EviCrypt NFC HSM: Contactless Message Encryption

Contactless message encryption via EviCrypt NFC HSM technology means having a material tool of absolute sovereignty from human to human!

Contactless Webmail Encryption

New automatic implementation of contactless email encryption on webmail.

Contactless Message Encryption Webmail from EviCrypt NFC HSM

The EviCrypt Webmail extension enables contactless message encryption on a computer via web browsers. The extension allows contactless encryption and decryption of instant messaging services, emails and social network messages on a computer.

Webmail Encryption

The extension for webmail services is tested regularly in order to maintain updates with compatible email services. The last tests were performed on February 10, 2022.

instant messengers

Social Network

Encrypt Mail Cards two uses cases qrcode messaging encrypted and encrypt decrypt email by lan encrypted laptop & NFC Phones & NFC Cards

Contactless Message Encryption BY NFC CARD

Perform end-to-end contactless message encryption, but only between people with the right key and the right NFC card with EviCrypt NFC HSM Webmail Legacy technology. Not only do you remain anonymous, you can create, manage and use your own encryption keys anywhere, anytime, on any computer. You finally have the certainty that you have total control over access to your messages. Above all, you don’t change your habits. You continue to use your favourite email services like Gmail or ThunderBird and soon Yahoo and Outlook.

Innovative and Secure Contactless Message Encryption

Our contactless message encryption solution, powered by EviCrypt NFC HSM technology, represents a significant advancement in data security. Protected by two international patents, this technology diverges from traditional methods by not relying on remote servers, key exchanges, or storing keys on computer and telephone systems. Instead, it utilizes non-volatile memory within NFC devices to generate, store, manage, and use encryption keys.

Even if mail servers are compromised, both messages and attachments remain encrypted, ensuring that sensitive information is secure. The encryption process is entirely managed by the NFC device, and email displays also remain encrypted, providing robust protection against surveillance and unauthorized access. This solution achieves complete anonymity from end to end, allowing users to maintain privacy in their communications.

Furthermore, EviCrypt NFC HSM offers extensive compatibility with Webmail services, enabling users to continue using their personal or professional email platforms without sacrificing security. The solution is available in thirteen languages, ensuring broad accessibility and a user-friendly experience.

The system does not impose a limit on the number of users, and trust criteria for encryption key exchanges are entirely controlled by the sender. This approach ensures that all encryption processes are managed directly between users, maintaining security and trust without relying on third parties.

Secure control of the entire value chain

The research and development department are committed to making the Encrypt Mail Card solution the most secure hardware email encryption system in the world. This is why we design, develop and manufacture our software, applications, web browser extensions, electronic design, embedded system and manufacturing tools. We aim to control the entire value chain from idea to manufacturing of products and services.


Hybrid physical and digital security

Encrypt Mail Cards uses an ISO/IEC 15693 NFC component to physically secure access to the data stored in its eprom. The encryption keys are stored encrypted with trust criteria, some of which are defined at the discretion of the user. In addition, at least one of the trust criteria is not physically present in the device. This makes it possible to resist an invasive attack. Thus even if the physical access security is corrupted, the data stored in the memory will always remain encrypted.

Unique Advantages of EviCrypt NFC HSM

EviCrypt NFC HSM offers several distinctive benefits that set it apart from other encryption solutions:

  1. Multi-Configurable Trust Criteria: Users can configure multiple layers of trust criteria for authentication, ensuring that access to encryption keys is highly secure and tailored to specific needs.
  2. End-to-End Encryption: The technology provides robust end-to-end encryption directly from an NFC device, protecting communications from unauthorized access at every stage.
  3. Hardware-Based Key Security: Encryption keys are securely stored in a dedicated hardware device, isolated from computers and mobile phones, reducing the risk of compromise.
  4. External Key Management: The encryption key manager is physically outsourced to an NFC device, ensuring that key management remains secure and independent from potentially vulnerable systems.
  5. Seamless Integration with Existing Email Services: EviCrypt NFC HSM can be easily integrated with existing email services, enabling users to enhance their email security without changing their current workflow.
  6. Persistent Email Encryption: Even when emails are displayed, they remain encrypted, providing continuous protection against unauthorized viewing and ensuring that sensitive information is never exposed.

Some added values that break with the existing

Interview in french

M. Jacques Gascuel CEO Freemindtronic / inventor and M. Fabrice Crasnier Research and Development Director