Contactless Secure USB flash drive Premium

    105,00 205,00 

    Sysecure NFC HSM Premium is a high-security contactless secure USB flash drive designed for safeguarding sensitive data. Featuring advanced NFC technology, it offers robust protection, ease of use, and compatibility with multiple operating systems. Ideal for SSH key storage, it ensures your data remains secure even under extreme conditions.
    The Sysecure NFC HSM USB Key Premium ensures secure, contactless data storage with advanced NFC HSM technology. Available in 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, 64GB, and 128GB capacities, this durable and waterproof key features customizable security settings, intelligent auto-diagnostics, and versatile unlocking modes. Ideal for storing SSH keys, passwords, and sensitive data. Visit the EviKey NFC HSM technology page for more information.

    Contactless secure USB key Sysecure NFC HSM 128GB Premium with packaging
    Contactless Secure USB flash drive Premium
    105,00 205,00  Select options