersecurity or safety technology or trend]?
  • What is your opinion on [controversial topic related to cybersecurity or safety]?
  • What are the best books or movies on [genre or theme related to cybersecurity or safety]?
  • What are upcoming events in [domain or sector related to cybersecurity or safety]?
  • Who are the most influential people in [field or sector related to cybersecurity or safety]?

5 – Discuss

If you want to use ChatGPT as a tool for discussing cybersecurity and system safety, you can ask them to talk about themselves, their interests, or their emotions. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to chat with ChatGPT:

  • Tell me about yourself: who are you, what do you do, what do you like about cybersecurity or safety?
  • What are your hobbies or passions in cybersecurity or safety?
  • How do you feel today in terms of cybersecurity or safety?
  • What makes you happy or sad about cybersecurity or safety?
  • What are your cybersecurity or safety dreams or goals?
  • What scares or stresses you about cybersecurity or safety?
  • What makes you curious or fascinated about cybersecurity or safety?
  • What makes you laugh or cry when it comes to cybersecurity or safety?
  • What are your values or principles regarding cybersecurity or safety?
  • What are your strengths or weaknesses in cybersecurity or safety?

6 – Test

If you want to use ChatGPT as a cybersecurity and system safety testing tool, you can ask it to check your knowledge, skills, or personality. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to test with ChatGPT:

  • Give me a quiz on [cybersecurity or safety topic].
  • Assess my level of [cybersecurity or safety competency] by asking myself questions.
  • Analyzes my personality in terms of cybersecurity or safety by asking myself questions.
  • Correct my text on [topic related to cybersecurity or safety] by looking for errors or weaknesses.
  • Give me feedback on my [cybersecurity or safety related project or work].
  • Give me tips on how to improve in [area or topic related to cybersecurity or safety].
  • Give me a challenge in [field or topic related to cybersecurity or safety].
  • Compare my results with those of other users in terms of cybersecurity or safety.
  • Give me a grade on [cybersecurity or safety criterion].
  • Give me a reward or sanction based on my cybersecurity or safety performance.

7 – Collaborate

If you want to use ChatGPT as a collaboration tool on cybersecurity and systems safety, you can ask it to work with you on a project, task, or idea. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to collaborate with ChatGPT:

  • Help me [do something related to cybersecurity or safety] by giving me instructions or resources.
  • Work with me on [cybersecurity or safety project] giving me ideas or suggestions.
  • Participate in [cybersecurity or safety task] by giving me your opinion or feedback.
  • Create with me [something related to cybersecurity or safety] by giving me examples or models.
  • Join me in [cybersecurity or safety activity] by giving me encouragement or motivation.
  • Learn with me [something related to cybersecurity or safety] by giving me lessons or exercises.
  • Play [cybersecurity or safety game] with me by giving me strategies or tips.
  • Share with me [something related to cybersecurity or safety] by giving me information or facts.
  • Discuss [cybersecurity or safety topic] with me with arguments or opinions.
  • Trust me in [cybersecurity or safety situation] by giving me support or help.

8 – Explorer

If you want to use ChatGPT as an exploration tool on cybersecurity and system safety, you can ask it to introduce you to new topics, places, or people. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to explore with ChatGPT:

  • Let me know [cybersecurity or safety topic] by giving me an introduction or summary.
  • Show me around [place related to cybersecurity or safety] by giving me a description or map.
  • Let me meet [someone related to cybersecurity or safety] by giving me a biography or interview.
  • Take me on a journey back to [cybersecurity or safety era] by giving me historical or cultural context.
  • Let me dive into [cybersecurity or safety] by giving me a storyline or plot.
  • Make me dream of [cybersecurity or safety fantasy] by giving me a vision or a feeling.
  • Make me think about [cybersecurity or safety issue] by giving me a perspective or hypothesis.
  • Make me imagine [cybersecurity or safety situation] by giving me an example or simulation.
  • Make me experiment [something related to cybersecurity or safety] by giving me a challenge or opportunity.

9 – Improve

If you want to use ChatGPT as a cybersecurity and systems safety improvement tool, you can ask it to help you patch, develop, or optimize your writing, project, or strategy. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to improve with ChatGPT:

  • Correct my text on [topic related to cybersecurity or safety] by looking for errors or weaknesses. Make sentences clearer. [Paste your text].
  • Develop a cybersecurity or safety strategy for my [organization or project] using the [framework name] framework. Guide me through the steps of developing an effective strategy.
  • Creates catchy headlines for a blog post on [cybersecurity or safety topic]. Titles should be engaging, impactful and memorable. [Creates a number of titles].
  • Plan my day more efficiently by creating a list of priority tasks based on the following tasks: [List your cybersecurity or safety tasks].
  • Optimizes my security or safety configuration for my [system or application] using the [approach name] approach. Guide me through the optimization process.
  • Summarizes the most important lessons from the book [Book title related to cybersecurity or safety] in a comprehensive but digestible summary.
  • Help me break the writer’s block by writing me a plan for a detailed blog post on [cybersecurity or safety topic].
  • Help me design a conversion funnel for my [cybersecurity or safety related product or service] using the [frame name] framework. Guide me through the key elements of an effective funnel.
  • Help me set better goals for [personal or professional goal related to cybersecurity or safety] using the SMART framework. Creates specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound goals.
  • Help me develop a communication strategy for my [project or work related to cybersecurity or safety] using the RACE (Research, Action, Communication, Evaluation) template. Guide me through the steps of creating a strategy that inspires interest and trust.
  • Help me innovate and improve my [cybersecurity or safety related product or service] using the Jobs to Be Done framework. Identifies potential areas for improvement based on customer needs and wants.
  • Help me review and update my security or safety policy for [organization or project] using current best practices and standards. Guide me through the key points of an effective and compliant policy.

10 – Personalize

If you want to use ChatGPT as a customized cybersecurity and system safety tool, you can ask it to change its behavior, tone, or style according to your preferences. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to customize ChatGPT:

  • From now on, talk to me in [language].
  • From now on, use a [formal or informal] tone in your answers.
  • From now on, adapt your writing style to [target genre or audience].
  • From now on, be more [concise or detailed] in your answers.
  • From now on, always give me at least [number] of options or examples in your answers.
  • From now on, always cite your sources or references in your answers.
  • From now on, always use verified data or facts in your answers.
  • From now on, avoid sensitive or controversial topics in your answers.
  • From now on, respect my opinions or beliefs in your answers.
  • From now on, treat me as [relationship or status] in your answers.

Also check Best Prompts for ChatGPT

Click me!

That’s it, we’ve completed our list of the best prompts to chat with ChatGPT about cybersecurity and system safety. We hope you found this article helpful and that you will try these prompts with ChatGPT. Feel free to send us your comments or suggestions in the section below. And don’t forget to share this article with your friends who might be interested in cybersecurity and system safety. Have a great conversation!

Prompts for ChatGPT: Best AI Chatbot

the best prompts to exchange with chatgpt

Sentences for ChatGPT

Looking for prompts for ChatGPT, the smart AI chatbot? You are in the right place! In this article, you will discover ChatGPT, a GPT-3 based chatbot that can chat with you about anything. You will also get examples of prompts for ChatGPT to start the conversation. Whether you want to introduce yourself, tell a story, learn something or just have fun, you will find a prompt that suits you!

to learn chatgpt

To learn

create with chatgpt


have fun with chatgpt

Have fun

Get informed



collaborate with ChatGPT


explorer with ChatGPT


improve with ChatGPT



SEO Prompts ChatGPT white Freemindtronic Andorra


cyber with ChatGPT


How to create a prompt for ChatGPT

Phrases for ChatGPT: ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence tool that allows you to generate text from your inputs. You can use it to create content, learn new things, entertain yourself, or just chat. But to get the most out of ChatGPT, you need to know how to talk to it. That’s where prompts come in.

Prompts are short sentences or texts that you enter into ChatGPT’s interface to ask for a response or a continuation of the conversation. They serve to guide the AI to a response or continuation of the conversation that meets your expectations. By using well-formulated prompts, you can interact with ChatGPT effectively and get quality answers.

In this article, we are going to introduce you to the best prompts to trade with ChatGPT. We’ve grouped them into 10 categories depending on the type of response or conversation you want to get. Whether you want to learn, create, have fun or get informed, here you will find the prompts you need.

1 – To learn

If you want to use ChatGPT as a learning tool, you can ask it to explain concepts to you, teach you skills, or help you solve problems. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to learn with ChatGPT:

  • Explain to me [complex concept] as if I were 5 years old.
  • Teach me how to [do something] step by step.
  • Help me solve this problem: [problem statement].
  • What are the best resources for learning [topic]?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of [choice]?
  • What is the difference between [term A] and [term B]?
  • How can I improve in [area]?
  • What are the pitfalls to avoid when [doing something]?
  • What is the story of [event or character]?
  • What are the most interesting facts about [topic]?

2 – Create

If you want to use ChatGPT as a creative tool, you can ask it to generate content, design elements, or give ideas. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to create with ChatGPT:

  • Write a blog post on [topic] using the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) format.
  • Creates a catchy slogan for
    1.885,00 4.465,00 
    Learn more This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Give me 10 title ideas for a book on [theme].
  • Draw me a logo for [brand name].
  • Write a short story based on this sentence: [catchphrase].
  • Compose a song on [subject] using [artist’s] musical style.
  • Invents a name and description for a new innovative product.
  • Creates a business plan for [type of business].
  • Write a poem on [topic] using the form [type of poem].
  • Generates source code for [functionality] using the [programming language].

3 – Get Informed

If you want to use ChatGPT as an information tool, you can ask it to provide you with data, facts, or opinions on various topics. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to inform yourself with ChatGPT:

  • What is the weather today in [place]?
  • What is the latest news on [topic]?
  • What’s the best way to [do something]?
  • What are the best products or services for [need]?
  • What is the current situation of [country or region]?
  • What are the benefits and risks of [technology or trend]?
  • What is your opinion on [controversial topic]?
  • What are the best books or movies on [genre or theme]?
  • What are the upcoming events in [field or sector]?
  • Who are the most influential people in [field or sector]?

4 – Have fun

If you want to use ChatGPT as an entertainment tool, you can ask it to make jokes, play games, or simulate characters. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to have fun with ChatGPT:

  • Tell me a joke on [topic].
  • Let’s play a game: I’m thinking of something and you have to guess what it is by asking me closed-ended questions (yes or no).
  • “Talk to me like you were [famous person].
  • Make me an imitation of [celebrity].
  • Invents a riddle on [subject].
  • What’s the funniest movie you’ve ever seen?
  • What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
  • What is your wildest dream?
  • What is your favorite superpower and why?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
  • What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?

5 – Discuss

If you want to use ChatGPT as a discussion tool, you can ask him to talk about himself, his interests or emotions. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to chat with ChatGPT:

  • Tell me about yourself: who are you, what do you do, what do you love?
  • What are your hobbies or passions?
  • How do you feel today?
  • What makes you happy or sad?
  • What are your dreams or goals?
  • What scares or stresses you?
  • What makes you curious or fascinates you?
  • What makes you laugh or cry?
  • What are your values or principles?
  • What are your strengths or weaknesses?

6 – Test

If you want to use ChatGPT as an exploration tool, you can ask it to introduce you to new topics, places, or people. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to explore with ChatGPT:

  • Let me discover [topic] by giving me an introduction or summary.
  • Show me around [place] by giving me a description or map.
  • Make me meet [no one] by giving me a biography or an interview.
  • Make me travel in [era] by giving me a historical or cultural context.
  • Make me dive into [universe] by giving me a scenario or plot.
  • Make me dream of [fantasy] by giving me a vision or a sensation.
  • Make me think about [question] by giving me a perspective or hypothesis.
  • Make me imagine [situation] by giving me an example or simulation.
  • Make me experience [something] by giving me a challenge or an opportunity.

7 – Collaborate

If you want to use ChatGPT as a testing tool, you can ask it to check your knowledge, skills, or personality. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to test with ChatGPT:

  • Give me a quiz on [topic].
  • Assess my level of [competence] by asking me questions.
  • Analyzes my personality by asking myself questions.
  • Correct my text by looking for spelling and grammar errors.
  • Give me feedback on my [project or work].
  • Give me advice on how to improve in [area].
  • Give me a challenge in [field].
  • Compare my results with those of other users.
  • Give me a rating on [criterion].
  • Give me a reward or sanction based on my performance.

8 – Explorer

If you want to use ChatGPT as an exploration tool, you can ask it to introduce you to new topics, places, or people. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to explore with ChatGPT:

  • Let me discover [topic] by giving me an introduction or summary.
  • Show me around [place] by giving me a description or map.
  • Make me meet [no one] by giving me a biography or an interview.
  • Make me travel in [era] by giving me a historical or cultural context.
  • Make me dive into [universe] by giving me a scenario or plot.
  • Make me dream of [fantasy] by giving me a vision or a sensation.
  • Make me think about [question] by giving me a perspective or hypothesis.
  • Make me imagine [situation] by giving me an example or simulation.
  • Make me experience [something] by giving me a challenge or an opportunity.

9 – Improve

If you want to use ChatGPT as an improvement tool, you can ask it to help you correct, develop, or optimize your writing, project, or strategy. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to improve with ChatGPT:

  • Correct my text by looking for spelling and grammar mistakes. Make sentences clearer. [Paste your text].
  • Develops a compelling brand story for my brand using the hero’s journey framework. [Insert your personal or professional brand description].
  • Creates catchy titles for a blog post on [topic]. Titles should be engaging, impactful and memorable. [Creates a number of titles].
  • Plan my day more efficiently by creating a list of priority tasks based on the following tasks: [Your to-do list].
  • Optimize my pricing strategy for my
    1.885,00 4.465,00 
    Learn more This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
    using the value-based pricing approach. Guide me through the process of determining the optimal price.
  • Summarizes the most important lessons of the book [Book Title] in a comprehensive but digestible summary.
  • Help me break the writer’s block by writing me a plan for a detailed blog post on [topic].
  • Help me design a high-converting sales funnel for my
    1.885,00 4.465,00 
    Learn more This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
    using the Customer Value Optimization framework. Guide me through the steps of creating an effective funnel.
  • Help me set better goals for [personal or professional goal] using the SMART framework. Creates specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound goals.
  • Help me develop a successful product launch strategy for my using the product launch formula. Guide me through the key elements of a strategy that generates interest and demand.
  • Help me innovate and improve my
    1.885,00 4.465,00 
    Learn more This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
    using the Jobs to Be Done framework. Identifies potential areas for improvement based on customer needs and wants.

10 – Personalize

If you want to use ChatGPT as a custom tool, you can ask it to change its behavior, tone, or style according to your preferences. Here are some examples of prompts you can use to customize ChatGPT:

  • From now on, talk to me in [language].
  • From now on, use a [formal or informal] tone in your answers.
  • From now on, adapt your writing style to [genre or target audience].
  • From now on, be more [concise or detailed] in your answers.
  • From now on, always give me at least [number] of options or examples in your answers.
  • From now on, always cite your sources or references in your answers.
  • From now on, always use verified data or facts in your answers.
  • From now on, avoid sensitive or controversial topics in your answers.
  • From now on, respect my opinions or beliefs in your answers.
  • From now on, treat me as [relationship or status] in your answers.

11 – SEO

There you have it, the list of the best SEO prompts with ChatGPT. You can use them to create content optimized for SEO, by following these steps:

  • Choose the prompt that matches your need.
  • Replace the parameter {topic} with the topic of your article.
  • Copy and paste the prompt into the ChatGPT window.
  • Press Enter and wait for ChatGPT to generate a response.
  • Check the quality and relevance of the response, and correct it if necessary.
  • Repeat the operation with the other prompts until you have finished your article.

If you want to create SEO-optimized content with the help of an artificial intelligence, this article is for you. We will show you how to use ChatGPT, a chatbot that can write articles, code, data and jokes, and the best SEO prompts with ChatGPT.

  • Write a catchy title for your article on the topic {topic}.
    Write a meta-description optimized for SEO for your article on the topic {topic}.
  • Write an engaging introduction for your article on the topic {topic}.
    Write a detailed outline for your article on the topic {topic}, using relevant headings and subheadings.
  • Write a concluding paragraph for your article on the topic {topic}, summarizing the key points and prompting the reader to take action.
  • Write an effective call to action for your article on the topic {topic}, clearly stating what you want the reader to do after reading your article.
  • Find relevant and high-potential keywords for your article on the topic {topic}, using tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest or Semrush.
  • Find synonyms and variations of your main keywords to enrich your article on the topic {topic}, using tools like Google Trends, Answer The Public or LSI Graph.
  • Find frequently asked questions by users on the topic {topic}, using tools like Google Search Console, Quora or AlsoAsked.
  • Find reliable and relevant sources to support your arguments in your article on the topic {topic}, using tools like Google Scholar, Ahrefs or Moz.
  • Find royalty-free and web-optimized images to illustrate your article on the topic {topic}, using sites like Unsplash, Pixabay or Pexels.
  • Find relevant and quality videos to enrich your article on the topic {topic}, using platforms like YouTube, Vimeo or Wistia.
  • Find interesting and informative infographics to complement your article on the topic {topic}, using sites like Canva, Piktochart or Infogram.
  • Find recent and relevant statistics to back up your claims in your article on the topic {topic}, using sites like Statista, Datareportal or SimilarWeb.
  • Find inspiring and relevant quotes to spice up your article on the topic {topic}, using sites like BrainyQuote, Goodreads or Quote Garden.
  • Find concrete and relevant examples to illustrate your claims in your article on the topic {topic}, using sites like Medium, Forbes or HubSpot.
  • Find credible and relevant testimonials to boost trust from your readers in your article on the topic {topic}, using sites like Trustpilot, Yelp or Google My Business.
  • Find relevant internal links to improve navigation for your readers in your article on the topic {topic}, using tools like Screaming Frog, Sitebulb or Yoast SEO.
  • Find relevant external links to improve credibility of your sources in your article on the topic {topic}, using tools like Ahrefs, Moz or Majestic.
  • Find relevant long-tail keywords to optimize visibility of your article on the topic {topic}, using tools like KWFinder, Long Tail Pro or Keyword Tool.
  • Find optimized Hn tags to structure your article on the topic {topic}, using tools like SEO Minion, SEOquake or SEO Review Tools.
  • Find optimized alt tags to describe your images in your article on the topic {topic}, using tools like Image SEO Optimizer, Alt Text Tester or Alt Text Generator.
  • Find optimized schema tags to enrich your structured data in your article on the topic {topic}, using tools like Schema Markup Generator, Schema App or Rank Math.Write an SEO-optimized and CTR-optimized title tag for your article on the topic {topic}.
  • Write a summary of your article on the topic {topic} using the main and secondary keywords.
  • Write an introductory paragraph for your article on the topic {topic} using the AIDA technique (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action).
  • Write a transition paragraph between two subheadings of your article on the topic {topic}.
  • Write a content paragraph optimized for SEO and UX for your article on the topic {topic}.
  • Write an alt tag optimized for SEO and accessibility for an image of your article on the topic {topic}.
  • Write a caption optimized for SEO and engagement for an image of your article on the topic {topic}.
  • Write a schema tag optimized for SEO and rich snippets for your article on the topic {topic}.
  • Write an anchor text optimized for SEO and CTR for an internal or external link of your article on the topic {topic}.
  • Write a meta keywords tag optimized for SEO and relevance for your article on the topic {topic}.
  • Edit the meta description to be shorter

Also check out Cyber ​​ChatGPT Prompts

There you have it, we have completed our list of the best prompts for chatting with ChatGPT. We hope you found this article useful and that you will try these prompts with ChatGPT. Do not hesitate to send us your comments or suggestions in the section below. And don’t forget to share this article with your friends who might be interested in ChatGPT. Also discover on our site the Cyber ​​ChatGPT prompts! We wish you good conversations!

EviCypher Universitat Andorra Training Cybersecurity

EviCypher Universitat Andorra Training Cybersecurity Fabrice Crasnier director research development Freemindtronic Andorra 11 12 May 2021

EviCypher Universitat Andorra First Training on EviCypher

First training on EviCypher was inaugurated in collaboration with  Universitat d’Andorra  on the theme “Cybersecurity, the key to telecommuting. When crime becomes digital”  RCP2021.

The training provided by  Fabrice CRASNIER,  Director of Research and Development at  Freemindtronic SL,  was theoretical and practical with interactive demonstrations with participants.

The number of participants allowed them to benefit from personalized attention and at the same time to ensure compliance with health measures in Andorra.

Who it is for

The course is aimed at teachers, students, IT professionals and anyone working in the field of IT security or sensitive data.

Regarding the practical part of the course

Participants will develop a mature audit that will allow them to assess the level of security of their information system.

As part of an information system engagement, participants discovered elements that lead to an understanding of the attack.

The training took place on 11 and 12 May at the University of Andorra.

You want more information click  HERE.

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