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Welcome in this page, we hope you will find what you are looking for. If not, we invite you to contact us. Click here. Download for free what you need either directly on this website or via the different platforms where they are hosted. Our softwares are signed. So you can install them on all types of operating systems Windows, IoS or Linux. You will be informed of its original character. Thank you for visiting this page.

Software Signatures

Download Verification

All installer binaries will have a code-signed digital signature attached. Windows will automatically verify the signature is valid; however, you may want to ensure it is actually present and the correct signer. A guide on how to verify the installer is available here: Windows Installer Verification Guide.

Certain applications and software available for download on this site are signed using the EviSign function by DataShielder. The signature key and public key are provided for verification purposes.

To ensure the authenticity of Freemindtronic applications signed with EviSign through DataShielder HSM PGP, you can download the public key. Additionally, the application’s signature certificate will be directly downloadable from the application’s page.

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