EviCypher by Freemindtronic Andorra
EviCypher is, above all, the invention of Jacques Gascuel founder of the Deep Tech Andorrane Freemindtronic SL.
Freemindtronic, isa research and development laboratory specializing in the design and design of Green Tech electronic systems in security and cyber security computing specialized in NFC technology, contactless.
EviCypher® is a brand designating Freemindtronic technology in the field of security and cyber security secrets and their management.
EviCypher’s research and development laboratory is an expert in multi-factor wireless authentication (MFA) access control, which it has several international patents. In addition, Deep Tech also designs electrical protections for computer systems with black box traceability, wireless access control systems, segmented encryption key security systems and multi-criteria of trust authentication systems.
EviCypher is a technical solution that at the same time guardian of secrets and respect for the environment.
EviCypher technology is one of the implementations of Jacques Gascuel’s invention, which was awarded numerous times for his inventions and innovations internationally in 2017, 2014 and worldwide in 2010 and 2021 at the international invention competition in Geneva, where he received the gold medal.
First, EviCypher’s function is to keep the secrets stored offline for life in its individually protected and secured non-volatile encrypted memory by various criteria of trust and physical access control.
And at the same time, EviCypher significantly reduces attack surfaces to make them impossible when using the secrets stored in connected computer systems and information systems.
As a result, the second function is cyber deterrence. It has the effect of convincing the potential attacker not to attack EviCypher users. The secrets are kept outsourced connected computer systems involves. In fact, for the attacker, the costs that will result from his remote and/or proximity attack would outweigh the potential benefits he thinks he can derive from it.
Freemindtronic’s research and development laboratory has this expertise in implementing such a high level of security, which it dents the know-how protected by international patents.
EviCyper is mostly a user engineering. Make it extremely easy to use security and cyber security technologies that are becoming more and more complex to implement.
Freemindtronic uses energy recovery via the NFC signal to EviCypher to operate only on demand. In fact, it doesn’t need a battery to run for life.
In the end, EviCypher has through its application many decentralized and individualized cyber security systems. EviCypher do not use server on the internet (serverless) to operate. It can operate without physically isolated contact networks (Air Gap)
the inventor of EviCypher
Inventor Jacques Gascuel moved to the eastern Pyrenees in the Principality of Andorra in 2016. It is in this mountain environment source of inspiration, that he founded Freemindtronic in November 2016. This start-up benefits from know-how protected by international patents. Less than a year after its creation was born a technological innovation named EviAlpha which will be integrated into an NFC device called EviTag®. This is a password and credit card manager. In addition, this product is several times Winner in Innovation in 2017 in Cybersecurity and Embedded System.