Tag Archives: electrons d’or

Freemindtronic Electrons d’Or 2013

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Freemindtronic Electrons d’Or 2013 finalist Most innovative french start-ups

Freemindtronic Electrons d’Or 2013 was published in the May 2013 issue number 38 of the French magazine “ElectroniqueS” on page 12.
The 16th edition of the Electrons d’or awards was held on 19 June 2013 by the magazine ElectroniqueS. These prizes reward the 12 best products of the year in their respective categories as well as the most innovative French start-up.
The list of finalist in these 13 categories was published in the magazine number 38.
The article on the startup of the month Freemindtronic published in March 2013 number 36 page 36 titled Freemindtronic invents a dynamic protection technology for electronic systems.
In 2013, the Electrons d’Or awards distinguished twelve innovative products and one star-up chosen by a jury of experts from the world of industry and R&D who are recognised in their field of excellence.
This jury awarded its trophies from a list of products judged to be outstanding by the editors and which had been the subject of articles in the magazine ElectroniqueS or on the website www.ElectroniqueS.biz over the last twelve months.
Freemindtronic nominated for the Electrons d’Or for the technology that enables secure, forgery-proof event-based traceability of electronic systems.
Freemindtronic is also one of the top 10 most innovative European start-ups in Mechatronics. Read more ici

Argos One NFC Smart Safety Electrical Hardware with Black Box electronics & embedded system by freemindtronic Andorra

Argos One NFC was invented by Jacques Gascuel using his patent issued internationally under numbers FR2941572 on a device for monitoring and protecting the power supply of an electrical appliance and the process for implementing this device.
The winner of the most innovative start-up in France was Mr Joël Monnier of the company lKalray. The winners of the Golden Electrons were published in the magazine number 40 page 10-11.
Discover also the electrons d’or website here

Finalist 2013

top 4 best startup deep tech nominated award cybersecurity safety technology freemindtronic andorra jacques gascuel copyrignt 2021

March 2013


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