WhatsApp Hacking: Prevention and Solutions

WhatsApp hacking by Jacques Gascuel: This article will be updated with any new information on the topic.

How to Secure WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a popular messaging app, but it can also be a target for hackers who want access to your personal and business data. How can you protect yourself from WhatsApp hacking and what should you do if it happens? In this article, you’ll learn some tips and tricks to improve your WhatsApp security, as well as innovative email encryption technology solutions from Freemindtronic

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How to Prevent and Solve WhatsApp Hacking Issues with Freemindtronic’s Solutions

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 2 billion users. But it is not immune to hacking, which can compromise the security and privacy of your conversations. How can you avoid getting your WhatsApp account hacked? And what should you do if it happens?

The risks of WhatsApp hacking

WhatsApp hacking can have serious consequences for the victims. Indeed, hackers can access all the personal and sensitive information stored in the app, such as messages, photos, videos, contacts, groups, etc. They can also impersonate the victim and send fraudulent or malicious messages to their contacts, for example to ask them for money or to click on infected links. They can also spread false information or illegal content using the hacked account.

WhatsApp hacking can also have an impact on the victim’s professional life, if they use the app to communicate with their colleagues, clients or partners. Hackers can access confidential or strategic data, such as contracts, quotes, projects, etc. They can also harm the reputation or credibility of the victim by sending abusive or defamatory messages to their professional interlocutors.

The techniques of WhatsApp hacking

Hackers use different techniques to break into WhatsApp accounts of users. Here are some examples:

  • Phishing: this is a technique that consists of sending a message or an email that seems to come from an official service (such as WhatsApp, Google, Apple, etc.) and that asks the victim to click on a link or provide personal information (such as their phone number, PIN code, password, etc.). The link leads to a fraudulent site that looks like the official site, but that aims to steal the victim’s data. The message may also contain an attachment infected by a malicious software that allows the hacker to take control of the victim’s smartphone.
  • Voice mail: this is a technique that exploits a security flaw in the authentication process of WhatsApp. The hacker dials the victim’s phone number and tries to connect to their WhatsApp account. The app then sends a SMS or a call containing a verification code to the victim. If the victim’s smartphone is turned off or in airplane mode, the SMS remains pending and the call is redirected to the voice mail. The hacker then accesses the voice mail of the victim by using a default secret code (often the last four digits of the number) or by guessing the personalized code. He then listens to the voice message containing the verification code and uses it to connect to the WhatsApp account of the victim.
  • QR code scan: this is a technique that uses the WhatsApp Web feature, which allows using the app on a computer by scanning a QR code displayed on the screen with their smartphone. The hacker takes advantage of a moment of distraction or absence of the victim to access their smartphone and scan the QR code displayed on their computer. He can then access the WhatsApp account of the victim from his computer and consult or send messages.

The prevention measures against WhatsApp hacking

To avoid getting your WhatsApp account hacked, there are several prevention measures to adopt:

  • Activate two-step verification: this is a feature that enhances the security of your account by asking you to enter a six-digit PIN code that you have chosen when you connect to your account from a new device or after a period of inactivity. To activate this feature, you need to go to WhatsApp settings, then in Account option, and select Two-step verification. You then need to choose a PIN code and enter your email address, which will be used to reset your code in case you forget it.
  • Activate fingerprint lock or face recognition: this is a feature that prevents access to the app without biometric authentication of the user. To activate this feature, you need to go to WhatsApp settings, then in Privacy option, and select Fingerprint lock or Face recognition. You then need to choose the automatic lock delay (immediately, after 1 minute or after 30 minutes).
  • Change your voice mail code: this is a measure that aims to prevent hackers from accessing your voice mail by using a default secret code or easy to guess. To change your voice mail code, you need to contact your phone operator and follow their instructions.
  • Do not click on suspicious links or attachments: this is a measure that aims to avoid falling into phishing or malware traps. You always need to check the source and reliability of messages or emails received, and do not click on links or attachments that seem dubious or ask for personal information. You also need to be wary of messages coming from unknown numbers or containing spelling or grammar mistakes.
  • Do not leave your smartphone unattended: this is a measure that aims to prevent hackers from accessing your smartphone and scanning QR codes for connecting with your WhatsApp account from a computer. You always need to lock your smartphone with a code, pattern, fingerprint or face recognition, and do not leave it unattended in a public or accessible place to malicious people.

The technological solutions of Freemindtronic to enhance WhatsApp security

Freemindtronic is an Andorran company that offers technological solutions that use NFC HSM or HSM devices to encrypt texts and files directly in WhatsApp. These technological solutions are EviCrypt and EviFile.

EviCrypt: a solution to encrypt your WhatsApp messages

EviCrypt is a technological solution that allows you to encrypt the texts that you send or receive on WhatsApp from HSM or NFC HSM devices. These nomadic NFC HSM devices have several types of formats, such as bank card (EviCard), tag with key ring with carabiner (EviTag), electronic card for integration into a fixed or portable computer (PCB) and others. The HSM devices are self-created in any type of secure storage medium, including those of Android or iPhone phones and computers and other storage devices. These HSMs contain post-quantum encrypted secret keys, including your own randomly generated encryption keys. These secret keys encrypt the messages on WhatsApp without contact before sending the message. EviCrypt uses AES-256 algorithms to encrypt the message without ever saving the message in clear. The HSM and NFC HSM also have advanced security mechanisms, such as anti-cloning, anti-replay, wireless access control and segmented key authentication.

EviFile: a solution to encrypt your WhatsApp data

EviFile is a technological solution that allows you to encrypt all types of data that you send or receive on WhatsApp from HSM or NFC HSM devices. These portable HSM devices can be created on different types of storage media such as USB key (EviKey), SD card (EviSD), external hard drive (EviDisk) and others. HSM devices are self-created on its secure storage media. Which is also possible on Android or iPhone phones and computers and other storage devices. These HSMs contain, in particular, randomly generated encrypted secret keys. These secret keys encrypt the data on WhatsApp without contact before sending the file. EviFile uses AES-256 algorithms to encrypt data without ever logging it in the clear via a user-defined self-destruct sound method. The HSM and NFC HSM also have advanced security mechanisms, such as anti-cloning, anti-replay, wireless access control and segmented key authentication.

In summary EviCrypt and EviFile

The EviFile technological brick is an innovative and secure solution for encrypting and exchanging data on WhatsApp. It gives you the possibility to choose your own encryption keys and segment them according to your needs. You can also use different encryption keys for the EviFile and EviCrypt technological bricks, which enhances the protection of your data. With EviFile, you can enjoy WhatsApp without ever taking the risk of your sensitive data getting corrupted.

These technological solutions offer a high level of security by adding physical origin trust criteria for each secret or file stored encrypted with these criteria. They also allow great flexibility and ease of use, since they work without contact with an Android smartphone equipped with NFC. They are compatible with all versions of WhatsApp and do not require any modification of the app’s source code.

With these technological bricks, you are never exposed to the risks of corruption or interception of your messages or sensitive files for any reason. Thus, in case of security breach or corruption of your WhatsApp for any reason, whether legitimate or not, or visual access of prying eyes or espionage act, or in case of natural or professional obligation, in short for any reason whatsoever, only the sender or recipients can read the messages and recover the encrypted files via their NFC HSM without ever decrypting the messages or files in WhatsApp. In case of hacking, you need to act quickly and follow the recommended actions, such as disconnecting all devices linked to your account, resetting your PIN code, reactivating your account with your phone number, etc. You also need to warn your contacts, report the hacking to WhatsApp and file a complaint with the competent authorities.

In conclusion

Preventive measures against WhatsApp hacking

WhatsApp hacking is a phenomenon that can affect any user of the app and can have serious consequences on their private and professional life. It is therefore important to protect yourself from attacks by adopting simple and effective prevention measures, such as activating two-step verification, locking by fingerprint or face recognition, changing your voice mail code, etc. It is also recommended to use innovative technological solutions, such as those offered by Freemindtronic, which allow you to encrypt texts and files directly in WhatsApp with physical origin trust criteria.

What to do if WhatsApp is hacked

With these technological solutions, you are never exposed to the risks of corruption or interception of your messages or sensitive files for any reason. Thus, in case of security breach or corruption of your WhatsApp for whatever reason, or visual access of prying eyes or espionage act, or in case of natural or professional obligation, in short for any reason whatsoever, only the sender or recipients can read the messages and recover the encrypted files via their NFC HSM without ever decrypting the messages or files in WhatsApp. In case of hacking, you need to act quickly and follow the recommended actions, such as disconnecting all devices linked to your account, resetting your PIN code, reactivating your account with your phone number, etc. You also need to warn your contacts, report the hacking to WhatsApp and file a complaint with the competent authorities.

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