Tag Archives: anonymous

Make your internet connections anonymous

Make your internet connections anonymous website account with NFC devices hardware wallet Secrets Keeper management EviCypher technologies by Freemindtronic Made in Andorra


All of which we recommend using freemindtronic products to make anonymous access to internet accounts especially for the EviCypher website.

For your security and anonymization of your account we invited you to follow the following tips.

  • Your EviCypher account ID and password is strictly personal, so keep it secret. Even if we don’t keep credit card data, we invite you to use  EviToken  or  EviCypher   technology toaccess their free web browser extensions to manage and use your passwords.   We advise our customers to use a unique number for this account. It is also possible to use an ephemeral password just to purchase our products and delete your account after receiving the product. Heard, that the warranty of our products is embedded for life in a black box secured by your administrator password. We have a unique manufacturer number that allows us to authenticate that these are our products. Therefore, it is not necessary for our customers to keep the account open after their purchase. This will not require regular changes to the password. This also has the advantage of saving a memory slot to record a  secret in one  of the NFC devices with EviToken  or  EviCypher technology.  For our partners with an account in an affiliate program that involves keeping a password, the password must be unique and regularly randomly replaced with one of our preference solutions.
  • – If you don’t use Freemindtronic’s (FMT) web browser extension with one of our solutions, make sure that the computer you’re viewing your Fullsecure account on is cyber-secured by an antivirus, antimalware, anti-phishing and that these are up to date.
  • Check the address (URL) in your browser bar when you visit
  • The address (URL) must start with https:// and a padlock must appear.
  • Don’t forget to log out of your Fullsecure session before you close your internet browser. This is especially so if you use a shared computer (cybercafé…)
  • To learn more about phishing risks, typosquatting, Ransomhack, click on the following link Phishing Cyber victims caught between the hammer and the anvil
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